Chapter - 48

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" Ohho, cool it Mike Tyson. Let me introduce myself first, I am Sarthak Kaushik and I just came to warn you. Stay away from her. Swara is mine." Sarthak said in arrogant tone.

Sanskar was confused but when he heard " Swara is mine" his eyes turned furious.

"What do you think, you will come from nowhere and come between my lovestory and I will sit silently? No, so I am warning you. It will be better if you get lost from here and never come back if you want to be alive otherwise..." Sarthak said.

Sanskar looked at him as he was threatening him. He was really very angry but the next moment his expression changed. He chuckled shaking his head unbelievably confusing Sarthak and his men who was looking at him as if he had gone mad.

" Oh God, I think you have written my destiny in worst mood. Firstly, I only became the villain of my love story then Ridhant and now this Sarthak. It seems like there is no other girl is this world other than My Swara." He murmured himself and shook his head with chuckle.

" Have you gone mad or what? Does this look like hone to you?" Sarthak asked in arrogant tone.

" Hey, I am Sanskar Maheshwari and it wasn't nice to meet you bye the way. So, what you were saying? Swara is yours and I should back off, blah, blah? Why? Why do you think I will listen you?" He said.

"If you won't then you will loose your life and no one will be able to find your dead body." Sarthak said.

" Wait why? Does she love you?... Naah!! I don't think so. Firstly I trust her she won't. And secondly if she would have loved you then you wouldn't need to threaten me." Sanskar said with smirk.

Sarthak looked at him angrily and then said.

"Yes she doesn't, but one day she will have to.. either by her choice or my choice." Sarthak said Sternly.

" listen dude, Love can't be forced on anyone." Sanskar said.

" Don't try to teach me. I know what do I want. I am mad about her since the day I saw her. If you try to mess with me, I will not think twice before killing you. You don't know who I am. My father is well known politician in this area. You don't know my power." Sarthak said.

Sanskar rolled his eyes and said.

"Cool but that's your father na? but what's your identity?" Sanskar asked smirkingly.

Sarthak felt insulted. He got up from car bonnet and stands infront of him looking at him furiously.

" You, how dare you!! I will kill you. You don't know the result of Messing with me." Sarthak shouted.

"Exactly, You don't know whom you are messing with and what will be the consequences for messing with me. Get this thing feed in your brain that SWARA IS MINE. If she loved you, I would have happily gone away from her and your life but she don't. So, I won't go anywhere. I came here for her... And I don't find it important still I will tell you that... You are nothing between us, or rather I can say, not even in side. That's why, you are not important." Sanskar warned him in stern tone.

Then only a gun was pointed to his head. Sanskar look at the guy standing beside him pointing gun and Sarthak looking at him with smirk.

" What happened? Fear of death huh??" Sarthak asked.

Sanskar didn't said anything but before anyone could understand Sanskar instantly snatched the gun from the guy hitting him and punched him hardly on face. The next moment he was lying unconsciously on the ground and Sanskar pointed gun directly toward sarthak on his forehead.

" That's what the fear is, that is written all over your face right now." Sanskar said with arrogance.

" Don't have any misconception that I am any normal guy whom you will threaten and I will run away from here. You don't know me and better you don't try to provoke the devil inside me. If you will know my past, you will be scared of your future." Sanskar said sternly tone. Then he placed the gun in his hand and was about to go but stopped and looked straight into his eyes.

" And... if you repeated these kind of stunts what you did with Swara few moments earlier then you will face hell." Sanskar said gritting his teeth.

Saying this he turned and walk from there. Sarthak sees the gun, and immediately pointed on his back and fired but nothing happen. Sanskar looked back at him with raised eyebrow and smirking smile showing his hand that was having bullets. Then only a group of tourists were passing from there.

Sarthak looked at him angrily. He shouted to give him another gun but his men tried to make him understand that it may create problems for them as there were people and secondly his father position will be on stake. Sarthak somehow controlled himself. While Sanskar arrogantly went from there.

Sanskar reached orphanage. He did his work. He tried to talk to Swara and try to clear that he wasn't behind whatever happened in evening but she just wasn't ready to listen anything so, Sanskar sighed defeatedly thinking once she will forgive him and accept his love then there will not be any place of misunderstanding. These small things will be cleared by own.

The next day,
A car stopped in front of orphanage. Mother and Swara who were coming there sees it confusingly then only a person come out along with two men. Sanskar was inside with kids and Arshit. Swara sees the person and get irritated. She turned her face away.

" Not again mother. What is he doing here? See his guts, now he come directly to Orphanage." Swara said.

"Calm down dear. I will talk to him. Don't worry." Mother said.

" What are you doing here Sarthak? We don't want you to create any scene here because there are so many children here?" Mother said.

"I know Mother but trust me I am not here for creating any scene. Trust me. I just came here to ask forgiveness from you and specially Swara ji."

Swara looked at him suspiciously. "Swara ji". "What the hell does he want now?" The first thought came in her mind. She didn't said anything and gave him not so interested look. Mother looked at her then again look at Sarthak.

" What do you want Sarthak? Say clearly!" Mother said.

