6🐻 School

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"Beomgyu we're leaving in ten minutes."my mother said as she came into my room.

"Can't I just stay today?" I asked her. I wasn't exactly in the happiest mood.

"No you can't, you know we do this every month." My mother said and left my room.

I didn't even get an chance to argue about it.

I could just leave now and go somewhere instead of being surrounded by some fancy, smug, fake people.

Today was my father's monthly business party and one of his work mates would host the party.

I wouldn't even call it an party though, it was just some way for them to show off their big houses and all their property.

I picked up my phone and saw a message from Yeonjun.



are you going to the 'party'

Beomgyu🐻:are you?

Yeonjun🦊: nope told my parents I had some college stuff to do.

Beomgyu🐻: I wish I had college as an excuse.

Yeonjun🦊: that's why you should come. How about next year.

Beomgyu🐻: there was a reason I didn't want to go.

Yeonjun🦊: and what was it?

Beomgyu🐻: Clare.

Yeonjun🦊: you need to stop using her as an excuse.

Beomgyu🐻: I'm not.

Beomgyu🐻: I'm just not ready to face her yet.

Yeonjun🦊: Well the sooner you face her the better, why not now.

Yeonjun🦊:Anyways can you do me a favor.

Beomgyu🐻: what is it first?

Yeonjun🦊: it just a small favor very small.

Yeonjun🦊:can you send a uniform to a student, he needs it tomorrow but doesn't have time to fetch it

Beomgyu🐻: and why do you have to do this anyways

Yeonjun🦊: well I spilled my coffee on his uniform in the first place and just can you do it, I'll send the details later.

Beomgyu🐻: I'll do it since I have nothing to do but you'll owe me.

Yeonjun🦊: thank u my beautiful, handsome, amazing friend.

Beomgyu🐻: anyways I have to go.


I turned off my phone and went to change.

Maybe it is time to face Clare. It's been two weeks since she left and I'm still letting her rule my life.

You know what, I'm going to college.

And I need to get some education and work for myself so I'm not only doing this because of Clare.

I need to get her out of my mind.

"Beomgyu we're leaving come on!" I heard my mother shout.

"Coming!" I replied as I got ready.

Time to go to this 'party'

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