Thirty Five

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"Sir. You're not going to believe this."

It had been a couple of weeks since Ava left. Everyone had returned to some semblance of normal, with the wedding planning. The Marquinas and Murillo's had become even closer, and with Sergio joining ranks with Elead on the recent solar power deal, they were in headlines almost daily. One word got out that Raquel was not only engaged to be married to Mr. Marquina, but that they were expecting a baby, and the wedding was happening within the next several weeks, the paparazzi followed him around like a crazy person.

He increased security for both families, and Raquel was grateful for that, because she didn't want anything happening to her parents all because a reporter became overzealous with wanting to take a picture of the two of them. Another reason was that Raquel didn't want anything happening to Matt. he was for all intents and purposes, her son, and she would not have any danger come to him. Sergio was glad that the little boy enjoyed living with the two of them. Raquel was always up with him in the mornings, playing, and helping him create art. It seemed to be something he enjoyed, and Raquel spoke with Sergio over dinner, and even lunch about enrolling him in a gifted program. Matt never spoke of Ava, which spoke volumes for the entire family. They were still in shock that Ava would leave her only son, but once more details were released about Ava's involvement in a lot of seedy activities, it was no longer deniable. Raquel never said a word, only nodded her head before rapidly changing the subject.

Speaking of Raquel.

Ever since Ava left, Raquel became very guarded when she was brought up in conversation. She was very protective of Matt, but whenever he wasn't in the room, Raquel would kiss his cheek, and leave the room herself, or make up some wedding plan excuse that she needed to attend to.

Sergio was no fool.

Something was up with her, and apart from being pregnant, he knew Raquel had to at least be curious as to what Ava was doing. She refused to believe Ava had lost her memory, which was true, yet all of a sudden, she disappears, and she has nothing to say? He found that hard to believe. He even asked Jacob about it, but they said that Raquel wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. She met with the wedding designer, who was working triple time to ensure Raquel was pleased with her dress. She was always seen with her mother, or Danica. Her father even stopped by their place to check on everyone, or ask Raquel about something business-related that she did when she was working for her father. All in all, it was a normal situation.

Too normal.


Sergio snapped out of his thoughts, instead focusing on Jacob who was standing in front of his desk.

"I'm sorry, Jacob, my mind has been running like crazy. Have a seat."

Once the man was situated, Sergio spoke.

"You need something?"

"No. I'm actually here for you. I said you're not going to believe what I found." Eyebrow raised, he silently urged Jacob to continue.

"So, I've been watching Raquel as you requested. I've been watching the entire family."


"Well, Raquel hasn't done anything out of the ordinary, yet Daniel mentioned that someone else had been watching Ava from afar."

When Daniel landed, and Ava had left the jet, Daniel came out, and they confirmed that Ava was in Marrakesh, Sergio was surprised. It was a lovely city, they had rich resources, and she would never be bored. He was surprised at the fact that it was a calmer city. Well, she could always travel between countries on that side, as long as she stayed under the radar for a couple of years.

"Who else was watching her?"

"A tall, Mediterranean man. Daniel was able to get a shot of his face. He looked to be mid 30's. We ran his face through the database, and got a name. Chase Moretti."

"Have we had any dealings with him?"

Smirking, Jacob shook his head.

"No. You're about to marry into the family, though."

Frowning, Sergio leaned forward.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Raquel's stepmother last name is Moretti. We did some more digging, and he is related to Marivi. He is a distant cousin. I had a suspicion that Raquel's mother came from a mob family, but I had no idea it was the Moretti's. They are one of the most powerful mob families in the world. They have people on their pay list that no one would ever believe. The reason for their notoriety, mainly, is because there is never any real evidence on them. No one has been able to prove it, since the family created their wealth back in 1910."

Sergio was stunned.

"Does Raquel have any clue about this?"

Unable to hold back a snort, Jacob nodded.

"Yes. Daniel was able to question the man later. He didn't hide anything. Said that his cousin Marivi wanted him to check on her friend. Chase doesn't have to hide anything. Look who's backing him. Anyone with a brain would never lay a hand on him."

Standing, Sergio ran his hand through his hair, before barking out a laugh.

"Raquel has eyes on Ava. I knew it was too quiet. I wonder what she's trying to do?"

Standing with Sergio, Jacob put his hands in his pockets.

"You could ask her."

Glancing up, he smirked.

"No, this is better. I want to see what Raquel does. I however will ask Daniel to stay longer."


"Oh, just in case."


"You busy dad?"

Knocking on the door, Raquel stepped into her father's office, while holding Matt's hand. His eyes were wide at the large room that he was currently standing in with Raquel. Chuckling, Elead stood from his desk, before heading over to them.