" Mother, I am really sorry for being such a jerk and behaving like that with Swara ji since two months. Whatever is it, I have feelings for her then also I should not have behaved like that to force my feelings on her and pressurize her to accept me. I also behaved rudely with you. I understood that Love Just happen, we should understand other also. I wouldn't have understand it untill someone made me realise it. I really did bad but you are mother and Swara ji, you have a big heart that you love all these children? Can't I also have some place in your heart?" Sarthak siad and completed looking at her into her eyes intensely.

" What?" Swara said instantly.

"I.. I mean, can't your big heart forgive me for my mistake. I assure you, there won't be any problem for you from my side. Please forget whatever happened. I can't end my feelings for you but I promise I won't force it on you ever. Still if you both will forgive me, I will try to overcome from this guilt of being an idiot and doing all that to you. Please forgive me." Sarthak said with sad face.

Swara looked at Mother who was already looking at her.
" Please forgive me." Sarthak repeated folding his hand.

"No no.. please don't fold your hands. Ok, i.. I forgive you. It's ok." Mother said.

Swara thinks a bit and then sees Sarthak sad and regretting. Mother also forgive him so she thought to forgive him.

"It's ok. I also forgive you." Swara said.

"Really? Thank you, thank you so much. You don't know you really made me feel light now. " Sarthak said with smile.

Swara nods giving small smile.

Sarthak had seen Swara two months back in market with mother and get attracted towards her. He approached her and proposed her but Swara denied. Oviously, there is only one person in her heart and he is Sanskar, so she denied. From that time, he tried to disturb Swara whenever she was out. Knowing that she had a son also Sarthak didn't back off because he came to know that she wasn't married and Arshit was adopted. So, he tried to force his feelings and almost threaten her but Swara was unaffected. She never gave a damn to him because her thoughts always roam around Sanskar, Sarthak was least of her concern. She got uncomfortable with him but she never shown herself being scared of him. She answered back him strictly always. Mother told Sarthak strictly to stay away otherwise she will take strict action that's why he never come to orphanage which was little relief to Swara. She saw him last time A couple of days back before Sanskar came and then he came today to say sorry for everything.

Sanskar heard Everything as he already came out with Arshit. He got angry to find him here reminding the yesterday incident but then hearing him, it didn't took a minute for him to know what he was planning to do. Sarthak looked at him and smiled giving smirking look to him.

Swara go from there for some work. Sarthak look at her retreating figure with intense eyes. Sanskar gripped his fist angrily.
" Hey buddy, what happened?" Arshit asked him looking at him confusingly.
Sanskar looked at him.
" Nothing champ, you go to your mom. She was searching for you. There is she, go." Sanskar said.
" Ok buddy." Arshit said and come out of his arm and go to Swara. They went inside.

Sarthak says something to mother and then started to go. Mother also go from there. Then only Sarthak stoped and turned around. He walked to Sanskar with smirking smile while Sanskar was looking at him with not so interested look.

" What happened Sanskar maheshwari? Are you shocked to find me here? I am following your advice only. Remember, the one which you have me yesterday. Love can't be forced. So, I am going to win her." Sarthak said.

"She is not any competition to win." Sanskar said.

"For me, She is. Now you will be out of her life. Just wait and watch." Sarthak said.

"Good night." Sanskar said with smile and cool tone.

" huh?? What? It's afternoon, are you blind or what?" Sarthak asked confusingly.

"No, but for you it's night and you seems to be sleeping, lost in your sweet dream so continue it. I don't have time to waste on you. But just get one thing straight to your mind, if You tried to do anything wrong with Swara then you can't imagine what you will face!!!" Sanskar said with death glare.

"Let's see what you can do but I don't think you can do anything. Poor you, I came to know one thing that you are here to get her forgiveness for whatever reason I don't know but see, I also asked forgiveness and She forgave me but not you. Tch tch.. so sad" Sarthak said in fake pitiful tone.

Sanskar shook his head and chuckled.

"That's called special treatment. We get hurt more by our own, the one we love not by some third person rather a stranger. That's why, it is easy to forgive a stranger than our loved once. So, do I need to tell you who is stranger here?" Sanskar said with smirk.

Sarthak get angry but he controlled himself.
" Just wait, she will be mine and you won't be able to do anything." Sarthak said.
"I am not here to beat you in your stupid game. I am here to win her heart back. So stop giving yourself that much importance. You are no one between us. Now with due respect, Get lost!!" Sanskar said and walked away from here.

Sarthak fisted his hand and he also marched out of orphanage.

