Captive PART 2 (Yandere!Thunderstorm x Reader)

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Third Person's POV

(F/N) slowly regain her consciousness, but instead of light, she was met with darkness. "W-what?" Her body was immobilized by tight ropes and her sight was completely covered by a blindfold. What happened? She wondered. She was in the middle of searching for Ying and suddenly...

'Ugh! What is that smell?!' It's smells like an odor of death, like something is decaying. Whatever it is, it's so strong that she could faint.

"H-hello?" Her voice was hoarse. Her body was numb. It's like she stayed in this position for days now. She's well convince that someone knock her out. There was a stinging pain at her head, if that person hit her harder than she could've suffered more than just a headache. "Is someone here?"

"Help!" Her words keep echoing inside the room she's in. She keeps struggling but her efforts were worthless as the ropes secure her with severe tightness.

While she keeps struggling, her sense of hearing alerts her with the sounds of  footsteps of an approaching figure. "I see you're awake." A familiar voice said. A voice she was certain that belongs to either Boboiboy or any of his Boboiboy elements. But who?

The owner of the voice remove her blindfold. After adjusting to the only light (the one directly above her) and boy! did her eyes widen for fractions before a scowl soon followed as the captive growl at the stoic male in front of her. "Thunderstorm! What is the meaning of this?!"

"(F/N) you should stop struggling now. You're going to hurt yourself." Is he crazy? Why the fudge would he tie you up in the first place? Or did Cyclone dared him to prank her?

"Thunderstorm is this some crazy pranks of your's and Ying? If so, it's not funny. Help me untie the rope." She demanded, getting annoyed by the second but what's making her more annoyed is that Thunderstorm didn't even bulge on his spot and keeps staring at her struggling self. For a second there, his eyes glows a dangerous pool of red.

Did it send shivers done her spine? Definitely. But the prey beneath the predator kept her cool and ask once again because it's getting dangerously hot in here. "Dude, I would appreciate if you quit staring and help me here."

"I'm afraid I can't." The boy knelt a knee and now, they are facing each eye to eye. This action cause her to stiffen a bit, something about him feels different today. To utter her surprise, his gloved hand cups her soft cheeks, Thunderstorm was looking at her very lovingly full of longing, but the girl wasn't flattered the least. It felt weird and so wrong. He clearly knows she's dating her little brother and yet, he's touching her like a loving husband would do to his significant other.

"You're so beautiful (F/N)." He whispered.

"T-thunderstorm?" She couldn't help but feel weak in his gaze. It's scaring her. "O-okay, you got me hehe." She laugh a bit nervously to ease her mind. She was still convincing herself that this is all just a prank and Thunderstorm is a good actor for acting like a psychopathic maniac. "You can stop the act now Thunderstorm. I-I bet the others are looking for us. I bet Solar is getting worrie- ack--"

What was Thunderstorm doing? He didn't know either but after his name left her lips, he subconsciously suddenly tugs her locks. It triggered him, tortured him. Was it because her lips uttered another man's name or was it because it's Solar, maybe both. And he was not happy about it.

He didn't notice the pain he was causing her because of he was blinded jealousy. That is until (F/N) snap back. "What the fudge is wrong with you?!" And she is not gonna hold her rage on the male's action. "You have the audacity to pull my hair? Not even my enemies can pull my hair! Stop this fucking madness and release me Thunder--"

She stop mid-sentence after hearing a low moan. 'Huh?' Is it possibly that she's not the only captive here? Thunderstorm smirk at her confuse state. He stood up and went towards the other side, only to flick a few more switches, one by one, the lights were turned on and (F/N) was not prepared at the gruesome sight before.

Her eyes began to water at the crucial state of her friend laying there so lifeless. Ying's body was covered in bruises, her face was decorated with black marks with her own fresh blood. She can't even open her orher eye because of the swelling. Her glasses was lying on the floor, broken.

Seeing her friend like this, every once of her anger began boiling up, and she snap. "Y-you monster!" His smirking face didn't bulge even though his love was practically growling at him. Why? Because he love the attention she's giving him.

"You psycho! You bastard! She's our friend." She desperately struggle beneath those tight ropes even though she knew, it was useless. "Ying! Hold on!" Upon hearing her name being called, she tried to reach for the girl but failed. "(F-F.. "

Now she knows why Ying was so scared earlier. It's because of this douchebag. F*ck, he's smirking again. Oh how she wanted to rip him apart.

"Friend? Are you sure?" The latter walk closer at the bruise covered female, alerting the other girl as she watch him lift her up by her collar. "What are you doing with her?! Let her go!" He ignored the girl and stared at the glaring Ying in his hands.

"Why don't you tell her Ying? Tell her who lured her into my trap?" The second tears stream down on her face, she knew that (F/N) will never forgive her.

"I-I'm sorry... " That's all she ever said until Thunderstorm smash her face on the cold cement. You can definitely hear her check bones cracking as she scream horribly at the pain.

But she deserves it. "Ying!" (F/N) didn't know what to feel after her confession. If they weren't in a horrible situation right now, she'll surely burst in anger but right, Ying's life is in danger.

"You see (F/N), I'm not the only one who's doing it behind your back." He lift her up again as if she weight less than a feather with only one hand and made her face the terrified female. "She had been with me all along. Thanks to her, I can finally get my hands on you." She couldn't face (F/N), her guilt had been taking over her conscience ever since Thunderstorm... threatened her.