"No, not at all. Have a seat." Kissing Raquel's cheek, Elead knelt on the ground, ruffling Matt's hair. The boy giggled before smiling up at Elead.

"How are you, Matt?"

Leaning into Raquel's legs he nodded shyly, to which Raquel, and Elead smiled at. Running her hands through his hair, she pulled out his coloring book along with a set of crayons.

"Matt. Take this, and go sit in Grandpa Elead's chair."

Noticing that it was his coloring book, he quickly grabbed it, and ran over to Elead's chair. Once he pulled himself up, and opened the book, he immediately pulled out his favorite color-blue- and began coloring the sky. While he was occupied, the two walked over to Elead's couch.

Clasping her hand between both of his, he asked her how she was.

"I'm good. I have morning sickness but it doesn't last long. As soon as it stops, I feel energetic, then hungry which is good, because I need all my strength to keep up with Matt."

"That's good. I can't have my daughter, and future grandbaby not comfortable."

"Well, we're good. My pants are a little more snug than usual, and I'm sure I'll be showing soon, which mom keeps saying she's excited to see."

Rolling his eyes, he leaned back on the couch.

"Yeah. last night she fell asleep with her laptop in bed, and I saw all these baby clothes in the shopping cart. Your mother is going to spoil that baby rotten."

Running her hand over her stomach, Raquel smiled. She knew it was true, and she figured out her mom wanted to buy something for Baby Marquina the moment she texted her yesterday asking about what supplies she had brought for the child.

"Well, I know you're excited for the baby, but I also know that wasn't the reason you called me over. Is it about Sergio?" Raquel asked, almost afraid about the answer. They were weeks away from getting married, and she didn't want anything to delay their plans. Not to mention with the media circus around them, she wanted to get married, and quickly escape with her shiny new husband. Then, after her honeymoon she wanted to take shiny new husband back home, and get settled into married life before the baby shows up. She was pulled from her thoughts by Elead clearing his throat.

"No. Sergio and I have been working tirelessly on this deal so that it is complete before he gets married. He said he wanted to return with a clean slate so to speak. I don't blame him." Elead took a deep breath before continuing.

"No. This is about Grace."

Raquel stiffened before pulling her hand away. Folding both of them onto her lap, she sighed.

"What does she want?"

Elead himself sighed before answering.

"She wrote me. She's been going to the counseling services offered at the prison, and she claims to be on the path to living a healthy, and balanced life. She said the judge gave her five years, three if she exhibited good behavior."

"Is she appealing her charges?"

"No. and I can tell by the look on your face that you're just as surprised as I am. But, she told me the reason she is not appealing is because she knows the sentence is more than fair, and she has done so much wrong in her life, that no matter what the judge gave her, she was going to take it."

Raquel felt as if she had been kicked in the gut. Who knew prison would reform her mother? She still had a hard time believing it, and who could blame her, but she still was wary about her biological mother's sudden change of heart.

"Why are you telling me all of this? I mean, I appreciate the honesty, but she could have told me this herself."

"I know. She even apologized to me if you can believe it. But, she wanted me to ask you if you wouldn't mind that she called you, or even wrote you. She would like to see you, and she said there are just some things better said in person. She wanted to leave the choice up to you. If you came to see her fine, but if you didn't that would be fine as well."

Raquel was irritated. Her life was fine. She had a man who loved her, a baby on the way, not to mention Matt, who was going to officially become her son once they married. She had a real mother, one who treated her as a mother should, yet she was getting antsy over some stupid letter her father received.

"Let me think about it, dad. Make sure to tell her that. And also not to contact me until I've made my decision."

Standing with Raquel, he nodded. Lowering his voice he spoke quietly.

"I know how you feel, my baby.I admit to feeling the same. But, I have a wife who loves me, and a daughter that I thank God for everyday. Whatever she decides to do no longer affects me."

"How can you just move on like that?"

"I couldn't for the longest time. It wasn't until Marivi, your real mother showed me the importance of forgiveness. That if nothing else, I needed to forgive Grace, so that I could move on with my life. It's the best decision that I ever made. And your mother, she will have to live with her choices."


Sergio had a long day at work, so it was safe to say that he was glad to be home. He could hear the television blaring some kids movie, and Matt screaming, and laughing to whatever Raquel was doing with him. He could also smell adult laughter coming from the kitchen, and assumed it was his fiance.

He was right.

Pulling out a casserole dish, he watched as Raquel pulled back foil, before grinning at whatever it was she made.


Locking eyes with Sergio, Raquel smiled as he walked over to her.


Wrapping his arms around her waist, he smirked before leaning down and kissing her lips.


