Chapter 3

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Maki sat quietly, eating her lunch. She glared as Kokichi took a seat across from her. "Hey hey, Harumaki" He cooed.

"What do you want, Ouma?" She asked bluntly, sending a glare in his direction.

"Don't be so cold. Do you have a crush on Momota by any chance?" He decided to cut to the chase quickly, he didn't want to waste any time.

However, just as he had expected, Maki didn't react kindly to this. She quickly jumped off her seat & grasped a hand around his throat. "Of course I don't" she argued in a low voice. They gained a few looks from other students.

The supreme leader let out a weak laugh, his face grew paler. "I was just wondering, he told me he likes you too" he managed to say although it came out in a strangled tone.

She decided to release her grip on him, sitting back down. She gave him a hand motion, signalling she wanted him to continue. She knew he would probably lie but she wouldn't be honest if she said she wasn't the least bit curious.

"Just tell him how you feel already!" Kokichi suggested, his voice raspy after being choked.

Maki shook her head. "I don't have feelings toward Kaito" she replied, puffing out her cheeks.

"It's pretty obvious, just get him alone & fess up".

The child caregiver began to play with her hair, leaving the conversation silent for a short while before she stood up & walked away. "Thanks for wasting my time" she muttered, looking back to shoot a glare to the boy.

Kokichi let out a quiet groan, standing up. It was useless, Maki was too stubborn. He would have to somehow convince Kaito to ask her on a date instead, & before he found out about Shuichi's feelings.

Shuichi walked down the hallway as he made his way to his afternoon class. He turned a corner & his eyes brightened as he noticed Kaito. He picked up his walking pace. "Hey, Momota" he greeted, catching up with him.

Kaito began to grin. "Hey Sahara, how's my sidekick doing?" He quizzed in an orotund voice.

The detective could feel his face heat up a little at the action. "I'm alright" he replied, smiling softly.

"Wanna know something weird? Ouma was outside my dorm around lunch time" the astronaut informed, scratching his cheek with his free time.

"Kokichi?" Shuichi furrowed his eyebrows. Was he going to tell him about his crush? As if summoned, Kokichi jumped as he put his hands onto the detective's shoulders, almost knocking him over.

"Good afternoon, Shuichi" he sang, pulling him away from Kaito's embrace.

Kaito scowled a little at the sight of Kokichi, he still didn't fully trust him.

Kokichi could feel the stare on him. If he had been any later, he suspected Shuichi could have told Kaito about his crush. Kokichi had to stall somehow. Without thinking, he took the detective's hand, feeling himself become somewhat calmer although his heart was beating at a rapid pace.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my boyfriend" the supreme leader commented, his voice seemed penetrating in a way.

Shuichi's eyes widened. What was he doing? He was completely ruining his chances with Kaito.

"Boyfriend?" Kaito repeated with a shocked expression before beginning to smile. He put a hand on his sidekick's head & began to ruffle his hair. "I'm proud of you! You should've told me sooner". He chuckled happily.

The ravenette felt his heart stop at this. He wanted his crush to at least act jealous.

Kokichi hummed in reply. " We've been dating for almost three months now" he swung his & Shuichi's hands back & forth as they walked.

The astronaut nodded. "If you break his heart, you have to answer to me" he warned half jokingly.

The detective suddenly pulled his hand away from the other's. The other two looked at him with concerned expressions. The boy looked as if he was about to break into tears at that moment.

"I- I don't feel so good, can you tell the teacher I'm sick?" Shuichi told them, rushing off before even getting an answer. He felt weak. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up.

Once he got to his dorm, he sat against his door. He wasn't upset, he was now angry. Angry at Kokichi. He knew he had a crush on Kaito so why would he act like that? Was it just a game to him? He clenched his fists. He stood up & made his way to the bed, sitting down on it. He knew he needed to calm down.

After a short while, he heard a knock at his door. He considered staying quiet, but in the end he got up & answered the door. The supreme leader was not who he wanted to see right now. "Come in" Shuichi mumbled, he decided not to argue where passerine students could hear. Kokichi seemed surprised by this but entered, closing the door behind. "What was that about?"

The shorter boy flinched at the question, he wasn't used to hearing a harsh tone in the other's voice. "He likes Harumaki" he replied, looking away as he attempted to seem unphased.

