I was a king I had a golden throne

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It's too bright. Fae looked around, it was, for sure, daytime. One of her eyes was also obstructed by something, maybe seaweed, considering the green coloring. 

How did I get here? How long was I out? How far is home? Her mind flooded with questions. 

She tried to answer a few herself. 

Okay, I went across the ocean somehow, but I can barely swim-, oh, the water dragon, they also must have been the one who gave me the seaweed bandage. What's next, oh, okay I must have been out for a while, but a trip, even for a water dragon, should take days!

Fae carefully thought about this one for a while. 

Well what if there's a quicker route? What if there is a fish or plant that has a toxin that can knock a dragon out? What if I'm just on the same island, and she decided she probably couldn't take a dragon across the sea?

Fae got anxious for a second, and quickly shot up to check her surroundings. She was at a dip in the sand that blocked her from seeing the rest of the island, so for now, all around her was sand. Fae climbed over the small dip and examined the rest of the island. 

Trees, lots of them dotted the land across from the beach. They were jungle trees, not like the dark pine trees of her island. Her island did sport a few fruit trees though, but they were closely guarded by the humans, but some dragons still snuck in and ate the fruit.

  I've had berries before, haven't I? I swear a few grow i-

Fae's thoughts were interrupted by a dark shadow looming over her, causing her to jump back with a small yelp. Without thinking, she dashed to the trees, hiding under the shade they provided. Fae almost shivered from the sudden change of temperature. She must've gotten used to the warmth of the sand.

 Fae looked at the thing that caused the shadow, seeing a large brown and green dragon. The dragon landed on the sand with a soft thud, and started looking around. This gave Fae a better look at them. She looked at their wings, which confused her. 

This dragon had wings branching off from the elbow, not from the end of their talons, like most dragons she'd seen. The dragon shifted slightly and the sun hit their wings, showing off an array of eye-like patterns. The sight caused her to shudder.

The strange dragon's head turned in her direction, and they started moving towards her general area. She stayed still for a moment, hoping the dragon hadn't seen her, but a sudden moment of eye contact told her otherwise. She backed away slowly, unsure of whether or not this dragon was hostile.

 This only caused the unfamiliar dragon to slightly pick up speed. Fae slowly transitioned into a slight jog as she went the opposite direction. She heard a slight rustle behind her and picked up speed.

 Before long she was running through a forest again, but this time being chased by an unfamiliar dragon.

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