1. "foolish feeling of loneliness"

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(A/N: Hahaha, welcome I guess?? Y'all are really wasting your time reading about two lesbian foods? Okay then, enjoy ig. Um, my writing is pure garbage,, but meh whatever. Also, pardon this for being so short, but I will try to make future oneshots longer than thus. Anyway, um, read on I suppose.)


'She promised she'd be home by six.'

Marshmallow fiddled with her fingers, standing in front of the two grand doors, waiting anxiously.

'It's already seven thirty.'

Lightbulb had earlier arrived with an invitation to a nearby music festival. She had asked if Marshmallow and Apple wanted to tag along, but knowing Marshmallow, it was an immediate no.

But, Marshmallow saw the excitement within Apple, desperately wanting to go out and have fun. She told her it was fine for her to go, that it was okay if she stayed alone in the mansion.

Marsh didn't think she'd miss her that much.

It was something she had come to realize the longer they were together; Marshmallow had become just as clingy as Apple, and the mere thought of being apart from her made her uneasy. Still, she did allow Apple to leave.

'What if something went wrong? I hope she's okay.'

There were instant regrets once Apple was out of Marsh's sight. She didn't think the first few seconds of her girlfriend's absence would be so terribly lonely.

The sudden sound of the knob turning made Marshmallow jump a bit, now realizing who had come back home.

"Heya Marsh! The festival was so much fun! You should've come with-"

Apple was quickly interrupted by a hug-tackle, nearly causing her to fall back.

"I missed you so much!"

Marshmallow was practically on the brink of tears. It was foolish to feel so lonely when her significant other was gone for only a few hours, but considering they missed out on their cuddle session, Marshmallow had it bad.

Apple took a while to process what was happening, but then returned the hug, making sure to snuggle up against Marshmallow for the sake of her comfort.

"Hey, it's okay, Marsh," Apple whispered reassuringly, now noticing how Marshmallow was actually crying. She even pressed against her closer.

Marshmallow backed up a bit, shaking her head. "N-no, it's... it's stupid. You were only gone for not th-that much! I shouldn't be acting so childish..."

'This is ridiculous. She's right there, stop acting like she could've died.'

Marshmallow was then caught off guard by Apple giving her a surprising peck on the lips.

"Marsh, I said it's okay," Apple repeated herself, her expression soft and gentle. She brought herself closer, reaching to whisper in Marshmallow's ear.

"I missed you too."

The mix of Apple's warm breath and sentiment of her words made Marshmallow's whole entire face flood red, heat spread across her cheeks.

Marshmallow then felt her hand being tightly clutched and led elsewhere. Apple turned to her with that forever bright smile.

"Come on, Marsh! I know I owe ya that cuddle session."


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