Chapter - 47

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Next morning:
Swara was on bed. She slept in sitting position only. The Sunrays hits her face and she opened her eyes slowly only to find a pleasant morning after stormy rainy night. She looked at herself and find herself sitting leaning on the bedpost. She didn't know how she fell sleep like this only. She was lost in thinking about Sanskar and past memories again flashed in her mind, bringing tears in her eyes. She tried to hold herself but couldn't and sobbed for so long. She kept asking herself only one thing to her fate that what was her mistake that she is getting punished? What was her fault in loving someone so deeply who never felt anything for her? And now he is back only for her? Is it so easy to accept it? No!! He cleared he didn't love her then why now? He is still here for any other motive, but she isn't left with anything that he will snatch from her. She won't let him win. She won't let her heart melt for him, not this time. Even for that if she had to turn her heart strong as stone. He didn't care for her emotions then she will also not care for him. He can go away!! Somewhere, it pains to feel pain to loose him again but for what? For loosing someone who was never her? She mocked her heart for the pain she was feeling. She had accepted that she can't get her love but what can be done with stupid heart that started hoping, felt happy just to see him after so long. But he'll No!! She won't let her heart fall again for him and for that, if she had to kill her feelings, her heart. She will do it!!

" Mum.. mumma." Swara came out of her thought listening Arshit who woke up. He crawled toward her and sit in her lap. Swara smiled to see him. He is really an angel. She don't need any other reason to smile even in her worst mood.

" Aww my Arshit woke up" Swara said pulling his cheeks.
He giggles.
" Yes mumma but I am still sleepy." He said and yawned cutely snuggling in to her arm.

Swara smiled at him and pats his back, hugging him. She lets him sleep for some more time.

After sometime, she got fresh n up and took bath. She had wore ready in pink saree and also made Arshit ready. Arshit rushed outside to play with kids. Swara smiled to see him. She combed her hair, then her thought drifted toward Sanskar.

"He must have gone right?" Her heart asked.
" It's better if he would have gone." Her mind answered.
Swara closed her eyes and sighed. Then opened her eyes with determined look.
" No, you won't be affected by him. He doesn't hold any control over your emotions or your heart. Focus Swara." She murmured to herself.

Then she went outside only to find Sanskar playing with kids. Somewhere, a part of her knew that he didn't go and as she find him still here, she felt a kind of happiness but she immediately scratched that away from her heart by the anger that was overtaking now. She looked at him angrily and went toward him.

" What the hell is happening here?" Swara shouted on Sanskar.

Sanskar and kids stopped Playing. They looked at her. Kids were little scared as swara usually don't get angry. Sanskar knew this was coming. She will definitely get angry again to find him still here but he can't back off now. He will complete his work for what he came for but for now that is The most impossible thing, i.e to win her love back.

" What's going on here, huh?" Swara repeated.
" Swara di, why are you getting angry? We were just playing with Sanky bhaiyya." A boy around 6 years said.

"Ronit, bacha you all go inside. We will play later. I will talk to your Swara di." Sanskar said politely to the kids.

"Ok Sanky bhaiyya." The kids said and they went from there.

"What happened Swara?" Mother said coming there. She heard swara shouting on Sanskar and kids so she came there.

" That's what I wanted to ask mother. What is he doing here? I told him to go from here last night but what is he still doing here?" Swara said trying to control her anger but couldn't.

" Actually.. I.." Sanskar tried to interrupt in between but Swara glared at him and show her hand to stop.

" Sanskar, please excuse us for few minutes." Mother said looking at him.

Sanskar nodded at her and went from there.

" Swara, dear please calm down. He is here to work as caretaker of kids. You know na that last month only Ritu left. So we had no one other than us and Sanskar wanted to work for these small kids. " Mother said.

" What? Mother? How can you just...! (Sighs) I am sorry I shouldn't question you but mother you don't know everything that's why you are.." swara said but mother interupted.

" Swara, my child, this orphanage is for kids and kids are like god. If someone wants to serve them then how can we deny. It's against God. Everyone is equal in front of God. Right?" Mother said.

"I know mother but you don't know his intentions. We should let the people work here who genuinely want to serve, not because of some hidden motive behind. You know he is doing all that because he need forgiveness from me. But you don't know the whole thing mother. May be that's why you are trying to help him but at the end he will betray shattering your trust." Swara said.

