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Hi guys this is sowji...thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Pragya said I am leaving...she never looks at abi face...she was crying.....(background plays do pal ruha khwabon ka).Tanu heard their conversation....she smiled. Tanu was very happy...she was happily run towards her room...she reached her room...she fell down happily towards her bed......said finally I won...they are separated now...abi is only for mine...no one entered between Abi and me...I trapped you...I know that pragya...u will never forgive abi...that's I want that...screen shift to Pragya goes towards her room...Pragya wiped out her tears...suddenly Heena asked your problem solved between u and abi...pragya fakely smiled.Pragya said I feel sleepy...I will go to my room...Heena said k pragu sleep well...pragya goes towards her room...she locked her room..she is crying..y suniyil trusted others word...I know suniyil u apologize towards me...but I can't forgive you...it hurts me more than you...because I consider u as my bestie...how could u trusted others word...I was totally disappointed...I never expected this word from your mouth...I will never talk with you ever...I never forgive you ever...Pragya take her wallet...she saw abi photo..she scolded him...I thought to slap you in your cheeks...but I can't slap..because I can't see your pain in my eyes...that much I like you...idiot Rockstar...pragya said now I feel very bad compare to you...it hurts me...screenshift to abi..abi feels very bad...suddenly Neil touched Abi shoulder...neil asked everything is k..abi heard Neil voice....abi think in his mind...if I say the truth or fake reason...abi look at behind...said Neil...she needs time to forgive me..so I agreed for her words...Neil said yeah di need a time...because I can't tolerate your words...then how can di easily forgive you...she needs time jiju...abi said yeah I hurt her alot...so soon I will resolve all my problem...Neil said nice to hear.Rockstar ji...abi heard these words from his mouth...thinks in his mind Pragya called him as rockstar ji...abi smiled...she is so sweet...I like her...Neil shows his hand in front of him...abi comes back to his sense..abi asked what...Neil..Neil said hereafter don't talk too rude with my di in front of others...abi said k sir...yeah I accept that I hurt her in front of others..but I give you suffrage...hereafter I will never hurt my pragu...Neil smiled..abi asked y r u smiling...Neil said u are also talking like my di..di told my suniyil...now u told my pragu...abi was very happy...he exclaimed she told u.I am her suniyil...Neil said yeah...immediately abi kissed his cheeks...Abi goes towards his room...Neil was shocked...he touched his cheeks...said idiot Rockstar ji...his spittle applied in my face...he take his cooling glass...he checked his face in his coolers...he saw his face..idiot...shameless Rockstar ji...screenshift to abi room..abi opened his room door...abi saw pragya sleeping in couch...pragya slept...she never had her dinner...abi touched pragya forehead..said I hurted you alot..hereafter I will never create any misunderstand between us...I promise you...again I will never hurt u..abi kissed pragya forehead...abi hand touched with pragya hand...pragya hand hold abi hand in her sleep..did u remember this scene...pragya always hold abi hand in her sleep..because she feel comfortable in his arms ..abi was shocked..(background plays sanam re)....he will try to rescue his hand from her...but pragya never leave his hand...abi knows..she is anger on him..but abi was trying to rescue his hand from her..but it's disturb her sleep...abi understand...suddenly abi thought..he never rescue his hand from her hand..abi hold pragya hand tightly...without her sense pragya smiles in her sleep...abi thinks in his mind...she is acting with me...abi was testing pragya...but pragya never get up from her sleep...she was in her deep sleep...after abi feel sleepy...he was sitting in the floor...he keep his head in couch...few minutes after...he dozed off slowly... next day morning...abigya hold their hands...abi head touched with pragya head... Abi beard touched Pragya cheeks...it disturbs her sleep...pragya and Abi are opened their eyes...both can feel their hot breath...both are eye lock(background plays Humsafar toh hai magar music)...abi nose touched with Pragya nose...Pragya thinks in her mind this is my dream...Pragya closed her eyes...abi think in his mind...y she closed her eyes...she likes my presence...again Pragya opened her eyes...abi raised his eyebrows...Pragya asked this is my dream or real...abi said this is not your dream... immediately Pragya gets up from her sleep....she was shocked...asked tum...what are you doing here...abi asked yeah it's me..y??..Pragya said u always sleep in bed...y u slept here...abi think in his mind...he told one fake story...abi asked yesterday u only hold my hand...I will try to remove my hand...but u never ready to leave my hand...I told you...leave my hand..pragya said what...don't tell a fake story...abi said y I would tell lie...pragya suspicious look at him...abi said after I was very tired...I feel sleepy so I dozed off slowly here...pragya