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request by: @l0vely-ang3l​

Genre: Slight angst; slight crack; fluff; comfort

Words: 2.6k+ 

Summary: it was hard enough to hide the fact you're dating from the public, but its harder to hide the fact from your seven brothers, who literally act like your real brothers even off-camera.

Pairing: BTS x reader (platonic); Implied Sope; Implied Taekook; slight mention of Choi Jongho 

Note: The reader here is 17, so the year set here is 2017 during their ly album when jungoo was about 19~20 (though it's not mentioned, just to clarify these lil details)

Also: Shout out to anyone who can spot the BuzzFeed unsolved reference here hehe

GIF by myloveseokjin

"Yeah, don't worry. I just got home," You say into the phone with a small smile, kicking your shoes and taking your coat off, the phone between your shoulder and your ear, "I will, stop worrying so much!" You giggle into the receiver as you looked into the body mirror, a huge smile on your face, taking your phone into your hands, "See you soon, I love you too." You say, before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Jimin suddenly appeared from the doorway, making you jump as you suddenly saw him from the mirror, yelping.

"Who was what? there's no one here," You say, shoving your phone in your pocket, "Aish Jimin are you on that crazy, unhealthy diet again? there's no one here but me."

Jimin fakes offended, following you as you walked over to your table where all your makeup was, him circling you and looking at your outfit, "You're wearing your favorite hoodie and jeans that you've only worn once when you were at that G dragon concert claiming its an 'attractive, hot smoking pair'.... almost looks like you've got a date," Jimin sneered, obviously thinking that wasn't it.

"Ha! with who? I was just out with Yeji, you know, like I always do," You say, and Jimin eyes you weirdly.

"You say that as you smell like the Victoria Secret perfume you only use when you're at award shows?" Jimin questions, then he gasps, as in putting two and two together, "No... don't tell me you..really had a date?!"

You immediately turned around and clasp your hand over Jimin's mouth, looking frantically around. Thankfully the other members were nowhere in sight, probably doing their own thing somewhere around the building or the studio.

"Shut up!"

"Mmmmm!" Jimin says, inaudible because of your hand clamping his mouth, and you only removed your hand when he stopped moving completely. But when you let go, he grabs both of your shoulders and shakes you, as if you've lost your mind.

"Are you crazy? With who? Does the staff know? The hyungs? Did you sneak out? How many times did you sneak out before this? oh my god, what if dispatch catches wind of this- (Y/n)- are you crazy?!"

You move over to grab both of his hands that were shaking you to stop him, "You're being dramatic." "I am not!" Jimin blurts dramatically, grabbing your shoulders again and you couldn't help but roll your eyes, "It's just... when?"

"In my defense, I had been seeing him for almost five months now and-"

"(Y/n) is dating?!" A cry from the wide-open doorway was heard, both of you and Jimin's heads turned to see Jeongguk with his mouth gaping open, next to him Taehyung who had his eyes widened comically, not believing what his ears had overheard.

"Why are you guys standing by the doorway like that?" Yoongi's drowsy, grouchy voice was heard from the outside, and you shook your head to both Taehyung and Jeongguk who was still in overdramatic shock, standing by the doorway, you mouthing 'don't tell him, don't tell him!' because you knew if Yoongi knew you were dating, he's going to beat your ass.

"(Y/n) has- she has a boyfriend!" Taehyung says, still sounding shocked himself and you shot him a glare, and he shook his head like you were the criminal here, and Jeongguk looks at Tae slowly, his mouth still gaping like a fish, like he didn't believe what Taehyung had said.

"She has a what," Yoongi says, his tone not implying Taehyung repeat it, and he didn't. Yoongi sounding more wide awake now. He walked over, pushing the two maknaes from the doorway to your room, his eyes meeting yours, and the scene of you, fixed with Jimin's hand tightly on your shoulders and a nervous grin on your face.

"Eheh... Heyy... Yoongi hyung.. um, how was your rest?" You asked, followed by nervous laughter, your eyes passing Yoongi's head to signal you are so fucking dead to me to the two maknaes who looked at you with much horror.

"How was my rest? let's all take a seat down at the living room as I call Namjoon, then we can all talk about my rest, yeah?"

"Ah, you- you don't need to do that, hyung! I was just going to sleep too anyway," you gave your best fake yawn, stretching, as you attempted to walk past Yoongi.

Only he grabbed you by your shoulder as you passed him, and you sweatdropped.

"I'm pretty sure we have more important matters to talk about."

Yeah no shit.