" Yes, that's true. I don't know the whole thing but I know you love him. Still I am not helping him. For me, everyone is equal. I believe God is there to punish someone for his mistakes. He already said that he is here to gain your forgiveness but also want to be with these children, serve them even it will be for few days, till he is here. It will make him happy. And secondly, I never asked him to do it. He requested me a lot. I tried to deny that we will hire someone else but still he requested and tell that he was longing for peace and he can find it here only and also told that in this way he can ask forgiveness from you. I am mother Swara. I can't be rude even with my enemies if they request me like that. I am not asking you to forgive him but please try to understand dear." Mother said.

" No mother, don't say please. I understand your point. Ok, let him be here. But if he do any mistake or any kind of irresponsible behaviour toward children then he will have to leave." Swara said.

"You are the supervisor dear. You can see to it. I won't say anything but it shouldn't against the rules." Mother said.

"I understand mother." Swara said.

Then only someone called mother and she excused herself from there caressing Swara's hair with smile.

On the otherside, Sanskar was talking to Ragini as he got call. Ragini already came to know about him going to shimla for swara. She was happy for him that he finally found her. Sanskar told her everything about situation. She told him not to loose hope. He had to try hard.

" Yeah I know, but Ragini. I am feeling scared what if I lost? She is totally right at her place and I will give my Everything to win her love back but at the end, I don't wanna loose another person whom I lost once." Sanskar said sadly.

"No Sanskar, don't think about end. Just focus on her. Your betrayal broken her and she need your love to mend her heart. It's your chance and the situation is now or never. Life without love is not easy Sanskar. It's really hard." Ragini said with heavy voice.

"Ragini, you don't let me talk to Laksh. Neither you are ready to him. Why are you doing this to yourself ?" Sanskar asked understanding her.

"I don't want to talk about it right now Sanskar. Anyway, take care. I gotta go, bye and bring her back." Ragini said and call get disconnected.

Sanskar sighed looking at the phone. Then closed his eyes thinking about Swara and her words.

"You shattered that small hope in me and now you want me to believe this Lie that you love me. No Sanskar, I will never believe you and yeah, I had already told you that I will never forgive you for whatever you did neither I want to punish you. I just don't want to see your face. Get lost from here!!"

" Just her words affecting you so much then think what she must have gone through after your betrayal w hen you said don't love her but you always did. You didn't just lied to her but you lied to yourself always supressing those feelings for her thinking you will betray Kritika. You turned yourself in mere stone who only thought to be hard and get your revenge but you never knew that she had melted your heart long back without your realisation. Your illusion of darkness was gone long back but you were too blind to see it untill those darkness again reached you when took away her light. Now that you have last chance to mend her heart, give her every happiness she deserves, to be honest with your feelings with her, you are being scared of end? " His conscience yelled at him.

"No, I won't. Whether it takes everything. I love you Swara, love you forever." He said with his closed eyes and tears fell from his eyes. He takes a deep breath and opened his eyes, sniffing his nose then wipe his tears away then only he looked down to a small kid, who was sitting in his ride on toy car. He was looking at him with his cute big eyes confusingly. He was non other than Arshit. He got up from toy car and stands in front of his tall figure. He looked up to him then his feet as if analysing his height. Sanskar didn't understand what he was doing. He was about to go on his knees in front of him but then only Arshit comes to him and he climbed on his shoes and holded his jeans then tried to go up as if trying to climb a tree like he had seen Orphanage kids while playing. Sanskar couldn't able to hold his smile. He was about to pick him up but then only Arshit backed off and looked at him with disappointed pout then he ups his both hand telling him to pick him up.

"Pick me up. You are very tall." Arshit said cutely in lisping tone.

Sanskar immediately picked him up in his Arm.
"Hey champ." Sanskar said.
"My name is Arshit not champ. But you can call me that. I liked it." Arshit said with smile.
Sanskar smiled at him.

" Why were you crying? Mumma scold you na? " Arshit said touch his cheeks with his tiny hands.

"Mumma?" Sanskar asked confusingly.
" Yes, I saw she scolded you and others. Don't worry, when she get angry na then she shout but she really loves Everyone a lot." Arshit said.

" Sure champ." Sanskar said.

Sanskar get more confused and got suspicious is he calling Swara as his mumma?

" Who.. who is your mumma, champ? Is Swara your mumma?" Sanskar asked to confirm.
"Yes, she is my mumma." Arshit says.

