Chapter 21- 'All it takes is a bag of cheese balls to say I love you.'

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I push the asshole against the door, causing him to fall through it. He managed to stay on his feet, still clinging onto the beer in his hand as he let out a laugh.

I stepped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and turning to him with a glare.

He smirked at me deviously “Have I done something to upset you Mimi?”

I gritted my teeth together, my fists clenched at my sides “What the hell was that about fingers of fury?!”

His lip twitched at the name, before he looked at me innocently “Oh, you didn’t like that?”

My eyes widened in anger before I stepped forward and shoved him again.

“I was next to Garry you slut!” I screamed at him, still not believing the stunt he pulled earlier while we were playing that damned game.

“For a chick you’re freakishly strong…” He muttered, taking a massive swig of his beer. He looked up at me with a sloppy grin “Wanna’ arm wrestle?”

I clenched my jaw, realising just how drunk Drake was right now. I had left it a while to confront him from when he started touching me up on the sofa, and in that time everyone had given up on the game and started on shots and other drinking games.  I could hear the music coming from downstairs and the Hilton twins giggling. Jimmy and Luke were singing along to Chris Brown, and I was well aware that all of my friends, and the plastic duo, were freaking wasted.

I probably should have confronted Drake when he wasn’t a tequila shot away from passing out.

“Seriously Drake, what the hell was that about?!” I almost growl at him.

He sighs in frustration, waving his hand dismissively at me but ‘cause he was so wasted his arm swung a little more than it should have. I resisted the urge to laugh.

“Jeez Mia, I was only fooling around. I know how worked up you get when I hit on you. It amuses me.” He slurred, chuckling to himself.

“Yes but that wasn’t hitting on someone. Take away my shorts and you would have been full on fingering me you moron!” I yell at him, trying to make him realise why I was so angry.

Of course, he grinned at this “Wanna’ take the shorts off then?”

I grabbed one of the decorative sea shells on the sink and threw it at him, which he surprisingly dodged and chuckled.

“Don’t ever do it again.” My voice was almost a snarl.

He looked at me, his grin gone and he was serious now. He took a step towards me, swaying slightly as the alcohol was having a massive impact on his decisions right now.

“I was only joking around Mimi. I like getting you all worked up.” His voice came out husky, and I didn’t miss the double meaning of his last remark. He took another step to me until he was so close our faces were inches apart. He cocked his head and gave me a small smile “You’re Mia. You’re Nate’s little sister. I should never go there…and I never will.”

I don’t know why but I felt a pang of something in my stomach as I heard him say this, but I quickly realised it must be relief because that was exactly what I had been thinking since the whole pool table thing.

I nodded, realising I seriously needed to back away “Good. I’m glad we agree on that then. We’re just friends.” My voice didn’t quite come out as confidently as I’d hoped.

He had somehow gotten even closer; his mouth was slightly parted as his eyes we’re staring at my mouth.

“Whatever you say.” His voice came out low. Seductive.

He wasn’t paying attention to words, his eyes were still glued to my mouth and I suddenly found myself breathing harder.

His eyes suddenly snapped to connect with mine, and a smirk was on his face.

“You so want me.” His voice was still low, but from the humour in it I could tell he was fucking with me. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and shoved him.

“Asshole!” I couldn’t help it; it came out as a laugh.

He was chuckling as well as he stumbled back and for a brief second I thought he was going to hit the floor. He managed to regain his balance, still swaying on the spot.

“You’re just so easy to play with Mia.” He smirked, putting a lot of emphasis in the word ‘play’ letting me know he was referring to the little sofa incident.

I rolled my eyes and turned to the door not being able to help the fact I was laughing slightly, turning the door handle. Before I completely left the bathroom I turned to him.

“Next time you come near me with those hands, I’m hacksawing them off.” I threatened before I closed the door behind me, hearing a chuckle from behind it.

I shook my head in amusement. Okay, he went way to far earlier but I knew Drake.

He wound people up to get reactions out of them and he knew doing that would get a reaction out of me. Plus knowing his little mind it was probably a way to flip Garry off without actually flipping him off and going back on the promise he made to actually be nice to him.

I decided to put the whole thing behind me and just continue to get drunk. The rest of my friends seemed to be accomplishing this pretty well because as I got back to the living room, Jimmy, Luke and Barbie were on the coffee table in the middle of the Sofa’s doing the YMCA while Cindy was sat on the floor attempting to do the same thing, but considering the amount she had to drink she couldn’t hold her own weight and stand up.

I knew a little plastic bitch like that would be a lightweight.

