Chapter 22- 'That was uncalled pool table whore.'

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The first thing I saw as I woke up that Saturday morning was my brother stood over the bed holding a packet of crisps.

I blinked a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes and stretched.

“If this is another Drake and Nate chuckle brother wake up call, I'm going to set you both on fire.” I croak out, my voice still coated in sleep.

Nate smiled “Nope it’s just me so put the lighter fluid away.”

“I’ll give it a few more minutes.” I reply, and Nate chuckles.

I sit up slightly in the bed, the duvet falling to  my waist.

“Why are you in here first thing in the morning anyway?” I ask, turning to look at my brother.

“Well, Drake told me what happened last night with Garry so I figured it was time to act the caring big brother. So I made you breakfast.” He explained, throwing the packet of crisps at my lap causing me to laugh. He climbs into bed and lays down next to me “…And it’s not morning, it’s gone midday.”

“That is morning. It’s basically like the crack of dawn to me.” I respond, picking up the crisps and smiling slightly at my brothers gesture.

“This is your version of breakfast in bed?” I ask him with my brows raised.

He smirks “Slaving away all morning to make that.”

I let out a laugh, before opening the bag of crisps and eating one. To be fair, me and my brother were lazy. This was as good a breakfast as any.

I offer him the bag and he takes a crisp.

“So, how do you feel this morning? Are you going to be needing the Notebook on DVD, ice cream and wine?” He asks.

“Not quite. Could probably do with the wine though.” I reply and he smirks “But no I’m fine honestly.”

“Don’t lie to me, we share DNA I know when you're lying.” He replies without a hesitation.

“Honestly Nate I’m fine, I don’t really care that he left. In all honesty I didn’t really want to be with him anyway.” I tell him and I was being serious, I really wasn’t feeling my ‘relationship’ with Garry. I knew when I was with him I was mostly doing it just to do something. I felt like I had an obligation to give it another try for some reason.

“Okay fine, to be fair I could see you weren’t into that guy anyway. But I know something is bothering you.” He looks at me, his eyes questioning.

I hesitate for a second before sighing.

“I guess it’s just…I did love Garry. The first time we went out, I loved him so much. He was my first...” I hesitate as I see the look of disgust on my brothers face and quickly change what I was going to say “…kiss.”

“Thank you for sparing me that.” Nate smiles slightly, and I can’t help but laugh. He looks at me, gesturing for me to carry on.

“Basically, if I can’t manage to love someone who I was crazy about before, what the hell does that say about me?” I finally get out and he looks at me thoughtfully for a few minutes before he replies.

“It means that that guy was a douche and you finally realised that. And it means there is someone else out there who actually deserves to be with someone like you.” As he says these words, my mouth goes dry and I actually have to fight back a few tears “…and doesn’t fuck small animals.”

I let out a strangled laugh as I'm still fighting back a few tears after hearing his words.

“Been talking to Drake?” I ask.

Nate smirks “We may have spent the morning talking about what a massive pig fucker Garry is, yes.”

I laugh again, realising just how awesome my brother is. I know some people who aren’t close to their siblings, and I'm so thankful that me and Nate were nothing like that. I’m happy that I know I can go to him when it comes to things like this. Yes, he is majorly over protective at times but that’s what made him Nate.

He scoots closer to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder and smile slightly, the packet of crisps getting squashed somewhere in this embrace.

“I’m being serious though Mia, you deserve someone much better.  Someone who doesn’t break up with you not once, but twice.”

I scowl “That’s another reason I'm pissed off. The stupid Ferret Fucker got there before I did.”

Nate lets out a laugh before kissing the top of my hair “Good to see you’ve come round to our way of thinking.”

We stay there and talk for about another half an hour, the conversation straying away from Garry and towards Lacey, to which my brother swiftly changed subject . He seems to be amazing at solving other peoples shit, but when it comes to his own that boy is more useless than a vibrator without batteries.

We finally went downstairs and joined the rest of the people. I got a few sympathetic nods from Luke and Jimmy, a few smug smiles off of Barbie and Cindy which I am proud to say I rose above because normally, I would have taken their daytime heels off their feet and shoved them up their massively overstretched vaginas.

Lacey took me to one side and had the best friend briefing about the nights events, and after a few comments from her about what a massive tool Garry was, that he was probably suppressing homosexual feelings and that he did in fact have sex with small animals, we went back to normal.