"Y-you don't know that" Shuichi protested, running a hand through his hair.

"I asked him at the lunch break, I think Harukawa likes him back too" Kokichi replied. He wasn't entirely sure of this but he didn't want to admit that. He couldn't stand seeing his crush with someone else. He was relieved when he found out that he wasn't actually dating Kaede, no matter how much they acted like a couple. He finally knew he had at least a chance when Shuichi revealed he was bisexual. "I don't want you to get hurt, Shumai".

The ravenette stared at the shorter boy, he was almost sure he could hear the sincerity in his voice. He stumbled on the words to say. He froze up as arms were wrapped around him, Kokichi burying his face in Shuichi's chest. Kokichi quickly pulled away as he realised what he was doing, he quickly put on a smile. "You need to support Momota, if you care about him, right?" He commented, giving advice he couldn't even take himself.

Shuichi nodded. "I guess you're right" He mumbled, hating to admit it.

Kokichi let out a small giggle, tapping his finger against his mouth. "How about we play a video game to take your mind off things?" He suggested.

The detective pursed his lips as he thought about the offer, he barely played video games. When he did, he always lost.

"We can play co-op" Kokichi sang, picking up on Shuichi's tension. He pulled out two retro nintendo DSs. He took a seat on the ground as he emptied one of his pockets which was full of games. Shuichi had to assume he stopped by his dorm before coming to his, no way he would carry so many games around.

Kokichi fiddled around with everything before handing a console to the other. Shuichi took a seat next to him on the floor. They played the game. Both of them were awful at the game, despite it being on easy mode.

They played many games together until Shuichi let out a yawn, it was beginning to get dark. Kokichi closed his DS & stood up, stretching his limbs. "I'll go now, goodnight Shuichi!" He sang, gathering his games & shoving them into his pocket before leaving.

Shuichi waved to him as he left.

The supreme leader had purposely left behind one of the consoles, hoping Shuichi would practice with it so they could have another day similar. He was surprised he could lie about the events today so easily, surely Shuichi should've been much more enraged. He shrugged, deciding not to over think.

Shuichi noticed Korekiyo & Kokichi chatting outside the bathroom with Gonta. He slowed down walking, wondering what they were talking about. Kokichi noticed him after a short while & waved him over.

"Greetings, Saihara" Korekiyo greeted.

"Hello, Sahara" Gonta greeted with a smile. "Shinguuji & Ouma were telling Gonta about bloody Mary. Gonta does not believe them. Does Sahara think it is real?"

Shuichi gave Korekiyo & Kokichi bored looks. "It's not real, don't worry".

"But it is, Saihara" Korekiyo chimed in, seemingly offended at the comment. "As long as the ritual is preformed properly, she should smash the mirror & strangle you".

"Gonta does not think that is nice" Gonta commented, frowning a little as he glanced into the nearby bathroom.

"We cannot do it in this setting anyway, it must be done in a private place" The anthropologist explained. "I must go meet with Rantaro now". He then parted from the small group.

"C'mon Gonta, let's try it out!" Kokichi cooed, nudging the tall boy.

Gonta seemed unsure about this suggestion. "This does not seem safe to Gonta" he replied. "Gonta will only do it if Saihara will do it too".

Of course he wasn't going to agree to this. Shuichi opened his mouth to reject it but Kokichi ended up cutting him off. "He wants to do it too!" He sang, dragging Shuichi into the bathroom by his arm.

"Ah, then Gonta will join in" the entomologist replied, entering the bathroom & closing the door behind.

Kokichi rummaged through the cupboards below the sinks after picking the lock. He pulled out three candles & a lighter. "This should do! Gonta, lock the door" he pointed to the door as he set up the candles around the mirror.

"Got it!" He replied, sliding the lock on the door. Shuichi looked at the stalls, making sure no one else had to be dragged into this. Luckily, they were all empty.

The short boy lit all the candles & turned off the light. "Now we stand in front of the mirror" he instructed, pulling both boys by their sleeves to stand either side of him as he faced the mirror. "& close your eyes!"

Gonta did as he was told as usual. Shuichi rolled his eyes before closing them. Kokichi whispered a "Three... Two... One" to start them off before they chanted bloody mary thrice in unison. Shuichi already knew the rules due to alway being forced to play this game in his early childhood. It was a form of bullying at his old school.