Lacey and Garry were in the kitchen, Garry was laughing as Lacey had found a sharpie and was drawing on Nate’s face, giving him the moustache, glasses and Harry Potter Scar.

Since when did Harry Potter have a moustache, I have no clue.

In all fairness, by the time they finished filming those movies that dude was like 30 so he should have had some sort of facial hair. Or a Zimmer frame.

You could tell that Nate had a little too much to drink as he was giggling along with Lacey, and I think he may have forgotten that Sharpie is permanent until you grab a brillo pad and scrub your skin raw.

He is going to kick off when he wakes up and looks in a mirror…

I join the guys in the kitchen and we continue to drink. Music is blaring, Luke got out the strip poker and he and Jimmy were happily playing it with the Hilton twins.

It got to just before midnight when shit hit the fan. For those of you who are unaware of this term, it was a common way of saying ‘Drama.’

By this point, Lacey and Nate had disappeared. They had sneaked off upstairs in Nate’s room at about 11pm, and by the god of me I did not want to know the vile things that were going on in that room. I felt sorry for Drake, because since our little bathroom argument he hadn’t come downstairs. I assumed he was so drunk he just crashed in his room.

Which meant one of two things. He got booted out of his room and told to sleep in the lonely room, or he was currently stuck in a room listening to my brother and Lacey screw each other’s brains out. We will know very shortly if ear piercing screams echo through the Cabin.

Anyway, Lacey and Nate had disappeared and Jimmy, Luke and the Plastic duo were all sat on the sofas, each in their own little pairs. Luke was making out with the blonde while Jimmy was charming the shit out of the other one. Had to give it to the Lads, they knew how to work it.

Me and Garry were laughing in the kitchen when suddenly, my vision had blurred to a ridiculous level due to the alcohol and I was finding EVERYTHING funny.

“I have such an urge for cheese balls.” I suddenly announce, and Garry instantly has a smirk on his face and his eyes flicker down. I roll my eyes “Sick bastard.”

“I only have two…” He begins, and I burst out laughing

“I said balls, not marballs.” I counter, and his mouth falls open in fake shock.

He pushed himself off the counter and walks closer, pretending to undo his belt “Listen woman you wanna see my massive-“

“Cheese balls?” Jimmy’s voice suddenly cuts him off, and I burst out laughing at the immense timing of it.

Garry chuckles too, turning to look at Jimmy who suddenly jumped off the sofa and ran into the kitchen, tripping slightly on one of shoes the Hilton twins lost during strip poker. Their underwear was probably on this floor somewhere.

I resisted the urge to barf as the thought crossed my mind.

Jimmy yanked open one of the cupboards, throwing multiple bags of chips over his shoulder as he continues to look for something specific.

“Jackpot hoe bag!” he suddenly screams as he pulls out an orange bag, and my eyes widen as I realise it was a huge bag of cheese balls.

He turns to me with a proud smirk, and I jump into his arms.

“You are a star Jimbob!” I slur slightly, pulling away and snatching the bag from his hand. I rip it open and with no hesitation stuff a handful in my mouth. I turn to Jim, talking through a mouthful “Seriously, I fucking love you man!”

Jimmy lets out a chuckle and bows “I knew I had a bag left over from last time me and Luke came up here with his brother and a few of his friends. They all got high and there was enough food here to cure any munchies the world may every experience.”

I let out a laugh, stuffing another handful in my mouth. Jimmy walks back to his girl on the sofa, and I look at Garry with a smile.

Suddenly, the smile is knocked off my lips as I see the expression on his face.

His jaw is clenched, and his eyes look infuriated.

“Whaa?” I ask wearingly, a mouthful of cheese balls.

Hahahahahahahah. That sounds dirty…

I swear my mind thinks I'm a comedian when I'm drunk.

Anyway, Garry looks pissed.

“That’s what it takes then?” he asks.

I furrowed my brows in confusion “What takes what?”

He pointed at the bag in my hand “Apparently all it takes for you to say I love you is a bag of cheese balls. If I knew it was that easy I would have popped to the shop before I declared my love for you and you left me hanging like a douchebag.”

I let out a breath of frustration. I knew it was coming. I mean he was just too calm about it. No guy every likes being left hanging when you drop the ‘L’ word. For a while though I genuinely thought he understood. Turns out I was wrong.

I swallow the mouthful of balls in my mouth (Hahahahahahahah) and open my mouth to speak.

“You really want to do this now?” I ask, realising we were both drunk and we were in a room full of people who were a Sambuca shot away from having an orgy.