The only person who didn’t say anything to me or look at me sympathetically about the Garry situation was Drake. In all fairness, I was quite grateful because I've had enough of talking about that tool. Who broke up with me.


Why the hell didn’t I beat that bitch to it when I had the chance?

“What are we doing today?” Lacey asks, sitting on the opposite end of the sofa from Nate. This was their thing. They would hook up, for about 2 hours they would pretend they don’t even know each other and then by the end of the night they are in each other’s beds again.

It was infuriating to watch because those two morons were perfect for each other.

“We’re walking to mountain rock my lady and then going swimming. Maybe have a picnic. And by picnic, I mean beer.” Luke responds, and I actually find myself quite excited by the idea.

Mountain rock was basically these massive rocks by the side of the Lake. They were all different heights and sizes and basically the point of it was to climb to the top of the rocks and dive into the Lake.  There was a bight stretch of green next to it which we used to sit about on, the guys used to play football etc.

It was about a 20 minute walk from the Cabin, and by 3pm we found ourselves on the big stretch of green by the Lake.

Lacey and I were trying so hard to hold back laughter as the Hilton twins got on the patch of green and threw their bags down with an annoyed scream.

“You could have said it was such a long walk through those woods! My shoes are ruined!” Cindy whined to Jimmy, who was trying to fight back a smile of his own.

I couldn’t stop myself “If only you didn’t wear those stripper heels in broad daylight then that walk may have been a little easier.” I smile sweetly, walking past her and setting my bag down.

Her jaw was hanging open in shock, and she actually looked at Jimmy as if to say ‘are you going to let her talk to me like that?’ but Jimmy had conveniently walked over to the rest of the boys. Smart move Jimbob.

“I haven’t been on the rock in over 2 years.” Drake commented, looking at the many rocks lining the side of the lake.

“Your cellmate’s had a rock over you for over 2 years though.” I smile walking and standing next to him as he admires the rocks. He turns his head and smirks at me.

“That was uncalled for.” He humours, before turning his head back to the rocks “Pool table whore.”

My eyes narrow into the side of his face, and I see him holding back a smile.

“Unlike the girls you’ve entered, I have standards jailbird.” I shoot back, and as always the boy doesn’t get offended he just looks amused.

He turns his head towards me, his face amused (see?). He leans forward slightly as he starts to speak again.

“If one of those standards is being utterly satisfied, then it’s only a matter of time.” His voice is low, almost a whisper as a small smile is still modelling at his mouth.

We keep eye contact for a few more seconds as I try hard not to laugh. This seemed to be mine and Drake’s new thing, just teasing each other about this. I knew it was just jokes though. We were friends, and he was Nate’s best friend. That is a massive NO NO!

“It’s been a while Drake, you sure you’re not going to pussy out?” Luke snaps us both out of the staring contest we had going. He was referring to jumping off the rocks, but by the smirk on Drakes face the irony of Lukes comment was not lost considering our current conversation.

“When it comes to pussy the only way I go is in.” Drake replies without a hesitation, and I actually gag.

“Pig.” I mutter and walk back towards Lacey who had cracked open two beers and handed me one.

“I can feel the sexual tension from over here.” She comments with a smirk.

I stare daggers at her “Going to fuck my brother again tonight Lace?”

The smile drops from her lips before giving me a small nod “Well played.”

I nod back, clinking my bottle with hers and turning to look as the guys had begun to take their shirts off leaving them in just their swimming trunks. I couldn’t help but be a pervert, any woman with a vagina that welcomes penis would perve.

These guys were hot (my brother most definitely not included, although Lacey was noticeably scanning him up and down right now) I mean all of them clearly went to the gym, some more than others I decide as I realise that Drake makes the rest of the guys look like stick men even though all of them have a muscle ratio of beef cakes.

I mean I got that in prison there isn’t much to do, but he must have spent the entire 2 years lifting weights. Those tattoos were screaming at me again to just roll my tongue over them. Only this time it wasn’t just screams. It was like the tattoos were trying to lure me in by holding fudge cake out to me and saying ‘you know you want to do it Mia, just give in…’

It was like a paedophile luring children into his van with sweets. It could never end well.

“You girls going to join us or is this going to be a massive sausage fest?” Jimmy yells over to us, and I shake my head in amusement.

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t enjoy it…” I hear Luke joke and put and begin to put an arm around Jimmy’s shoulder, which he quickly slaps away. I laugh.