Five more days passed, A few things changed in these five days, that was regarding Sarthak. He started to visit Orphanage more oftenly oviously to meet Swara but he shown that he loves children and like to spend quality time with them. Swara find it little weird to see this change in him but she didn't said anything. And also, he asked her for friendship. Swara was hesitant but he assured that there is nothing to do with his feelings. He won't let her feel uncomfortable due to his feelings and he don't have any expectations from her to respond his love. Swara smiled to see him talking maturely and understanding so She accept his friendship also. Sarthak had his own motive but Swara was unaware of it but Sanskar knew it all. He tried to talk to swara but Swara was still so rude to him. She never listen to him, she ignore him like he doesn't exist. She shout on him regarding anything. She never leave any chance to taunt him. He was facing her hard and cold behaviour toward him but he never said anything to her which leave Swara surprised. He was never like that. She tried to provoke him no. Of times but he was very calm. He just do his works silently. His bonding with kids was more stronger now. Arshit loves him so much, so does Sanskar. He loves him like his son.
While the kids and Arshit were never comfortable with Sarthak. On the other hand, Sanskar who knew about Sarthak, keeps eye on him so that he don't do anything wrong to Swara or Arshit or anyone. He knew Swara won't understand but he can do anything to protect them. Sarthak tried to come in his way a no. Of time when he was busy with swara or talk to her but Sanskar didn't do anything to him, it was just angry glare and stern replies they gave to each other. Because in front of Swara, Sarthak is very nice man and otherside, Swara consider Sanskar as worst. But For sanskar, Swara was important. The day she will trust him back, it will be enough. There bond is too strong to let anyone come between them. The connection of their heart is strong.
Apart from all this, Swara sees a different Sanskar in him.She never show but she was somewhere melting still she masked her emotions. She take out her frustration on him, shout of him but she don't find the peace and sometimes she starts crying. The most important thing that was affecting her was his silence and calm behaviour. She told him, whatever he will do, she won't go back to him but why this was affecting her? She questions herself but she also knows the answer that she was supressing her feeling due to fear of heartbreak.
She sees him with Arshit together. There great bond, which sometime bring happiness on her lips but it was her only who don't want him near Arshit.

Five days later,

Swara was in her room looking at the pic in her hand. The pic that was holding the beautiful moment of their past which was another lie. A tear fell from her eye. She didn't care to wipe it. Then only a knock disturbed her. She wipes her tears and composed herself.

" Yes" she replied facing her back hiding the pic in cover.

" Swara, sorry to disturb but here is the list as you asked me to prepare. It done, you can check it if you want." Sanskar said entering inside.

" Hmm." Swara couldn't utter a word as her a lump formed in her trying throat push back her tears that appeared again hearing his voice and whimpered pressing her lips.

Sanskar heard her and he got concern that she was crying. She was facing her back and not looking at him.

" Swara?" He asked.

"Why are doing this Sanskar? Why did you do that me?" She asked unable to hold herself.
He walked to her and hold her hand. She instantly turned around and slapped him with tears in her eyes. His eyes got closed with sudden impact. The he open it.

" This.. this.. this.. all these are just fake moments that I spend with you. All those lies that I believed blindly." Swara said throwing the pics at him. He sees it with sad face and then look at her.
The next moment she was holding his collar in her fist. He looked at her red teary eyes.

"I was such an easy girl for you? Wasn't I? Just got trapped. I so hate myself for that I fell for you. It's like I just gave you my heart..'Here ,take it and break it' Wasn't It ?How stupid of me thinking that you actually love me" Swara said pulling his collar.

"Swara, it's past which I hate to accept that I can't change. I can only try to make present and future beautiful with you. Without any pain and sorrows and give you every happiness." Sanskar said with wet eyes.

"You only gave me pain Sanskar? Then why do you expect me to love you now." She asked pushing him and shouting at him.

"Swara, please don't cry. I can't see you like this. It kills me." He said cuping her face and wiping her tears.

"Oh it does then why my tears didn't affected you before Sanskar?" She said jerking his hands away.

"It always did but I was just too stubborn to accept that. I didn't just lied to you but I lied to myself that I don't get affected by you."

"Then now accept this bitter reality Sanskar that I don't get affected by you. It's my stubbornness" Swara said loudly.

"No, I won't Swara. Because I know I will win your love." Sanskar said.

"Just go away Sanskar. I hate you. Just leave!!" She said gritting her teeth with anger and tear filled eyes.

Sanskar looked at her and think it will be better to leave her alone. She needs some space for now. He kept the list on table and about to go out when he heard her.

"You don't deserve Love And I will never love you because LOVING YOU AGAIN WOULD BE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE THAT I WILL NEVER WANT TO DO." She shouted behind him as he reached near door.

Sanskar closed his eyes feeling hurt. His heart squeezed with pain but he was habitual of this pain because he was getting it more oftenly nowadays when Swara denied saying he don't deserve anyone's love. He turned and looked back at her.

" Still I will always love you Swara." Sanskar said with sad smile and leave from there.

"It's mistake to love you again but I still love love you so much Sanskar." She murmured to herself and falls on her knees.

Sanskar was in his room. He reminds her words and it's all because of him only. He don't know she will ever forgive him or not but with each passing days, his hope was shattering but he gets more determined thinking that once everything will get fine then their life will be filled with happiness. He will never give her any reason to cry. No one can believe him after what he had done then why she will. He believes that she still love him but she is just too hurt to accept it. Yes, he was wrong. He did mistake and he is here to correct it in whatever way possible but he can't loose her again. He knows he will die without her.

He wipes his tears with his hand face palming. Then takes a deep sigh.

"You don't deserve Love" Again her word rang in his mind and his heart wrenched with pain that results another tear come out of his eyes. May be she was right but he don't want to believe it.