A quiet awkward silence passed through the living room as all 8 members of Bangtan had gathered there, Namjoon sitting on the couch opposite to you, the three maknaes spread on the floor, Yoongi and Hoseok sitting on the couch with Yoongi folding his arms and Jin standing behind, a stern look on his face.

You would've imagined if this were a western film, a tumbleweed would've passed right through the middle of the living room as all eyes were on you, Hoseok and Jin having no clue what was going on but sensing it was something bad that you had done.

"Do you have anything you want to say, (Y/n)?" Namjoon asked, looking at you with no hostility in his voice. It was obvious Yoongi had told him what happened, but still, being the great leader he was, he always tried to take every situation lightly, never trying to force out anything from his members like some interrogation.

Much to Yoongi's dismay, who'd love to just do the latter.

But you understood why Yoongi was like that. He had trust issues yet he trusted his members with his whole heart, you knew he also just wanted the best for you. Ever since debut Yoongi was with you for all those years along with the other members, you've never had a boyfriend before. So it was no surprise at how Yoongi was reacting. You were practically a baby in his eyes.

"Uh, no." You say, earning a light scoff from Yoongi.

"No my ass," Yoongi muttered, earning a chuckle from the leader, "The fuck are you laughing at?"

"Then, do you have anything to say, hyung?"

Yoongi's ears turn red at Namjoon calling him out, "Yeah, (Y/n) has a boyfriend she's been seeing for five months and we didn't know about it- why are you so calm about this?"

"(Y/n) has a what?!" Now it was Seokjin who shrieked dramatically, walking up to hug you from behind, "But.... you're a baby!"

"Hey... Jimin's the baby of the group." Taehyung says under his breath, Jimin laughs a little, his shoulders shaking from his little giggle, and Jeongguk looks offended.

"ARMY says I'm the baby, though," He says with a pout, Taehyung sighs, pulling both Jimin and Jeongguk who was on each of his side close to him, all three heads touching.

"All three of us are the babies," he says, opening one of his eyes to meet yours, "Innocent and pure, unlike you, demon woman." he hissed tauntingly, and you looked down at your fingers, sighing and not up to your brother's jokes.

"Would you like to confirm that, (Y/n)?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, it's true. Look I'm sorry okay? I just... I'm just a little overwhelmed of this idol life and I needed an escape.. he's my best friend and I had a crush on him since before my trainee days. I'll... I'll break up with him if it would make you happy." you say, specifically looking at Yoongi, who turned away from you, his face still mad and pouted, even after your statement.

Seokjin was still hugging you from behind and when Namjoon didn't reply, you thought he was disappointed in you. And Hoseok decided to step in.

"I don't think it's a bad thing, Joon," Hoseok says, surprising Yoongi who sat next to him, but didn't attempt to stop him talking, "She said she's been dating him for five months, and we- or, fortunately, dispatch, didn't know about it, I think she's capable of hiding it."

"But until when?" Seokjin says now, "I mean, I'm all for it, I support (Y/n) too," He says, ruffling your hair, "But I'm just worried... what if he hurts and breaks your heart? I don't want you to be depressed and sad.. you're our little sister.."

"Say something, Joon," Yoongi says, poking Namjoon's thigh. 

All 7 members but you turned their heads at their leader. If there was one thing they shared in common, besides their over love for food and fighting over discount coupons that were given as prizes every time they had run BTS, it was respecting their leader's choices and never arguing on it. Namjoon was and is the leader for a reason, after all.

But you were afraid of what he was going to think of you. You looked up to Namjoon a lot. If you hear him agreeing more to Yoongi, you knew you're never going to see him the same way again.

"I think..." Namjoon says, then he looks up with a soft smile, coming to a decision, "I think it's alright," he says, and you finally look up to see if he was joking, but Namjoon's eyes only held empathy, no disappointment in them.

"But-" Yoongi started, but Namjoon cuts him off with an, "I'm not finished,"

"I'm a little disappointed that you didn't inform us, but kept it a secret for five months now, because if something could've happened to you in public if you were out with him we wouldn't be able to help you, (Y/n)," He says, sounding like a parent more than a brother, "We're a team, we're not supposed to keep secrets from each other. We're you planning to keep it a secret forever if Jimin hadn't caught you?"

You only nodded, looking down shamefully, as if being told off by your father, and Namjoon sighs.

"I understand your motive, (Y/n), I can only imagine how hard it is for you." He says, "I won't tell the company about this, you have my word."

Your eyes lit up, feeling relieved of what Namjoon had said, "re-really?"

