Captive PART 1 (Yandere!Thunderstorm x Reader)

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Requested by: iAmJennyHenny

WARNING: Censored curses are present in this chapter. OCC characters are understandably present in this one too. You have been warn.


"Could you stop being so jealous Solar?! Thunderstorm and I are just friends! Why can't you see that?!" An angry (H/C) haired female yelled at an equally mad Solar. It was just another stressful day at her room, supposed to be the girl was just studying for an exam tomorrow, when all of the sudden, her boyfriend Solar, came inside her apartment and started attacking her with accusations. Meaningless accusations.

"Why can't I see that you say?" He ask sarcastically as glaring eyes of golden hue clash with the college student's (E/C) ones. "Why can't you see the way he f*ck*ing looks at you!? The way he touched you in our classroom. Don't you feel sexual harass with the way he stares at you?" He said. Heart pumping and eyes burning while glaring intensely on the (E/C) eyed girl.

"What?! He was just helping when I accidentally trip myself. He was the only person there to help me. That doesn't mean anything Solar!" The girl bark back. "Why?! Why can't you see that?" She fired back.

"Everytime I'm with Thunderstorm, you always assume the worst things unimaginable. Just a simple talk freak you out. Just a simple stare, you wanted to rip him apart. Stop being so jealous of him Solar. Thunderstorm and I are just friends!" She added.

"That's because I don't trust Thunderstorm. You don't know him (F/N). So better yet, stay away from him." He press out which made the college student to intensify the burning pit of anger inside her.

"Ohh~ So you don't trust your own self now?" She pointed out sarcastically. "Tell me Solar, how can you even say that to your own self? Just because I am close with Thunderstorm doesn't mean there's something going on between u-" Before the girl could finish her statement, she was quickly cut off by her boyfriend with a question.

"Do you like him?" This quickly put the (H/C) haired girl to pause over her actions and stares at the element with calculating orbs of (E/C). Hair shadowing his golden eyes, the boy refuses to look at his girlfriend's eyes. Fearing that if he did, he won't stop the upcoming flows of rollercoaster emotions that will build up inside his system.

"Tell me (F/N), do YOU love Thunderstorm?" He ask again.

From the very beginning, Solar and Thunderstorm are on par with each other. When it comes to speed and power, these two elements are monsters.

Deep, inside Solar was very insecure of Thunderstorm as the two powerful elements keep being compared with each other. But most of the time, it's Thunderstorm who is always being favored by the public and by those who personally knew them.

This is probably the main reason why Solar freak out so much. He must be scared that (F/N) will chose Thunderstorm over him.

But (F/N) can see him though clearly.

Even though it's kinda childish for Solar to be acting all jealous for a simple interaction between her and Thunderstorm, she did remember about a conversation between her and Yaya saying stuffs about men being all crazy when other men approach their woman.

'I thought women were suppose to be the crazy jealous types. Not the other way around!' She thought. Well seeing his behavior actually proves Yaya's conclusion. She really did drive him crazy.

Instead of being angry this time, she pulled him closer by his gray turtle neck shirt, learn forward and plant a long lasting kiss on his lips. After pulling away, she was greeted with a wide eyed Solar as his usual skin color has a bit of redness glowing on it.

Satisfied by the reaction, she smirk and said, "Is that enough for an answer?"

Still recovering from his girlfriend's bold move, the element of light just lightly shook his head in agreement, slightly embarrass at the same time.

"Looks like I'm your first kiss." She smiled sweetly at Solar, quietly adoring that blushing cheeks of his. (F/N) just chuckle at her cute boyfriend and pinch his cheeks. Unamuse by his girlfriend pitching his cheek, he grabbed her gently by the hand and scoop her right on to his arms. Much to her shock, he place her on the soft blue cushion of her living room and join on top of her laying form. His actions quickly made her tingly inside. Butterflies seem to flutter wildly inside her stomach as her checks became the color of an apple's redness. What makes it even more redder than now was the stare he gave towards his beloved.

Gulping silently, she spoke, "You do know my parents are gonna be here at any moment now. Probably gonna open that door any second." It wasn't a threat, she just said that in order to calm Solar just in case he plans to... bring it to the next level.

Solar, who seem to read his girlfriend's mind, spoke; "Relax. I'm not gonna do anything extreme to you." His words made her mentally sigh in relief. But his next suddenly made her feel awkward.

"Not just yet." He smirk.

