3 - Say hi!

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They were walking to the field where their friends were (sans Thrip, who was hovering next to them), and frankly, it was taking a lot longer than Thrip had thought it would take.

Kirishima and the Crackle-like scavenger apparently named Bakugou, were walking next to Slush, with Sero behind them. Kaminari and Ashido were walking next to Thrip, continuously asking questions about his friends.

"What does Firefly look like?" Kaminari asked him.

"He's a yellow gold color, with a black lightning streak down his neck, with four wings." Thrip answered. Kaminari looked excited.

"What about Flamingo?" Ashido piped up. Thrip thought for a moment.

"She's usually pink, like you, and she has two wings." Thrip told her.

"Usually?" Ashido echoed.

"She can change colors." Thrip said. Ashido's mouth formed a 'o'. Kaminari was about to ask another question, when Slush's voice perked up.

"We're here." They arrived at the field. There were all of Thrip's friends around the trees and the lake. A pink head poked up. Thrip turned to the five.

"Stay back a sec." He whispered to them. Flamingo came running over.

"Thrip! Slush! You're back, we were wondering where you went." She chirped, her wings and tail turning yellow around the edges. Then her eyes widened.

"Did you bring back any fruit? Crackle brought back food, but it was all meat, THE MELON-BRAIN FORGOT SOME OF US DON'T EAT MEAT!" She yelled at him, her hair flicking into a red, before if changed back to a pale pink.

"OH GO LICK A CACTUS!" Crackle yelled back. Thrip giggled.

"No, but we brought back something else." Thrip waved his paw at the five and they came out from behind the bushes. Flamingo pursed her lips.

"That's still meat." She stated plainly. Slush snorted loudly. Thrip eyes widened.

"N-no, t-tha-at's n-no-ot." Thrip stammered, while the five looked very confused. Flamingo had the biggest smirk on her face.

"I'm joking Thrip, chill." Flamingo snickered. Then she put on a confused look, then pointed to the five. "But seriously, who are they, and why do they look like us."

"These are some scavengers we ran into, and they wanted to say hello!" Thrip said. Flamingo looked very interested.

"You should go tell Crackle, I'll bet he'll be very excited." She said, pointing in his direction. She turned to Ashido.

"But first, Hi!" She chirped, "You look just like me!" She was bouncing up and down, coated in different shades bright yellow. Ashido looked just as excited.

"How do you do that?" Ashido asked.

"Hmm? OH, that, that's just a thing Rainwings can do." Flamingo stated, letting a rainbow of colors flow over her wings.

"OOoo, wait, I can also do this!" Flamingo opened her mouth, unhinging her fangs, and shooting out a spittle of black acid onto the ground. Ashido stood there in awe as the acid hissed, then turned back up to her.

"I can do something like that!" Ashido chirped, opening her palm and letting a small burst of white acid fall onto the ground next to the patch of black acid. They both hissed there, burning into the ground. Then Thrip turned to them.

"Okay, we were going to talk to Crackle?" Thrip asked. Several heads nodded. Flamingo noticed and nodded too.

"Yes, and I was going to look for berries or some other thing that's not meat, because of a certain melon head." Flamingo said, growling at the end. "So bye then!" She waved at the five, then flew off. Slush watched her fly away, then sat under a nearby tree.

"Okay then, let's go." Thrip said.

They made their way down through the field, and towards the lake. Most of Thrip's friends are there, clustered around the sides.

Crackle was near a large rock, wrapping several pieces of meat in large leaves. Cardinal and Firefly were on the far side of the same rock, chatting and wrapping meat as well. Spider was next to them, looking the opposite direction. He spotted Thrip and the others as they approached. His face lit up.

"Thrip! You're back!" Spider chirped happily. This caused several heads to turn in their direction. Spider got up and drifted over to them. Landing on the ground, only to stumble back at the sight of, Sero mostly, but the other four were pretty surprising too.

"Whoa." Spider breathed. "That's some next level stuff right there. Are you sure you're not a secret animus, and made clones?" Thrip giggled, then shook his head.

"Pretty sure animus dragons are exclusive to Pyrrhia, but I could be wrong." Thrip hummed. "Would be cool though." Spider turned around and sat back down next to Firefly and Cardinal.

"What's a Pyhirra?" Kaminari asked.

"One of the two islands we live on, Pyrrhia and Pantala. There are seven tribes on Pyrrhia, and three on Pantala." Thrip informed. "Like, for example, Spider and me are from Pantala, where Flamingo and Crackle are from Pyrrhia." Kaminari nodded, but he still looked very confused.

"Are there humans there, one's than don't look like dragons?" Kaminari asked. Thrip thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"I don't know what that is, but if you mean scavengers, know there aren't many on Pantala, but there might be more on Pyrrhia. You see, this is why we came to ask Crackle." Thrip answered, "He knows a lot about them, more than me anyway." He turned to where Crackle was sitting.

"Hey Crackle!" He yelled over to him. He ushered to the five behind him, then they walked over to Crackle. He turned to them.

"Whoa. He looks just like you Bakubro." Kirishima said, nudging Bakugou. Bakugou didn't respond, he just was glaring intently at Crackle, who was glaring right back.

"Thrip." Crackle said slowly.

"Hmm?" Thrip answered.

"What in the venom coated three moons is that." Crackle hissed, pointing his tail barb in Bakugou's direction.


Yeah, another one done. I wrote some of these ahead of time, so I can post them all now, or I can wait.

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