Then only his phone rings. He sees it was Kunj. He composed himself and pick up the call.

" Hey Sanskar." Kunj said.
" Hello Kunj." Sanskar said with low voice.
" What happened Sanskar? Did Swara again...?" Kunj asked guessing his tone.
" Hmm.. it's ok. I am fine. You say.." sanskar said.
"Hmm ok. Actually I called you to share a very important and good news." Kunj said in a bit excited tone.
" What? Ok say. What is it?" Sanskar asked.
"Sanskar, ADVITH IS ALIVE!!" Kunj said happily.
" What?" Sanskar asked with surprise and Shocked voice.
" Yes Sanskar, Adarsh bhai and pari bhabhi's son Advith is Alive." Kunj said.
" Really? How.. I mean, from where you come to know and where is he?" Sanskar asked in happiness.

" I will tell you. Actually, an old kid trafficking case was assigned under me few days back. And I was doing investigation about misplaced kids and those who were lost since this racket was active. Then only my attention caught one kid that was missing from orphanage around four months back. Orphanage officials had filled missing complaint. They didn't have any particular pic of that kid of present time, so gave the pic of an year back when that baby was admitted to Orphanage when he was just five months old. Then another thing that caught me was the date on which he was admitted, it was same day, when our family... ( paused and then continued) As I see the picture of baby, I was shocked because it was Advith. I had seen his pics in your family picture." Kunj said.

"What? But how did he reach Orphanage?" Sanskar asked.

" May be anyone took him away from there, not wanting to kill him thinking innocent baby. Orphanage officials said they had found that baby outside the orphanage gate that night." Kunj said.

" Oh thank god. He is Alive. But where is he now? Did you find it? You said he was missing" Sanskar asked further.

"That's only I am saying. Listen to me Firstly. After knowing about Advith. I thought to inform you but dropped idea thinking if later we find any bad news then it will hurt you and Laksh both so I continued the investigation and finally, we got successful in it. It was about Advith so, I was doing the investigation on my personal level also. And then I come through the series of pics that was sent and delivered to each other in that group. It was hard to identify Advith because of pic difference so, orphanage member identified him finally. Later, after further interrogations, we got the lady who took Advith from that Orphanage. She was taking him for dealing and she had send the pic to them for confirmation. In starting, she wasn't ready to speak anything but lady constables handled that and she revealed that she couldn't complete that deal because when she was on railway station, the baby was taken away by a girl and She couldn't catch her as the girl already got inside the train with baby." Kunj said.

"Oh god Kunj!! You are making it damn complicated. Just spill it, where is Advith? You found him or not?" Sanskar asked impatiently.

"The girl who took away that baby was non other than SWARA, Sanskar." Kunj revealed.

Sanskar felt his breathe stopped and he couldn't utter a word.

"I am sending the pic of Advith which that lady send to the dealer. See it." Kunj said knowing what he must be feeling.

The next moment his phone ping. He checked the pic and his eyes got wet and smile spread his lips. It was Arshit. That means ARSHIT IS ONLY ADVITH.

"I can't believe I couldn't recognise him. He was in front of me all the time and I couldn't just..... I always find a different kind of affection toward him but I never knew he was always my family. Arshit is only Advith. I can't express what I am feeling right now, Kunj. Thank you so much." Sanskar said with heavy voice and happiness.

" It's not your fault sanskar. You were not in india when he was born secondly, the pic you see of him, was the one when he was only around four or five months old. So, it was difficult to identify him And I am also very happy Sanskar." Kunj said.

Sanskar's happiness has no bound. He wanted to run to Arshit at that instant and hug him tightly but then only he realised something and smile fade away from his lips.

" Oh no!!" He suddenly get worried and said.
" What happened Sanskar? Aren't you happy?" Kunj asked as he heard him.

"Kunj, I am happiest person right now but I don't know what will happen now." Sanskar said.

" What do you mean Sanskar? I didn't understand. Advith is with you and Swara and once you patch up, you all can live as a family. Then What's the problem." Kunj said confusingly.

"What if she not? She still hate me Kunj and I don't know she will forgive me or not. If she didn't then I will loose her along with Arshit. It's really hard to imagine that because I accepted Arshit wholeheartedly. But now I know his reality. That's what is scaring me Kunj." Sanskar said.

" Why are you thinking negative Sanskar? She will forgive you and then you can tell her about Advith being only Arshit. She will understand."

" You don't understand the complication Kunj. She don't trust me but Even if Swara forgive me and then I will tell the truth then the next moment she will misunderstand me thinking that I wanted Arshit back that's why I was here. She will misunderstand all my efforts as my selfishness thinking I am here for Arshit not her. She will feel betrayed again by me. She won't be ready to listen anything that time no matter how much I try." Sanskar said.

" But even if you tell her now then also it won't change anything. She will more misunderstand you thinking you are there only for Arshit not her. And may be she will force you to leave, denying to give Arshit back. So, I think you should not tell her about it right now. It may complicate the situation more for you. May be later she will believe you when you will say." Kunj said.

