Secrets Come Out

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Alastor ended up being the one to carry Sans home, though none of the three seemed to mind any. "Ya know Alastor... you're not so bad." Anthony admitted. "... nor are you, AngelDust. I suppose I can tolerate you calling me 'Al'." Sans smiled. This was cute, watching them get along. Unfortunately, it didn't last as some snake looking mother fucker tried to blow them up with some device or another. Nothing that Sans couldn't shortcut them out of the way for. "WE MEET AGAIN, ALASTOR!" Sir Penious hissed. "Oh great, this prick again..." Anthony groaned. "an old pal?" Sans questioned, raising a bonebrow. "Hardly." Alastor replied. Sans huffed out a sigh. He was comfortable and was hardly going to move for someone with a petty toy like that. Even now the snake demon was monologing his entire plan to them, which Sans did admittedly find amusing, he turned the snakes soul blue and with the flick of his phalange Sir Penious went flying. AD immediately looked to Sans. "How do you?!" Sans snuggled into Alastor. "wasn't me." Alastor tried to look at Sans. "I felt your magic stir at your will, Sans." Guess the secret was out, now.


Husk spat out his booze, seeing Sans sleeping on Alastor's shoulder. Alastor of all demons. It was a holy shit moment for Charlie and Vaggie too, the latter of which turned around and walked into the other room thinking she was finally losing it. "Is... is he ok?" Charlie asked with uncertainty. "He's fine, just wiped." AngelDust replied. Charlie looked to the Porn Star. "Where were you guys?"
"Ozzy's!" The Radio Demon answered. "Sans put on quite the show!" Charlie looked at Sans. "You were in the Lust Ring?" Sans felt his cheekbones warm as he listened in. The Lust Ring? Is that why it seemed to far way? Did it mean anything? Sans yawned and made a show of rubbing the sleep out of his sockets. "how long was i out..?" Alastor crouched to let Sans down. "An hour or so."
"Still tired?" Anthony asked. Sans shook his head as he stretched. "nah, al makes a comfy sleeping spot." Alastor turned his head away. "Highly doubtful." Sans smirked, "i dunno, haven't slept that good in years. that says something." Sans waddled to the bar and plopped into his seat. "Years?" That got both their attention and they both could only guess why.


"Could you tell me about monster magic?" Alastor, ever curious, asked as the trio of demons went to upstairs to sleep. Sans... trusted Alastor was no longer a threat to him. "well, it comes- came- in a wide variety. some could use only the elements, some could summon weapons, some could heal..." He thought about his friends. His brother. "And you?" Alastor asked. "... i can do a lot of things..." He replied vaguely. "things i don't wanna use unless absolutely necessary." Alastor went to ask another question, but Anthony quickly stopped him. "welp, goodnight... and you can tell him, if you want, ad. you too, al." They understood almost immediately. "Come then, let us talk about Sans..." Alastor decided. "Yeah... I got some stuff I wanna tell you too..." Anthony agreed.

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