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The morning Chicago air was gloomy. The sky was grey and the clouds black. Lexi figured it was going to rain today and she was okay with that. It had been two weeks since Alex's death and she was still accepting it.

There were still no signs of anything that Alex was going to tell Lexi. Dominic had called her to tell her that they had more questions than answers. He wanted to find whoever did this and what Alex wanted to tell Lexi. Whatever it was couldn't be good. Lexi had given them a list of ideas that she thought could be the targets for whatever was going to happen.

She didn't expect Dominic to call her. She thought it was nice that she was being kept in the loop about the investigation. She never had a cop keep her in the loop. Most of the cops she dealt with were dirty cops who didn't care who died, all they cared about was getting paid for covering it up.

Lexi had decided that she should go home the night before. She didn't want to get caught up in work until four AM. She and Mini had plans to go out shopping anyway before Christmas time came too fast and they forget to buy gifts.


Mini had dropped off her nieces and nephew at school. Their exams were coming up on them quickly. Mini remembered those days, having to finish exams, and tests before you could go to the next grade.

Macie was finally back in town and working on fixing the café. The insurance company didn't help out at all. So Macie had to take her own money and start the rebuilding and revamping of the café.

But once people figured out that Macie had to put her own money into fixing the café, people started to donate and help out. Macie and Mini were very surprised by the communities help. It made them very grateful to be able to have such an amazing community in Chicago.

The two sisters had lived in Alaska before moving around to different states and living in Alabama before moving to Illinois. The two sisters hated it in Chicago before it started growing on them. Macie made plans to start a café and did so, and the two ran it together.

Mini smiled at the thought. And pulled into the driveway of the café. Macie had gotten there early to finish fixing up the café.

She got out of her car and walked up to the front door. She saw turned around and saw Danny come toward her. "Miss March," he said to her.

She smiled. "Mini please." She told him. "What can I do for you detective?"

"Some breakfast would be nice." he grinned. "Also maybe a dinner date with a beautiful lady?" he asked.

She laughed. "Sure, Danny. I'd love to on a date with you. As for the breakfast part, there's a diner across the street that serves a good breakfast if you'd like to join me?" He nodded and Mini grabbed her phone to text Macie she had to take care of something before starting to help fix the cafe. "Alright let's go." she smiled.


Dominic sighed when he saw the text from Danny that he went over to the cafe again. Dominic knew he just wanted to see Mini again. Danny was going to get himself into trouble. But, he already did that himself.

He grabbed the folder he and Danny found in their car a few weeks ago. They still didn't know who left it for them. There were no fingerprints.

Only a few people could have access to a file like that and they still had no leads on Alex's murder. Dominic glanced up and saw Kelly coming over toward him.

"Hey," she said to him. "Any luck on your murder case?" she asked.

"Nope. There has to be something to go on. We went through everything and found nothing." he sighed.

"You should talk to that reporter friend of his. She knew him for years." Kelly suggested.

"We've talked to Lexi a lot. She doesn't know anything." He sighed.

"Try family? Girlfriend?" Kelly questioned.

He shook his head. "Yep. Questioned them all. Nothing. There's something we're missing." He handed Kelly the file that was left for him and Danny. "This was left in our car the other day."

"Any idea who gave it?"

"None. No prints were left so they're a pro. Didn't even trip the car alarm." He told her. He watched her face as she looked at him surprised. Kelly turned as she heard footsteps coming toward the two. A man came up and looked at Dominic

"Can I help you?" Dominic asked.

"Depends. You Dominic Wayne?" The man asked.

"Yeah. Who's asking?"

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