" No Kunj, she won't trust me. She will think I betrayed her again for my selfish motive. She will feel I shown my affection and feeling to her and Arshit only because he was my family not because I truly love her and him. And if that time She will leave me then I won't be able to hold myself." Sanskar said with heavy voice.

" So what do you want to do?" Kunj asked.
Sanskar closed his eyes and then take a deep sigh and said.
"I will tell her Everything. I won't keep anytime hidden from her. She has all her rights to know about Arshit." Sanskar said with closed eyes.

" But Sanskar, She will misunderstand you and may be never give you any chance. You might loose her forever." Kunj said in concerned tone.

" I may loose her later also Kunj. so, it's better to face it now. If my love is true and destiny wants to unite me with her then we will. But I promised myself there won't be any secret, any lies and hidden truth in our relationship now. It will be based on truth. It's said that, the hardest way is to follow the path of truth then let's see if I loose her forever or there is still any hope to win her love." Sanskar said and tears slide down his eyes and fisted his hand.

" You won't be able to live without her still you are taking this risk? What about Arshit then?" Kunj asked.

"I know I won't be able to live but it's better to loose her telling her truth rather than she knows it later to feel betrayed and About Arshit, I don't want to snatch Arshit from her kunj. And I will never do that. He will be with her. Swara is his mother. She gave him second Life and she will take best care of him. I believe her." Sanskar said.

"I don't know what to say Sanskar. But I just hope to see you back with your family, not alone. All the best buddy. Bye" Kunj said sadly.

"Bye Kunj." Sanskar said and disconnected the call.

He falls on his knees and clutched his hair in his fist. He wanted to scream out loud and cry. The next moment, he breaks into cry.

Sanskar was walking silently in the ground. He was lost in his thoughts. Then only he come out of his thoughts feelings a small tug on his track pants. He looked down to see Arshit who was walking with him, trying to match his pace, taking larger pace than his usual. Sanskar stopped and he also stopped and looked at him with cute smile.

" Why did you stop buddy? It was fun." Arshit said.
Sanskar kneel down in front of him. His eyes filled looking at him. The feeling of finding something precious which was lost is indescribable. The symbol of his bhai and bhabhi is here in front of him whom he had lost. But he always loved him. It's just that now his happiness is doubled.

" What happen buddy? You again crying? Did mumma shout at you again?" Arshit said touching his face.

Sanskar smiled at him and shook his head negatively.
" Then why are you crying?" Arshit asked wiping his tear from his cheeks.
"Nothing champ." Saying this He hugged him. Arshit was confused but he smiled and wrapped his tiny hand around his neck.
"I love you champ." Sanskar said with emotions.
" I love you too buddy." Arshit said cutely.
Sanskar find a peace in simply hugging that innocent kid. He prayed to God to help him to make everything fine. He can't loose one person in his life.

After breaking the hug, sanskar took her in arm and they went Inside. A few moments later, He finally gathered some strength and go to Swara and tell her the truth.

"Swara pls." He said in requesting tone.
"I said, I don't want to talk to you about anything Sanskar." Swara said glaring at him and passed by him but then only Sanskar hold her hand and pulled her before She could shout at him she heard his voice in different way that she couldn't say anything further. She looked into his eyes which was showing a mixture of pain and fear.
" Swara please, it's about Arshit. Please listen to me." She got confused but nodded at him.

Then Sanskar removed his hand from her and started telling her Everything. Swara was shocked hearing it and later calmed.

" So that's the truth. And I wanted you to know. I didn't want to hide it from you." Sanskar said looking at her in fear. What's gonna happen next amd the next word he heard her oy confirmed his fear. She did misunderstand him.

"Truth? Or you want to hide that you were here to get him not for any forgiveness? So, that was your selfish motive Mr. Maheshwari. Not bad huh!! Quite deep planning again. How do you do it? I mean, are you god gifted with this kind of acting skills or you took any proper training? Amazing Mr. Maheshwari!! Hats off to you!! Your presence only give illusion to someone and never dipict what you really are. You are here to seperate me from Arshit or you thought by trying these fake drama of being nice and asking forgiveness. You will again play tricks with me and take him away by betraying me!! " Swara said sarcastically and clapped at him.

His heart squeezed in pain but he had choosen it. He knew this will happen. So now, he had to face it.

" Swara.." He tried to say but she immediately stopped him showing her hands.

" Don't you dare take my name and I don't wanna listen anything further." Swara said and was about to go but he hold her arm and pulled her toward himself.

"No, you will have to listen. Please!!" He said with hurt look.
Swara kept silent and didn't struggled in his grip and he continued.

"I promise, I will never try to snatch Arshit from you. He is your son and always will be. I want you both in my life. Not break you both apart. He had lost his mother once and I don't want to become the reason this time to snatch his mumma. Forgiving me or not is totally your decision and it's not about Arshit. It's about my mistakes. If you forgiven me then we will be together and I will be there with you both to call it my family but if you didn't forgive me then also Arshit will be with you, but I will go away from your lives as I promised you. If I wanted, I could have kept it hidden from you always but the relationship based on lies never works. We know it. I didn't want to hide it because I didn't want you to feel betrayed later. That's all. My love, affection, care, regret, nothing is lie this time Swara but my mistake are just too worst that you don't believe it and I just can try to get your trust back, till the time I can. Till the last day and last moment I am here." Sanskar completed with heavy voice.