"I-I'm sorry (F/N)... I did not mean for this to happen... " She couldn't stop the flowing tears resulted from the unending pain she's suffering and for the bad things she'd done to her. "I don't get it... why did you do this to me?" She ask. What reasons could the young girl possibly have to trick her this way? Moreover, why did Thunderstorm beat Ying up even though she did as exactly as she were told?

"Let her go." She said and the male's smirk drop. "You're not going to shout at her? Mad at her for doing this to you?"

"I said, Let. Her. Go." Her voice was firm and calm. Thunderstorm could only glared at the female but (F/N) didn't flinch at his deadly glare. "Remember (F/N), I'm not the one helplessly tie-- "

"Please." She cut him off. Her voice waver a little, giving the element a clue that she was about to break down.

"I beg you please, let her go... " She choke as she drowns herself in her own salty tears. The headache, the emotional pain, the confusion altogether had been swirling in her mind. She look at Thunderstorm, feeling weak and helpless like she'd always been.

"Please... " He tsk and drag the limping Ying towards the door. She had no energy left due to the fact that body had been abusing her since then. Luckily for Thunderstorm, it's midnight and all of the neighborhood had been tuck to their beds, sleeping soundlessly, completely unaware of the crimes in this peaceful night.

She push the female harshly and Ying fell face first on the ground. "You did great Ying. As for that, I promise I won't touch your family." He said. "Now leave."

Ying, barely stumbling once she stood up, held her broken arm as she limp painfully away from the aggressive male. She did it, for the sake of her love ones. It pains her to leave (F/N) in the hands of her sick abductor, but she had no choice.

'Don't worry (F/N)! I will save you from him!I'll go get help!' Ying will make sure she'll contact Solar and the other's. She will save her even though (F/N) will possibly despise her after what she did, but she didn't care, as long as she's safe.

Even with the ongoing pain and the dripping blood from her damaged cheekbone, she still persist on. 'Hold on (F/--!' Was it just her or is the sky suddenly became a bright red? She tilts her head up and notice an aggressive red lighting just below her blue eyes. She knew it was too late to even use her powers and accepted her fate.

"I'm sorry (F/N)... "

~ Yandere ~

Thunderstorm watch with cold eyes as Ying scream horribly at the burning pain of his attack. Her body fell on the ground, this time, she will remain unconscious forever. "I only promise not to touch your family. I didn't say the same thing about you though." Thunderstorm left the scene and went to inside, certain that her bloody screams almost woke the entire neighborhood but he's glad that he had disposed of her completely.

Opening the door that led to his girl, her face shown utter horror when she saw him. "What did you do to her?!" He had guess she heard that fiasco outside his home. "I told you to let her go! BUT WHAT DID YOU DO?!" she scream at his face. She doesn't care anymore what horribly things he will do to her. She was frightened, yes, but all she can ever thing about is Ying.

She dodge his hand when he attempts to touch her cheek. "Don't touch me! You disgust me!"

"My love, she betrayed you and yet you still worry for her?"

"I'm not your f*cking love! Can't you see Thunderstorm? I have Solar and we both love each other. Not you! Not in a million years will it be yu--- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He attack her with his lightning. Can't she just understand the impact of her words to him? Does she know how painful that it? More painful than the pain he inflicted on you right now.

"I've been patience way too long with you (F/N)." He said once he stop his lightning on her. He knew she couldn't take the agony with that fragile body of her's so he minimize the level of his lightning in order to keep her alive. The girl was still conscious but barely having the energy to fight back. All she could do was give a weak but deadly glare at the teen, cursing every molecule on his body to death.

What happened to the boy you wants knew? He looks so different.

He yank a small lock of her hair and whisper. "You know (F/N), I always had my eyes on you but... things happened and you dated my brother." The girl just sat there and listen to his words, not really giving him the attention he wants.

"And seeing you with him... so happy... disgust me." He face the girl and smirk. "I love you but you love him. It's funny. I always ask myself what do you even see in him?" She didn't respond, fearing he might do something more than just a lightning strike.

"Hey (F/N)," He grin menacingly at his girl and said.

"What if I... kill him?" No words can describe the utter look of horror on her face at his question. Kill his on brother? For the sake of his one-sided love, he's willing to kill him? He killed Ying without any hesitation, he can do the same with Solar.

"And by the time I get rib of him, I'll give his head to you as my present."

"Noo---!" He covered her mouth with that blindfold that was laying around the floor. She keep thrashing and protesting to hopefully stop the manically delusional male in harming his own brother but alas, the sound of footsteps leaving her figure in this room had demolished all hopes in saving his true love.

Thunderstorm look at her tied figure one last time and said. "Expect good news tomorrow (F/N). You'll certainly love it." Closing the door behind him, the girl was left to darkness, silently praying that everything's gonna be alright.

The next morning, she had woken up with Solar's bloody head resting on her lap.


Drac: Hopefully there's a dimension where Solar beat Thunderstorm and rescue his little (F/N). 🤧 Why do I feel like Thunderstorm's not Yandere enough on this chapter.

Anyways, how's Quarantine going for ya'? Don't know about you guys but introverts like me had been dying to get outside. 😂

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