13: JANUARY 2017 - Moving On

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Seokjin had not spoken at length with Luisa after that disastrous Christmas party. He had called her a few times while he was still in Dallas, but she always cut it short saying she was busy and would call back, but she never did. His texts were also answered in one or two words. He wanted to tell her that she deserved better than that moron. Or any moron for that matter. She deserved a man who would love her and cherish her. But he couldn't tell her that if she never answered his calls.

Three weeks later, back in Houston, he still didn't know why she refused to speak to him. He'd done nothing wrong, had he? He definitely should've kicked that bastard's ass for treating Luisa that way. Who the hell did he think he was?

With an angry growl, he threw off the covers and got out of bed. He glanced back and saw that Emily was still asleep. He padded into the bathroom and closed the door quietly. Staring at himself in the mirror, he wondered why he was denying the obvious.

He had asked for a transfer to the Dallas-Fort Worth area even though his prospects were better in Houston. His boss had discouraged him but had not stopped him. Seokjin figured he could deal with demanding producers and moody models in any city. At least in Dallas, he'd be closer to his friends.

And Luisa.

He made an impatient sound and reached into the shower to turn on the water. Why did she always cross his mind? She was not the reason why he wanted to go back to Dallas. It had been almost two years since that fateful night when they'd slept together. She'd obviously moved on. He had to as well. He had. He had moved on, hadn't he?

He stepped into the water, adjusted the temperature, and placed his face under the shower head. He couldn't possibly be in love with Luisa. She'd made it clear that she thought their getting together was a mistake. After that happened, he'd gone out with several girls and had a pretty good time. If he loved Luisa, wouldn't he have been thinking about her nonstop?

But he had thought about her. Often. After that day at the fair, he was sure he'd seen something in her eyes that had given him hope. And that kiss at the Friendsgiving. She had definitely kissed him back. He was ready to drop everything and fall at her feet. Why was she sending him such mixed signals?

By the time he got out of the shower, he had resolved not to think about Luisa anymore. By the time he was dressed, he had decided to cancel his transfer request. He could continue visiting Hobi, Namjoon, and Yoongi in Dallas on his time off. There was no need to upend his life. Luisa didn't want him.

And there was Emily. They had been dating for several months. He hadn't really thought of their relationship as being end game, but maybe he should start to think of her in more permanent terms. After all, she'd expressed the desire to move in with him. She'd also said she loved him. He owed it to her to give it a chance.

He spent the next week making plans to take Emily somewhere special for Valentine's Day. She was probably used to having a guy make quite a fuss over her and taking her on expensive vacations for Valentine's. A coworker had recommended a nice place in the Bahamas that wouldn't break his bank account. She was rich. He wasn't. Yet. A few days at an idyllic beach resort was just what he needed to make his relationship work.

He sat in his office wondering if he should surprise Emily with the trip. For an instant, a memory of a beautiful, silky-haired girl silhouetted against a large window invaded his mind. He could see the blue water in the distance and the golden light around her as she turned to face him. His body involuntarily convulsed, responding to her image. Damn it!

He threw his pen against the desk and opened his email. It was definitely time for him to get away. He had just found the number to the travel agent his coworker had recommended when his desk phone rang.

"Kim," he answered mechanically still staring at his screen. He listened intently for a few minutes before murmuring a quick thanks. He hung up and slumped back into his chair.

The trip would have to wait. His transfer request had been approved. He'd have to be in Dallas by the end of next week, just a few days before Valentine's Day.

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