Swallowing These Feelings Through A Bendy Straw

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A vanilla flavored crepe was drizzled with honey and topped off with powdered sugar. The folded pastry was carefully scooped up with a spatula and was placed onto a porcelain plate housing three more of said sweet treats. A small bowl of sliced strawberries, kiwis, and blueberries sat next to it. An omelet with sprinkled chives was on another plate. That breakfast item had been placed next to a tall glass of homemade orange juice. Everything was kept together on a wooden carrying tray.

Alessandro picked up the small table when he heard shuffling bed sheets down the hall. His footfalls were cushioned by an old pair of moccasins. They helped to keep the area quiet as a means of cementing an air of peace.

When passing the glass wall, green eyes took in a picturesque view.

The pool was rippling and sparkling. Surrounding trees were flourishing with leaves and tiny flowers. An awakening city could be made out far in the distance.

Overall, it was a beautiful day. Which was perfect considering there'd be a pool party/barbecue happening in a few hours.

Upon reaching the doorway to a shared bedroom, Lance's sluggish form was seen gazing out of the window.

Half lidded eyes blinked slowly. Chest length hair was flying in multiple directions. A thin sheet pooling in his lap was the only form of coverage he had to shield his otherwise nude body.

Gentle swaying showed that he was still groggy.

Alessandro made the cognizant decision to keep his voice down when speaking. "Happy birthday."

The statement caught Lance's attention. He turned to face the doorway. A sleepy smile made its way onto his face after seeing the beautifully prepared meal.

"Thanks, Andro," he answered with a raspy voice. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to. We didn't have syrup, so I made crepes instead of pancakes. I hope that's okay."

"The fact that you put in the effort to do this at all is sweet on its own. And I'm sure it tastes great."

Alessandro grinned.

It was difficult to hold back an involuntary blush when a quiet laugh was given in return.

He walked over to the right side of the bed. The wooden tray was set atop a free section where sheets weren't bunched up. An unoccupied space was taken to sit down, movements remaining cautious to not accidentally tip anything over.

"I did all my morning stuff already, so the bathroom's yours. As soon as you're done eating, I want to give you your gift."

Lance gave a simple nod in understanding. Instead of going to brush his teeth or use the toilet, he opted to just eat since the meal was already in front of him. He went for the omelet with chives first.

A small section was cut off and practically inhaled with how fast it was eaten. A dreamy sigh cut through the sound of quiet chewing. 

As far as Alessandro was concerned, that was a win in his book.

Comfortable silence settled between the two while Lance ate. He made little noises whenever he tried a different food.

Fresh orange juice made his lips pucker because it was a bit more sour than expected. The beverage was preferred that way though, so he actually appreciated the detail. Remnants of pulp were left at the bottom of the glass when he was finished.

It didn't take much time for everything to be eaten; only about ten minutes. Lance seemed content and offered a dual thumbs up with his hands raised near his head. A large grin coupled the silly gesture.

 Alessandro excused himself to take the tray and dishes back to the kitchen. Rain chased after him with loud, excited trills. 

Every dirtied item was put into the sink. It was unclear how much time Lance needed for his morning routine, so Alessandro opted to do the dishes by hand rather than putting them in the washer like he normally would.

Warm water came out of the stainless steel faucet. A circular shaped sponge was grabbed and he got to work. Only six dishes were done by the time slender arms wrapped around his waist.

A delicate hug from behind successfully made vibrant red appear in tan cheeks. Since he was facing the sink, there wasn't a need to hide the shy reaction.

He continued his original task because no motions were made to stop him. Instead, a light pressure settled against his upper spine and shoulder blades.

"You comfy back there?"

"Yup." Lance nuzzled his cheek a few times. "I'm also really looking forward to my gift. I noticed you've been getting a lot of packages lately. Were all those for little old me?"

"Most of them, yeah."

"Cool. What is it?"

"A surprise."

A deadpan expression could be felt against Alessandro's back. He laughed but still worked faster to clean up the last pan.

It was set onto the dishrack along with everything else. The faucet was turned off, and the sponge was put back in its holder. He barely had time to dry his hands properly before sharp fingers poked at his sides.

Alessandro wasn't very ticklish, but he still squirmed in his spot.

