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Lexi made her way into her office. She had just finished her chemotherapy. After the day she had, she wanted to work. She knew working wouldn't help with the pain of losing Alex. But it would at least keep her busy and help catch his killer. She needed the satisfaction of catching him or even her.

His killer would pay a high price for killing an innocent man. Alex knew the dangers of his job. But that never stopped him from doing it. Even though he had men to do it for him, every once in a while he would go out and get intel.

She knew she should've told Dominic about her helping Alex start his company and what his company was. She just forgot it, with all the things that were happening. She needed to go home, she didn't need to be here.

If she went home, she'd just cry. She wouldn't be able to sleep. The nightmares of her dead friend would haunt her in her sleep. Even now the images of Alex's body on the ground were haunting her.

She sat down at her desk. She saw a picture of her, Alex, and her best friend Mini March. Mini was going to be devastated by Alex's death. Lexi hoped that Mini wasn't working the day of shooting. But then again her sister was out of town so Mini had to help out a lot.

Lexi didn't even know how to tell Alex's friends and family. His father had died when he was younger and his mother was still alive she was at least in her seventies. She had had a few medical problems and telling her her son is dead would probably take a turn for the worse for her.

Lexi didn't want to have to tell her. She is hoped that Dominic and his partner would tell her. But she would probably need Lexi and Lexi would need her.


Mini March sighed as she walked away from Macie's Café. Her sister's café was ruined. Macie was in New York for a business meeting. What would Mini tell her? That the place got shot up while she was gone? What if Macie asked, why? What would Mini tell her sister then? She didn't know. She also didn't even know when her sister would be home.

As she walked away from the café she saw one of the cops start to head over toward her. He was tall with black hair and brown eyes. He walked up to her and soon fell into step with her as she walked.

"Can I ask a few questions?" he asked her.

She stopped and gave him a look. "Sure. Just hurry, I have to pick up my nieces and nephew from school." she snapped. She didn't want to be asked questions again.

"Sure," he replied. "Name?"

"Mini Marie March," she told him, and he wrote it down. He asked her a few other questions about the shooting, how to contact the owner, and some other things. She answered.

He was about to walk away before she called out to him. "Hey!" he turned back to look at her. "What's your name?"

He grinned. "Danny," he called back and walked away.

She smiled and started walking back to her car.


Dominic grabbed a file that was in his car. Danny was still questioning suspects and so far they had no leads. Bystanders either say that the van was black, white, or blue. And it left the two cops nowhere.

Dominic put the folder down as Danny walked up to him. Dominic glanced up at him. "Did you put this here?" he asked the boy.

Danny shook his head. "No. I thought you brought it with us."

"No," he told him. Dominic opened it and in it was everything about Alex Gordon. His name, age, places he lived, and everything about him. Dominic looked up at Danny with a look. "Who would be able to even get this information?"

"I have no idea. But what I do know, is that someone gave this to us to help us find his killer faster." Danny told him.

And Danny was right. Whoever gave them this file, definitely wanted them to find Alex's killer.

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