Chapter 2

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Kokichi lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. He wondered when Shuichi would break off the act & tell Kaede the truth. He knew the other was terrible at lying or at least couldn't manage for very long. 

He sighed. He wished his crush would feel the same way about him without upholding a facade. He sat upright, running his hands through his hair. He stood up & exited his dark room.

Shuichi sat at his desk, fiddling with a small toy he had found outside. He flinched a little as he heard a knock at the door, pulling him out of his daze. He quickly got up & made his way to the door. He was met with a hug once he pulled it open. 

"She said yes!" Kaede suddenly announced happily, followed by a giggle. 

Shuichi only returned a confused stare before the girl took a step back. 

"Oh, right! I'll explain" She closed the door behind herself, rushing over to Shuichi's bed & taking a seat, an uncontrollable smile on her face. Shuichi followed her, pulling his desk chair in front of her before sitting down.

The boy tilted his head slightly. "What happened?" He quizzed. 

The blonde clasped her hands together, leaning forward a little. "Miu! I asked her out & she said yes! Isn't this great?" She replied, her cheeks visibly pink as she gushed. 

A grin grew on the detective's face, maybe he could reveal the truth sooner than he thought. "That's great, I'm happy for you" He replied. 

Kaede nodded. "I wouldn't have had the courage if your boyfriend didn't  say anything".

"My- oh, about that-" 

"Miu said you two can tag along, it can be a double date!" The girl cut off her friend before he could finish, seeming embarrassed after her outburst. "Sorry, what were you going to say?"

The ravenette stared at her before looking down. "Y-yeah, Kokichi said the same thing" He managed to stutter out, letting out a nervous chuckle. "We'd be happy to tag along". He sunk further into the hole of lies.

Kaede took his hands, her eyes seemed brighter than normal. "Great! I'll text you the plan" She replied before jumping up. "I have to meet her at her lab now, I'll see you later, Shuichi" She gave him a small wave before rushing out his dorm. 

Shuichi planted his face in his hands, letting out a groan once she was gone. After a few minutes, he stood up & left his dorm. He looked up & down the corridor before beginning to walk, aiming for Kokichi's dorm.

Kokichi paced around the empty classroom, there was no one occupying the room other than Rantaro who was previously studying. Rantaro now sat on his table, book almost sliding off, as he listened to his friend ramble. "Do you think he could start liking me?" Kokichi asked after a small moment of silence. 

Rantaro only shrugged in response. "Look, you've had a crush on him for a while now, just tell him". He wasn't wrong, the supreme leader had a crush on the detective since they met. They had been classmates for a year now, the beginning of second year just started a few weeks prior. 

The shorter puffed out his cheeks. "You know I can't do that" He retorted. "You guacamole dumbass". He sat down on a desk near Rantaro. "He'll think I'm lying". 

"If that's your only barrier, I don't get why you can't just tell him" The adventurer gave a lopsided smile. 

The other rolled his eyes. "Why haven't you told Shingucci boi yet? He teased in response, causing Rantaro to begin to blush. 

"I don't like him like that, you should know" Rantaro protested, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Kokichi giggled a little. At least his friend was even more hopeless with love. He opened his mouth to say something else as the door opened. The two looked over to Shuichi who had just stepped in. 

"Ou- Kokichi, can we talk?" Shuichi asked with a nervous smile. 

The supreme leader stared at him before hopping off the table onto his feet. "Of course, Shumai!" He replied, beginning to walk toward him. "Sorry Amami, but my boyfriend is more important" he spoke in a teasing tone. Rantaro only rolled his eyes.

"See ya, Saihara" Rantaro commented, getting off the desk & sitting back down in his chair, pulling the book into the centre. 

Shuichi nodded as Kokichi took his hand, the two left the classroom & began to walk down the empty hallway. Most students were in the cafeteria or having free time by now. "What is it?" Kokichi asked.

He pressed his lips together to hold back a frown as Shuichi pulled their hands apart. "Kaede wants us to go on a double date, can you pretend to be my boyfriend a little longer?" He asked, a concerned look on his face. 

The short boy smiled, Shuichi looked so cute right now, relying on Kokichi so much. He nodded. "Of course, Shuichi! Anything for my favourite" He sang, clasping his hands behind his head. 

