Injury V Live

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warnings: mentions of injuries? like hitting your head and bleeding, if that's even considered a warning lol

Genre: Fluff; crack, hints of angst if you squint

Pair: ot7 x reader (platonic)

Summary : You were on bed rest, so lets make a V live and scare the fuck out of ARMY because of your injury

A/n: enjoy!

"And, we're live" You say as you turned the camera on. Jungkook smiled into it as he saw ARMY's entering the live one by one, spamming the chat instantly as you hid behind Jungkook, wanting to surprise ARMY of your new... look.

"Good evening ARMY!" Jungkook laughed as you were giggling behind him, once the live got a million views did you come out of hiding.

"Hello!~" You sang, on instant, ARMY's began spamming more and more on why the fuck was there a huge bandage wrapped around your forehead?!!!

You giggled some more and sat yourself beside Jungkook, who was smiling while reading the live chat that was worrying over you.

"Don't worry ARMY~ I just fell during practice" You said, laughing and leaning into Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yeah, 'Just Fell' is not what I would call it" Jin said from the doorway, then left as he was just passing by. You stuck your tongue out at the oldest.

"I just fell!" You said. But the ARMY's knew you too well so they spammed the chat as well, Jungkook reading some of them out loud.

Wasn't this like that one time (Y/n) had a sprained ankle because she, quote unquote, 'just tripped'

And also that one time she passed out because she was 'just tired'

And if mama Jin said otherwise then I bet it's something that gave him a heart attack!

"Okay okay your right!!" You whined, covering your face in shame "I'm a dancer so I shouldn't be like this!"

"That just proves that I'm the better Maknae" Jungkook grinned and that made you smack his shoulder.

"You sprained your wrist!" You argued back and Jungkook just shook his head.

"But it's healed now, and I didn't sprain it because I danced, I sprained it because I was saving you smartass"

"Well look how successful that had been" You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes playfully at him and turned to the camera.

"Please don't listen to the Golden Maknae, everyone, he is the reason I hurt my head" You said dramatically.

The chat blew up with how much they wanted to hear the story, so you cleared your throat.

"Okay, so, I was innocently dancing to my part in Anpanman, you know, I had a lot of running and jumping, and running jumping parts.." You started.

"Innocently?" Jungkook laughed and looked at you, "There was nothing innocent with you! Now that I think of it, you we're trying to make me fall.."

"Shut up, how am I going to convince them I'm the victim now??" You jokingly said, turning to him and wanting to hit him again, but you took a deep breath.

"You know what, okay, he is right, I wanted him to fall. But only because he finished the milk and I had to eat cereal dry, and WHO does that??!" You asked at the camera, everyone sticking on your side and you smirked at Jungkook.

"Okay, I am defeated" He sighed jokingly "But you gave me- no, EVERYONE, a heart attack, even the camera man"

"Oh, so THAT's why it's not going to get uploaded.." You trailed off, tapping your chin. "Okay! At least they have this V live so they know what's going on!"

"But seriously though.." Jungkook asked, turning his body to you "What the heck was running through that cracked head of yours??"

"I wanted to trip you for finishing the milk" You shrugged, "Then my leg got caught onto Yoongi's, and you were behind him jumping, and I ran into you and you we're pulling me down with you"

"And I tried to catch you" Jungkook stated

"Yeah but I landed under you, nice job at that Anpanman" You patted his shoulder.

"And my wrist hit the floor too!"

"I have a still bleeding gash" You rose an eyebrow in him "But I'm stronger so it's okay"

"How are you stronger exactly?"

"Because I'm a woman" You smiled, and he mumbled a 'yeah good point'

"Oh my god, I wish I had their reactions on camera though, so everyone could see it and make a meme out of it!" You laughed "It was fucking HILARIOUS!"

"You were sobbing" Jungkook asked with a chuckle at the memory

"Yeah because it hurt but I was technically laughing in the inside"

"No, no you were sobbing and crying into Yoongi while Namjoon ran out to call the-"

"Okay stop it's so embarrassing!!" You cried and his into Jungkook's shoulder as ARMY's began questioning about the other member's reactions and some asking if you were okay. "I'm okay now, but I didn't remember all of that actually, I thought I passed out.."

"Oh it really happened" Jungkook said, laughing as he stretched his wrist. "You want me to tell the story?"

"Yesss!" You and all of ARMY cheered.

"Well, You hit your head on the floor and I fell on top of you, that hurt my wrist real bad.." He started "Hmm, oh, then the music was stopped and the camera made a cut, and Namjoon hyung ran outside to call someone. Yoongi hyung had pulled you to his lap because you wouldn't stop screaming, and- oh my god I think Jin hyung had a mixture of a seizure and a panic attack"

"Aw man, I wanted to see" You pouted.

"It wasn't funny at that time but it sure was now" Jungkook laughed "Jin hyung acted like he was the injured one at that time"

"So, Tae tried to shut Jin up and Hoseok hyung was with you... I think he was checking you for more injuries than the obvious bleeding, and Jimin was with me, he was actually crying too" Jungkook chuckled, pulling on his hoodie over his head

"Why was Jimin crying?" You asked, titling your head and ARMY's asked the same, although some knew.

"Did you head how hard you hit your head? It sounded like hyung's Timberlands hitting the floor!" he ranted, I tapped his thigh twice to ground him and remind him that there was a live camera rolling. And Jungkook gulped down and smiled again. "Sorry, I think I lost it for a moment, I was actually worried too" He said honestly. "Namjoon came back so quick that you'd think he didn't leave. Anyways, after that, all was good, he got someone who could patch you up, practice was cancelled so in a way you saved the day" He grinned and it made you roll your eyes.

"This sucks, I hate this so much" You groan and throw yourself onto Jungkook's lap so you can lie down on his lap. ARMY, of course, knew that you and them were like brothers and sister so they didn't mind, although they still ship it, but then again they always will.

"Kookie! (Y/n)! Look at who it is!" Tae said, suddenly, a little yapping Yeontan ran into your arms "Oh, your live, hello ARMY! It's Yeontan!"

"Stop stealing the spotlight!" You whine as Yeontan started licking your face

"Aww, fine. I was going to make another live anyway" He pouted, then called for Yeontan, which the dog gladly came back into his dad's arms. "I'll be outside, come out after your done!"

"Yeah yeah" you said, then turning to the camera "I love you ARMY!! See you in probably Tae's V live after this as I try to steal Yeontan" you made a heart and giggled into the camera, ARMY replying back with adorable stickers to you

"We have to go now, have a great day! We love you!" Jungkook said, then he and you replied to some last minute texts and signed off.

"YEONTAN COME HERE!!" You squealed and ran out to Jimin and Tae as if you didn't have a bandaged head that literally just smashed onto the dance floor, leaving Jungkook chuckling behind.

Maybe you were the better Maknae. But he won't tell that.

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