He shrugged “Why not, I’m in a kitchen I can grab you a bag of Doritos and then you might actually acknowledge the fact I said I love you.”

I gritted my teeth as I notice Luke look over with a worried expression as Garry began to raise his voice. I also notice the pissed off glint in his eye that he was yelling at me, and I knew if Garry and I were going to argue we better do it in a room where my brothers friends aren’t here to kick the shit out of him if he steps out of line.

I storm past Garry, grabbing his wrist on the way and dragging him upstairs with me. We make it to the bathroom that I had been in twice tonight arguing with a douchebag. Once we were both in the bathroom, I slam the door hard, turning with my eyes like slits and staring daggers at Garry.

“Yes, this is the perfect time to argue about this, around all my friends on a weekend where we are supposed to be having a laugh!” I yell at him.

He looks just as angry as I am “Well how do you expect me to react? You just told a guy you loved him for giving you a cheesy snack!”

“It’s just something you say! Declaring your undying love for someone is a little harder you moron!” I countered.

“It wasn’t for me!”  He took a step forward and screamed back, pointing at himself.

Suddenly, a noise came from the bathtub. It was like a groaning. Garry and I both shot our heads to the bathtub. The shower curtain was drawn so we couldn’t see what was making that noise.

All of a sudden, whoever, or whatever, was in there must have moved because a shampoo bottle fell off the side.

“Mother of fuck!” a voice all too familiar suddenly yells in pain.

My eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as I walked over to the bathtub and pulled the shower curtain back.

And sure enough, there he was.

Drake O’Connell passed out in the bath currently holding his balls in pain from where the shampoo bottle had obviously fallen on him.

“Drake what the hell are you doing in here?!” I demand, still annoyed from the argument I was currently meant to be having with Garry.

He rolled over in the bath so he was looking up at me, and I could see the slight confusion in his eyes as he looked around to see where he was. He had clearly just woken up.

“Mia, am I having a bath?” he croaks, and I had to resist the urge to laugh.

“If you don’t get up and get out, I’ll switch the tap on and you sure as hell will be.” I threaten, realising he had to get out now because I was still reeling in anger at Garry’s ridiculous outburst.

Drake pushed himself up to his feet, stumbling slightly and running a hand through his messy hair.

“Got any toothpaste?” He suddenly asks, attempting to step out of the bath but losing his footing as he was still clearly wasted out of his mind. I quickly grabbed his arm and steadied him.

“Why do you need toothpaste?” I asked him once I knew he wasn’t going to fall flat on his face.

“All I can taste is Tequila and vomit. And believe me, that isn’t a good time.”

I gag slightly as he slightly breathes on me, and I realise that really wasn’t a good combination.

“Here.” Garry hands him a tube of toothpaste, and I suddenly remember I am angry as I hear his voice. Drake grins at him and grabs the tube, walking over to the mirror over the sink and squeezing the toothpaste in his mouth.

“How long have you been in here?” I ask, suddenly realising I haven’t seen him since we argued in this very place hours ago.

He turns to me, toothpaste dribbling down the side of his mouth “Since you left me in here. I went for a piss, and I must have passed out. That tub is surprisingly comfy.”

“Why were you in here?” Garry asks me suspiciously, and I roll my eyes in annoyance just at the sound of his voice.

Drake spits the toothpaste into the sink.

“Don’t worry Gazza, I wasn’t defiling your girl. She was threatening to beat me up and cut my limbs off.” Drake explained not even looking in our direction and just looking at his teeth in the mirror.

Garry nodded, but I could still the suspicion in his eyes.

“I may have declared my love for him while we were in here because he let me pee before him.” I smile sarcastically at Garry, who stares daggers at me.

“Well it’s that easy to get it out of you apparently, it really doesn’t surprise me if you did.”

“God, you’re such an assho-“

“HEY! HEY!” Drake cuts off my screams, and we both look over at him. His head is cocked to the side and he is looking at us sympathetically “Am I sensing a bit of trouble in paradise?”

“Drake get out.” I order.

He nods slightly and walks to the door. He turns to back to us.

“Sure you don’t want me to stay and help? I have a lot of prison therapy under my belt, I could really help.” He suggests, a hint of a smile at his lips as he knows very well he is pissing the both of us off.

“OUT!” I yell and point at the door.

He chuckles “Don’t worry I would rather put my dick in a blender than listen to this shit…”

He turns the handle and pulls the door, only nothing happens. Drake tries pulling the door again, but still it doesn’t budge.