At the end of the chanting, it was silent. A random sound came from Kokichi's mouth as he put his hands on Gonta, causing him to let out a small scream. "Kokichi, why you scare Gonta?" Gonta asked, still a little shaky from the scare.

"Oh relax, it didn't work. Maybe we should try again?" Kokichi suggested, grinning.

Shuichi kept his eyes closed, he had given up at this point. They repeated & once again, nothing happened. Shuichi jumped as he felt hands touch him, reflexively punching in the direction.

Kokichi let out a strained yelp. The detective opened his eyes, gritting his teeth. "I'm sorry" He quickly apologised, watching Kokichi rub his neck.

"If you're sorry, then kiss it better" Kokichi replied, pouting. The other felt his entire face heat up, he was thankful it was dark. The short boy began to giggle. "I'm kidding, don't get embarrassed. Let's get outta here".

Shuichi nodded, muttering out another apology as he unlocked the door & turned the lights on.

"Woah, is that blood!?" Kokichi called out, gaining both boys' attentions. "That was a lie". Kokichi giggled at their reactions. "Gonta, can you blow out the candles?"

The entomologist nodded happily. "Gonta will do that for his friend" he agreed, blowing out the flames on each candle.

"Is your throat okay?" The detective decided to bring up the subject once again as Kokichi waved him off.

"I'm okay, Harumaki does this every day" Kokichi giggled, his voice still seemed raspy however. "Hey, bloody mary was supposed to strangle me, this must be the substitute" he laughed, clasping his hands behind his head as the three left the bathroom. Kokichi could care less about cleaning or moving the waxy candles from the sink area.

Shuichi still gave him a worried look, he really felt guilty. "Saihara & Gonta & Ouma need to go to class now" Gonta pointed out as he studied the hands on the clock, which he didn't fully understand.

"Yeah, we're a little late" the detective commented once he glanced at the clock, then beginning to speed walk.

Kokichi let out a small groan. "I guess I can't run from detention for ever" he complained, rolling his eyes.

Shuichi shot him a confused look.

Kokichi felt the stare on him & glanced in Shuichi's direction. "I ditched class to check on you" he stated with a proud grin. "Don't worry, I'll fake cry & get out of it".

"Why did you get detention?" The detective quizzed.

"Well I ditched class to hang out with you, dummy" the other sang, shrugging a little.

Shuichi felt even more guilty for this. He looked down at his feet. "I'm really sorry" he mumbled, chewing on his bottom lip.

Kokichi glanced back to him, shooting him a sweet grin. "Don't worry, Id do anything for you, Shumai!" He assured, putting a hand under the boy's chin to lift it a little as they both stopped walking.

Gonta also stopped for a moment before speaking up. "Gonta must go, Gonta hope you feel better" he commented before rushing off to class.

Shuichi watched Gonta leave before looking back to Kokichi. His breathing almost stopped as he stared at the other.

Kokichi wanted to speak but nothing came to mind. He could stare at the other's cute face all day if he would allow it. He was snapped out of his daze as the detective stepped away. "We should get to class" he reminded, beginning to walk again.

Kokichi followed him. "Alright!" He replied, giggling a little as he grabbed his crush's hand.

Shuichi stared out the window the entirety of class. Lucky for him, he had a window seat at the back of the class. He could care less about the ongoing lesson right now. He wanted to come up with a way to make it up to Kokichi. Not only had Kokichi agreed to be his fake boyfriend, he got detention in the process of cheering Shuichi up.

He considered giving him a gift but he decided against it since he didn't actually know what Kokichi liked. He also thought about taking him out somewhere, the one thing compromising this was he was sure Kokichi wouldn't want to spend that much time with him, no matter how much he claims the detective is his favourite person.

He jumped a little as the bell sounded, signalling that lunch was starting. His classmates began to rush out the class while the other half slowly left, talking with their friends. He watched Kokichi walk out with Gonta, his signature grin plastered on his grin as Gonta spoke.

Kaede stopped in front of his desk. "You okay, Shuichi? You seem out of it" She commented, intertwining her fingers infront of her as she tilted her head a little.

Shuichi nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired" he lied, pushing himself up with his hands on the desk before walking to the door with his friend.