"Solar... " she warned which made him chuckle and slowly plant a long kiss on her forehead. "About what you said earlier, I'm glad you were my first and... "

He said as he lean forward again to give another kiss, but this time, on her nose. "... I'm even more than happy when I realize I'm your first as well." He replied before diving in for another sweet kiss. (F/N), who was stunned by his unusual sweet words, couldn't help but to smile during the kiss before her lips move in sync with his as well.

While the sweet couple enjoy the sweet taste of each other's lips, someone, watching from the distance, was far from being amuse at the disgusting sight he just saw.

'How dare he.... ' strong red electric shocks came flowing from Thunderstorm's persona. He was boiling in anger and nothing's gonna calm him down.

"Someone is gonna die"


"Really? He did that? That's so sweet of him!" Yaya said. It was lunch time inside the campus, both Yaya and Suzy were hanging out with (F/N) at the cafeteria.

"I wish Gopal could do the same." Yaya sigh

"Yeah, can't believe he faint once you tried to kiss him on the cheeks. And that was just a kiss on the cheeks." Suzy said, chuckling.

"So where's your prince charming today (F/N)? Strange enough that no one's following you around like a guard dog." Suzy said which made the girls laughing out loud at the comment. Well, Solar does follow her like a guard dog most of the times.

"Enough about that. How are the exams going? Have any difficulties or something?" (F/N) said.

"Ha! (F/N), have you even met me?!" Yaya exclaim while laughing hysterically. "I can see your competitive side is showing once again Yaya." Suzy said.

"Please stop. Your acting all creepy again."

"Opps! Hihihi sorry. Which reminds me...where's Ying? She was suppose to be here a few minutes ago." Yaya ask.

"She's running a little late which is very unusual of her."

"Actually, Thunderstorm said that Ying will skip lunch and study in the library instead." (F/N) said while munching her food but she suddenly choke it after Yaya slam both of her hands on the table. "She said WHAT?!" Her booming voice cause an eruption inside the already noisy cafeteria.

"She's starting ahead of me. I will not let her win this examination!" Her burning determination can be seen within those once sweet brown eyes of her. Which is actually pretty scary of you ask the two girls in front of her.

"Um... it's not always a competition you know." (F/N) said but was clearly ignore by the gravity manipulating Yaya.



"Come with me."

"O-ok." Was all Suzy said as she sweatshop by her idol's sudden fiery competitive spirit.

"You too (F/N)."

"Um, I know high grades is life but food is lifer. If that's even a word or so." She said.

"Ok. Have fun while we're gone!" Yaya, using her gravity powers, flew towards the library with great speed, as well as an already exhausted Suzy running behind her figure.

"Yeah right." She chuckle. Although it's hard being alone inside the cafeteria without her friends, maybe she can deal with the loneliness just this once.

Well actually, she doesn't have to, as someone suddenly appeared from her table, that someone named; "Ying? What are you doing here? I thought you were studying in the library." She ask. Instead of a cheerful response from the time manipulating female, her nervous behavior made the opposing female raise a questionable brow at her.

"Um you ok?"

She ignore her concerned question and said "(F-F/N), I have to t-tell you something."

"Before that, why don't you have some water first? You seem pretty... anxious about something."

"Actually, there is something you should be worried about."


"Yes." She look left and right just in case someone is spying on them before proceeding. "Meet me at the back of the school before noon. I'll be waiting for you."

"Ok? But why not now?"

"Because! If I talk now someone's gonna hear me." She said. Her uneasy behavior is starting to worry (F/N). She's sweating heavily, her eyes keep shifting around like she's looking for someone suspicious and lastly, she seems to be under a lot of pressure by someone. "Ok what's going on? Is there someone bullying you? Is someone threatening you? If yes, I can give them some knuckle sandwich to feed on." She said as she crack both of her fist.

"P-please (F/N), please calm down." The Ying (F/N) knows isn't like this. Unless she'll face some great alien threats that threatens the earth nearly everyday. She can literally kick some butt out of most of the jerks in school. So whatever seems to threaten her mindset, something or someone that possibly held great danger, even for a superhero like Ying couldn't handle.

'If he saw me talking to you, he'll kill me. He'll kill everyone.'

"Listen Ying, how the fuck can I calm down when some stupid geezers are giving you a hard time? I'm not a superhero but I can literally give them the taste of death to whoever's bothering my friends!" She declared.