Both hands were grabbed. The two walked out of the kitchen back down the hall. They stopped in front of the closed door to the old storage room they cleaned up awhile ago. As far as Lance was concerned, that room was still empty.

He was genuinely surprised when the door was opened, and his assumption was proved wrong.

Hardwood flooring was no longer dusty. Spider webs had been cleared from the ceiling corners. Tall walls were painted a pastel orange. Pictures of well known art pieces were hung up in multiple spots. A wooden easel had a large blank canvas propped against it. Extra canvasses were housed in a plastic storage container. A backless bar stool sat in front of an adjustable drafting table. Another container with glass doors revealed a plethora of paints, brushes, markers, pens, and colored pencils. Miscellaneous art supplies were kept in a spacious drawer beneath the display cabinet meant for finished pieces.

Lance's birthday gift was an art studio. Something that was meant specifically for him and one of his favorite hobbies.

Quiet steps were taken inside. Bluish gray eyes looked around in clear astonishment. Hands grazed cabinets and random art supplies. Hanging paintings were marveled at. 

Despite physical cues portraying a genuine appreciation for the presented gift, it was difficult to actually deduce that the aforementioned speculation was correct. No comments of approval had been made yet.

Out of habit, Alessandro was filled with a sense of fear; self doubt building as well. "What... do you think?"

"Andro, I- I don't know what to say."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. I just- thank you." Lance cupped his face, eyes still wandering in awe. "No one's ever done something like this for me before."

"Well, now you can say that someone has."

"...You even got my favorite brand of paints..." he pointed out while looking in the storage container.

"I noticed them when you were unpacking after we talked about you staying here. You didn't have other ones- and those were used pretty heavily- so I figured you liked them. That's why the other supplies are from the same brand."

"This... must've been really expensive."

"Did you forget what I do for a living?" Alessandro joked, loosely crossing his arms over his chest. "It didn't really put much of a dent in my wallet. And even if it did- like I told you before- you're worth it."

Lance pursed his lips as if he wanted to argue more about the cost of his pricey birthday gift. He decided against it though, and offered a smile instead. "I'll be sure to put all this to good use in the coming months. But for now, I think we should worry about getting ready for this party. It isn't every day that you invite people over, Andro. If my knowledge serves me correctly, this'll be the first time anyone from work sets their eyes on this place. I want to give them a lasting impression."

Alessandro nodded. He playfully nudged Lance with his shoulder as the two exited the art room to begin prepping the house.


Excited shouts and screams cut through the air. They were followed by a series of loud splashes which sprinkled water outside of the pool's confines. A few nearby towels got wet, but no one really paid any mind to them.

Similarly to the retreat from last month, employees from the Bale company were clad in revealing swimwear. It wasn't as big of a group as last time, but there were enough people to quantify the gathering as large.

Most attendees were swimming in the large pool, while others were sitting around talking to each other. Quite a few of them were sitting beneath the overhang to stay out of reach from a blazing sun. Reprieve was also found beneath a striped umbrella perched atop the table. 

The metal surface was covered in different types of snacks. There were multiple brands of chips, sugar cookies, and tiny triangle shaped sandwiches sitting under a bright blue glass covering. Snacks which were meant to stay cool—like chocolates, popsicles, and assorted items from a charcuterie board—were left inside on the counter. People were given the okay to go in and out as they pleased to get what they needed.

No one really went beyond the guest bathroom, so Rain wasn't disturbed while she slept in the master bedroom.

A few partygoers who weren't really into swimming could be seen playing around in the front yard. The electric car was parked in the garage, and other vehicles were parked on the grass. That left the driveway open for use.

Badminton, football, basketball, and soccer supplies were out. Dribbling could faintly be heard underneath splashing water.

Lance was among the horde of bodies swimming around in the pool. He was playing Chicken with a couple of his other friends, him being on top of someone else's shoulders. Chants for the birthday boy to win rang out from all sides. He had a challenging smirk on his face as he pushed his opponent back. They went toppling over, securing his victory.

Both arms were flexed in a public display of superior strength. The gesture received humorous whistles and howls.

Unfortunately for him though, the win was short lived. Because the person holding Lance grabbed him by the calves and pushed them up. He was sent tumbling into the water as well.

Alessandro shook his head at the scene. A fond smile was planted on his face. Scarlet cheeks were hidden from sight when he turned his attention back onto the grill.