Shuichi's tense shoulders relaxed as a soft smile grew on his face. Kokichi had to hold himself back from kissing him. "Thank you, Ouma" He let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand over his chest. 

"No problem" Kokichi giggled, leaning toward the other a little. "& you can call me by my first name, you know". 

The detective's face heated up at the request. "A-are you sure?" He managed to stutter out a question.

Kokichi nodded eagerly before grabbing the other's hand. "Now let's get something to eat!" He declared, dragging Shuichi with him toward the cafeteria. 

Shuichi fiddled with his sleeves as he walked a little behind Kokichi. "Are you gonna tell me why we're here, yet?" He quizzed. They were currently walking through the town square, surrounded by many shops. Kokichi had dragged the other out early that morning. Or early for a weekend at least.

Kokichi shook his head, looking back to the other with a sly smile. "If I tell you, you'll say no" he sang. 

Shuichi bit his bottom lip. "Fine, but we need to be quick. The date is at 6:30" he reminded, stumbling on the word 'date'.

The shorter boy nodded along with a small hum. He then ended up walking into a store, dragging the other along with him. Shuichi looked around, furrowing his eyebrows. It seemed to be a clothes shop. "Why are we in here?" He asked, glancing down to the other.

"I'm buying you a suit!" Kokichi declared with a seemingly innocent smile. "That's a lie, you're buying but I'll help you pick".

"I don't need a suit" The detective argued as he was dragged through the store. 

"Yuh huh, it'd be such a drag if you wore pretty much the same thing you do everyday to a date, no wonder you're single" Kokichi teased. He skimmed over the clothing rack that stood in front of him before grabbing a few items & shoving them into the other male's arms. "Try those!"

Shuichi scrunched up his nose, he decided trying the attire on wouldn't be the end of the world & much easier than arguing with the supreme leader. He let out a small sigh, almost biting his tongue to hold back his protest. He looked around the area, looking for a member of staff to point him in the right way. 

Before he could find someone, Kokichi ended up shoving him in the direction of a nearby changing room. "Hurry up, Shuichi, we don't have all day" He sang, pointing to the boy.

The ravenette opened his mouth to say something but ended up not saying anything & entered the changing room. He would bet big money that the other had given him something stupid. He pulled off his hoodie, followed by his T-shirt which his friends would normally call 'the emo shirt he never took off'. Shuichi then pulled the white shirt on, beginning to button it up. He then got to the teal tie, striped with a darker shade. He struggled with it for a little before giving up, he really needed to learn to tie a tie on his own. 

Kokichi leaned against the wall outside the changing room, humming to himself with a small smile. He had never seen Shuichi wear anything other than his school uniform or casual clothes which normally looked 'edgy' or plain. If he had to be honest with himself, which was rare, he had sometimes imagined different scenarios with the other playing out in his head. A few requiring him to wear a suit. He had decided which colors Shuichi would suit best. At least, he hoped it would turn out well. 

The short boy was broke out of his daze as he heard a voice. "I can't get the tie right" Shuichi commented after pulling back the curtain. 

Kokichi turned to face him, he hoped his face wasn't visibly a hue of red while his heart betrayed him & sped up. He rolled his eyes & stuck out his tongue. "I'll get it. Too busy playing minecraft to learn, you big baby?" He teased with a bored sounding tone. Shuichi bit his bottom lip & looked away, feeling embarrassed from the comment. Kokichi put the tie around Shuichi's neck, ignoring the thoughts in his mind telling him this would be a good opportunity to kiss the boy off guard. He looped the tie around a few times before tightening it & tucking it under the blazer. 

Kokichi took a step back & grinned a little. "Does it look okay?" Shuichi asked, tilting his head to one side slightly. "It actually feels really itchy".

"Of course it does, now let's pay for it!" The supreme leader declared, shoving him back into the changing room. 

Shuichi & Kokichi walked down the street, the sky had started getting dark although it was still early. "The date is in 30 minutes, we should start making our way there" Shuichi pointed out as he glanced to his phone. 

"Good point, the ultimate supreme leader can't be late after all" Kokichi nodded before speaking. 