Sanskar got that Swara must have adopted him. She always loved kids.

"I really feel so proud of you Swara. You never failed to surprise me. I respect you more. You are the most wonderful and beautiful person, both inside out. I love you more." Sanskar thinks.

"But you don't cry ok. Mumma also feels bad to see someone crying. You know when she scold me and I start crying, she also starts crying. That's why I don't cry. So, you also don't cry. Mumma will feel bad if she sees you." Arshit saw in lisping tone.

" I know champ, your mumma is having a beautiful heart and she can never see anyone in pain. Ok I won't cry." Sanskar said.
He reminded the first incident when he saved Swara from car accident and he got hurt. That was planned but not that part of him getting injured. He still remember how she started crying after seeing him injured.

" ohoo, I forgot to ask you name? what's your name ?" Arshit asked.

"My name is Sanskar." Sanskar said.

" sake... sakar.." Arshit tried to say but couldn't. Sanskar chuckles at him.
" It's so long. I can't say it." Arshit said with pout.

"I would love to hear you calling me dad champ but before that I need to mend your Mumma's heart. You are so innocent and pure. Everything that she loves is priceless to me and so you are. I promise, I will make everything alright soon" Sanskar think.

Then only he felt Arshit pulling his collar bringing him back to his sense.

" What should I call you?" Arshit asked with pout.

"Ok champ, then you can call me buddy." Sanskar said.

"Buddy.. what's that?" Arshit asked.
" Buddy means best friends. So I am your friend from now on." Sanskar said.
" Yeah, buddy. I will call you buddy." Arshit said excitedly.

"Arshit!!" They heard a loud voice and Sanskar turned around with Arshit in his arms.

" What the hell you are doing with my son, Sanskar?" Swara asked.

Swara look angrily at Sanskar and come there. She snatched Arshit away from him and put him down.

" Mumma, I was just talking with buddy." Arshit confusingly said.

" He is not your buddy. Go and play with your toy car." Swara said.
Arshit was little scared to see his mumma angry. Sanskar was sad but he knew that he is only the reason of her behaviour.
" Hey champ, you go and play. Ok? We will talk later." Sanskar said getting on his knees in front of Arshit.

" Ok, bye buddy, bye Mumma" Arshit said smilingly and go with his toy car.

It angered Swara more that Arshit was listening Sanskar even though he met him today only, may be few minutes earlier. But how can she forget that how easily he trap everyone in his spell only to betray later. She knows it well.

As Arshit go from there. Sanskar stands up.
" What the hell do you want? What kind of drama is going on? I told you to go back from here in morning itself and you are still here and now you want to work as caretaker. Really unbelievable, isn't it?? The successful business man Sanskar Maheshwari is working in an small orphanage as caretaker, but sorry to say Mr. Maheshwari, we can't afford you. Oh sorry, am I missing something? Oh yeah, Sanskar Maheshwari never do anything without any motive? So what's the real motive Sanskar? Getting my forgiveness or Love, it's all bullshit!! I don't believe it. I am sure there must be something hidden behind it. Just tell me why are you here? What's your next target or the mission and most importantly, where the hell is your so called team?"

"I came here just for you Swara. Once you believed my lies and now you don't want to believe this truth that I really Love you." Sanskar said.

" Oh just shut up!! I don't want to hear this again. I hate these words!!! Especially when you say this. So just stop saying that again and again. You insulted those words, that are pure and pious feeling that is filled with Trust. You are an enigma of betrayal. The one who will trust you, will always face betrayal. What do you want to do huh? Now, you want to break trust of these kids too. They are innocent Sanskar and they will easily believe you. But what will happen later, once for whatever selfish reason you come is finished they will also betrayed by you. Why Sanskar? Why the hell are you so Selfish!!! Why are so selfish that you can't see others pain. You don't affected by it."

" This is not your fault that you don't trust me Swara cause I know I have gave you enough reasons to never trust me. But I swear to god, I won't break anyone's trust neither I have any hidden motive. I said you yesterday only that I want your forgiveness but you can call me selfish because I know these kids don't need me but I found my lost peace here. No one change all of the sudden, no one love all of the sudden. Your love had already changed me but I was too late to realise and stop myself from doing all that which resulted myself to loose you. But these few months were enough to make me feel hell without you. I am really fallen for you swara and I will do anything and everything to gain your trust." Sanskar said truthfully.