“Oh Christ no…” I hear him mutter in fear, before he begins to violently pull the handle in an attempt open the door “…no, please no!”

 “What the hell?” Garry asks.

 “The doors stuck. The freaking doors stuck.” Drake is still yelling, his voice panicked.

“Try pulling it a little harder…” I suggest.

Drake does exactly that but the door still won’t open. And that’s when he completely loses it.

“For the love of god this cannot be happening to me right now!” he screams as he begins to pound his fist against the door “SOMEBODY HELP ME!”

“Did one of you slam it?” Drake asks accusingly.

Suddenly I find my eyes looking at the ground in guilt while I can feel Garry’s accusing eyes in my direction.

“I don’t know Drake, why don’t we ask her over here?” Garry speaks, his voice sarcastic.

I look up at Drake, who is looking at me with a mixture of anger and desperation.

“Why would you do that?!” he asks in disbelief, his arms stretched out as if to make his point “This is an old Cabin. The place isn’t exactly stable. They are old doors, you don’t just grand slam an old wooden door you idiot!”

“I’m sorry okay I was angry. Anyway why are you so shaken up you weirdo?” I ask, before a thought flashes my mind and my eyes widen. A small smirk is at my lips “Are you claustrophobic?”

Drake looks at me like I'm an idiot “Yes, I just spent the last 2 years of my life in a 8x10 prison cell, but of course Mia, I'm scared of small spaces.”

I roll my eyes at the un-needed sarcasm “Okay, then why are you freaking out like a girl who’s just seen a spider?”

He narrows his eyes at me “Because, my old friend, I am currently locked in a bathroom with a couple that are clearly in the middle of a full blown domestic. That is no place for a single lad to be. I've just come out of prison, I NEED TO TAKE IT EASY!”

I had to resist the urge to laugh as he announces this, his voice sounding desperate.

“Don’t worry we will try not to rip each other’s throats until we get out of here. That’s if Garry can stop being a dick for that long.” I couldn’t resist adding that last part.

Garry’s eyes stare daggers at me “Maybe if you weren’t so easy when it came to declaring your love for other guys I wouldn’t be such a dick.”

I turn to face him “You broke up with me you moron, I’m not going to be helplessly devoted to you am I!”

“Don’t start quoting Grease.”

“Out of the two of us, you have more of a vagina than me because you know all the songs!”

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!” Drake’s screams disturb our arguing as he turns and begins to violently pound on the door “ANYBODY! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET ME OUT OF HERE!”

“I do not know all the songs…” Garry muffles in-between one of Drake’s desperate pleas of help.

“Too bad, I absolutely LOVE that film.” I emphasize the word so much because I was on a mission to annoy him. He had no right to get angry at me, he dumped me last time. I was bound to need time to get back to normal.

“JIMMY! NATE! ANYBODY PLEASE STOB BANGING FOR A MINUTE AND SAVE ME!” Drake is now using both hands to pound the door and get the attention of anybody who can hear.

“Drake sit down and shut up. Everyone is getting it in, if you ring the police now they will get here faster than any of those idiots out there.” I inform him. No one was coming to his rescue right now.

He turns to me, his eyes desperate “Well give me your phone and let me ring them!”

I rolled my eyes. “Just sit down and shut your mouth.”

He scrunches his face and for a second he looks so defeated I thought he was going to start sobbing because he was stuck in a room with a rowing ‘couple’. He leans back against the bathroom wall next to the door and slides down to the floor, his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

I turn back to Garry, trying to be calm as I realise Drake was on the verge of self-harm because he was stuck in a room with us.

“Look at it from my point of view, you broke up with me. And why did you break up with me?” I ask him, raising my brows knowing the answer.

His eyes looked to the floor as he too knew the answer. He didn’t reply.

“You split up with me because you thought I was moving too fast. Remember that?” I ask him smugly. “You ended me because you thought I was getting too involved and you weren’t ready for that. Now you have the fucking nerve to get angry with me because I refuse to lie to you and boost your ego by not telling you I love you?!”

I see the guilt flash in Garry’s eyes as he suddenly realises how much of a hypocrite he was being. He is silent for a while, when suddenly the silence is disturbed by someone urging.

“Oh shit…” Drake suddenly puts a fist to his mouth, turning a slight shade of green and he quickly crawls over to the toilet bowl and continues to puke into it.

Both Garry and I scrunch our faces in disgust.

Drake lifts his head up, wiping his mouth slightly and leaning against the wall again catching his breath.

