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Hi, guys, this is sowji.. thank u for your support... let's move to ff...

Pragya said I think...I started to like you more...she closed her eyes...abi looks at her..he think in his mind...I already started to like you more... Abi said thank u Mrs.abishek...pragya looks at him...abi raised his eyebrows...pragya asked y r u suddenly called me as Mrs.abishek...abi said you are my wife..pragya said I know that...I am your wife...y r u suddenly called me as Mrs.abishek...I feel weird feeling...abi asked u doesn't like this name...I will never call you hereafter..pragya said I love this name..abi look at her...pragya feel shy...she turned her direction opposite to abi...abi said I like your shyness towards me...Pragya face changed into crimson red...Pragya smiled...Abi is also smiled...Pragya said good nit suniyil...abi said good nit darling...both are dozed off slowly their bed...next day morning...abi wake up earlier...she saw Pragya hold his hand...she was sleeping like a kid...abi think in his mind...she is so cute...my sweet cutie pie...Pragya hair fell down in her face...it disturbs her sleep...abi move towards her...he removed her hair from her place...she smiled in her sleep...abi smiled...suddenly someone opened their room door...that is Sarala maa...immediately abi get up from the bed..sarala said still she is sleeping...when will she wake up...Pragya gets up...now the time is 8.30 am...pragya said maa...I feel very tired...I would sleep some more time...Sarala said no pragu...get up...see your pati is wake up so soon...but still u sleeping like a kid...abi smirked...Pragya stared at abi...abi said I will never come between mom and daughter talk.I never did anything...Sarala laughed...Pragya gets up from her bed...she smiled...Sarala was sitting nearby pragya...asked about abi care, love towards her...pragya said maa...he is a very nice guy...he cares me as a kid...he loves me a lot...I also love him...so don't worry about us...Sarala said we are waiting to see my grandson and granddaughter....when will give me...Pragya blushed...maa so soon...Pragya said k maa.I am going to bath now...immediately she leaves from that room...she freshened up to come towards the dining hall...Pragya was very happy..she blows whistle from his mouth...she was walking sarcastically in the stairs... the whole family was astonished...abi saw naughty pragya in his eyes...bulbul come towards pragya...asked di what special today...y r u blowing whistle..pragya said today I am very happy...bulbul said y what happened today...pragya said nothing happened...I don't know...but today I feel very happy...Pragya was blowing whistle...she was playing music from her mouth...suddenly she turned...abi was standing in front of her...she stopped her whistle..abi raised his eyebrows...Pragya blushed...bulbul intentionally cough...can u both stop your romance..now time to have our breakfast...abi said Don't be jealous on us...Pragya chuckled...she goes towards dining table...they have their breakfast...sarala said Abi beta...thank u..abi asked maa for what...Sarala said because of you...we can see my daughter smiling face...Pragya said maa...don't praise him in front of me...Rockstar dadi said see beta she is jealous of you...abi smiled...Pragya said I never jealous of him....abi said maa u don't worry about your daughter...she is my responsibility...I will take care her...suddenly abi get a call from ad shoot director...abi said excuse me..he went out to talk with director...pragya was secretly ogling at abi...her cousin said statue...pragya looks like a statue...she never move for a while minutes..suddenly abi finished his conversation...he come towards dining hall...he saw pragya...abi asked what happened to her...bulbul explained what happened to her...abi got anger on her cousin...think in his mind..he would never leave my pragya for a while minute...he is always disturbing my pragu...pragya gesture him say move...her cousin said move...pragya said idiot how much time... I act like a statue...her cousin whispered I caught you...pragya whispered what...her cousin whispered u are restless without your abi...pragya blushed...abi got anger...think in his mind...I will kill him..he gets up from his place...Sarala asked what happened beta...abi said maa enough food..sarala never leave abi...said beta to sit here..maa my stomach is full...Sarala said u will refuse your mom's food...abi emotionally look at her ..she feeds him...abi was shocked..abi get teary eyes..pragya wiped out his tears...said this is time to have our breakfast.I will give you some time to cry..abi looks on... the whole family laughed...Pragya said maa we are leaving today....her cousin said oh no..pragu don't go..pragya said we will go to that home...bulbul said maa after my exam...we will stay one week at jiju home...abi said not one week...one month u will stay there...her cousin said wow next week we will stay in pragu home..abi think in his mind...I will never allow you to enter my home.Sarala said no bulbul..y r u disturb them...abi said no maa..she never disturb us...they convinced Sarala... They finished their breakfast...they packed their things...abigya got the blessing from elders...after they leave from Pragya home to abi home..abi said I have some work...I will drop you our home..after I will go to my work.Pragya said never needed...I will also come along with you...please..abi said but pragu...it will take a long time...Pragya said it's k no problem...but take me along with you....screen shift to purab...purab called bulbul...he said he want to meet her...bulbul informed to her mom...she leaves from the home...Sarala and Janaki went to see pandit in the temple... Abigya was talking with eachother..they come towards shoot spot... Tanu saw them...she was shocked...abigya was happily talking with eachother...tanu come towards abi...tanu said hi abi..abi said hi tanu...pragya never interest on her...tanu said hi pragya..pragya said hi tanu...tanu asked how r u pragya...pragya said I am fine tanu..tanu said Abi u looks so dull...any problem between you and pragya...abi said I am very happy tanu...no problem between us...Pragya hold abi hand in front of tanu...tanu was furious...Pragya said suniyil I will talk with tanu..u will go to meet your director...I will wait here...abi said k pragu...he excuse himself...Pragya goes towards tanu...tanu said y r u acting in front of me...Pragya said I am not acting...y will I act in front of you.Tanu said I heard your conversation between you and abi...you told u never suit his friendship...pragya said you are right...I told..but after I realized ...I only suit to his friendship...he is the only mine...Tanu was angrily said he is not yours...Pragya said tanu I already warned just stay away from my husband..else it will danger for your life...again tanu speak...suddenly abi entered there...she changed her topic...abi asked lets we go pragu...pragya hugged tanu...whispered next time...if u do anything against us..that is your last day alive in this world.Tanu looks on...Pragya said bye tanu...tanu was angrily looking at pragya...screenshift to temple...Sarala give rabul kundali to pandit...pandit checked it..this couple is a perfect couple.Sarala and Janaki smiled...pandit said but that girl has some blemish in her kundali..sarala looks shocked.

Pragya said suniyil...abi said bolo pragu...pragya said our dadi told something..abi asked what dadi told.pragya said our dadi want grandson or granddaughter ..abi asked k pragu...no problem...we will give...after the only abi realized his words..immediately abi look at pragya..pragya looks on...

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