Lacey nudges me “They’re keen.”

She gestures her head towards Barbie and Cindy, and they have already stripped down to their bikinis. I let out a laugh and turn back to Lacey.

“We need to be careful, they’re senses are going to be heightened now they are in their natural habitat. And by natural habitat, I mean partially naked.”

Lacey laughs and we both begin to strip down until we’re both in bikinis, Lacey in blue and me in orange. The Hilton twins were wearing gold bikinis, both of them. It made the whole Hilton ‘twin’ joke even funnier. It was like seeing those kids who are twins and their mother forces them to wear identical clothing ‘til they reach puberty. Only these girls weren’t being forced, they did this by choice. And to top it all off, Cindy actually had a belt above her bottoms.

Did this chick think we were in a Flo.Rida video?

“Don’t worry girls, only the men have to jump off the rocks. The women can get in by that bank.” Nate smirks, knowing that would piss me and Lacey right off. Cindy and Barbie nodded, relief in their face. I would like to point out that they still have not taken their heels off.

Lacey and I walk over to them, not missing the approving looks Nate was giving Lacey. I saw Drake’s eyes scan me up and down with a small smirk on his lips.

“You should wear that ALL the time.” Drake suggests, earning him a punch in the shoulder from my brother.

“Sister.” Nate points out, and Drake chuckles slightly rubbing his arm.

“So…” Luke begins, a knowing smirk on his lips as he looks around all of us “…After 3?”

All of us have the same smirk, knowing very well what was going to happen. We all give a nod, the Hilton twins looking very confused and suddenly realising they were with a group of people who knew each other well. A close group of friends that they couldn’t get in. At the end of the day they were only here so Luke and Jimmy could get laid.

“After 3” Nate confirms.

“1…2…” Jimmy counts down, a small tense silence as we all wait, all of us getting ready “…3!”

As soon as we heard that number, all 6 of us ran towards the rocks like we had done many times before. We all began to climb the rocks, Lacey, Jimmy and Luke going for the smaller ones as Drake, Nate and I had already claimed the tallest rock. Pretty soon we were all stood at the edge.

Drake turns his head to me, a smirk on his lips as he turned his body slightly and stretched his arms over his head preparing himself for the jump. As he did this and his body stretched straight, I noticed his swimming trunks slipping slightly and again I spotted that tattoo. The one that I saw a while back at my house and didn’t actually have a chance to see properly. It was tiny, just on his abdomen and the trunks didn’t slip down far enough for me to see the whole thing.

Drake noticed my curious gaze and traced his eyes to where I was looking. His smirk widened as he lifted his trunks up slightly so the entire tattoo was covered again.

“Curiosity killed the cat Mia.” He states “Don’t worry doll, you’ll find out what it is at some point.”

My brows furrowed in confusion, realising just how bad I wanted to know what that tattoo was. I have no idea why but the curiosity was freaking killing me.

“Ready or not, get ready to jump, water cold or hot!” Nate chanted and we all knew this cue. We used it every time we were here. Within second we all jumped off of the rocks.  I held my nose as I got ready for the water to hit me.

I heard about two splashes as my friends hit the water before me, and then before I knew it I was underwater. The Lake wasn’t too deep, but your feet didn’t touch the floor if your head was underwater. I swam to the surface, finding myself laughing at how good it felt to be here doing this again. I cleared the water out of my eyes and saw the other guys all floating about.

Jimmy had grabbed Lacey by the waist and threw her back into the water.  Luke and Nate had gotten out already and started climbing the rocks again. The guys loved jumping off of those things. I think it made them feel like men. I knew these guys well, it was important to their egos that they did feel like men.

Suddenly I felt something pull me back into the water. I began to kick and struggle furiously as whatever was gripping my waist wasn’t letting me go. Suddenly, I felt a tug at my bikini bottoms.

I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to roll my eyes underwater.

I managed to free myself from Drake’s hold and resurface, as did he. He had a schoolboy smirk on his lips as he looked at me. I glared at him.

“Seaweed got caught and pulled you under?” he attempted to lie.

“We are in a lake.”

He thought for a minute “Lake weed?”

I instantly splashed water at him, causing him to laugh. I swam over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders, holding my breath and pushing us both back down with all my might.

