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"Mister Pops, there's a dog and a bunny rabbit at the door claiming they are friends of yours," Princess yipped as she, Tiny and Pickles approached their teacher. His back facing them, the elderly basset hound rasped, "What kind of dog?" Taking a step forward, Tiny answered, "Some kind of terrier by the looks of it."

"They say they need help fixing things," Pickles chimed in. Still not turning around, Pops nodded his head in understanding before he muttered, "Take them to the card table, I'll be right down." Hearing the youngsters leave, the old dog sighed and looked up at the giant mask on the wall. Meeting the empty eye sockets with a hard gaze, Pops growled, "Give me the strength to fix everything these idiots have done." Taking his hat off a nearby desk, he slowly made his way down the stairs.

"Pops, oh thank goodness you're here. We really need your help," Snowball exclaimed. A grunt from the old dog silenced the bunny rabbit. Meanwhile, Max wished he was invisible right now. He hated how Pops was staring at him. There was a hint of malicious intent in the older dog's eyes. Letting out a huff, the elderly basset hound grumbled, "You need my help?"

"Yes, that's right. Look, I messed up big time," Max admitted. Raising one eyebrow at the Jack Russell terrier, Pops muttered, "Oh really? Did you finally figure that one out Sherlock? You didn't just mess up big time, you ruined everyone's lives. While you lived a life of fame, I had to learn magic to survive! Honestly Tiny Dog, the Ball of Fluff became the responsible one!"

"Don't remind me," Snowball mumbled, rubbing his arm nervously. Turning to the rabbit, Pops continued, "I'm being serious, and I am impressed with your personal growth." Snowball bashfully looked away. At the same time, Pops returned to glaring at Max as he growled, "You're lucky I can help. Like I said, I learned magic."

"You're really gonna help us?" Max managed to squeak out. Glaring at the terrier again, Pops barked, "Of course I am! I want my old life back! It was peaceful!" Calming himself down, the elderly basset hound spoke softly, "Now, my magic is limited. I won't be able to turn back time or fix the whole mess you put us in. But I can fix one little thing. It comes with a heavy cost though."

"We're willing to pay the price," Max insisted, putting his foot down. Being unusually quiet, Snowball solemnly nodded his head and murmured, "Whatever it takes." An eerie drumming began. Terrified, Max and Snowball realized that the puppy class were drumming away on little bongos. The lights dimmed in the room before a bright fire appeared behind Pops. Sporting a mask now, the basset hound held out his paws. "If that is the case," he prompted, "Shake my paw..."

"Max, I got a bad feeling about this," Snowball whispered. But Max wasn't listening as he gladly took Pops' paw and shook it. Sighing heavily, the rabbit followed suit. The drumming became louder and the bonfire burned brighter, turning different colors. His mask glowing in the light of the vibrant flames, Pops howled, "Yes! Let the transferral begin!"

"Let the what- AHH!" Max screamed as he was suddenly engulfed by a green light. Watching in horror, Snowball didn't notice the light was making its way over to him until he too felt a fiery hot pain coursing through his veins. Ensuring the transferral went uninterrupted, Pops was giving the operation his undivided attention. The class, meanwhile, continued pounding their drums as they chanted loudly, "Take the power and give it away, take the power and give it away! You don't deserve such power, you don't deserve such power! Take the power and give it away!"

"Silence!" Pops ordered, panting heavily, "The transfer is complete."

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