" Am I doll sanskar. I don't have any feelings? When you say I love you I will be with you and when you say you don't. I should go away. Why? Don't I have any emotions? When I loved you truly and needed you. I just needed one assurance that whatever happened, you loved me but you didn't. You were not there. So now, I don't need you neither I don't need your love!!" Swara said venomously.

"Swara please, I beg you. Please give me one chance. I will do anything to gain your forgiveness and this time, there will be no lie. Please Swara. I accept every blame, your hate, your anger, Everything but I just can't be away from you. Please give me Last chance." He said in requesting tone.

Swara looked at him sternly.

" Fine!! You have one month. If you failed to gain my forgiveness then you will go way from here and will never show your face to me." Swara said.

" Thank you, thank you so much Swara. I promise I won't fail you this time." Sanskar said with happy smile.

"Don't have any misconceptions Sanskar. I am giving you chance but I am also giving you assurance that it's impossible because I won't let my heart melt for you once again. So, you can agree if you still want to try otherwise, get the hell out of here but result wont change in both condition. I will never forgive you and never love you. Still you want one chance then I am giving you. But just feed this into your brain that whatever you do, I don't care. It won't change my mind." Swara said in sharp tone.

"I accept every punishment and hard thing that I have to face but I will not loose my hope. You don't want to forgive me but I want more than your forgiveness, more than your trust, more than your love and I will not back off. It's better not to live rather to live without you. I won't force you ever to forgive me. The day your heart feel you can forgive me and accept my love, then only you do it. For me this chance meant everything, like my whole life depends upon this one month. So, thank you so much Swara." Sanskar said with emotions.

Swara fisted her hand nd then rudely said.

" You are here to work as caretaker na? Then be it. I am supervisor. You must know it. Right? So, if you do a single mistake then I won't take a minute to throw you out. I don't want any irresponsible behaviour toward these kids or the work you will be assigned. Your time will be ended that time only. Forget about whole month." Swara said rudely.

"Sure, but I assure you. You won't get any complain from my side." Sanskar said with smile.

" Whatever!!" She said and was about to go but stopped and said looking straight into his eyes.

"You are here for one month then you can live however you want and do your work but... Stay away from me and My son." Swara shouted at him and about to turn to go from there but then only she heard him.

"Never. Only this condition I don't accept. I won't stay away, neither from you nor Arshit. And before you think, I pity Arshit, then not at all because he is luckiest to get you his mother and your every happiness is my life, so is Arshit. He was there with you like an angel and he is special for me. So, I am sorry I am denying this accept this condition." Sanskar said with serious expression.

" You.. " She pointed her index finger at him and glared at him venomously but couldn't utter a words looking into his eyes and calm face. She gave a sharp look and turned around abruptly resulting her soft hair hit his face which felt more like caress to him and went from there.
Sanskar smiled at her looking at her retreating figure.

" I don't know why but I felt a different connection with Arshit. He captured my heart in just single meeting. He is indeed really special. I came here to get my love back but never thought I will get my family but for that I need to gain her trust." Sanskar thinks.

Later, Anuj came with Sanskar's luggage as he was now going to live here in orphanage. Anuj was really shocked when he come to know that Sanskar is going to be caretaker.

" No work is small Anuj. Everyone should be respected. In my case it is different because I am doing this for myself rather my love." Sanskar said.

"Yes sir, all the best sir and you don't worry I will handle other works." Anuj said.
" Thank you, see you soon." Sanskar said.
Anuj went from there and sanskar went inside.

Swara sees him with bag.
" Bag? Like really? Does he think that I will let him be here even for a week. Just wait and watch Sanskar maheshwari, you don't know what is coming for you." Swara think with serious expression.

Shyam uncle to show his room. It was small room but he find it cozy. Later Sanskar went to do his works as told by Swara. Mother had went out and she was going to come back tomorrow. She had already informed them.
Later, Sanskar played with kids and helped them in study. Kids were really happy to know that Sanskar was going to live there for a month.  They started to have a special bond with him. Swara noticed it but she didn't said anything.

"One thing that you can't control is your anger. Let's see how much you try to control yourself and how much patience you have. Your patience will break so soon Sanskar. No matter how much anyone try to change himself but few habits never leave them. I will remove this mask from your face. I will end your drama in just few days and you will be out." She thinks.

