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Hi, guys, this is sowji.. thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Sarala gives rabul kundali to pandit...pandit checked it.This couple is a perfect couple.Sarala and Janaki smiled...pandit said but that girl has some blemish in her kundali..sarala looks shocked... Sarala was scared asked what blemish...it will affect my bulbul...she was asking lots of questions...pandit says cool down...nothing to worry...just do as I say...nothing serious...this is amended of that girl life....pandit said every Thursday, Friday make ghee lamp diya in this temple...that girl want to do this amend...Sarala said k pandit ji. Because of blemish... Is it affect to my daughter life...pandit said just do as I say...after u will get good result in her life....sarala janaki thanked pandit ji...screenshift to abigya..both are traveling in their car....pragya was talking with her cousin...abi doesn't like that...he intentionally do something to gather his attention towards her...suddenly abi put sudden break...pragya was shocked...her phone was fell down bottom of her seat...pragya looks shocked...asked what happened...abi said fake reason to pragya...pragya screamed where is my phone...her cousin said pragya r u in line...pragya phone calls cut down automatically...he again tried to call her...but it shows not reachable...pragya saw her phone..it was in bottom of her seat...she take her phone...she saw her phone..it was switched off automatically...pragya said oh god...my battery is over...abi feel relief...think in his mind...now she would never talk with that idiot..abi feel very happy...but he never shows in his face...abi said leave it pragya...after we reached our home...u will talk with him...pragya said k suniyil...abi asked what did u talk with tanu... pragya think about her conversation with tanu.. said nothing...just normal talk...abi asked do u like my friends...pragya look at him...abi said I mean...4month ago we never know about eachother...but now we are besties...do u like my world...pragya said I don't like your world...abi feel bad...pragya again said but I like to stay with you in your world...abi looks on...pragya turned her face towards her window...abi think in mind...she is really different girl...after they reached their home...whole family welcomed abigya...pragya got blessing from elders...after they goes towards their room...screenshift to rabul...bulbul was sitting in purab car...bulbul asked where will we go now?...purab said simply roaming...bulbul asked where...purab said I also don't know...I thought to kidnap you...bulbul laughed...purab asked y r u laughing...bulbul said u told one joke...that's y I laughed...purab asked if I look like joker for you ..bulbul said no no...u never look like joker...but u talk look like joker...purab stared at him...bulbul chuckled...bulbul saw lots of road shop...bulbul asked stop the car...purab stopped his car..asked what happened...bulbul said I prefer to have road side food purab...shall we have now...purab asked roadside food...bulbul never listen his words..she pulled his hands..both parked their cars...both goes towards beach style kara pori shop...purab asked u want kara pori...bulbul nodded her head...purab bought kara pori for bulbul...purab is also have kara pori along with bulbul...he doesn't like more spicy..because of her sake...he have that...bulbul asked u don't like spicy...then y r u have this...purab said I can take any risk for your sake...bulbul emotionally look at purab...(background plays female sanam re)...bulbul said purab...I will never allow you to have this...I will order another dish for you...purab said no but...I love this dish...I will have this...bulbul whispered I love you...Purab smiled...bulbul asked to say I love you too...Purab said I will never tell...bul asked y...Purab said I will never express my feelings to my bul...she knows me very well...no one loves me madly like her..so I will never express my love to her....bulbul
blushed... Screen shift to abigya room...Pragya entered to her room...abi was repairing his guitar...pragya asked suniyil r u free now...shall we talk...abi asked yeah pragu...I always free only... Pragya said suniyil...abi said bolo pragu...pragya said suniyil I want to tell some important matter with you..abi stopped his work...he looks at pragya..pragya said our dadi told something..abi asked what dadi told.pragya said our dadi want grandson or granddaughter ..abi asked k pragu...no problem...we will give...after the only abi realized his words..immediately abi look at pragya..pragya looks on...(background plays male sanam re music).abi was embarrassed...Pragya smiled..asked we will give..but how?...abi looks at her..abi said I never meant to that...i...pragya laughed..said I understand...be cool...u told that word without your sense...so don't worry...abi said thank u for understanding me...pragya said never needed...abi said vapass...pragya smiled... Pragya saw abi...abi was thinking about dadi words.Pragya understands his mind voice...Pragya asked suniyil shall I ask some question with you...abi comes back to his sense ask pragu...pragya asked shall we start our lives... I never force you....frankly say I started to feel some special feeling towards you...I don't know...what name I will give to this feeling...u know about me very well. I thought we will move on in our life..actually maa is also asked like dadi...I will never compel you...if u like...we will start our new life...else no problem...we will become best friends forever...abi asked I never saw a frank girl like you in my life...frankly say I like your frank talk towards me...I like your straight forward talk...Pragya actually says I also feel some special feeling towards you...did u remember island incident....when you told about yourself...I was shocked...I never expect u would talk with me these much frank ...when u stay nearby me...I feel very happy...I like your closeness towards me...you never allow anyone nearby me...I like your possessiveness, true care towards me...you said you never suitable for my friends...I was totally shattered...I feel someone stabbed my heart in a knife...I don't like you to move away from me...I feel very bad...I know that...I hurt you...after u accepted my apology...I feel very happy...I thought I got my happiness again...u said we never want to show our fight in front of others...u behaved very mature...I thought...I never suit your friendship...instead u said....u missed me... you're like my true care, my character...u really missed my friends.I feel very happy...then only I realized how much I love you...pragu...I have no problem...I am ready to start my life along with you...because I started to fall in love with you...Pragya was shocked by his words...she was standing like a statue...

Dadi slapped abi...pragya was shocked...Pragya said dadi it was not his mistake...it was my mistake...Please dadi don't punish him...abi never utter any word against dadi..whole family looks helpless....screen shift to bulbul home...Sarala makes arrangements for rabul engagement...

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