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"Be polite, smile a lot, don't give personal info, don't be rude even if the fans are rude to you, show interest in them, don't make things look so serious, and don't disappoint" the event manager said, Bangtan all nodded enthusiastically

"We haven't got our seat arrangements yet" Hobi wondered out loud

"Let's rock paper scissors it" you suggested, placing your water bottle down as everyone smiled and gathered around, the staff thinking that it was only fair rather than assigning random seats.

"Win or lose, rock paper scissors!"


We walked out and Namjoon smiled, waving to the rows of ARMY's waiting patiently for them

"ARMY, thank you for coming to our fansign" he said in his mic, and Jimin shouted

"ARMY, I LOVE YOU!" making everyone giggle at his cute act.

Jungkook gave a wave to the fans, then looked at his hands as if he were afraid of his fingers or something, but then he picked the mic to his mouth "I can't wait to talk to you all again.... what a gift it is you can all come today" He said, and ARMY's scream at his husky low voice.

"Let's take a lot of pictures and have fun, shall we ARMY?" You asked, and the replied with screams and cheers as we moved to the table.

The seating arrangements were, Tae went first, followed by Jimin, then Namjoon, next to him was Jin, then it was Jeongguk, and then me, and Yoongi was next to me, followed by Hoseok last.

There was a short 5 minute break for the fans who was getting ready to meet the idols. While the break started, You looked at Yoongi and grinned.

"What's wrong with you?" He said, chuckling as he grabbed his marker pen.

"I'm just very excited, I feel so nervous to meet them" You said, laying your hand on the table.

"Aren't they supposed to feel that?" Yoongi replied, looking at the fans who were checking their albums and making sure everything was okay. "This isn't your first fan sign after all"

"It's not my first, but I'm sure as hell not good at it" you sigh, taking a sip of your water "I just hope whatever bullshit I deal with today is not as bad as last time"

"You improved a lot, y'know" Jungkook said, lightly squeezing your hand under the table "Plus, you're in the middle of Yoongi Hyung and me, if any fans are threatening-looking, I know for a fact that Yoongi hyung will give them a proper ass-whooping" He said which made Yoongi nod casually as if it was normal, and that made you laugh.

Not long after, the first row of fans started coming.

"Hello!" you said and the first girl smiled when she reached you, you grinned and took her book from Yoongi and flipped it open to the page you were supposed to sign, there was a sticky note there, and a question.

Who's your favorite member?

I chuckled, writing 'all, can't choose :)'

When you turned to the girl, she was blushing like crazy, you held her hand, "Are you okay-"

"YOUR MY BIAS AND MY BIAS WRECKER AND MY BIAS BIAS BIAS WRECKER AND I LOVE YOU" She said, squealing, alarming the boys and your manager, but they laughed it off, seeing it wasn't a threat. You chuckled at her behavior and squeezed her hands, glad there were fans like her who loved you.

"Thank you so much, but don't tell anyone that, especially Jin" You whispered secretly and closely as if it were a secret, and she started giggling "Promise me okay~?"

She interlocked her pinkie with yours, and you both laughed as she was told to move next, you handed Yoongi her book.

"(Y/N) SSI!" A fan yelled from below, you smiled as you looked at the crowd who were filming you and decided to do a heart aegyo just before the next fan came to you.

"Anyeong!" The next fan smiled, handing you her album "Can (Y/n) ssi tell me how she stays so beautiful?"

You chuckled "Beauty is in the heart, I would thank my stylist for the appearance" you said, signing her book and writing notes on it.

"But how does (Y/n) Ssi handle being in a dorm with seven handsome oppas??" She asked, you leaned in closer to her and grabbed her hand.

The girl giggled at my response "What's your name?" you asked

"Jae Hwa" She smiled, you wrote it on her book, with a couple of side notes.

"Well, Jae Hwa, you are very lucky because I might invite you to the dorm one day so you can feel it yourself" you winked, she squealed and thanked you for making her day as she moved along.

"I wonder where my favorite red hoodie went, last time I let (Y/n) ssi stay with me, it disappeared" Jungkookie said to the mic, pretending to think as fans started laughing.

"Implying something, international playboy?" you asked, raising your eyebrows jokingly as you propped your elbows on the table to lean front and look at him "I'll give it baccckkk, you stole my heels and I didn't even whine about it!"

Army's laughed at Jungkookie's embarrassed expression, hiding his blushing face, you patted him on the shoulder and chuckled as the next fan came to you, a present in hand.

"(Y/n) ssi, this is for you!" She said, placing a flower crown on my head "I love Ethereal so much (Y/n) ssi, You are such a great singer!"