Later in evening,
Sanskar was doing something in his phone when Shyaam uncle come to him.
" I am sorry Sanskar baba but you don't look like caretaker. I mean your personality and caretaker both looks poles apart." Shyam uncle said.

Sanskar smiled and he was about to say something but then only they heard Swara.

"If personality could depict then we could easily figure out who is thief, criminal and most importantly BETRAYERS, right Sanskar?" Swara said in taunting way.

" Right, personality is not mirror of person but heart is. Still, how stupid of us that we ignore our hearts." Sanskar said looking at her.

Swara was about to say something but Few kids come there with Arshit.

"Hey buddy." Arshit said.
" Hey champ" Sanskar said and pick him up in his arms.
Swara fumes in anger but She gripped her fist tight to control herself. She shouldn't shout in front of all kids and  Shyam uncle. Sanskar noticed her but he smiled.

"Arshit, what are you doing here baby? I told you to play inside room na?" Swara asked trying her to say in normal tone.

" Mumma, I was bored with toys and you were also not in room so, I played with everyone. Then I see buddy and you here. So I came." Arshit said.

"No Arshit, leave him. Uncle is having work." Swara said.
" But uncle can do his work. I am with buddy na?" Arshit said cutely.

" He is not your buddy!!" Swara said being irritated but immediately composed herself looking at Arshit face who was scared a bit.

" I mean bacha, he has works to do and he is going to make dinner for all of us. You can't go there na. So come here?" Swara said.

" Sanskar baba is going to make dinner?" Shyam uncle asked.

" Really buddy? " Arshit asked looking at Sanskar while he had no idea. It was like a bomb dropped on him. He will have to make dinner for everyone and her next confirmation made it clear.

" Yes, He will make dinner for everyone alone." Swara said looking at him with smirk on her face.

"and kids, you all go to your room. Dinner will be ready in sometime then you all be called." Swara said looking at them with smile.

"Ok Swara di" Kids said and went from there.
"Arshit come here baby. Your Buddy ( sarcastically) has some work. Let him do it. We will go to our room. Come." Swara said and took Arshit in her arm.

Swara gave a look to Sanskar.

" But swara beta.. I will make dinner na?" Shyam uncle said.

"Shyam uncle, why don't you rest and anyway, Sanskar is care taker. He should take care of kids. He must know these basic things. Cooking is really simple. Isn't it?" She said looking at him.

"But beta.." shyam uncle tried to say.
"Uncle you please go. Sanskar will take care of it. Right?" Swara said.

Sanskar gave a small and nervous nod looking at her.
" See, I told you." Swara said.

Arshit come out of her arm and go from there toward other kids. Shyam uncle also go from there.

" What happened Sanskar? You don't know how to do it? Breaking hearts, playing with feelings, shattering trust must be your favourite work na that's why you don't know NORMAL basic things. Let's see how you do it? Just one mistake and you know the consequences." Swara said sarcastically and about to go.

" When I said I will do everything. I mean it and I will do it Swara. Sorry Ms. Supervisor, you won't get any reason to throw me out so easily." Sanskar said with smile.

" Let's see Mr. Maheshwari." Swara said gritting her teeth and snatched his phone from his hand.

" Get it back when you will be done with cooking." She said and then marched from there angrily.

Sanskar looked at her going then take a deep breathe.
"Cooking for all? Oh god save me." Sanskar Murmured looking up.

He went to cook but he didn't have idea what to do? From where to start? After thinking a lot, he finally started cooking. After sometime, he was doing something when his finger got burn. He winced in pain. Swara who came there to check see him and felt bad a but but she masked her emotions.

"I told cook food not your finger. Saying and doing Both are different. Now get lost. I will do it. I don't want kids to die out of hunger just because of you." Swara shouted.

"Everything is already done." Sanskar said.
Swara looked at him suspiciously them look at everything. He was right, he had already finished cooking. Swara cleared her throat at composed herself and told him to serve everyone.

" Sure ma'am." Sanskar said with smile.
She went from there glaring at him.
Later dinner was served to kids. They loved it. Shyam uncle also praised Sanskar while swara was pissed off. Sanskar revealed that when he was in London they used to cook for themselves but he was a bit nervous because here he had to make dinner not only for two person but for all.
After dinner, Everyone went to sleep. Sanskar pecked Arshit's forehead and said good night champ before leaving. He felt sudden urge to hug Swara but he knew he had to wait.