Chicken, burgers, and hot dogs were cooking on one side. Beef and shrimp kebabs were cooking on the other. Dark grill marks made the food look more enticing. As did the alluring smell of cooking meat over burning charcoal.

On top of the faint aroma of nearby flowers and trees, it was a delightful mix of fragrances to take in. The wafting scent further amplified his excitement in terms of summer's rapid approach.

"Want me to start plating some of this to get it out of your way?" Stephan asked, approaching the grill.

"I'd appreciate it," Alessandro responded. "It'll give me a chance to start making the veggie skewers."

"Still the working man even at your own house."

"Just a little bit. I don't want Lance to have to do anything today. I just want him to have a good time. I'm okay with taking care of everything else for him."

The two worked together to place the finished food items on free sections of the metal table. Asparagus, pepper, and onion skewers were placed onto the grill. It only took a matter of minutes for those to be finished as well; and they joined numerous other snacks on the flat surface. Bun packages were opened as a nonverbal gesture to show that people could start eating.

Already knowing what he wanted, Lance's portion was set to the side for when he was ready to eat. Alessandro took a burger and hot dog for himself. Once Stephan got his food, the two made their way inside together. Other people passed by them with delighted waves.

Comfortable seats were taken in the living room. Disposable plates were set atop multiple coasters alongside filled glasses with bendy straws. 

As soon as the room was empty, their conversation continued. Stephan kept his tone hushed since he was being mindful of any possible listening ears. "How have things been with him?" 

"It's been... good, actually." Alessandro fiddled with the fabric of his dry swimming trunks. "We've been doing well. He really liked his gift, which I'm happy about. Living with him has given us both the opportunity to unwind with the person we trust. I honestly didn't think it would be this fun to have a roommate."

"Just a roommate?"


"I was just wondering about... y'know."

"I'm assuming you mean my feelings?"

"I don't know how deep those run for you, so I'm not too sure about how much I should be prying." Stephan shrugged with a bashful chuckle.

"It's all right. I like talking to you about these things. It helps me figure a lot of this out. And I guess it'd help me to finally say this out loud. The only other person who's heard me say something like this is my... eh, well, another person that I go to for life advice. Only I pay her for it."


Stephan didn't say anything about the new knowledge of Alessandro going to therapy—which was greatly appreciated.

"I've... fallen... for Lance. Part of me wonders if I always felt this way, or if it started again after we patched things up. But I know for certain that, ever since our retreat, I haven't been able to look at him the same."

"Are you planning on telling him?"

Alessandro looked off to the side, messing with his orange straw. "I don't know. I'd like to. My... doctor advised me to be more open to him about my emotions and my feelings. I just don't know if I should- at least about this. I don't want it to seem like he has to reciprocate my feelings just because he lives here."

"I can understand that. But at the same time, I think he has a right to know because then he can take the appropriate action."

"I'm kind of afraid of that to be honest. It doesn't seem like he harbors romantic feelings for me anymore. He refers to me a lot as a friend. Just a friend. We may be fooling around and stuff, but I can't say that he seems interested in anything serious."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. Have you seen the way he is about you?"

"How he... I don't think I know what you're talking about." Alessandro tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm not trying to give you false hope or anything, but Lance is very protective when it comes to you," Stephan explained. He seemed a lot more serious when a half-eaten burger was set back down onto his plate. Both hands folded over his lap. "He's actually very territorial of you when you're not around. And I'm not just talking out of my ass here- I've seen it myself."

"How so?"

"There was that one time where we all accidentally met up at Heatwave. When I got to the bar to get another drink, I heard him talking with his friends. I didn't immediately greet them because I didn't want to disturb them or anything. Thanks to that, I caught a little bit of their conversation."


"Their conversation about you."

"O-oh." Alessandro's eyebrows raised in surprise. He found himself too focused on the story to continue eating.

"Lance did most of the talking. It was a little hard to hear him over the music, but he was talking about- and this is before you guys started doing stuff- the fact that he really liked being with you. That he liked being around you even when you guys weren't doing anything. I'm not sure if he brought up that you guys knew each other beforehand, but he was really open about telling his friends that you were the person who knew him the best."

"I don't know... That doesn't really seem territorial."

"Well" —Stephan took a sip of his drink— "there were actually two separate instances that happened during the retreat. Both times you weren't around and were sitting by yourself.