She finds his eyes wet and he looked away, removing his grp from her arms. He turned around and walked away from there. She was freezed at her position, not knowing what to do. What she should believe? His words or her conscience? Her heart that want to or her mind that fear?
She couldn't able to understand anything and for that moment she left it on the time ahead.

Sanskar had went out and didn't return back. It was late. This worried mother and somewhere Swara too. Arshit was asking about buddy again and again. Shyam uncle said, he went to bring something needed but he wasn't back yet. Then only they see him coming inside. But there was small bandage on his forehead and a bandage ties around his palm. Swara looked shocked yet concerned. She wanted to ask him but controlled herself.

" Sanskar, what did happen dear? How did you get injured?" Mother asked with concern.

" Nothing mother. It was just a small accident. I am fine." Sanskar said.
" Shyaam uncle, here are the things. Take it." Sanskar said.
Shyam uncle takes it.
"Sanskar, you go and take rest. You got medicine na?" Mother asked.
" Yes mother. Don't worry." Sanskar assured them with smile.
Mother went front here and Shyaam uncle was already gone.
Then only Arshit rushed to him leaving swara's hand.
" Buddy, you okay na? Arshit asked.
" I am superb champ." Sanskar said.
"Is it paining?" Arshit asked again touching the bandage.
" Arshit don't touch it baby. He will feel pain." Swara said immediately stopping Arshit couldn't able to hide her concern. Sanskar looked at her and she realised it and gave hard expression as usual.
" Sorry mumma, sorry Buddy." Arshit said.
" It's ok champ. Now go to sleep. It's late." Sanskar said.
" Okay, good night and you take care and get fine in morning okay? Then we will play." Arshit said.
" Sure champ, Good night." Sanskar said with smile and Arshit went inside.
Swara was about to go behind Arshit but she looked at Sanskar and said

"What is it huh? I am sure these are fake wounds that you intensionally put on to gain sympathy but let me tell you it won't work on me." Swara said in harsh tone.
Inside she knew it wasn't fake just looking at it. She just tried to covered her concern with anger that she unknowingly shown when Arshit was touching his forehead.
Sanskar felt hurt by her words but he calmly said.
"Sympathy will be the last thing I will need from you and about these wounds being fake, unfortunately fake wounds never pains Swara." He completed indicating that he noticed she was concerned.

"Don't try to say that I am concerned for you!!" Swara said in angry tone.

" I never said that." Sanskar said in calm tone.
She glared at him sharply knowing that he was playing with words and just go away from there . Sanskar looked at her then smiled.
He also went to his room. Then lie down on the bed. He was thinking whatever happened today then his thought drifted toward Sarthak, who met him in way when he was coming back and as usual his stupid threats which he never give a damn. Sarthak is really unaware of the fact that he shouldn't mess with him but still he keep doing it. Sanskar is just too engrossed with Swara and Arshit to give any importance to him. So, when he was coming back to orphanage, Sarthak and his men surrounded him. Sanskar warned him, not do anything wrong that will cost him. But still it caught up into fight which was started by Sarthak only. Sanskar beat him and his goons ruthlessly when Sarthak talk nonsense about Swara. But then only they heard police siren and Sarthak went away with his men saying he will see him later. Sanskar also go from there giving Furious look to him. He was injured due to fight, so he took the aid and went to orphanage. If he wanted, he could tell about Sarthak and fight to everyone but Sarthak shown himself way too nice in front of them that they might not believe him, specially Swara. So, he made an excuse of small accident.

It's not that Sanskar don't know anything about Sarthak and power of his so called politician father and he can't do anything to him. He knows everything, his strength and the most important part the weakness. He already told Anuj to gather all the information about him and he did. And it won't take a moment for him to destroy him but he is not scared of any person who is equal to no one in their lives. But Any wrong move toward Swara or Arshit, then the next moment Sarthak will face the Devil. Today, he almost break his patience and may be soon he is going to destroyed.

Sanskar smirked at his thought and took his phone to divert his mind away from Sarthak and fight. He swiped to open it and go through the gallery that was filled with Swara's and Arshit's pics. Arshit's pic, he took when he was playing with him. But Swara, she will fire on him if she knows it. He chuckled thinking it and reminds how he take her pictures without her notice when she used to be busy in her works or doing something, some smiling pics when she was with Arshit. Sometimes busy in showing her anger and sharp glares through her eyes. Yes, her words does hurt him but sometimes, he get too engrossed in her big beautiful eyes, even though she shows angry expression but he finds she looks damn hawt.

After sometime, he fell asleep being tired and lost in her thoughts.

The next day,

Again Sarthak came. He was also injured but he made excuse that he fall from stairs. Swara feel bad for him nd told him to take care. Sarthak smirked at Sanskar that she is concerned for him. Sanskar looked at him unbelievably that this man definitely need special treatment. Last night punches were not enough for him. On the other hand, he was not sad or something that Swara told Sarthak to take care and she behaved rudely with him. It was something 'Normal' nowadays. But he also knew that she just felt bad for any person because her heart is so soft that it can't see anyone in pain and also knew that She was concerned for him but she hide it by her anger like always.