"You can tell me" she commented, rolling her eyes. He always had the same excuse, it wasn't hard to see through.

He let out a defeated sigh. "I got Kokichi in trouble, I want to make it up to him somehow" he mumbled, holding back the other reasons for his guilt.

"Awww, you're worried for me? That's so cute!" Shuichi felt his whole body jolt as the voice as Kokichi returned to the classroom.

"D-didn't you leave with Gokuhara?" The taller boy managed to push out.

The supreme leader hummed a response as he shook his head. "I have detention. For a detective, you're not very smart sometimes" he teased, walking past the two with a small wave.

Kaede gave a small frown, deciding to pull Shuichi along with her since he seemed on edge. "Maybe you should take him on a date, that'd be cute" she suggested, a bright smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "I'm sure he would like that!"

Shuichi rubbed his chin as he thought. "I don't know" he muttered.

The blonde hummed as she played out a few scenarios in her head. She then let out an overly loud "ah-ha!" As she smacked her fist against her palm, a proud grin had formed. "Take him to an arcade, I always see him messing around with video games & bothering Nanami".

The detective stared at her for a moment before replying. "I guess" he mumbled, although he wasn't keen on spending time outside of school with Kokichi. Heck, he didn't even know if the other even enjoyed his company. "I'll ask him".

"You two are cute together, you know" Kaede commented out of nowhere. "I'm glad you're dating someone like him, he seems more, I don't know, comfortable when you're around". She began to play with a few strands of hair. "& he looks like he tries his best to make you happy".

The boy scratched his cheek nervously, he wasn't sure how to respond.

The pianist then took a deep breath. "Sorry, I just wanted to let you know that. I'm really proud of you, Shuichi" she finished her ramblings, sending a small nod in his direction.

A shaky smile made it's way onto his face, he wasn't really sure why. "Thanks" He replied, pushing the door to the cafeteria open once they reached their destination.

After class had ended, Shuichi quickly made his way over to Kokichi before said boy could leave with Rantaro or Gonta. "H-hey, Kokichi" he called out, a little louder than necessary & earning the attention of a few other classmates. Once Kokichi looked in his direction, he somewhat flinched. He began to play with the bottom of his shirt to distract himself. "Would you like to go to the arcade with me in an hour?"

The supreme leader felt as if his knees would buckle & he would pass out any moment. Was this a date? He prayed to any god that his cheeks weren't glowing. He swallowed hard before smiling & nodding eagerly. "I'd love to! As long as the bitchlet won't be there this time" he sang, probably referencing Miu.

Shuichi looked up from the floor a few times, trying his best to make any kind of eye contact with the other. Luckily, most of the students had left the class by now, other than Rantaro & Korekiyo who were waiting for Kokichi, along with Tenko who was curious for some reason. "O-okay, I'll come to your dorm when I'm ready" he explained before leaving the room, suddenly struggling to walk.

Rantaro & Korekiyo exchanged looks before paying attention to Kokichi. Rantaro had to stop himself from bringing up the fake dating situation, especially in front of Tenko who would probably tell Kaede. "You okay? You look red" he stated, pointing to his friend's reddened face.

The short boy almost jumped at this, he was suddenly timid which was a strange sight. He then began to laugh. "It's just hot, it's impossible for the ultimate supreme leader to get embarrassed" he protested in a sing song, although his dry mouth & sweaty hands said otherwise.

The adventurer rolled his eyes as he shrugged. Before he could change the subject, seeing Kokichi's discomfort, Korekiyo spoke up. "It seems you have feelings towards Shuichi, am I correct?" He asked, as if the answer wasnt obvious enough. He already knew they were pretending to date, it had slipped from Rantaro's mouth one night, but he was still curious on how other people handled topics like this. He loved watching certain people's reactions to such bold questions & how they would deny love. It was strange.

Kokichi bit his tongue to hide a whine. "He's my favourite person but thats all" he shrugged it off in the calmest voice he could possibly do, putting a hand on his hip.

Tenko had left the room a little after Shuichi, so rumours weren't the problem for the short boy. His problem was admitting his feelings. His feelings only got stronger overtime he admitted it. Everytime he gushed about how pretty Shuichi was to Rantaro.

"He's very gay for Sai" Rantaro teased, smirking a little. He deserved payback for the times his friend mocked his hopeless crush on the anthropologist.

