7🐻 "Kang Taehyun?"

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I had gotten the address to the school I was supposed to drop the uniform to.

I guess Yeonjun and I have the tendency to spill coffee on people's uniforms.

Just a few weeks ago I spilled coffee on someone and that was the same day that Clare broke up with me and i was so heartbroken that i treated the person rudely.

If I ever meet them again I would have like to apologize and explain what was happening then even though it still wouldn't be a great excuse.

The only problems is I forgot how the person looked like. I mean I remember a few things about them like the uniform but I was so angry and sad that I really didn't see anything. And even if I meet them, I probably would have not known what to say.

I had finally got to the school and of course parents and family members were there. Even just last year when I graduated my parents insisted they come.

Yeonjun gave me call after the party to explain to me what I needed to do with the uniform. And I may have forgot which class the person was supposed to be in. class 6, I think? I wasn't really paying attention to Yeonjun.

I went up to class 6 and all the students who were there looked at me and I felt a bit weird.

"Is anyone here Kang Taehyun?" I asked. All of them looked confused.

"I think he's in Class 3." Someone said.

I thanked and went to Class 3. So my bad not class 6.

Again in Class 3 they looked at me in a weird way.

"Is anyone here Kang Taehyun?" I asked and they also looked at me confused.

"Oh Taehyun, yeah I know him." Some guy said.

"Is he in this class?" I asked him.

"No he's not." He replied.

"Do you happen to know where he is?"

He nodded and looked around. I then noticed that the whole class was looking and listening to our conversation.

"He's by the snack shop." He said.

"Thanks." I said and was about to leave when.

"Do you know where it is?"

I saw it was the same guy.

"I take you there, I'm Hueningkai by the way."


"So how do you know Taehyun?" I asked Hueningkai as he escorted me to the snack shop.

"I would say I'm one of his bestfriends." Hueningkai said happily. "How do you know Taehyun?" He asked me.

"My friend owes him." I said and he looked at me confused.

"I have his uniform." I said and showed him.

"Oh that's makes sense, so you're the guy." Hueningkai said and looked at me weirdly.

"What guy?" I asked.

"The one who spilled coffee on his uniform."

"Noo, my friend did, I just came to give him the uniform."

"Ok." Hueningkai said and nodded.

"Anyways we are here." He said and pointed to the store in front of me.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem, and hurry up, we are about to start the ceremony." He said and then left.

I was about to open the door when someone came busting out.

"Ugh where is he, the thing is starting!" The person shouted. He was also randomly holding ice cream, then he took out his phone and called someone.

"You said you were going to send someone?" He said on the phone.

I couldn't hear the other side.

"Where is then?" He asked.

"Fine I'll wait but tell him to hurry up." He said before hanging up. He then sat by a bench near by and finished the ice cream.

Right then I got a call from Yeonjun.

"Yes hyung." I said

"Where are you?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"I'm at the school." I replied.

"Then why aren't you giving the uniform to Taehyun?"

"I forgot the class he was in."

"Ugh just find him."

He then hung up.

Rude. I'm the one doing this for him.

I then approached the person by the bench having already connected the dots.

"You're Taehyun right?" I asked.

He turned up and looked at the uniform in my hand.

"Finally you have it." He said then stood up and took the uniform.

"Thank you." He said then left.


Sorry for the late upload, I got busy
But hope you enjoy and don't feel shy to leave comments here and there

Thanks for the people who are actually reading this.

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