"Like I said, HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN when you're literally stress to death? Ying, whatevers on your mind, you can tell me. I'm you're friend after all." She said. Her hands reaches Ying's and gave it a reassuring squeeze to assure her. "Please (F/N).... " she persuads, her eyes are starting to water. She couldn't control her emotions anymore. She can literally burst out crying at her spot at any moment now. But she knows she has to restrain herself from making a scene.

"Your making it even worst... "

"I'll tell you. Once school is over. Just... just not now. Not while some eyes and ears are around." As much as she wanted to tell the problem

"Thank goodness. But promise me that you will never tell this to anyone else. Even Solar." Hesitantly she nod

"Also, tell Solar that he should be careful."

"Careful for what?" She ask.

She was about to answer her but was suddenly stop as her eyes dilated at someone behind the unsuspecting female. "S-sorry (F/N). I g-gotta go." She whispered and then she left. Just like that. What happened back there made her all confuse.

'What's going on?' She thought as her appetite seems to have abandon and left her behind.

"Guess I'm alone once again."

"No you're not." Cold hands suddenly covers (F/N)'s visions as the girl smiled at the familiar voice of her love one.


"I'm not Solar (F/N)."

Removing his hands from her line of sight, she opened her (E/C) eyes and saw the familiar cold electric red orbs of Thunderstorm.

"Oh. It's just you."

'Shoot! And I'm supposed to avoid Thunderstorm. If words get out then Solar will surely come raging at me again." She thought.

"Just me?" He coldly ask. "Is that how you greet your friends now?"

"Sorry but are we even friends?" She ask, savagely, and laugh quite loudly at his priceless reaction but silence herself when Thunderstorm gave a cold glare at her. "I'm just kidding geezs. Both you and Solar couldn't take jokes without glaring at me." She pouts.

"Tsk." Somehow, Thunderstorm gave her the chills.

"A-anyways, have you seen Solar? I haven't seen him this morning." She ask. "I'm not that guy's mother."

"Oh yeah, you're not. You're the father actually and Earth's the mother." She joke.

"(F/N)... " he warned.

"Alright, alright. Geez, you're so cold."

'That's because you keep mentioning other boys in front of me, especially Solar.' He thought while he grip his fist tightly to the point it releases some small electricity. He seriously wanted that guy dead. "By the way," he started which made the girl stop her munching and raise an eyebrow.

"Ying was here right?" He ask to which she nods. "She doesn't look like herself at all. Did something happened?" Although he seems to be concerned about their time manipulating friend however it looks like it's the complete position at all.

She hesitates whether or not he'll tell him or not but she did agree to her blue haired friend that she'll keep it a secret between them. Not even Solar can break that promise, and certainly not to his brother as well or any of the elemental brothers for that matter. "She looks fine to me."

'Well not really.' Not a moment after, the whole cafeteria was alerted by the familiar bell of their school, an annoying reminder that classes shall continue. "Anyways, see you later Thunderstorm. I need to study for the next exam." She pack up her half eaten lunch box and wave goodbye to the Element of Thunder. "Good luck with exams Thunderstorm! Let's conquer this year's finals." She said before running towards the exit as the latter is excited to have it over with.

"Why conquering our exams.... when I can conquer you instead?" An evil malicious smirk spread on his face as his eyes glints in delight at the girl.

"But before that, if I remember correctly, I need to take care of something first." He's smirk has gonna even wider to the point student who pass by were frighten at the malicious aura radiating from his form.


Drac: Bet you didn't expect I'll update considering I left months ago, amirite? Well with the coronavirus getting really out of hand and us, ghouls are being watch with security cameras everywhere, making sure that we don't leave the premises, it's best if I tone down all the free time with some writing.

Coronavirus happened a month ago and you're only writing now? You might ask? Well first of, we have online classes and unfortunately, mountains of documents, assignments, video presentations that needs to be done. Our institutions was a bit hard on us because WE ARE the ONLY college partaking in online classes, even biggest private universities had cancel their online classes just to ensure their student's safety. Us, however, had a different turn.

As an officer of an organization in our college department, I had to calm down the students because it was a riot between teachers and students. After days of convincing the higher ups (a.k.a the President of our school), we manage to persuade them and cancel our online activities. Expect in the future, I can see myself the day before classes resume, rushing my activities 😂

I actually finish this a long time ago however, I was hesitant to update it because it feels kinda rush and as a matter of fact, it is rush. 😂

Since this chapter is longer than I expected it will be, PART 2 will be up tomorrow. Stay safe from the coronavirus everyone. 😘

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