The next day, Swara told him back to back works and he did it without saying anything. A week passed like this, Sanskar was doing his job perfectly. Swara wasn't able to get anything against him so that she could get rid off him. Otherside, his bonding with kids and especially Arshit was getting too much stronger. Swara faced tough time to keep him away from Arshit. She shout on him, taunt him and gave sarcastic answers to provoke him to say against it but surprisingly he was calm totally opposite to the Sanskar maheshwari she knew.

A week later,
Swara went to do some shopping for orphanage. Sanskar accompanied her. They were in market and after buying Everything they were going back.

"Don't you get tired? For how many days you will continue this drama of being nice? I know you are faking Everything again. It's just a formality for me to bear you for another three weeks because anyway I am not going to forgive you. So, it doesn't matter how much you try, it won't prove that you love me." Swara said sternly.

" Exactly, it doesn't matter how much you try but it won't change that I Love you." Sanskar said looking at her.

" Love? How can you love a girl who's father is responsible for your family's death." She asked in straight tone.

Sanskar looked at her for a moment then says.

" I don't love the daughter of my family's criminal. I love the girl who loves me more than anything. Who trusted me. Who used to find solace in my embrace, the girl who protected me, I love the girl for whom my heart beats. I love the girl who give me the feeling that I can live without anyone but not without her. The one who will complete me." Sanskar said looking at her with so much emotions.

Swara heard all this and gets emotional. She suddenly gets flashes of their moments and remind every beautiful past moments with him. Unable to say and look into his eyes, she ran away from there.

She came away from him, around peace area. She was walking slowly. Her eyes got teary but she blinked it away. Those moments she spent with him were coming in front of her eyes. She was lost in her thoughts then only she heard whistles sound. She looked few guys were standing there. She ignored and continued walking. But they started to put vulgar comments on her. Swara gets angry and slapped the main member who was saying Everything.

" Cheap bastards!!" She cursed them and were about to go but then only she was caught by two person. They were about to touch her in wrong way. She shouted to leave her and within a second she was separated. She looked only to find Sanskar was beating them black and blue.

" How dare you touch her bastards!!" Sanskar yelled and punched them continuously. This continued for a while untill swara stopped him. He was literally going to kill them. She saw him this much angry after so much time.

" Sanskar leave them." Swara come there to him and tell him to leave them. She didn't wanted any problem there. But sanskar wasn't ready to leave them.

" Sanskar leave them I said. And let's go!!" Swara shouted. She pulled his hand away forcing him to back off. Sanskar looked at her and calmed down but he was still angry on those cheap guys. He takes a deep breathe and relaxed a bit.

" You okay, Swara? Nothing happened to you na?" He asked with concern eyes.
Swara looked at him, for a second then nods.
" No, I am fine. Than..." Swara was saying when a guy come toward them.

" Hey man, what's your problem? You only told us to do all that acting and you beat us?" The guy said.

Sanskar got shocked hearing it. So was Swara. Her expression changed into anger. She looked at him furiously.

" How cheap sanskar? Now I get it. What do you think, you will pull these kind of stunts and I will believe you and your love and come back to you? You are such a cheap and bastard Sanskar. Get lost!!" She shouted.

" Swara, I swear I don't even know them." Sanskar immediately tried to clear holding her arm but she wasn't in mood to listen and she jerked away his hands.

"Don't you dare!! You can never change Sanskar Maheshwari!!" Swara said giving stern look and just went from there, not giving him any chance to explain himself.

Sanskar gets sad at the same time angry over the guy. He grab his collar and beat him.
"Who told you to do that? Who gave you money? Why did he say like that in front of her??" Sanskar shouted his questions and punched him ruthlessly when he heard someone's voice from back.

" Oye Hero, leave him." Unknown voice.
Sanskar get confused and turned around only to find a guy around his age was sitting on car bonnet with few guys, or can be say security or goons around him.

"Don't beat him. I only told him to say like that and all this drama was written and directed by me only." The guys said.
Sanskar looked at him angrily. He wanted to beat him.
" Ohho, cool it Mike Tyson. Let me introduce myself first, I am Sarthak Kaushik and I just came to warn you. Stay away from her.  Swara is mine." Sarthak said in arrogant tone.

Sanskar was confused but when he heard " swara is mine" his eyes turned furious.

Screen splits on their faces.

To be continued...

Precap: Arshit or.... ADVITH?

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