asked is it true...abi said yeah... it's true...abi think in his mind...pity girl..she believed my story...pragya said I will never believe this...suddenly pragya saw her hand..immediately she takes her hand from his hand...she was staring at him....abi asked yesterday...u pulled me towards you.... you are very naughty pragu..pragya asked what😨😨😨😨.....what I did yesterday...abi said u...pragya was very curious...abi said I will never tell...I feel very shy...Pragya was scared...immediately ...she goes towards washroom...abi laughed.....few hours later...now time is 9 am...they goes towards their dining hall...Pragya never look at abi face...director sir asked pragu everything is k...Pragya said yeah sir...tanu said who knows...what is someone hidden with others.Heena asked what do u mean tanu..tanu said nothing heena...I feel very happy...I thought to give a treat to all...today is my treat...immediately Pragya get up from her table...tanu asked what happened Pragya...I will pay your bill...don't worry...Pragya said I never feel hungry...Tanu said abi see your wife never feel hungry...just call her to have her dinner...abi said pragu...what happened...Pragya can't hold her anger..tanu smiled....think in her mind.I know pragya...you are anger on abi..pragya said I never feel hungry... I will have my breakfast later....pragya was already skipping her lunch, dinner, now breakfast...pragya can't hear that tanu words...she was trying to control herself...Pragya said tanu don't think about us...just think about yourself...that is good for your health...else we can't predict your destiny...your face looks so dull..so have your breakfast...now u need strength to talk with me...I hope did u remember the previous day sequence...Heena chuckled...Tanu was angrily looking at pragya..asked what do u mean....pragya said nothing tanu just take care of yourself...Pragya asked tanu one more thing do u have money to pay others bill...tanu angrily asked pragya...pragya said cool tanu...it's not good for your health...u never want to give a treat to us...I never want any treat from your hand...... your happiness is enough for us......so u never want to give any treat to us....now we are also very happy...tanu is our friend....we want always smile in her face...guys what are you saying...abi said yeah tanu...pragu is right tanu...u never want to give any treat to us...Tanu was furious...abi said your happy face is enough for us...that is a big threat to us...all agreed for Pragya words...Pragya chuckled...she shows a victorious smile...Tanu said but abi...I thought to give a treat to all...abi said no problem tanu...we never want any treat...you are happy ..so we are also happy.Heena said pragu come to have your breakfast...pragya said wait guys I will come...heena asked where are you going...Pragya said I don't want this food...I want Indian food...so I will talk with that manager.I will come...abi said I will also come along with you...pragya said no suniyil ...I can manage..abi feel disappointed...said but pragu...pragya said my sweet suniyil wait here...I will come...abi was shocked..he never expect...she would call him as sweet suniyil...Pragya talked with manager..she come to her table...all have their breakfast...abi was always ogling at pragya...pragya ignores him...after they go towards their room... Tanu was fuming in anger..said how dare she..I will teach her best lesson in her life...few hours later...pragya was talking with Jeni...she asked did u start to pack your things..Pragya said no Jeni hereafter only...Raj knocked Pragya's room door...Pragya said I will talk with you later Jeni...Jeni said k pragu...spincap entered abigya room...he said guys pack your things..we are checkout from here at nun 2 pm ..now the time is 11 am...abigya said k...after he leaves from their room... Abigya is packing their stuff inside their suitcase.....abi asked may I help you...Pragya said no needed I can do my work..abi can feel her hate towards him...abi thinks in his mind...I will never leave you...u can't go away from me...I will never allow you to go away from me...because I started to feel some special feeling towards you...I don't know what name I give to this feeling...Pragya was worried about abi. Abi was closing her suitcase..suddenly abi screamed haaaa...pragya was shocked...she speaks without her sense...asked r u ok...she look at his hand...abi can feel her console towards him...abi smiled...Pragya licking his finger..(background plays Allah warriyan).....she scolded him...u never do your work properly..Abi was enjoying her care...she looks at his eyes.abi look at her eyes..(background plays humsafar toh hai magar music)...suddenly she remembered...she removed his hand from her mouth...abi was ogling at her...pragya feel shy...immediately she turned her face opposite to him..she decides to leave from there...suddenly she stopped...

Bulbul was talking with her cousin...purab feel jealous towards him..Purab doesn't like bulbul cousin...bulbul cousin irritate purab...bulbul prepared lunch for her cousin...purab got anger towards bulbul...screen shift to the island...abigya is fighting with eachother...it annoys tanu...

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