"Thank you so much~" You said shyly, opening her book and saw her note

When is (Your rap name) going to have another collab with Agust D? I Love you both TT

You chuckled, writing ;Please wait for it noona, and I love YOU!!

She giggled as she took the book back, waving at you and you waved back.

Another fan came along, but she passed you, with a light but audible scoff. You sighed, it's not the first time, but is sucks A LOT to be hated on by ARMY's who only loved the boys.

Yoongi had noticed the sad look on your face and gently took your hand under the table while talking to her, his jaw clenching and you lightly squeezed his hand, telling him it was okay and was fine with it.

"Why did you skip (Y/n)?" Yoongi blurted out, the Army looked confused.

"Yah, who is (Y/n)?" She asked, but before Yoongi answered, she moved on to Hoseok, who greeted her with a sunshine smile, either oblivious to the situation or was trying to retain a good image.

The Army below seemed to notice and was smiling and doing hearts at you, while some of them were blowing kisses "FIGHTING (Y/n) SSIIIII!!" they yelled, as if feeling your pain, you gave them a heart back, telling them you truly appreciated their support.

The next fan came to you and Jungkook, a bag in her hands "Here! This is for (Y/n) unnie and Kookie oppa! Eat a lot and share okay!" She smiled, giving us the bag. Inside were full of sweets and chocolates that made your and Guk's eyes lit up, enough to make you both forget about the nickname she had called you.

"Ahhhh, Kookie needs to cut off his sugar, thank you sweetie!" You joked, taking the bag and putting it under the table, Kookie whined like a baby

"Buttttttttt!" he said, pretending to cry as he pouted "Noona, (Y/n) is so mean to me" He said, turning to the girl as she giggled at the both of you, the army screaming '(Y/KOOK)!'

Jungkook proceeded to talk with the girl, and you looked at Yoongi, who had was smiling at a camera, and decided to join him, the Army smiling when we both did and aegyo together "Thank you (Yoon/n)!" She smiled as you blew a kiss to her.

"(Y/n) ssi" The fan that gave you and kookie the sweets said, smiling at me, you gave her my full attention. "My name is Seo Yun" "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" you smiled, signing her book and answering her question

If (Y/n) and her hyungs had a fight, who apologizes first?

Both of us. But usually it's me because I can't stand fights TT

I gave her back her book and she smiled "(Y/n) ssi is so caring!" She gushed, you laughed and patted her cheek.

"I just think that everyone in this world deserves chances" you said, she smiled and thanked you, moving onto Yoongi.

Surprisingly, everything went swimmingly after that. You received more gifts than you received during your first fan sign, and you had only encountered less rude ARMY's than you had thought you would, thankfully security had thrown them out and Yoongi didn't have to do what Jeongguk had called 'ass whooping'. And in the end, you and the boys were enjoying every second of their fansign.

You yawned and covered your mouth as you laid your head on Jeongguk's shoulder, he lifted his shoulder and your head fell, you repeated your actions but Jeongguk had shrugged you off again "YAH KOOK!"

Jeongguk had a playful 'come get me' grin, but you were having none of his bullshit, so you faced Yoongi, and he had a 'don't even think about it' glare

"Are you tired (Y/n) ssi?" An ARMY asked you, and you shook your head, picking up your microphone

"No no, my head is just heavy" You said casually, making Jin snort.

"Everyone, what do you call a sleeping bull?" He asked, making ARMY curious and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"A bulldozer" Jin laughed, and Jimin bit his lip, as if telling himself 'don't laugh, don't laugh'

"What do you call a sleeping Dinosaur?" Jin asked again, looking at Jimin this time, Jimin picked up his mic.

"Enlighten me, hyung"


Jimin, being Jimin, actually burst out laughing at the stupid joke and your sighed loudly, why is it always like this at fan signs? you could've sworn he told that joke already before.

You we're having so much fun talking with ARMY that when the last person came, you actually felt really sad.

"No, NO COME BACK :(" You cried when she moved to Yoongi because time was up, Yoongi took the album from your hands and you hissed. "I will miss all of you!"

You pouted as you sat there, waiting for the last ARMY to move down the stage so you can do your last group photo and say goodbye.

You actually enjoyed today and that was why you were so sad to leave them, most of them had been really nice to you and gave you great gifts, so when everyone finished taking a photo and wanted to leave, you had shouted in the mic "ARMY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" which they replied with screams twice as loud.

Namjoon had to drag you so you would stop blowing your signature kisses to them and you cried dramatically as Namjoon (With the help of Hoseok) pushed you behind the curtain backstage.

and as you walked down, you could hear still hear the ARMY's shouting that they love you as well.

You placed a hand on your heart, ignoring the boys laughing. Yeah, you'll look forward to fan signs from now on

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