These Aren't My Shoes, But I'll Wear Them With Style

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"I don't really think there's anything to be nervous about. You're just taking a couple pictures."

"Yeah, but not all of us are natural at doing so. There's a reason I only do photo shoots, like, three times a year." Alessandro sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

He wasn't looking forward to returning to the office now that lunch was over. Although leaving was more a distraction than it was for eating, going to a local restaurant was actually quite pleasant; it aided in distracting him for a little while. Since the designated time slot was ending though, there was no other option but to go back to work.

Getting into the swing of things after going on vacation was hard—even if said vacation ended about three weeks ago. It was a challenge for Alessandro specifically because he was routinely approached by people in the magazine industry during this time of year. They wanted him for interviews, meet-and-greets, charity functions (which he actually loved being a part of), etc. With Bale's Path to Fashion being so well known, these types of events were expected. That wasn't why they were bothersome though.

What really irked Alessandro was having to be the face for said magazine covers.

It was an honor, of course, but that didn't mean he liked it. There was a reason he himself wasn't a model—the profession just wasn't his cup of tea.

But now that he received a request to be the face of the current year's issue of Most Influential Businessmen, for the second year in a row as well, he didn't really have a choice.

Mr. Bale wasn't the type to say no when he was needed.

Lance offered a kind smile in an attempt to quell some budding anxiety. "Well, if it's any consolation, I'll be there."

Alessandro thanked his lucky stars for that.

This was one event where he didn't get to handpick who would be posing with him during the photo shoot. To his genuine surprise, Lance had been eagerly requested to join. That probably had to do with their unnamed relationship being brought into the open. Word spread fast, and the staff for the magazine company in charge of everything probably found out.

Either way, it was relieving to know he'd be present.

"I just hope that they don't ask me to do something crazy," Alessandro added.

"I'll bitch at them for you if they do."

They both chuckled at Lance's half-serious joke.

The car was pulled into its previous parking spot and turned off. A sweet aroma of flowers hit them when they exited the vehicle.

A concrete ceiling shielded them from blinding rays of a vibrant sun. Heat was whisked away by a gentle breeze. Leaves swayed in nearby trees that sat in mounds of dirt. Other people were rushing back to their own jobs, so loud honks of car horns blared from crowded streets. Piercing noises lost their intensity when the elevator doors closed.

"Are you going to your office first?"

"Nah- there's no need. I need to stop in at the makeup department though. From there, I have to get changed in the clothing department and make my way to the photography department after."

"Guess it'll be quite the busy afternoon then. Fortunately for you, we'll be spending most of it together."

"Busy is putting it mildly, but I don't mind. Like I said before, I could always use your company."

Lance tried to hide his grin by looking off to the side. He toyed with the hem of his cotton shirt. A hand ran through his hair.

The signature gesture was used whenever he felt nervous and whenever he felt bashful—something that happened a little more often since coming back from vacation.

Alessandro found the quirky mannerism adorable.

He also felt a bit cocky since he was the cause of such an honest reaction.

"It'll be interesting to see you on my turf- in front of the camera, I mean." Lance smirked.

"You going to show me the ropes if I mess up?  You know better than anyone that I'm a fast learner."

"Maybe. If you ask nicely."

"I'll make sure to pay extra attention then."

Their little moment was interrupted as the elevator doors opened. Playful banter was halted, and a mental note was made to continue their teasing conversation at home.

The makeup department's main lobby was similar to the one upstairs. Tall windows brought in natural sunlight that reflected off of tiled floors. Two large plants sat on either side of a long wooden desk where a female secretary sat.

Noticing her boss, she got up from her seat. Both hands were used to smooth out her maroon blouse and black pencil skirt.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Bale. I assume you're here for your appointment with James?"

"Yeah- I know I'm a little early. Sorry about that."

"No apology necessary, sir. He's always ready when needed. If you'll kindly follow me, please."

Alessandro stuck his hands in his pockets. He was led down a long hallway mainly consisting of windows on one side with closed doors on the other. Star shaped signs had people's names on them. Vibrant markers were used to make it easier for models who had to find their assigned rooms for the day.

