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Steve and Sam left for London that night. Nadia sat watching the news report, tired of the blame going all on Wanda.

"Some tend to want to blame Nadia Maximoff, who was held at threat by Rumlow. They tend to say she was the main motive for her sister's destruction."

Nadia sighed and turns the TV off. "Tough day?" A familiar voice asked Nadia whipped around to see Pietro standing there.

An odd thing was, Pietro was still dead. Or his body was. With the power of her illusions, Nadia could wave her hand and Pietro would appear. Sometimes it happened without her even thinking about him.

Pietro's illusion was different. Most Nadia controlled, but not his. Pietro controlled himself, and Nadia was fine with that.

She rubbed her eyes. "You have no idea..." she yawned, exhausted. Nadia flopped into her bed, her hair spread out.

"How have you been feeling?" He asked. He sat down next to her, gazing out the window. "You got a great view."

"You tell me all the time." Nadia scoffed, making a butterfly appear in her hands. She closed it and it vanished.

"Well, you do." Pietro scoffed back. "So what's wrong?" Nadia sighed. She told him about Lagos and the news, and the Sokovia Accords. She told him about Steve and how she didn't know what to do.

It happened like this a lot, Pietro would sit there as Nadia told him everything. It was like she was talking to a ghost, because every time he came back, he still had his memories.

"Seems like you have a lot in your plate." Nadia scoffed. "No kidding." Pietro chuckled, rubbing her hair. "I'd say stick with what you think is right."

"But what if you don't know what's right?" She asked, looking up at her brother. "You do." He smiled, before slowly fading away.

Nadia watched as her brother disappeared, her eyes stung as she reached for the nearest tissue. "Nadia?" A voice called her.

Wanda appeared at her doorway. She held the compound phone in her hand. "It's the Principal."

Nadia got up, thanking her sister. "Hello?"

"Nadia? Hello, this is Principal Tokya. You plan on enrolling correct?" Principal Morita asked. "Yes, sir,"

Nadia has been looking for a high school nearby, all she wanted was to go to a normal school, and be a normal teenager. Even if it was just for a few hours. And she had a robot friend who was connected to the internet and a working scientist. So homework? Done.

"I've seen you never been to a real school, so I plan to schedule a tutor to help you catch up and to show you around. Her name is Ellen and she's willing to help."

"That sounds amazing, sir. Unfortunately, uh, I've been busy with the move and things so," Nadia has to tell her little white lie, as much as she wanted to go to school she knew the Sokovia Accords were going to conflict with it.

"I understand that, so I was thinking Wednesday? See your schedule and let me know." Principal Morita told her. Nadia grinned. "I will, thank you. Goodbye."

She hung up, walking out of her room. "A tour of the school? Are you still sure that's a good idea?" Wanda asked she wasn't truly for the idea of high school. "All I want to be is normal, and even if it's for a few hours, I'll take it."

Wanda sighed. "Before I gave you the phone, who were you talking to?" She asked. Nadia fiddled with her fingers, before answering. "Pietro..." she said slowly.

Wanda paused. "Nadia, you do realize he's gone, do you? Illusions are just mind tricks." Nadia frowned. "Yes, Wanda I do. Do you? Because it's not like you ever mention it." Wanda stopped walking and turned to face her sister.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She demanded, crossing her arms. "It means the fact that you don't even act like your twin brother ever existed." Nadia snapped.

"You never talk about him. It doesn't even seem like you remember him."

"How dare you say something like that!" Wanda shook her head, her voice rising. "He was our brother!"

"Than act like it! You have no memories of him or Sokovia! You've started to lose your accent too!" Nadia shouted. "What does that have to do with anything?" Wanda demanded.

The sister where shouting at one another now, but neither of them cared. "It's our only reminder of home Wanda! Where we were raised. Or did you forget that too?"

"You're acting like a child Nadia!" Wanda chided, throwing her hands up in the air. She began to walk away, leaving her sister in the hallway. "I am a child!" Nadia shouted after her, storming to her room and closing the door.


It was at least two in the morning when Nadia woke up. She was still fuming over her argument with Wanda. Sighing, she sat up in her bed and ran her hands through her lion-like hair.

Nadia sighed, glancing at her hands. Was Wanda right? Was her power just a silly little mind trick? She shook away the thought, not wanting to dwell on it.

She quickly did the math in her head, realizing it would be at least eight in London, and the service had probably started. She yawned, kicking the covers off herself and getting out of bed.

The air was cold as it touched her skin. She shivered and opened her door. The compound was quiet and dark. But Nadia knew her way around.

She crept through the empty hallways that were filled with a buzz during the day. She made her way towards the living room and noticed a figure sitting there. The figure turned to see her and recognized Wanda immediately.

"Sorry, I'll just be a moment," Nadia told her, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a cup. She filled it with water, feeling Wanda's gaze on her back.

The redhead took a sip. "Night." She told her, beginning to walk out. "Nadia wait-" Wanda called softly. She stood up and Nadia turned around. "I'm sorry. You're right. I haven't been the best sister, to either you or Pietro."

Nadia approached the couch and sat across from her. "It's not that, Wanda." She took a deep breath. "I just feel like I'm the only one feeling anything. I mean, you and Vision are great but you get so caught up in that."

"So if anything, I don't think either of us has been a good sister," Nadia told her, looking up. "I say we start over, we tell each other everything. No more secrets."


sisters always stick together ❤️💜

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