"The first time happened right before our volleyball game. A couple of us initially wanted to go and grab you to see if you wanted to play, but Lance told us not to. He said you'd get involved when you wanted to- when you were ready. He didn't want anyone going up to you, so you wouldn't be bothered. Once our game was over though, he went straight for you because he was prepared to keep you company away from everyone else."

"He came up to me to give me a little push in terms of joining in on the fun."

"I don't think any of us really expected you to do so. And if you did, we didn't really expect it to happen so quickly."

Alessandro supposed that was fair. At the time, he was still struggling with keeping himself at a lengthy distance. Prior retreats saw him keeping to himself most of the time too. Having Lance change that with a simple, short conversation was... different.

Plus, it did seem like he was ready to sit and keep Alessandro company in their little bubble apart from everyone else. Maybe there actually was some merit to Stephan's words.

"The second time happened before he met you outside on the deck that first night. Him and some newer models were talking about a smash-or-pass list or something like that. Somehow, you got mixed into that. I don't know why that happened, but a few people made some comments. Lance was quick to defend you. He agreed that people would be blind to not find you attractive; but if they did, they should keep it to themselves.

"Some people tried to give some pushback, and he actually got a little upset. It seemed like he was jealous- which is crazy to me considering you guys were already fucking at the time- but either way. He was initially going to go up to the rooms to cool down. When he saw you outside though, he went to join you. You both seemed a little more relaxed when you came back inside."

A snicker was given in response. "May be a little TMI, but he was very keen on making some unspoken statements that night. Still, I'm not entirely sure what to make of that."

"That's fine. I get that this type of thing is confusing, especially considering your history. I don't know. I think you should tell him at some point- doesn't need to be now. I just think it'd be good for you both to be open about something this serious."

Alessandro's gaze fell toward the table between them.

He was actually surprised that his wellbeing was thought about even when he wasn't around. Especially when it came to the conversation at Heatwave since their relationship had just  started mending.

The new revelation made him feel conflicted.

He was hopeful because it seemed—at least to a certain degree—that Lance was interested. At the same time though, he didn't openly express those feelings if he really was. And with Alessandro routinely being described as nothing more than a friend, the whole scenario could only be described as confusing.

He aimed to make another comment, but a different voice caught his attention. One of the older models was peeking inside and made a request for the big boss' presence. Courtesy of the birthday boy himself.

Alessandro and Stephan gathered the remains of their partially eaten meals. They were carried back outside. The latter gave a quick nod before moving to chat with his other friends. The former moved to sit by the edge of the pool where Lance was waiting, still submerged in the water.

"Andro.~ You want to do me a solid?"

"Depends on what it is." Alessandro bit the inside of his cheek to not laugh at an exaggerated pout thrown his way. "I'm kidding. What's up?"

"Feed me?"

"...I mean, you could just get out of the pool."

"I know, but... I also know that a certain somebody likes to spoil me." Lance offered a mischievous grin.

Alessandro allowed his chuckle to slip out.

He motioned for someone to pass him a plate covered in tinfoil. Once it was, two kebabs, a burger, and some chicken were uncovered. One of the kebabs was grabbed first. Shrimp tails were taken off before it was presented. Lance tilted his head upward, waiting. 

He was shocked when another hand softly grabbed him by the underside of his jaw and pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"I'll take that as payment." Alessandro returned to his previous position with a smirk.

The kebab was guided forward until a piece of beef was taken. His expression became more tender when listening to a particularly happy exhale.

"Ah, you guys are so cute..!" One of Lance's friends squealed. "By the way, I saw the cover for Most Influential Businessmen yesterday while I was at the mall. You guys totally killed that issue! You looked so natural- and the picture in the magazine with you guys laughing was so adorable. Your relationship is, like, total goals. I'm happy for you both."

Alessandro's mouth went dry at the last statements. He had a passing thought of clarifying that they weren't actually together. His attention was pulled back down, however, when his arm was grabbed. Bluish gray eyes had a sort of innocence to them as Lance sat patiently with his mouth open. 

Another piece of meat was given, and Alessandro reached for his drink. Any form of rebuttal was lost as he swallowed his sweet, slushy beverage. Instead, a single nod was given in polite yet forced thanks.

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