People were seen walking up and down the hall. Some were on their way to their makeup appointments. Others were leaving completed ones. Everyone gave friendly waves when they saw the big boss. He reciprocated them with small nods and inviting grins.

The female secretary stopped at a set of doors. She knocked before peeking inside. A few words were exchanged with the makeup artist.

"He's ready for you," she said. "And Lance, your room is two doors down. Please let me know if either of you need anything."

With that, the two men were left alone.

Lance looked in another direction, presumably at his destination. Shrugging, he walked forward and placed a chaste kiss onto Alessandro's lips. It was their first openly affectionate act done in the workplace.

"I'll see you at the shoot, yeah?"

"Of course."

Lance gave another peck before walking off. Alessandro bit the inside of his cheek to hide his smile. When it started growing even further, he turned toward his own room and was greeted by a large interior.

Thick curtains were drawn to let in natural light. A plush sofa sat on the left side of the room. A long mirror hung above a countertop covered in various makeup tools. Hair care products were left out as well. The makeup artist was standing behind a silver and black swivel chair.

James was a familiar face as the two had done this same old song and dance for the past couple of years. The magazine staff picked him to do the important makeup job, and he never failed to dazzle and wow everyone with his specific set of skills.

All black attire was simple, but his overall appearance was brought to life by neon pink hair. Winged eyeliner made the light hazel of his eyes more stunning. A vibrant shade of red lipstick went well with his skin tone too. He wasn't wearing any foundation or concealer because those items weren't needed. James just had naturally glowing skin—which coupled well with his delighted expression.

"Ready to be beautified, Mr. Bale?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he answered, getting comfortable on his designated seat.

The swivel chair was spun to face the mirror. A quick rundown was given about what items would be used and what hairstyle would complete the look. Once everything was explained, James went to work.

Alessandro did his best to be a motionless canvas. It was difficult because he wasn't used to the light texture of makeup tools against his skin, but he could cope.

A small sponge was dabbed around his face to spread a light coating of foundation. Concealer was used a bit more heavily under his eyes since dark bags still lingered beneath them. Pencil eyeliner was drawn on his upper and lower lids to give them depth.

That cosmetic tool apparently also made the green of his irises more vibrant, but he'd see that once everything was finished.

A thin coating of moisturizer was put on his lips to give them more sheen. Some powder was placed along his nose and cheeks before setting spray was used to keep everything in place.

After, James went about blow drying Alessandro's hair. His short locks were given additional volume thanks to a circular styling brush, brunet curls becoming more wavy. They were still slicked back, but they weren't as flat as normal. A few pieces of hair fell over his forehead to present a more casual persona.

Once completed, sweetly scented hairspray was used on the styled strands. The shorter ones near his ears and back of his head were brushed down to keep them from flying away.

Alessandro appreciated that the makeup was minimal enough to not drastically change his appearance. He still looked like himself while also having a little more life added to his features. 

Albeit fantastic work, he was still excited for when he'd get to wash the colorful gunk off.

After thanking James for his hard work, Alessandro exited the room. He walked down the hall by the windows. The sight of hyperactive city life down below made him relax as he liked the view. 

Since the lunch rush finally passed, wide roads were no longer crowded. Bustling streets were given a moment to breathe.

He took some time to do the same.

The elevator was taken up an additional two floors to the clothing department. Upon being noticed by another secretary, Alessandro was led to a dressing room specifically meant for him. It mirrored the one from downstairs except for makeup and hair styling tools. Long clothing racks were perched on metal rails. Whenever hangers were moved, they resonated with a light scraping sound.

A tall bag with Bale written on the front was pulled out. The plastic container was hung on a hook behind a wooden door. Business casual wear was stripped away and left on a chair.

The designated outfit for the photography session consisted of a formfitting suit in admiral blue. It was paired with a light, almost pastel blue dress shirt. The tie and matching handkerchief were designed with diagonal rectangles of alternating sizes in cerulean, teal, and slate gray. A pair of polished black Oxfords quite similar to his own would bring everything together.