Kokichi quickly shook his head, placing a hand on his desk for balance. "Nah, I don't have stupid emotions like that" he argued. He knew it was hopeless, Rantaro already knew he was head over heels for the ravenette. But how could he out him like this in front of Korekiyo.

"There is no need to feel ashamed, I also have romantic intentions to someone in our class, it is not uncommon" Korekiyo spoke in a reassuring tone.

He almost confessed that he had feelings for the boy somewhat aggressive tone before a shocked expression came over him. "Wait, someone in our class?" He shot a sly grin to his friend who began to blush.

"That is correct" The tall male nodded, glancing over to Rantaro momentarily. "However, I shall not act on this until I am more comfortable with expressing such feelings".

"We should leave now, Ouma needs to get ready for his date" Rantaro interjected before the topic turned toward him & his mocking turned against him.

Kokichi pulled down the skin under his eye a little while sticking out his tongue. "You're just jealous, Amami-chan" he cooed before leaving the classroom, a small skip in his step.

Shuichi sat in his room, somewhat regretting asking Kokichi to hang out somewhere that all his classmates could hear. Now he definitely didn't have a chance with Kaito. He sighed, managing to gain motivation to stand up & change his clothes. He decided to wear a blue shirt & a pair of black jeans, a change from his usual dark attire. He then checked his phone. He had around thirty minutes to waste now.

He decided to sit at his desk & play with the console Kokichi had left, planning to return it today. He was still terrible at the game & was unsure of the mechanics or controls but he still found it entertaining.

After killing some time, Shuichi left his dorm, locking it behind before making his way to Kokichi's dorm. He took a deep breath before knocking a few times. He rocked back & forth as he waited.

To his surprise, Rantaro opened the door instead of Kokichi. The adventurer gave the other a smile that screamed nervousness. "He's ready" he assured, although his smile said other wise. He stepped aside, gesturing for Shuichi to enter.

The detective hesitated for a moment before nodding & entering. He noticed Kokichi had makeup around his eyes, most definitely smudged. Korekiyo was attempting to clean it but it seemed to be stubborn.

Kokichi had a small pout on his face as his crush entered. "What happened?" Shuichi quizzed, glancing to Rantaro.

"I wanted to see how he'd look with eyeliner & eyeshadow but he kept moving & it got really messed up" the adventurer explained, letting out a small chuckle.

Shuichi couldn't help but smile a little. "I think it looks cute" he decided to comment, looking back over to the supreme leader. At least Korekiyo was able to wipe off most of it, only the makeup on the eye lid & a few smudges remained.

Kokichi jumped off his chair, almost causing the anthropologist to fall backward. "In that case, lets go!" He announced, taking Shuichi by his arm & dragging him out the room.

Korekiyo & Rantaro exchanged looks. "We can go back to my dormitory, if you wish" the taller male offered as he stood up. Rantaro's cheeks heated up at this as he gave a small nod.

"Geez, Shumai, how can you keep this stuff on all the time" The shorter boy complained, rubbing his eye.

Shuichi shrugged, pulling the arm away with his free hand. "You'll make it worse" he noted, rolling his eyes.

Kokichi let out a dramatic sigh as they entered the arcade. His thoughts of how itchy the makeup was soon disappeared. "So what do you wanna do first?" He asked, looking up & tilting his head a little as he pulled his sweet smile.

The detective hummed as he looked around. He hadn't been to an arcade since he was younger. "You can choose" he suggested, looking back to the short boy.

"Boring" Kokichi sang before dragging Shuichi to a dance dance revolution machine. "Do you know what this is" he asked as he removed himself from the other's arm & stepped onto it, resting on the bars.

Shuichi shook his head as he inspected it. He then decided to step onto the other platform as Kokichi took out money.

"You just follow the arrows as they show up on screen" Kokichi explained, pointing to the screen as the tutorial popped up. Shuichi nodded slowly, still unsure what it was. Kokichi inserted two coins & selected a song. "This one is easy, it's cotton eye joe" he sang, putting his feet together on the middle of his platform.

The ravenette did the same & looked up to the screen. Once it set off, he struggled with keeping up, almost falling off the platform altogether. But as it progressed, he got the hang of it, earning only perfects & greats. Kokichi had been getting almost only perfects & greats the whole time, with an expectation of a few goods.

