Thirty six

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"Why do you have to leave, Raquel?"

Zipping up her bag, She plopped down onto her bed beside my new son. Running her hand over his hair, he leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"Because I have to. Before people get married, they sometimes have parties for each person separately."

Blinking up at her, Matt scooted closer to her warmth.


Raquel was about to answer, until she realized that she had no clue as to how this celebration happened in the first place.

"That's a good question, Matt. Maybe we can look it up?"

Nodding, he smiled.

"My teacher says that I ask good questions in class."


"Yeah. But some of the other kids don't always like when I ask them."

Zipping the suitcase shut, Raquel plopped onto the bed beside Matt. Pulling him close to her, she kissed his soft hair as he snuggled into her neck. Raquel knew that there was more to it of Matt not wanting her to leave, so she decided to ask him about it. It took a while, but he finally tilted his head and whispered his answer.

"You may not come back."

Gasping, Raquel pulled him closer before kissing all around his head.

"That is insane! Of course I am coming back sweetie! You're my kid. And I will never leave you, ever."

It broke Raquel's heart to see the tears shining in his gaze, but she needed him to know.

"Baby. There will be times that I may have to go somewhere, and you may not be able to come. But it does not mean that I'm not coming home. I will always come home to you and your other sister or brother."

At that, Matt frowned. She smiled at his confusion. She was going to wait until Sergio was with her, but thought this was probably a good time. Taking his hands she placed them on her stomach.

"I'm having a baby. And right now it's here in my stomach."

Eyes wide, Matt scooted closer. The past week alone Raquel started to get a bump, which made her smile, and made Sergio practically become a cave-man. She could see that he noticed the slight bump.

"It's inside of you?"

Giggling, she ran her hand through his hair before leaning over and kissing it again.

"That's right. And you know what that makes you? A big brother. Big brother's always have to be around their younger siblings. I have to be there too. So you see, I can't leave you. Ever." Raquel was relieved to see the smile that stretched across his face. She was moved to tears when she heard him speaking to her stomach.

"I'll never leave you," Matt said with quiet conviction. And it was that conviction that made her all the more determined to see Ava.


Since Alicia, Grace, Marivi, Silene, and Raquel were using Sergio's private jet for their bachelorette weekend, Raquel opted to leave at night. She knew that Matt would be asleep and it would be easier for him if Sergio told him.

"I left my number by his table. Make sure he sees it, Sergio. And make sure he knows that he can call me anytime, day or night, and I will answer."

Pulling Raquel close in the tinted windows of the Audi, Sergio waited until Jacob was standing outside on the tarmac before kissing her. She moaned when he deepened the kiss, settling his big hand over her stomach.

"I will, mama."

Raquel blushed at that, before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know that I'm doing too much but I don't want him to worry."

Kissing her again, he pulled away when he felt her calm down. Looking into her eyes, he used his free hand to smooth her hair away from her face.

"You could stay, you know. Plan an extravagant party here. The wedding is next weekend. No one would fault you for changing your mind."

Sergio watched as she bit her lip, before returning his gaze. He knew that she was going to see his sister, and initially he was all for it. Now however, he wasn't so sure. He trusted Raquel, but Ava was a wildcard. No one knew the lengths she will go to keep her life. Even his conversation with the Senator revealed that Ava wasn't who he thought she was.

"Senator Mick. I'm so glad you picked up. I need to speak with you."

Sergio heard the noise fade in the background before a door shut.

"I'm sorry, but who is this?" The Senator asked politely. Turning in his chair, Sergio faced the view of downtown Seattle from his office.

"I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself. This is Sergio Marquina of Marquina Enterprises." There was a pause on the other end of the phone before the man spoke up.

"Oh. Hello, Mr. Marquina! If you're looking to donate to my foundation, or even to my political campaign which is coming up in the near future you didn't have to call me. I can-"

Sergio interrupted the man with a very devious chuckle.

"You know as well as I do that this is not a call about a donation. This is about your involvement with my sister, Ava Marquina. You remember her, right? Or was it only your brother who was familiar with my sister?"

Gritting his teeth, he barked into the phone.

"Say what you need, so I can get off this phone."

Eyes narrowing, Sergio sighed.

"I see you want to go to prison then. Well, I'll leave you to it, then."

Just as Sergio suspected, Mick shouted into the phone.

"No, wait! Please don't hang up! I'm sorry." Sighing, the man continued to speak.

"Yes, I was involved with your sister. I used her to help me frame Alberto. Once I found out her interest in my brother I used that to my advantage. I committed no crime."

Snorting, Sergio crossed his leg over his knee.

"Murder, and money laundering are not crimes?"

"I did no such thing! That is why I was working with your sister. To frame former Senator Vicuna for his involvement in stealing money from good people! He was a crook!"

"Hello pot. This is kettle. I'm black."

Seething, Mick began to foam at the mouth.

"If you ever-"

"Stop. Stop talking. If you utter one more word I will show you why my name is feared in this world."

At that, Mick swallowed, and Sergio smirked on the other end of the phone.

"Good. Now, I'm going to offer you a deal. A way out, if you will. Failure to adhere, and you're done."

"If I do this, will I be left alone? My debt will be paid?"

"Yes. Now, I know you have recordings of Ava confessing to needing assistance, and such. Basically all of your dealings."


"Good. I want you to send it all to me. I'd like to keep it."

"Why?" The senator asked, to which Sergio cleared his throat.

"I'm insuring that Ava never comes back home. If she wants to run, then so be it. Now, I want you to have all the files sent over to me in the next two days. If I do not receive it, then I will go to the cops with what I know."

"I'll do it, Marquina."

