In a happy home

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an orange glow lit the entrance of the cave, illuminating the faces of the dragons. 

Many of the dragons took off into flight, fleeing out the outlook ledge, and others who couldn't fly climbed to the outlook, sloppily, but fast, and were lifted by various dragons down to the ground, from there they ran.

"Fae, come here." Her father told her. She hurried over to him, and he carried her out to the outlook.

The orange glow engulfed the cave behind them, as the last of the dragon started to fly out. The humans noticed the dragons leaving and there were loud noises Fae didn't understand. 

There was a loud whiz of something flying past Fae's ear. She looked down, the humans were shooting with their sharp sticks. It looked as if they were aiming for their wings and younger dragons. Fae looked around, worried, as the dragons around her began to wobble in flight, sinking lower toward the ground. 

No, no! Fae thought, Fly higher! She realized that the human's sharp sticks had made holes in their wings, making it difficult to fly.

Panic began setting in, her fur fluffing up. Engulfed in panic, Fae didn't notice the loud whiz quickly approaching, faster, faster, until the sharp stick came close enough to shoot right past her head, 

piercing her right eye and shooting into her father's wing. 

The panic increased, mixed with a sharp sting of pain, and worry clouded it all. She glanced up at her father, and his wing. Her right eye hurt immensely, but she managed to squeak a small question.

"Ar-re y-you alright-t?" Fae asked, barely managing to not pass out. Another sting of pain hit her, and she clutched her right eye, hissing. Her father didn't answer, her was too focused on not falling out of the sky. 

Another whiz, another hole appearing in her father's wing.

Again. This time it hit lower on his wing, where it could still be considered his arm.

They were falling, the air whipping into Fae's face, whistling in her ears. Her father managed to glide enough to land into some trees. 

The branches whacked them in the face on the way down, only making Fae's eye hurt more. They hit the ground with a thud, the leaves around them scattering. 

Orange glow started to light their surroundings, and the humans started to yell things she didn't understand. Her father looked at her, terror and worry in his eyes, the scratches on his arms bleeding onto the brown leaves.

"Run." Her father whispered, "Go to the island across the sea, they can help you."

"B-but, you.." She whimpered, her eye throbbing. "I can't even fly.."

"It's alright, swim, as far as you can, and a water dragon will help you." He assured her.

"How could you know that?" She asked.

"Just do it. Trust me, and hurry!" He insisted.



Fae knew there was no use trying any longer, her father had already made up his mind. She looked at him again and ran into the forest, tripping over vines and getting her face smacked by branches, but she kept going. Fae could hear the humans chasing after her, that only made her run faster. 

She finally got to the beach, the humans shortly behind her. She started swimming, which worked, the humans stopped chasing her, but her legs began to get tired. Her eye was still throbbing with pain, and the water was freezing, she started to collapse, when something caught her, and that's when she heard a voice.

"Do you need help, little one?" The voice questioned.

"Other" Fae squeaked.

"You want me to take you to the other island?" It asked.

"Please." Fae whispered,

"Well I suppose, you aren't too heavy, an-" Fae didn't hear the rest, she had passed out, do to pain, relief, and she was a bit tired from all the running around.

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