Sliding his hands from her waist to her stomach caused Raquel to smile through her kiss.

"How is baby Marquina?"

Reaching up, she smoothed his hair back from his face.

"Wonderful, of course."

"Good. And how is Matt?"

Before she could answer, the boy in question screamed his greeting before crashing into Sergio's legs.

"Uncle Sergio!"

Turning around,Sergio picked up Matt before kissing him on his cheek.

"Matt. Did you have a good day?"

Nodding vigorously as Sergio carried Matt over to the dining table, he dropped him in his seat, before taking the one opposite of him.

"Yes. We went to see Grandpa Elead. Then we went to the zoo. Did you know there are seven-hundred and fifty kinds of butterflies?"

Eyebrows raised in surprise, Sergio glanced at Raquel who brought in the dish he could now see was lasagna. Once she set the food down, she ran her hands through Matt's hair giggling.

"Yes, Sergio. There are seven hundred fifty species of butterflies in the United States, and I believe over seventeen thousand in the world. How did you not know that?" She questioned playfully as she turned on her heel, returning to the kitchen to grab the salad, and bread. Sergio leaned his elbows on the table, before shrugging at Matt.

"I guess I'm not too smart."

Matt giggled before copying Sergio placing his elbows on the table.

"It's okay. I can teach ya."

Once Raquel returned to the table, she began serving both of her men.

"This looks great, Raquel. I could get used to this."

Smiling, she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Well, you're going to have to. We're getting married, so this is kind of a perk."

"You cooking for me everyday?"

Snorting, she rolled her eyes before sitting in her own seat.

"You mean me cooking for you some days," she added, with a brow raised. Sergio only smirked.


"Apart from the zoo, Matt said you went to go see Elead?"

Raquel's froze for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah. He told me about Grace."

Sergio's eyes widened, but he could tell that Raquel would tell him everything later.

"Oh. That must have been interesting."

"You have no idea. She has informed my father that she is on a better path. That she is taking her time seriously, and would like to speak with me. Like that's going to clear up everything," she commented before taking a bite of the cheesy lasagna. The table was silent for a while with everyone enjoying their meal before Sergio glanced up at Raquel, and took a sip of his wine.

"Other than your father, and a trip to the zoo, you did nothing else?"

Shaking her head, she grabbed another slice of bread.

"No. Matt, and I came back home to paint some more. I think I'm going to open my own art gallery. I don't want to just feature my work, but other upcoming artist in the area. And I'm thinking of also hosting kid's work. Matt has agreed he would like to see some stuff of his up as well."

The little boy with sauce all over his mouth grinned up at the two of them.


Sergio chuckled at the smiles both Raquel, and Matt shared.

"Well, that's good. I will soon live with two artists. I think it would be great. Plus, it'll encourage younger children who show talent with the arts to try their hand at art, and going through the whole process. What does your father, and mother think?"

"I told Marivi, who I know will let my father know, but she loves the idea. She said I should go to youth centers to promote it. I'm excited. I probably will try to get it running when we return from our honeymoon. Well, I actually have a location picked out, and if that works out, I'll buy the building."

"If you want, put it under my company."


"Because I've also purchased small up and coming companies. It'll also give you a tax break."

Studying his face, Raquel could see that he was serious, but more importantly, she was glad he was letting her do this on her own. Just using the name. Well, it'll be her name soon, but still.

"Just think about it, Raquel."

"I will."

"Good." Sergio took a bite out of his delicious meal before nonchalantly questioning Raquel again.

"So, you did nothing else?"

Swallowing her food, she studied him before frowning.

"No. I have a meeting with Marivi about my dress tomorrow, but nothing out of the ordinary."

Bingo, Sergio thought to himself.

"That's good, love. Hey, I was wondering if you had decided on where you wanted you bachelorette party. You said you were going away, and that you wanted it the weekend before our wedding, which is in three weeks."

"I was thinking of having it next weekend. And I was thinking of Marrakesh. They have lovely textiles, and Marivi has a friend who would not only give us a tour, but would show us the exotic terrain."

Sergio pretended to be shocked, but inwardly he was amused. Raquel really planned to see this through. Well, he would let her. With guards of course, but he would let her.

"Not Paris, huh?"

Laughing, Raquel shook her head.

"No. I'm sure you will take me to Europe. I want us to experience that together. Plus, there is something there that is urging me to go visit."

"I just bet there is," he said under his breath.

"What?" Raquel asked. Shaking his head, he smiled.

"Oh, I was agreeing with you, love. Keep me updated. Matt, Andres, and myself will be spending a guys weekend together. We're thinking football, junk food, and maybe an arcade. What do you think, Matt?"

Raising a small fist in the air, he shouted his agreement.


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