Once the song had ended, the scores showed up & transitioned onto another screen. "Woah you did really good, Shuichi!" Kokichi cheered, a small twinkle in his eye. "You can choose the next song".

Shuichi felt a smile creep onto his lips as he nodded. "Thanks, Kokichi" he replied, clicking the scroll button as he picked a song. He chose a Japanese song this time. He didn't read the title but he liked the way it sounded.

After a few more rounds, their scores showed up. Kokichi had a B while Shuichi somehow managed to score an A. Kokichi had to admit, he was slightly bitter about the results. He patted the other on the back.

"Beginners luck" he giggled before hopping off the platform, allowing a child to have a turn. "Your turn to choose & don't pick something lame like a ticket machine" he insisted as the taller boy followed.

Shuichi looked around again before noticing a claw machine. He walked over to it & peered into the glass. It was full of dog plushies dressed as different animals. He had his eye on the dog dressed as a blue bunny.

Kokichi caught up with him, mostly looking at Shuichi than the plushies. "A claw machine? They're so rigged" he complained, hoping he wouldn't have to see his crush get upset when he failed to win.

Shuichi inserted a coin & began moving the stick. The supreme leader mentality face palmed. His crush was an idiot.

The claw shot downwards as the ravenette clicked the button. Unfortunately, it didn't lift up the plushie. It simply brushed over it & made its way to the drop area. Shuichi frowned a little.

Kokichi chewed his thumb as he looked at Shuichi before letting out a small groan. "Out of the way, let the ultimate supreme leader show you how it's done" he announced, inserting a coin into the slot. He aimed for the bunny that Shuichi had attempted to win previously.

As the claw shot down, it picked it up. Shuichi let out a small gasp as he began to feel excited. Only for the plushie to drop before it could reach the prize box.

Kokichi let out a small growl as he crouched down. "Make sure no one comes over" he whispered as he pulled out a few tools from his pocket.

Shuichi watched him for a moment before speaking up. "You probably shouldn't do that" he commented, speaking in a quiet tone.

The supreme leader ignored him, fiddling with the lock before pulling open the money box. He took out half of the coins before reclosing it & standing up again, shoving the tools in one pocket & the money in the other. He wasn't fond of stealing much but he wanted to impress the other.

He looked back to Kokichi with a small grin. "I found some money on the floor" he announced somewhat loudly, in case anyone had saw what he was doing & became suspicious. He inserted another coin into the slot & the game became active again.

Shuichi decided not to interject for now & watched Kokichi.

The claw shot down & seemingly missed the bunny. However, as it moved upward, it was clear that not only had it caught the tag attached to the bunny, it also pulled up a dog dressed as a frog. Excitement washed over both of the boys' faces as Shuichi crouched down to the prize box. Once they dropped, he pulled out the plushies & handed one to Kokichi with a small grin.

Kokichi could feel his heart beating against his ribs as he took the plushie. "Th-thanks, Shuichi" he cooed, putting on a smile to mask how flustered he was feeling.

"Why are you thanking me? You won them?" The detective asked with a confused expression before softly smiling again. "Thank you, Kokichi, you're amazing".

Kokichi felt his heart would explode any moment, no way this was a reality. "Duh, I'm the ultimate supreme leader of evil. Even claw machines bow to me" he giggled.

Shuichi let out a small laugh before a somewhat concerned expression grew on his face. "Maybe you should return the rest of-"

"Don't worry, I will" Kokichi quickly cut him off, glancing to the nearby people to make sure they hadn't drawn any attention. "My turn! How about we check out that 4D thingy!" He pointed to a set of doors with a sign outside saying "4D attraction!"

The detective thought for a moment before agreeing. "Sure, as long as it's not too crazy".

"I wouldn't let my precious boyfriend get too scared" he cooed teasingly, drawing out the word 'boyfriend'. He then grabbed the other's hand & they made their way into the doors.

A man was tinkering with something that seemed like a projector. He spun around when he heard the doors open. "The ride will start in a few minutes" he told them, holding out his hand. Kokichi handed him a money note.

The two were then handed glasses, both lenses coloured. They took a seat on the ride. It seemed as if it would rock back & forth.