They were normally talking when Sarthak said.

" Mother, Swara ji, I was thinking why don't we throw a big party here in orphanage for children. We should call people here and..." Sarthak was saying.

" So that kids here get uncomfortable between those unknown people and can't enjoy themselves?" Sanskar completed him cutting him in middle.

Sarthak looked at him angrily but he didn't say anything.

" Yeah, I think Sanskar is right Sarthak. Kids love to play, enjoy. They don't need any lavish party to enjoy, right Swara?" Mother said.

Swara look at Sanskar then nods at mother.
"I am sorry mother if you didn't like my idea but I just wanted that these kids celebrate and enjoy." Sarthak said and gave sharp glare to Sanskar who just smirked at him.

" No, no dear. It's ok." Mother said.

" If it is about enjoying then I have an idea mother. Why don't we celebrate their birthdays a single day only like other kids? Normally everyone celebrate birthdays, their parents celebrate for them but these kids also shouldn't deprived of this feeling, this day. They are special and as you say gift of god. So, we can celebrate their birthdays a single day so that they Remember it, cherish and enjoy their day. It shouldn't be huge celebration, but simple and normal things we can do for them, including only this Orphanage family, only these children and US." Sanskar said and completed his word putting pressure on the word 'us' clearly indicating Sarthak out of it.

Swara heard it and she really liked the idea that bring smile on her face but as soon as she looked at Sanskar, she wiped her smile with straight face. Mother also like the idea. Sarthak wanted to say something but before that mother said.

" It's really good idea Sanskar. I liked it. Infact I am thinking why don't we do it this Sunda?" Mother said.

" But mother sunday is three days later only, what about arrangements?" Swara asked.
"It's not that much. We can do it I think. So Sunday is perfect." Sanskar said.
Swara thinks and nodded ok. She also don't have any problem regarding this.

Sarthak fumes in anger watching swara agreeing to Sanskar whether it for any normal thing only but still he want Swara against Sanskar.

"Ok mother, I am going. I have some work." Swara said nd go from there.

" Wait dear, I am also coming with you." Mother said.
Sarthak felt insulted that they didn't even ask him once to join the celebration then he asked himself.

"Mother, if you don't mind, can I also help in this preparation and include myself ?" Sarthak asked.

" Oh sure dear.  Why not." Mother said.
Then she go from there excusing herself along with Swara.

Sanskar couldn't help but chuckled.
" Tch, tch tch..., When no one invite you. You have to invite yourself right? So sad, and Swara ji also didn't give any damn to invite you. That's so Sad for you... Wait no, that So nice of her." Sanskar said and go from there leaving Sarthak fuming behind him.

Two days later;

The celebration was going to happen tomorrow. For now preparation were going on. Children were very happy that they will celebrate their birthday. It was first time for them so it was special in itself.

" Champ no, this will hurt you. Let me do it." Sanskar said to Arshit.
" But I also want to help you buddy let me do it na?" Arshit made pout face.
Sanskar smiled at him.
" Wait, I will show you something." Sanskar said and took out his phone and show him game to play.
Arshit giggles excitedly looking at it and started playing.

" Now you sit here and play this game. I will finish this work." Sanskar said and ruffled his hair who got engrossed in playing video game.

Sanskar was adjusting the decoration when his caught Swara who was telling something to Shyam uncle. She was looking beautiful in black and red combination Saree. Her hair were open and floating in wind. A smile appeared on his lips. Then only Swara turned and looked at as she felt a constant gaze but Sanskar immediately looked away and pretend to be busy in working. Swara gets confused then she also looked away and continued her work.
Sanskar again looked at her direction, but the next moment his eyes turned fury as He finds Sarthak there. He was also doing preparation or rather pretending to. He was doing everything to impress Swara but who cares.
Sarthak looked at him smirkingly and go toward Swara. Swara was arranging something, busy in herself when she turned around. Sarthak intensionally come in between and she tripped and falls then only he hold her waist. Swara had closed her eyes in fear to fall. Sarthak was looking at her with devlish smile but it didn't stayed more than a second as Swara was pulled away from him the next moment and she falls on Sanskar's chest. She opened her eyes with jerk and looked at him. Her hand wrapped around his shoulder. His hand was wrapped around her waist and another was holding her free hand. She shivered at that moment, not understanding what it was his intense gaze or his touch, his proximity as their face that was too close or his warm breathe was mingling with hers. She was lost in looking at him so he was. They had beautiful eyelock.

Sarthak who was looking at them since couple of minutes standing in same pose looking at each other made him furious. He banged on the table harshly fisting his hand.

Due to sound, they came back into sense. Swara looked at Sanskar and immediately get separate from him.

" I am sorry Swara." Sarthak said trying to grab her attention.
" It's ok." She murmured looking down and away from Sanskar and immediately rushed from there. Sanskar sees her then he look at Sarthak.
He was about go from there whistling with smirking smile but stopped and say.

" Don't try these cheap tricks to go close to her. Stay at safe distance from her for your better future or do it again and see the worst." He said in warning tone.