"Why thank you. Oh, and Senator? I have one question. Why did you have Alberto Vicuna killed?"

It was quiet on his end of the phone for a long while before he spoke. When he did, Sergio's eyes widened.

"Because he had what I wanted. And I couldn't bear that. He had Ava warped into believing he was the perfect man. Even if she didn't believe it towards the end, she did in the beginning. I wanted your sister so bad, but then she wanted my brother. I was always the last resort. Since I couldn't have her, I didn't want anyone else to."

"But it's been rumored that you are-"

"I don't care what people think I am," Mick answered. "Your sister always thought she was the prize. And for a while I thought the same."

"You're blaming her."

"No. I'm explaining the reasons for my actions. She wanted my brother. She couldn't have him, so she slept with me. She wanted Alberto. He only wanted her until he saw Ms. Murillo. She wanted to get back at Ms. Murillo, by making sure Alberto caught them in the act together."

"How do you know about that?"

Now it was Mick's turn to laugh.

"She was upset that in the brief moments she had with Alberto, he began to talk nothing about Raquel. She was angry that Raquel was able to take up all his time. She wanted the girl to suffer."

It was quiet on both ends before Mick spoke.

"If it's any consolation, Ava seemed to be selfish. Everything was about her. She didn't care as long as she made out okay. It was why I foolishly thought we would go well together. I am a self-centered individual. I know that, and live through my constituents worshipping me, believing that only I can change their lives for the better. I thought once Ava got over her longing for my brother, she would see me. But, that wasn't the case."

"Aren't you married, Senator?"

"You mean to my wife who is currently sleeping with my campaign manager? It's all smoke and mirrors, Mr. Marquina."

"And the money?"

"Ah, yes. I gave her half the money from my brother's settlement. She thought she was draining me, but it was money i'd already planned to give her. The fresh start she needed."

"Do you know where she is?"

"No. I was just glad she left. I never cared enough to even ask."

"The money you gave her? How will she access it?"

"It's in a private offshore account. I can give you the information, but knowing Ava, she's already changed the codes, and more than likely took all the money. For all intents and purposes, she is officially a ghost."

After hanging up the phone, Sergio glanced over at Jacob.

"Did you get everything?"

Nodding the man smirked.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Wait two days. When the tapes arrive go to the police with this recording."

Standing Sergio grabbed his coat, as Jacob spoke.

"I thought you weren't going to turn him in?"

Raising a brow, Sergio chuckled darkly.

"I lied."

Two days later, after Sergio received the recordings, he went on a quick out of town trip to San Francisco to check up on his future new hires, while the Feds raided the Senator's home, charging and arresting him for murder. Because Ava's name was involved, it brought up that she was on the run, and it was exactly what Sergio needed her to see. That the path she chose would not ensure a happy ending, and that she could never return home. He'd planned on telling Raquel, but he knew that she would need to handle her personally. If anything, he made sure Mick was no longer accessible. That was her only out, and now he was gone. Forever.

"Sergio. Baby, are you okay?" Blinking, Sergio pulled himself from his thoughts before offering his future bride a smile.

"Of course, baby. I'm great. I just don't want you to go. What did you say?"

Sighing, she ran her fingers on the back of his neck.

"I said that I know you don't want me to go, but remember it's a fun trip. Just some girl time to get closer to your mother, and sister-in-law along with my friend and mother. I'll be back before you can miss me too much."

Sergio's lip tilted a bit at the corner.

"I highly doubt that. I already miss you." Unable to help himself, Sergio leaned forward and began kissing along Raquel's neck. She moaned when he hit her special spot behind her ear.

"Ah. Sergio. Sergio, I have to go."

She could feel him smiling against her neck, and was irritated that she couldn't stop her own smile from stretching her face. Sliding his hand from her stomach, he slid it under her dress. Gasping, Raquel let her head fall back onto the cushioned headrest, as he moved her panties to the slid, and began circling her entrance.

"Mmm. Already wet for me."

At this point, Raquel was gasping, clutching at his shoulders, while moving her legs further apart. Trailing kisses from her neck to her chest, Sergio slid to his knees before moving his head under her dress.

"I need to smell you all over me before you leave." Whimpering, Raquel slammed her hand against the window, eyes rolling in the back of her head as she felt his tongue swipe across her clit.

"Sergio. Baby, I don't have time for this. Everyone is-Oh!"

Raquel felt her toes curl in her flats as Sergio continued to suck on her adding two more fingers inside of her, and finding her g-spot easily. He pulled his mouth away, slid his head from under her dress before making eye contact with her.

"You're the future Mrs. Marquina. The pilot, and whoever else will wait until you're good and ready. Well, until I'm ready anyway," he added grinning wickedly at her. As Sergio was talking, he kept moving his fingers inside of her, before lowering his head to her thighs. He spoke against her skin.

"Tell me something, baby. What else will you be doing while away?"

"Huh?" Was all she could get out, as she felt herself about to come from her future husband's wonderful, and talented fingers. Pausing for a moment, he asked the question again, to which she gripped his hair tighter.

"I told you. Just hanging out with the women in our families. Why do you ask?" Glancing up at her quickly, he smirked.

"No reason. I just want to make sure you have everything you need. Feel free to call me, Raquel. About anything."

Before she could question her fiance further, he moved his finger a bit to the left, and Raquel's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she let out a muffled scream. Sergio groaned himself before sliding from under her dress. While she was coming down from her high, she heard him unbuckle his belt, and not caring in the slightest, she pulled him closer to her, kissing herself off his lips.

"I want you in me, Mr. Marquina."

"I want to be in you, future Mrs. Marquina."

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