“Sorry, you guys carry on…” he waves a hand telling us to continue and ignore him. That would be a lot easier if he wasn’t like a freaking earthquake. Unavoidable.

Garry turns back to me, trying his hardest to forget about the very drunk audience we had.

“Look I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have flipped out like that because I get it. You weren’t ready to say it just like I wasn’t ready last time.” He finally concludes. I let out a breath of relief as he finally realises he is in the wrong. Suddenly, I see an expression on his face that gets me curious again.

“What?” I ask, knowing very well something else is on his mind.

“It’s just…well it seems like we’re never both ready. If it’s not me not wanting to take it more seriously, it’s you. We’re never on the same page.”

“So what are you saying?”

He lets out a breath, and I knew very well what he was getting at. I just wanted to hear him say what we were both thinking.

“What I’m saying is, I think the reason we are never on the same page is because this…” he gestures a hand between me and him “…just isn’t right.”

I am silent for a second as I hear him say the words that have been going through my mind for over a month.

“Hold on a minute…” Drake’s voice suddenly cuts through again. We both turn to look at him while he is still sat on the floor. He points at Garry “…You’re breaking up with her again?! In a toilet that I’ve just thrown up in?!”

“Drake, be quiet and shut up.” I snap at him.

He looks confused “Isn't that the same request twice in one sentence?”

I grit my teeth and turn back to Garry, ignoring him.

“You’re right.” I finally tell him, and I see a slight look of disappointment on his face as he realises I too think the same thing “This is just too difficult. I mean we’ve tried it twice and it clearly isn’t going to work. So why waste any more time on it?”

Garry nods his head in agreement “So this is definitely over then.”

It took me a while to reply before I nodded my head slightly. A small smile appears on my lips “At least it ended on better terms this time?”

He smiles back “No one can say we didn’t try.”

There was a small silence around the room as neither of us knew what to do now.

Garry finally broke it “I better go then.”

“You’re not going to stay for the weekend?”

He shakes his head “Think it’s better for everyone if I head home. Thank god you guys brought so much alcohol up here otherwise I wouldn’t have a car to drive back in.”

I let out a small laugh “I knew there were benefits to being alcoholics.”

Garry chuckles, before I see a sad smile at him lips. He takes a step forward and holds his arms out.

“Friends?” he suggests.

I smile back and walk into his arms, before he wraps them around me and I nod my head into his shoulder.

Suddenly, we hear the door burst open and pull away from each other.

Nate is stood at the door in only boxers, looking around the room with a confused look. And a moustache, glasses and Harry Potter scar.

How Lacey managed to actually have sex with him with that on his face, I will never know.

I’ve never seen Drake move so fast. He shoots to his feet and dives at Nate, engulfing him in his arms.

“Oh thank god man, you have no idea what I’ve been through.” He almost cries into Nate’s arms, before letting go of him and running out of the room.

I laugh slightly at his reaction, before looking at Garry who is also shaking his head in amusement.

“I don’t know what happened in here, but can you guys clear out?” Nate asks, dancing on the spot slightly “I need to pee my body weight out in beer, and it’s going to get messy. You have no idea how hard it is pissing with a boner.”

I gag slightly at the thought while Garry chuckles and mutters in agreement.

We walk out of the bathroom while Nate runs to the toilet.

I make my way downstairs while Garry goes to our room and gets his stuff. Everyone is now in bed, and scaringly enough I can hear porn star screams coming from either Luke or Jimmy’s rooms.

I scowl to myself. That bitch was so faking it.

Garry is downstairs soon enough, and I walk him to his car. He puts his stuff in the backseat before turning to me with a sad little smile.

“Suppose it was good while it lasted hey?” His mouth is turned up slightly.

I smile back “We gave it a go that’s all that counts.”

He pulls me in his arms and gives me another hug, before climbing in the car and I watch him drive off.

You know the sad thing thought?

As I watch him drive away, I don’t feel any sadness. I feel relieved. Relieved I don’t have to fake it anymore. I mean I was just as bad as the plastic duo who were currently screaming the house down in fake orgasms. I faked feelings for him because deep down I knew I didn’t want to be with him.

In the long run I knew this was definitely the best thing.

I walk back into the house and close the front door, leaning up against it with my eyes closed letting out a breath of relief.

Drake’s voice makes my eyes shoot open.

“He’s blatantly gone home to bang his dog. Poor little Ralf.”


A/N: so what do you think? perfect person to be stuck in a room with them and butt in the argument at every opportunity? ;) let me know what you think of this chapter guys so please take a minute to comment below!  Thank you for reading my beauties!

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