Green eyes stared into the full length mirror to take it all in once he was dressed.

Alessandro looked... not like himself.

He liked to be comfortable in more relaxed clothing, or even in his pajamas most of the time. He didn't mind when his hair was messy. He didn't mind when his skin looked a little oily or uneven.

The person staring back at him really was the physical manifestation of everything Mr. Bale signified: business oriented, unflawed, confident.

Right now wasn't the time to get caught up in that issue.

Taking a deep breath, Alessandro hung up his original outfit and walked out of the room.

He was a little more pressed for time since he took a leisurely pace in getting ready. With there only being a few minutes before he was scheduled to be downstairs, he walked faster than what could be considered enjoyable.

A cognizant decision was made to not travel too quickly. If he did, that would mean he'd need to get his makeup retouched. It'd be great if that didn't happen since the ordeal was uncomfortable enough the first time.

The button for the photography department was hit. Clunky elevator doors closed. Alessandro braced both hands against a metal railing behind him. His head made a thunking noise when it made contact with the wall.

It was the only time he had to give himself some semblance of a pep talk.

The usual saying of "You got this!" or "You look great!" didn't really help. Deep breaths did little to give any aid either.

Fortunately, a short text made uncontrollable nervousness simmer down.


Nothing to worry about Mr. Boss Man. Can't wait to see how they've dolled you up

Alessandro smiled at the message. A quick thanks was given in reply. Sooner than he would've liked, the elevator doors opened again. He took one more deep breath before exiting.

And then he proceeded to do everything in his power to not immediately sigh.

The other reason Alessandro didn't like being part of photo shoots was because people stared. A lot. He was in favor of more laid back attire, so it wasn't often that he was seen in strictly formal clothing. When he was, it was unlikely that he'd get through whatever event was happening without being shamelessly gawked at.

It was flattering to know that people found him attractive. He just didn't appreciate it being shown so openly. He didn't like that kind of attention, especially from strangers.

Still, it was more than rewarding to see Lance stopping dead in his tracks with his lips parting in clear astonishment.

"I can still clean up well when I need to," Alessandro stated with a smirk.

Lance didn't immediately respond; but when he did, he stuttered. Another cute gesture of his.

"You- you, uh-" He paused. "You look great, Andro. Really. Um, by any chance- are you keeping that suit?"


"Good to know."

The underlying connotations of that statement were picked up immediately. It made Alessandro's smirk widen. And out of all things, it made Lance blush.

Reddening of the cheeks worsened when a strong arm snaked around his waist to pull him close.

"Getting a little more daring I see.~"

"Just a bit. I can't help it when you're looking at me like that. All doe-eyed and pretty. I kind of want to take a picture of you."

"Oh don't worry- we'll have plenty by the end of this shoot." A teasing voice lowered to barely above a whisper. "I think you've just awoken my inner suit kink."

"You're welcome."

Quiet laughter broke out between the two.

Alessandro's smile stayed planted on his face as he took in Lance's full appearance.

His outfit was more simple, consisting of a navy dress shirt, a black tie, light gray dress pants, and black shoes. A low ponytail dangled over his shoulder. Long bangs were parted off to the side with the smaller section being pinned back by his ear. A light coating of foundation gave his skin some more color. Bluish gray was more alluring thanks to a gorgeous addition of winged eyeliner.

The verdict for Lance's overall appearance? He looked amazing. Just like always.

Smiling at each other, both males walked over to the set for their shoot.

A simple gray background connected with dark French Oak flooring panels beneath a cozy looking sofa chair. The seat itself was an eye-catching emerald color which would blend perfectly with the blue of Alessandro's suit. Standing lights were propped on either side of the set. A tall off camera softbox was planted beside a tripod. The logo for a popular photography company could be seen on the mounted device.

Janine, the camerawoman from the magazine company, greeted Alessandro with a firm handshake. She thanked him for agreeing to be this year's cover model, as well as for squeezing in the shoot on top of his busy schedule. The comment was waved off to make it seem like this whole situation wasn't a big deal. Janine accepted the gesture without further inquiry.

