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"American Civil War. Does that ring a bell?" Ms. Davenson glanced out to her class, her gaze settling on the new student, who was staring down at her textbook.

"Nikki, can you tell me anything out the American civil war?" Nadia looked up, her face beginning to turn red as she looked back down on her textbook. "I'm afraid I can't." Her voice was quiet, but heavy with her accent.

Ms. Davenson nodded, selecting a hand that was in the air. "Bethany," the girl behind her replied with an answer, but Nadia didn't pay any attention to it, she too was embarrassed.

She hated Americans most of her life until two years ago, and she never looked into its history. The only facts she knew came from Steve, and that was during World War Two. With a sigh, she kept her head down the rest of the class.

She was the first to leave when the bell rang, looking over her homework. She met up with Peter in the hall, sighing. "What's wrong?" He asked, glancing at her homework. "Oh, American History is easy!"

Nadia sent him a look that causes him to apologize. "Oh. Right. Sorry. You can come over later and I can help you if you need it." Nadia shrugged, "I'll let you know."

"Great, cause next we have gym, and I suck at it."


"Basketball unit is ending today. Please remember to partner up, everyone." The coach's voice sounded bored, like he didn't want to do this job. It reminded her almost of Clint. Nadia cracked a smile, thinking about how the Bartons where doing, she didn't notice everyone get up and begin choosing partners.

Nadia turned to Peter who was standing next to another boy. "Oh. Sorry, I already promised Ned, I..." Nadia just smiled and shook her head. "No, it's alright. I— just find someone." She smiled at the two of them and turned away. Her eyes drifted across the room at each of the small pairs of people until she stopped at one girl standing alone.

The girl looked around nervously, rubbing her arm repeatedly. Nadia shrugged and made her way over to her, "Um, excuse me, uh, do you have a partner?"

The girl looked up at Nadia with a confused look while shaking her head. "I wouldn't be standing alone, if I did."

Nadia nodded, "Well, neither do I. Want to team up?" The girl cracked a smile. "Sure. Why don't we destroy all opponents while we're at it."

"I like it. I'm Nikki."

"I'm Mae. Nice to meet you."


"So are you like a prodigy or something?" Mae chuckled as Nadia shot another basket. The redhead just shrugged, "Beginners luck?"

"Hm. Sure it is. I mean, how can a person who's never even touched a basketball in her entire life just shot a three pointer perfectly?" The girl titled her head, grinning. "What are you implying?"

"I dunno. Maybe you got some cool telekinetic powers or something, where you can like move that ball with your mind. Man, that's be cool. If I had a superpower I'd do that." Nadia stared at Mae in wonder as she rambled on.

"Woah, you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost. Hey, that'd be a good superpower too." Nadia shook her head, clearing her thoughts before throwing the ball to Mae. "No, I'm fine. You should write a book, putting all your crazy ideas into it."

Mae laughed. "Yeah I bet I should. It would get a ton of people reading it." She opened her mouth to say something else when suddenly Flash ran in front of Mae, ripping the ball from her hands.

"Hey!" Mae groaned, running after him, trying to take the ball back. Unfortunately, Flash was taller. "Nope." He held the ball over his head, making it hard for Mae to reach it. "Go get your own!" She told him, jumping up for it.

"Hm. Nah, I like this one. If you want it, you'll have to take it." Flash flashed her a smile as she jumped up and grabbed it. "It's mine, Flash. Go get your own."

Flash chuckled. "Alright here's a deal, if you can shoot it in the hoop, you can keep it." Nadia frowned, "Why don't you just leave her alone?"

"Well I can't do that. My little sister needs something to happen, right?" Nadia looked at Mae, shocked. "Sister?"

"Step-sister." Mae rolled her eyes, it had shocked Nadia since, Mae didn't look anything like Flash. She had lighter skin than flash and blonde hair with greenish blue eyes. And Flash had his curly dark hair and brown eyes. You would have never known.

"So we have a deal?" Flash asked. "Fine. Bit only because you're a jerk." Mae sighed, positioning her feet, she aimed her arms and shot the ball.

The ball hit the rim, rolling several times around. Nadia put her hand behind her back, she used her telekinesis to give the ball a little nudge, and it went in. "Yes! Beat that loser!" Mae jumped up, sticking her youngest out at her step-brother. Flash looked a bit surprised, "Yeah, Yeah, Whatever."

Nadia held back laugh, watching him walk away.


"See you around?" Mae asked Nadia, as the bell rang for lunch. The redhead grinned, "Yeah, and you should write that book." A laugh escaped the younger girl's mouth. "Trust me, I definitely will. Bye Nikki."

Nadia waved and made her way over to where Peter was standing, waiting for her. "You know Flash has a sister? Or well a step-sister?" Peter nodded, not looking surprised. "Yeah, Mae? She's pretty cool. Why?"

Nadia shrugged, switching her backpack onto her other arm. "I don't know. Just through it was interesting. You're Ned right? Peters told me about you?" The boy next to to Peter nodded. "Nikki, right? You're the new student. From Sokovia, right?" Nadia nodded, "Yeah, that's me."

A homecoming banner is hung over the clock on the cafeteria wall by Liz, who is standing on a ladder. When Nadia entered. Liz saw her and grinned. "Hey, Nikki! How's your first day?"

"Pretty good! Thanks for asking. The banner looks good!" She replied, looking up at what it said. She didn't know what a 'homecoming' was. But she decided not to ask.

"Thank you! Well, enjoy lunch!" Liz chuckled, continuing back on her work. Nadia walked over, finding both Peter and Ned. She pulled a sack lunch out of her bag.

"Did Liz get a new top?" Peter asked, watching her put up the banner. "No. We've seen that before, but never with that skirt." Ned replied, also staring at Liz. Nadia gave them both a confused look.

"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though." Peter said, though unable to take his eyes away from her.

"Too late." A voice cut in, making the trio turn to see a girl sitting at the end of the table with a book. "You guys are losers. Well... Nikki seems cool." She told them, Nadia chuckled, smiling at her.

"But then why do you sit with us?" Ned asked, confused. The girl shrugged. "Because I don't have any friends."

my cameo be like—

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