As we were under the water, he began to struggle free, on hand wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to him so our bare stomachs were touching. I opened my eyes under the water, and looked at his smirking face. His hair was waving around him in the water and my hands automatically grabbed his shoulders so I wouldn’t sink. Somehow, I'm guessing it was my bodies way of stopping myself from sinking, my legs wrapped around his waist.

And underwater, no oxygen reaching our lungs, Drake actually raised his brows at this, his smirk widening. He was holding me in place even though I was trying to swim free, shaking his head slightly.

I knew I couldn’t hold my breath for much longer, but I didn’t actually struggle that hard to get out of his grip. I was ridiculously comfortable with my legs wrapped around him, nothing separating us apart from swimming costumes. It was so quiet underwater, and it was really nice actually. Just being here. Peaceful almost.

After a few seconds, I felt Drake pull us both up and pretty soon we were back to the noisy outside world. I’m guessing he realised we were both about to drown so it was probably smart we resurfaced.

We were both getting our breaths back when suddenly I felt his eyes on me again.

“As much as we would have liked to, couldn’t stay under there all night.” He said this, not with a smirk, but with an actual smile. It was a little shocking to see a genuine half-hearted smile from this man.

Another hour went by and Lacey and I were now on the grass. The Hilton twins were happily being felt up in the water by Jimmy and Luke and Nate and Drake were racing from the water to the rocks again. I swear Drake was trying to make up for the two years he missed out on jumping off those rocks in one day. 

They were both at the top of the highest one, and much to our amusement they suddenly grabbed each other and engulfed each other in a hug.

“BROTHERS FALL TOGETHER!” Nate suddenly screamed and they both flew into the water, screaming like little girls. I was actually crying with laughter by this point.

“I swear both of them maybe did a little too much weed in their younger days and it’s left some lasting damage.” Lacey comments in between her laughter and I nod in agreement.

“I'm related to one of them. How do you think that makes me feel?” I reply, taking a sip of my beer and leaning back against the big pile of bags.

“You also almost shared bodily fluids with the other one on a pool table.” Lacey smirks, and I grit my teeth in annoyance.

“Are you ever going to let that go?” I ask, and she shakes her head.

“Maybe one day when I have something else to amuse myself with.” She shrugs.

“Since I know how interesting your life is, I'm preparing myself for a few years of that abuse.”

Her smirk widens before she raises her beer bottle in a toast “That’s the beauty of having no goals in life.”

I let out a laugh. I see Drake and Nate once against climb out of the lake and head for the big rock again. I sit up slightly and begin to rummage through the many bags of snacks, clothes and alcohol we brought up from the cabin, suddenly hearing my stomach scream at me to feed it.

There must be a bar of chocolate in here somewhere…or a cheeseburger…

My search for food gets get short when I hear a phone go off. I fish it out of one of the bags, realising it was Drake’s phone.

I look up just as my brother had jumped into the Lake and Drake was preparing himself for the dive.

“Oi jailbird, your phones going off…” I yell over to him, looking at the caller ID “…you have an incoming call from ‘Andrew the Asshole’. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he’s not a close friend?”

I was expecting him to laugh from the top of the rocks and continue to dive into the lake, but the reaction he had was a little different.

As soon as I mentioned who was calling, Drake spun around to look at me so fast he lost his footing and fell backwards into the lake, hitting the sharp edge of the rock on his way down.

I was instantly on my feet running over to the lake, my heart beating out of my chest as I saw how hard he hit that edge.

 I threw the ringing phone on the floor, ignoring whoever it was that was calling. Whoever it was that made Drake turn around so fast and fall off that rock.

His face surprised me the most though.  As he turned to face me, before he feel back, the only thing I could see in his eyes was panic. The weird thing is the panic was not because he was falling backwards into a lake, hitting sharp edges of rock on the way down.

The panic was because I told him who was calling.


A/N: i have good and bad news. the good news is i have come up with some hilarious situations for these two characters to end up in, and some dramatic ones, and i have realised this story is 20 chapters or so in already but it is no where near finished, so for those of you who message me telling me you love this story, dont worry its far from over.

the bad news is i go on holiday tomorow for 10 days so there will be no updates at this time, and i am aware ive left it on a cliffhanger because im in a cruel mood hahaa i do warn you though, this is my first holiday with just my friends. so the possibilities of me getting alcohol poisoning are very high. if i do come back in a coffin, it was lovely knowing you all.

anyway, what did you think of the chapter? love how close Nate and Mia are? why did Drake freak out when he heard who was calling him?


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