"You're not gonna tell them?" Yoongi asked, looking at the leader, and Hoseok adds on

"Yeah, are you sure not just informing them is really the best idea? We don't always have to make it public, for safety, y'know?" he says, but Namjoon gave both of them a knowing look and a slight grin.

"Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung, her dating secret isn't the only secret we're not telling the company. if you remember what I had caught the both of you doing that one time in the studio-"

"I get it I get it! Okay fine a secret it is," Yoongi says, covering his ears, the four maknaes looking at the two of them weirdly as if getting the message.

"Really?" Jin asked, having shut your ears, "Right in front of the kids? Have you no shame?" he asked, causing Hoseok to laugh nervously.

"Can we not talk about this?" Hoseok says, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, "But.. who's the guy, (Y/n)?"

You looked down shyly, "He's my old friend... Now a contestant of MixNine... Choi Jongho.." 

"Who's that?" Taehyung asked, tilting his head, "Oh my god, is he older than you?"

You shake your head, "He's about my age, we were classmates since kindergarten, and he's been dreaming to be an idol too!" you exclaim happily, and Jimin smiled.

"Well, at least you look happy," He says, cooing, happy for you, "I've never seen you this happy and excited since we watched G dragon live."

"She's blushing too," Jeongguk states, "Gross, stop acting like a girl!" he says, not used to your shy demeanor. 

You giggled a little, and Namjoon shakes his head, "But you have to know that dating isn't your first priority and that if your planning to dance with the devil, you need to live with it when he sets you on fire. Okay, (Y/n)?" 

"I know," You say, "I'll keep that in mind,"

"Wait, I realized something," Jin says, having been playing with your hair the whole time, "You're only 17... you- you use protection right?"

"What? no-! I mean- we don't do that, hyung! I love him! Not dick deprived!" you say, causing him to laugh.

"I know, just... make sure you don't do it until you're 18," he says, "And also don't do it in your room- or the whole dorm."

"I second that," Hobi responds, and you covered your face that was reddening from what they were saying.

"Gosh, I'm not ready for that," you giggle, now in a better mood than you were before, the spirits lifting in the room as you turn away from their teasing.

And your eyes met Yoongi's.

Yoongi looked at you with a soft gaze. You knew he acted how he was just because he probably realized that you're not the 14-year old who debuted with them during 2013 but now almost 18 and someone who wouldn't need the opinions and guidance of her older members she calls her brothers.

You and Yoongi are close, admittedly you're closer to him than any other member, and one of Yoongi's fears was that one day, a day will come when you won't need him anymore. He must've thought that day was probably today.

You can only hope that he knows how wrong he is.

"Bring him here sometime, I'd like to meet him," Yoongi says when he stands, walking over to ruffle your hair, "But also know that this doesn't mean shit and your still the baby of the group, despite the only one with a significant other."

"Are you sure she's the only one with a significant other, hyung?" Hoseok asked teasingly, wriggling his eyebrows, and Yoongi glares at him to shut the fuck up Hoseok you're not helping at all, Hoseok giggles, finding it adorable as he stands up to join Yoongi too, "but I agree with hyung! Bring him over sometime!" he says, kissing your forehead- a typical Hobi thing, before leaving to probably the studio again. 

"I'll go make sure Yoongi and Hoseok actually start producing, and not doing other things," Namjoon chuckles, standing to follow the two out, patting your shoulder as he passed you, "But I'm really proud of you. Don't hide anything from us anymore okay?"

Jin sighs with a smile, "Glad that's over. Now if you'll excuse me, hyung needs to make dinner for the babies," he says as he stands, humming as he walks over to the kitchen.

"I thought I was the only baby," Jimin grumbles and Tae sighs.

"We're fighting about who's the baby here, but are we not considering how she has a boyfriend yet we're still single?" Kookie pouts, and you can't help but roll your eyes

"I'm just irresistible," You say, looking at Jimin so he'd back you up, and Jimin nods vigorously, making you smile, "See? Jimin agrees!"

"Oh come on, just date me," Taehyung winks and Jeongguk fake gagged

"In a million years, hyung," you hear Jeongguk retort and Jimin giggle, "Aish, enough of this, (Y/n), play overwatch with me!"

Jeongguk pulls you up and Jimin and Tae follow, Tae mumbling about how he'd be an amazing boyfriend and Jimin laughing the whole way.

Needless to say, nothing has changed. Except that you probably love your brothers even more now. Not just because of the fact that you could trust them and solve problems easily when you're together, but also because no matter what they'll always love and support you. Their baby sister.

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