Kokichi put his glasses on as Shuichi continued to inspect his surroundings. "Woah, these glasses are pretty weird. Do you think this is what Kiiboy sees all the time?" He asked jokingly, followed by a giggle.

The detective nudged the other with his elbow before putting his own glasses on. After a few more seconds, the projector turned on & the lights dimmed. A few boys around the ages of nine to eleven also climbed onto the ride, sitting behind the teens as they passed a few jokes back & forth.

"Put on a scary one!" One shouted to the man, gaining his attention.

"Yeah!" Another shouted.

Kokichi nodded. "Pick a good one" he sang, cupping his hand around his mouth as he spoke to the man. He then glanced to Shuichi, who was looking over to the younger boys. "Hey hey, if you get scared, you can hold onto me. As long as you doing wet yourself or anything".

The taller boy glared at him, scrunching his nose at the thought. "I won't get scared" he argued. He certainly wouldn't do anything more embarrassing either.

The man used a remote to select a scene, a number six marked on it. The ride began. It simulated someone exiting a car & making their way to a house. Sounds of someone walking over wet mud surrounded the room. Then a few bangs as the door to the house was broken down.

Shuichi jumped a little as a loud noise sounded & a hand reached out, appearing to be realistic through his glasses. Kokichi let out a small chuckle at his reaction.

In the simulation, the person then began to run as the cart swayed back & forth horizontally. As the man fell, air came out under everyone's feet. This earned a few low screams from the younger boys.

On the screen, snakes appeared to fly at the person. As this happened, something landed onto the cart. Kokichi threw whatever fell onto him away before grabbing onto Shuichi's arm.

After a short while, the simulation ended & the room lit up. The items thrown onto the cart seemed to be a few plastic snakes. "Are you okay, Kokichi?" The detective quizzed, taking off his glasses.

Kokichi stared at the snakes with a small pout. "That was a lame joke, of course I'm fine" he lied, looking back to the other with a small grin. He then let go of the other's arm, hopping off the ride. "Come on, let's try something else, it's your turn to pick".

Shuichi smiled a little as he got off & followed the shorter boy out the doors. 

The few continued to play several games before it got late & some of the games were unplugged.  Kokichi hummed as he looked around the almost empty arcade. "Should we leave?" Shuichi suggested, fiddling with his plushie. 

Kokichi shook his head. "First, we gotta use the photo booth!" He declared, taking Shuichi's hand & dragging him over to the Photo Booth. They managed to both stand inside it & Kokichi put a few coins in. 

"Oh, I've never used one of these before" The detective commented as the supreme leader pressed down a few buttons before standing upright. A timer showed up on the screen, counting down from four. 

Altogether, three photos were taken. In the first one, both of them grinned softly. In the second, Kokichi pulled a funny pose while Shuichi simply put up a peace sign, laughing a little. In the third, neither really knew what to do. Kokichi decided to stand on his tip toes, pulling Shuichi down a little to kiss his cheek. Shuichi felt his face turn infinite shades of red at this. 

Kokichi then stepped out, waiting for the pictures. He tried his best to ignore how fast his heart was racing at this moment. Shuichi followed. "Why did you..." He trailed off, deciding even if he got an answer, it would most likely be a lie. "How many prints will there be?"

The supreme leader hummed a little as he took out one of the prints, a portrait line of the three picture. "There should be two" He replied, handing the first one to the ravenette. Shuichi blushed as he looked at the third picture, covering his face with his hand a little. Kokichi took out the second print & looked over to the other. "Aww, are you getting embarrassed?" He let out a small giggle. 

"Sh- no I'm not" The detective quickly protested, quickly shoving the pictures into his pocket.

The two then left the arcade & went into their respective dorms. Once Shuichi entered his dorm, he kicked off his shoes & sat on the bed after turning his light on. He hugged his plushie as he stared at the print again. His heart fluttered at the sight & a smile crept onto his face. He wasn't sure why but it was a nice feeling. 

He placed his plushie down before standing up. He rummaged his drawers, managing to find blue tac. He then stuck the print above his bed at the side. He stared at it a little more. He then took off his pants & got into bed, falling asleep as he cuddled the plushie.

(Word count: 6041, sorry this was so long, I wrote most of it at school & didn't realise but it felt weird closing it off earlier so)

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