Concert tears

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A/n : I was inspired to write this from a clip of Taehyung crying backstage because he thought he messed up (when he clearly gave his best and all)  SO enjoy some angst and fluff yallsss don't forget to vote comment Yada Yada noW LET'S GET IT


It had all happened so fast, too fast that even some of the keen and observant ARMY couldn't catch it.

But you did, and it hurt you , big time.

You were performing your solo, happily interacting with fans and dancing, until you got distracted by the beautiful ARMY bombs and almost missed your line.

Almost wasn't even the worse bit.

You had quickly brought the mic to your lips to sing your verse, but not only did you miss a beat, but you sang the wrong fucking line.

You missed a beat and sang the wrong fucking line.

You played it cool by pointing the mic to the ARMY's so they could sing it instead while you nodded your head to the beat, concentrating this time.

And you know when you really concentrate you tend to make more mistakes?

Well, you did.

The ending had a high note, but you were too busy beating yourself up from the previous mistake you hadn't even measured the vocal range you had to sing before you placed the mic back on your lips.

Your voice cracked the tiniest bit. The most smallest, unheardable Crack.

But to your ears- the ones connected to the earpiece- made it absolutely clear, that your solo was royally fucked up.

You missed a beat, sang the wrong line, and your voice cracked.

That was the tipping point.

ARMY'S chanted your stage name, screamed happily for you when your solo ended, oblivious to your pain behind your smile, and you were lowered down under the stage to be brought backstage for intermission, which was thankfully right after yours, so you had a time to rest before returning to perform boy with luv.

You were brought backstage, panting , tired and sore from the dancing. You were thankful your stylist navigated you, because the only thing on your mind was how you fucked up.

Bangtan was in the lounging room resting, only Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon was out to congratulate you for your performance, and when they saw you, Jungkook immideately ran to hug you happily, also oblivious to your pained state.

"You did amazing, (Y/n)!" He cheered when you collapsed on the chair, an ice pack placed on your sore neck, and unfortunately, a cameraman had came to you as if sensing some drama to record the live scene that was happening for the Love Yourself in Seoul DVD.

"I didn't, I messed up," You said quietly, which only Jimin- who was in front of you- heard over the loud fans screaming, you hoped the editors of the movie couldn't hear as well so this clip would be cut out or not make it into the subtitles.

"You did not mess up," he said comfortingly, making you scoff.

"I sang the wrong line, missed a beat and my voice cracked." You said out loud so now they could hear you over the noise, the managers and staff had busied themselves arranging everything backstage,  ARMY screaming and chanting even during intermission.

Namjoon and Jungkook heard you loud and clear now, Namjoon had noticed how you kept biting your lip and how glossy your eyes were, so being the sensible leader he was, he had politely asked the cameraman to stop the scene and give you personal space, as much as it would make good content in the DVD, ARMY didn't need to see you in such state.

Once the cameraman captured everything, he bowed and left you alone. Namjoon immideately crouched down in front of you right next to Jimin.

"(Y/n) look at me," he said, cupping your face and you complied, "You did not mess up, we all make mistakes sometimes."

Jungkook began softly rubbing your back and that's when you broke down in tears.

"I- I fucked up, guys, I royally fucked up this time," You cried into your sweater paws, uncontrollably sobbing at the horrible memory of your performance. More than 100,000 ARMY'S were there, one out of them would have definitely noticed.

"(Y/n)," Jimin stood to pull you in a hug, fully knowing how you felt, letting you sob into his chest as Jungkook didn't stop rubbing your back, the three Bangtan members trying to calm you down.

"I fucked up, guys, I'm so stupid," You hiccuped, gripping the back of Jimin's shirt, crying. Jimin had started to rub your back soothingly, replacing Jungkook's hand.

"I'll take care of it." Jimin told the maknae and the rapper, and they both looked at him smiling softly, fully trusting Jimin on calming you since he's been there already.

"Let's talk about it after your calmed, Love." Namjoon said, Jungkook kissing the crown of your head, his heart breaking at your glossy cheeks before the both of them walked away,  giving Jimin and you some space.

Jimin waited for you to calm down before he talked, softly stroking your hair or rubbing your back, keeping his strong grip on you, hugging you to him and letting you know he was there for you.

"I'm sorry," You sobbed into his chest, pulling apart and showing your puffy eyes, your cheeks flushed and you panted, exhausted from the dancing, singing,  worrying and now crying, "I'm so sorry, Jimin, I di- I didn't mean to burden you-"

"Shh Shh," he coed, stroking your hair, "Please don't apologize, it's okay, your okay."

"I'm didn't mean to fail," You started, small tears still streaking down your cheeks, which the vocalist wiped with his thumb, "I really didn't! I'm such and failure!" You cried out tiredly, and Jimin brushed your hair.

"Your not a failure, (Y/n), your a perfetionist, that's why you feel so burdened by this," he said, softly wiping your tear stained cheeks, "Honestly, you were so amazing tonight, from the start of the concert up until now, you did amazing, you know? People make mistakes, and you need to realize that you're human too," he smiled, hugging you too him once he realized you were going to cry again.

"You gave your best, ARMY'S loved it, they were so happy chanting and singing to you, (Y/n), and ARMY'S happiness is the most important, right? They don't care if you messed up- not that they realize it," He said, provibg a point, and he wasnt one omto lie, especially to you.

"You have worth and value beyond your current state, you are not alone," he continued, feeling you crying again against his shoulder, "This is not who you are, (Y/n), it is simply what you did, you are not a failure, and a simple,unnoticeable mistake will not make you one, you're never alone. You have me, you have us." He smiled, remembering Yoongi's little poem, "What a relief we have each other, right?"

You chuckled through tears, and pulled away from the hug, smiling as wide as ever, and Jimin couldn't help to smile wider too, his eyes smiling with him.

"Thank you, Jimin hyung," You said, your voice hoarse from the crying.

"Yah, that's enough crying for now," Jimin teased, wiping the last streaks of tears from your eyes, "Let's meet up with the others and get you something to drink, yeah?"

You couldn't help but smile, your heart happy and your limbs absolutely sore and exhausted.


And when you both entered the room Bangtan had been in and was immideately tackled by Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook in a hug, Jin hyung whining 'I want to hug my youngest child!' Jokingly, and Namjoon and Yoongi helplessly trying to pry you out of their death grip, ended with you in the middle of a huge group hug, you realized Jimin was right.

What a relief you had each other.

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