"So!" She clapped her hands together. "The shoot is going to be broken down into three parts today. One will be of solo pictures- both full body and portrait; the second will be of you with a larger group of models; and the final set will be of you and Lance. We were thinking of making this issue more LGBT friendly. If we have your permission, Mr. Bale, the company would like to use an image of you and your partner specifically for the cover."

So people had been gossiping after all.

"Oh, uh, I hadn't been informed of that." Alessandro looked at the man in question. "I'm okay with it, but- Lance, would you be?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me."

"Perfect!" Janine cheered. "We'll get started as soon as you're ready, Mr. Bale."

He took one more deep breath and walked over to the sofa chair. Upon the call of the photographer, the shoot began.

Alessandro's first portion of photos made him feel awkward. The portrait shots were easy since he only had to worry about his face. A well placed smirk here, a teasing wink there. Looking off into the distance to appear as if he were deep in thought. Gazing over his shoulder with a single raised eyebrow. Easy things, really.

That section was less tedious than the full body shots.

He wasn't one to take pictures much—not even at home—so he was a little more out of his element. Luckily, direction was given by both Janine and, as promised, Lance. With their help, Alessandro committed to multiple poses which painted him as a more sensual and confident man than he actually was.

Standing with his blazer dangling over his shoulder. Raking both hands through voluminous curls with more weight shifted onto one leg. Leaning against the chair's padded armrest and peering into the camera. Sitting down with both legs partially splayed open, one foot balancing on its heel. Standing with both hands in his pockets, back facing the camera, and looking off to the side.

Alessandro thought about a previous comment made by Lance when glancing over those pictures. The conversation happened during the initial interview almost seven months ago when things were still tense. Back then, Mr. Bale had been labeled a bachelor. He could honestly see how someone would get that vibe after looking at his photos.

The second portion was a little more fun. Models in monochromatic clothing sets surrounded their boss on all sides. Some stood behind him. Some stood beside him. Some were sitting on the floor by his legs.

It made Alessandro feel like he was a king surrounded by his followers.

Considering he was the owner of Bale's Path to Fashion, perhaps that visual was more on the nose than he thought.

An interesting design choice by Janine made it so no one touched him.

People were close and committing to different poses, but the only person who was actually given a greenlight for physical contact was Lance. They both found the ordeal to be equal parts intriguing as it was funny. Specific direction in that regard kind of put him on a raised pedestal in terms of the boss/employee hierarchy.

He wasn't subtle in being daring about his role either.

When Lance stood or sat down nearby, he made sure to press his body as close as possible. Movements were sensual and endearing and gentle. Territorial.

The most daring pose had him leaning forward with both arms draped around Alessandro's neck. He was sitting down, so each quiet exhale could be felt against some rather sensitive skin. Multiple full body shudders were only partially stifled.

When gears switched for the final portion, the other models were given the okay to go; leaving Janine alone with Lance and Alessandro in front of the camera. Since it was just them, she told both men to be a little more loving with their poses. The woman didn't know of their strange relationship and assumed they were actually together. Because of that, neither male made any effort into actively correcting her. As far as they were concerned, this would just give them a chance to take some fun pictures together.

Most poses saw Alessandro staying in his chair with Lance moving around him.

He'd sit on the armrest of the padded single seater. He'd stand behind it with a hand braced against the backrest. He'd sit on the floor in between a pair of parted legs with his head resting on a firm thigh, long fingers intertwined.

One of their favorites of the day saw Alessandro sitting down with Lance in his lap. Their arms were wrapped around each other in a gentle hug. Instead of looking at the camera, they were looking into each other's eyes.

It was the perfect opportunity for a random tickle fight to ensue.

A serious atmosphere became more lax. Smiles became more genuine. Janine actually caught a moment where both men were laughing together. They were holding each other close and leaning into each other's frames.

When that image was snapped, she looked at it and smiled to herself.

The photo, along with a congratulatory message, was later emailed to Alessandro for him to keep. He made the picture his phone's main interface as soon as he saved it.

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