" Don't come between me and Swara, Sanskar. You will face hell." Sarthak said.

" Get one thing clear in your head Sarthak. My focus is not you. I said it before also. I am here only to get my Swara back and now Arshit also. Because I don't find you important person in our lives. But the day, my focus shifted toward you Mr. Sarthak  kaushik, then it won't take a moment for me to destroy you so, don't even even try to gain too much attention from me. You keep playing your childish games, because the day I will play my card you will be out just by my one move. I still repeat my word for you. You don't know me and who is SANSKAR MAHESHWARI? Trust me when I say this and about hell, Let's see who face it!!" Sanskar said with voice filled with arrogance and anger.

Sarthak looked angrily at him thinking something.

Sanskar was a bit restless about Sarthak. He don't want anything wrong happen but Sarthak can do anything. Swara won't listen but he has to make her understand to stay away from Sarthak. He can trust this cheap guy who can go to any extent for his devlish purpose. He never missed the way he look at her with pure lust and wrong way. He want to smash his head and take his eyes out but he was bound in front of Swara. She will get another reason to misunderstand him. It's just his luck that he always there when he tries and go close to her and he never let him successful but she also have to understand this.

He sees Swara was going toward office room. He thinks it perfect time to talk to her as no one was there.

" Swara, I need to talk to you."Sanskar said.
" If it's about birthday celebration or anything official then you can otherwise I am not interested so leave." Swara said without facing him.

"It's not about that. It's about Sarthak. Swara, he..." Sanskar was about to say but swara interupted.

"Seriously Sanskar?? Not again please. He is not like you. So, just stop that stupid topic again saying he is this ,that. He is my friend and I can see how is he." Swara said in stern tone.
Sanskar sighed. He knew she won't listen again as usual but she has to understand. That bastards intention are not good and she really thinks, he is only limiting himself to friendship? When the reality is too far.

She was about to go out of room but he hold her arm and pinned her to the wall.

" Sanskar, what the hell is this!! Leave me." Swara said angrily.

"No, I won't untill you listen to me. Got it!! So just listen to me." Sanskar said in strict tone then controlled himself and said.

"Swara, please try to understand. He is not good as he show. I have seen his true face. He is trying to be nice with you just to get you and he is trying every cheap tricks to be close to you. Please trust me." He said restlessly.

"Trust you?? No, never Sanskar. I don't believe It. I don't believe in repeating mistake. I don't believe you." Swara said sternly.

" I know, I know damn it!! I know you don't believe me and I hate myself that I am the reason of this situation but I just can't see you in danger Swara. I can't live with fear of that bastard hurting you in any possible way. I just can try to protect but not untill you listen to me and avoid going close to him." Sanskar said.

" You don't need to protect me  from him cause I know he will never...." Swara says but sanskar interupted.

" No, you don't!! You don't know about his intension. Did you never feel uncomfortable around him, his gaze, his intentional way to touch your hand or arm? Come on Swara, a girl's instinct is much faster and better and they easily know with whom they are comfortable with. I am not saying because I am jealous or something. I don't give a damn to him but I care for you Swara." Sanskar said.

"I know you are saying all this because I don't give you any importance and I behave nice with him but not you that's why you are saying all these bullshit. And about being uncomfortable, it's natural to feel a bit uncomfortable with men." Swara said.

" Natural to feel uncomfortable with men, right?? Just don't lie to yourself Swara!! I am standing this much close to you right now, are you feeling uncomfortable? No, you don't. You could have pushed me away." He said looking at her but she didn't said or did anything.

" Now just think Sarthak at my place, right now, right here then?" Sanskar asked.

"Shut up!!!!" Swara shouted and pushed him away instantly with all her strength.

Sanskar stumbled but held himself. He looked at her calmly then stand in front of her and say.

"The second you hear his name, you pushed me away because inside, you also know what I am saying is right. Still, Swara I know you don't trust me. I know, you think Everything I say is lie but I don't blame you for that because I know I am the reason. But please... even if you don't believe in my saying, at least for Arshit, for these small kids and for mother, stay away from Sarthak. No one will be able to see you in any danger or if something happens to you." Sanskar said looking at her.

Seeing her not responding to his word, he said further.

"I don't know if you will do as I say or not? So, no problem. I will take care of this Sarthak by myself. No matter, how good he is in front of you and how worse I am for you. Even if it create more hatred for me in your heart then also I can't let anything happen to you." He said sternly and left from room.

Swara was stilled at her position. She looked down and thought about his words and feel he was saying right. What the hell she is thinking? She knows she is uncomfortable around Sarthak but Sanskar always be there around her to make her feel little better and secured. He never leave her alone. She pay attention to Sarthak sometimes just to ignore Sanskar but it's not needed.

"Even if you don't believe in my saying, at least for Arshit, for these small kids and for mother, stay away from Sarthak. No one will be able to see you in any danger or if something happens to you."

"I don't give a damn to him but I care for you Swara."

His words were roaming around her mind. She closed her eyes and a deep sigh and thinks something. Yes, she is going to stay away from this Sarthak.

To be continued...

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