Shuichi unlocked his phone & checked the notes on his phone, checking on the location. He frowned a little as a drop of water fell onto his screen. Rain. He shoved his phone back into his pocket after finding out the location. "The restaurant is a few streets away, we can walk there" he pointed out. He felt the rain starting to become heavier. It shouldn't be so heavy in spring.

The supreme leader ended up grabbing the detective's hand & running off to find shelter or even better, get to the restaurant. While running, Shuichi managed to stumble & drop the bag he was carrying. It fell into a puddle that had already been quickly formed. Not to mention it was muddy, just his luck. Kokichi stopped running & grabbed the bag, shoving the now dirty & wet suit into the bag. He then lead Shuichi to a door way with a roof, probably outside someone's house.

Kokichi decided to pull out the clothes to check the damage. Everything was wet & stained with mud. He let out a small groan. 

"Sorry, Kokichi" Shuichi mumbled, looking down at his feet, clearly feeling guilty. Kokichi looked over to him. He was tempted to say a sarcastic remark but instead, he put his arms around the other & hugged him. 

He began to laugh. "No wonder you're so emo all the time with that luck" he commented. "Gotta be more careful or you'll slip & cut your ass". 

Shuichi shot him a confused expression. He decided this was Kokichi's weird way of comforting someone. He let himself smile a little, cautiously placing his arms around the shorter boy. "Thanks" He mumbled. Normally, he wanted Kokichi as far as possible from him at all times. But in this moment, he felt safe around him. 

They stayed like that for a little, Kokichi making random jokes every so often before the ravenette pulled away from the hug. "I don't think the rain is going to let up any time soon" he noted, looking toward the street. There was a handful of people still scattering to get to their location or find shelter. 

"Guess you're right" The other replied, taking the blazer from the bag. "Get under this!" He held it above his head, draping it over him. 

"Huh?" Was all Shuichi could say as the other beckoned him to do what he instructed.

"We won't get as wet this way" He pointed out. The detective pursed his lips together, he wasn't wrong. He gave in & huddled close to Kokichi, one side of the blazer fell onto his head. He gripped his side as Kokichi gave him a nod. "Let's go!"

The two began to walk quickly, the rain hitting the blazer. They began to make their way toward the restaurant. Although the material wasn't waterproof, it still protected them from becoming completely soaked.

They finally reached the restaurant, they shoved the wet blazer into the bag as they entered, gaining a few stares from other customers. Shuichi scanned the area before noticing Miu & Kaede sitting at a table. They seemed to be having a funny conversation & stared laughing every so often. He smiled a little, he was glad she was happy with Miu. 

He was pulled from his thoughts as he felt a hand pull on his hand. "Geez, you need to stop blanking out" Kokichi commented, rolling his eyes as he began to walk, Shuichi doing the same.

Miu looked over as the boys came closer. "Hey Pooichi! Cuckichi!" She greeted, giving a shit eating grin.

"Miu, give it up, you're such a douchebag" Kokichi complained with an offended tone, taking a seat at the table. 

The inventor let out a small whine in response. 

"It's good to see you Shuichi" Kaede commented, deciding to ignore the others' comments. "Why are you wet?"

The ravenette took a seat between Kokichi & Miu. "It's raining really heavy out there" he replied quietly, smiling a little. 

"Yeah, Shumai gave me his blazer, that's why he's still wearing his emo clothes" Kokichi chimed in with a small lie, clasping his hands behind his head. 

"Yeah right, ass face here would never do that" Miu commented with a small smirk. 

"Nuh uh, he did" The supreme leader replied, pulling the blazer out from the bag he had previously dropped on the floor. "No need to be jealous, Iruma" he teased, followed by a taunting giggle. 

"Shut up bitch" Miu growled, sticking out her tongue. 

Kaede gave the two a confused look, unsure of what they were trying to achieve. "Oh, I never asked how you two got together!" She pointed out, looking over to Shuichi. 

The boy froze up, he couldn't remember the conversation he had with Kokichi a few days prior. He stumbled a little on his words. Kokichi noticed this. 

The shorter boy let out a small giggle. "Aww, you're getting embarrassed, huh?" He teased. "I challenged him to a risky game. I told him if he didn't tell me his feelings toward me, he would have to participate in a knife game. He told me he was in love & I felt the same way" He rambled, recalling the lie they had thought of. 

Shuichi felt his shoulders relax. Kaede continued to smile although she seemed to think the way they started dating was underwhelming. "I'm glad it workout for you two, then" she commented, leaning her head against her hand. 

Miu crossed her arms & legs, tilting her head backwards a little. "So how many times have ya fucked?" She asked, her signature grin creeping onto her face.

The detective's face flushed red. If he was drinking anything, he would have definitely spat it out or choked on it, probably earning another dirty joke from the inventor. "N- we haven't!" Shuichi argued, voice quavering a little as he pushed out his words.

Even Kokichi was taken back by the question, although it only showed on his face for such a short moment that no one could catch it. 

The pianist waved a hand to her girlfriend. "That's a little personal" She chuckled.

Miu rolled her eyes. "Like I'd believe that, teenage boys fuck like rabbits in heat" she laughed, ending up spitting as she did. 

Shuichi shook his head before planting his red face into his hands. He regretted lying about having a boyfriend, this must be karma. 

"Not everyone has a high sex drive like you" Kokichi commented, giggling a little. 

"Whatever, just don't forget the dorms aren't sound proof. We don't want another situation like last year" She recalled. 

The four continued to talk. They finally ordered & ate their food. Afterward, they made their way back to the school & separated into their own dorms.

"Hey, Kokichi" Shuichi spoke up as Kokichi was about to close the door. The hallway was quiet & dark, only lit up by the windows. 

The supreme leader spun on his heel, his breathing stopped as he looked up to the other with hopeful eyes, not really sure what he was expecting. 

"Thanks for today" Shuichi continued, smiling gratefully. "I'm sorry you have to put up with this, I'll tell Kaede the truth". 

Kokichi's heart sped up, his mouth quivered. He scolded himself for being speechless as he simply stared at the other. He quickly nodded, putting on a smile. "No problem! Anything for you!" He sang with a fake happy tone. 

The detective nodded. "See you tomorrow" he replied, waving a little before making his way to his own dorm. 

Kokichi watched him leave. Once he was out of sight, he closed the door & collapsed into his bed. God, was Shuichi pretty. He put his hands though his hair & gripped onto a few strands as he stared at the dark ceiling. Why couldn't he just tell his crush his feelings? He had a gut feeling he hated him secretly & only put up with him due to pity. It wouldn't be the first. 

He shook his head, sitting up to kick off his shoes. He then threw the covers over himself, not bothering to change his clothes. 

"I think I have a crush on Momota" Shuichi confessed to Kokichi as he sat next to him. They were currently in the shorter boy's dorm. 

Kokichi felt his heart sting as it sunk. He began to chew the skin around his thumb due to feeling nervous. "Isn't he straight?" He asked, he regretted letting out his words in such an aggressive tone. 

Shuichi shook his head, visibly blushing as he continued to talk. "He came out to me as bisexual a few days ago" he explained, not being able to control the small smile appearing on his lips. 

"He's totally head over heals with Maki" the supreme leader pointed out. He had to admit, Kaito didn't seem to like Maki that way or at least the feeling wasn't strong, but he couldn't bare to lose Shuichi to someone else. 

The detective began to frown. "Y-yeah, I thought so" he replied in a brittle tone. He then stood up. "I shouldn't bother you with this stuff, I need to deal with it on my own". He then left the dorm.

Kokichi quickly stood up, barely in control as his feet lead him right to Kaito's dorm. He knocked the door several times until the astronaut answered. 

"What do you want, Ouma?" He quizzed, giving him an annoyed look. 

Kokichi put on a fake smile. "You like Maki, right? I wanna help you two get it on!" He replied with an appealing voice. 

Kaito stared at the short boy for a moment, feeling suspicion wash over him. "I'm listening" he replied bluntly. 

The supreme leader giggled a little. "Alright! You can count on me, Momota chan" he cooed before walking off with a small skip in his step. All he had to do was talk to Maki who clearly had a huge crush on the boy in question. It was easy enough. He just had to do it before Shuichi confessed his feelings to Kaito himself.

(word count: 3393)

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