Sharing Is Caring PART 1 (Yandere!Lightning x Reader x Yandere!Water)

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Draculaura: Let's be honest here... Who here is 18 below or underage? If you are one then I'm sorry to tell you this but you are not allowed to read this chapter. Why? Apparently this is only exclusive for 18 above. This chapter contains a lot of mature one's that are not allowed for children. If you're mind is not that innocent anymore then go on but if it's not... sorry because minor readers are definitely not allowed to read this. Please do me a favor and stay safe from the scene.


Requested by : JustFraFra

I divided it into 2 parts because this is hella long and I don't want the same thing happen with Innocent Love where I write 5000+ words sometimes even 7000+ words in one chapter. I kinda regret that one. That's why from now on I'll divide chapters who are extremely long as to not bore you girls.

Third Person's POV

"(F/N)." Yaya firmly calls upon a (H/C) haired female who sat uncomfortably on the floor besides Yaya's bed. Currently the three girls including Ying were at Yaya's residence for a traditional girl's slumber party.

The two superheroes had been noticing (F/N)'s rather odd behavior from the past week but held no importance over it as it normally happens to someone over the time being but this... this is getting longer and way more troublesome enough for the two of them handle. "Is there something bothering you? You've been pacing out a lot lately." worried, the teenage time manipulater ask her best friend. Gently but hesitantly, she nod her head as a small fake smile appears on her pinkish lips. "Yeah... " she said, barely a whisper.

"Come on (F/N), we can definitely tell that somethings been on your mind these few days. Care to share?" Yaya ask. "We are your friends after all." She quickly added.

A sigh escape from her mouth as a noticeable blush form on her (S/C) toned face "I don't know... it's kinda awkward." The latter then burried her face on Yaya's bed side, feeling embarrass at the up-coming topic at hand. "And I'm pretty sure you'll laugh once I told you!" claimed the embarrassed female.

"Don't worry, we won't~" Ying said.

"Now tell us!" both of them said excitedly.

"Well girls, the thing is... I'm not really certain about this... " she said.

"What do you mean?" ask the bewildered Ying.

"I... I think I like someone... " Both blue and brown eyes of her friends widen in surprise at the sudden revelation. Both tried to surpass their inner fangirling mode at the thought of their friend having a crush on someone because it really was quite a shock since never once did the famous (F/N) ever like a boy in her life.

In that moment, both of the supergirls had jump into (F/N) for more questions that needs to be answered. "You know what this means Ying?!" Yaya ask excitedly.

"Our baby girl has finally become a woman!" both of them hug the already tomato red (F/N) as she scold the two to stop exaggerating it too much. "You guys... This is not something to celebrate about!" she said while covering her faces.

The two just giggled at her attempt to stop them but couldn't help but to send some teasing glances over the (H/C) female. "Right~"

"So... who's the lucky guy?" Ying ask while smirking playfully at her best friend. "Like I said. You'll definitely laugh once I told you." sulk the (H/C) girl.

"Oh come on~ What's so bad about him that you won't even tell us his name. Is he that much of an embarrassment?" Yaya ask curiously.

"No... sort of... " (F/N) said but whispered at the last part.

"No? Then tell us!" Both of the two girls demanded. "Alright alright sheesh!" she said while playfully rolling her eyes at their silliness.

"Guess first before I tell you." she said.

"Ok... Fire?" - Yaya.

"That guy accidentally burned my house. Never will I like him. Never." - (F/N).

"Still having a grudge on Fire I see. How about Earth then?" - Ying.

"Earth and I are just friends you know. He's like a brother to me so no. It's not him." - (F/N).

"Light?" - Yaya.

"His pride is higher than his height so no." - (F/N).

"Then what about Leaf?" - Ying.

"Guys... you do know that Leaf is still naive about this things, right?"

"Oh... right... " Yaya said.

"So what? It's you who's liking him not him liking you." - Ying.

"Ouch... "

"Savage!" Yaya said as she barely tries her best to restrain the fuming (H/C) haired girl since she's way too strong and doing it to her fullest might accidentally crush her friend's ribcage.

"First of all, I don't like Leaf. Second, he's too precious for this. Third, none of Boboiboy's elements is my crush!" she said.

"Wait? Is it... Fang?" Ying ask which suddenly cause the (F/N) to choose on her own saliva at the given name. She furiously shook her head in a disapproving manner and ask, "What makes you say that?"

"Just a hunch." She shrug.

"Mushroom boy isn't my type Ying. His fashion sense is weird." She said while recalling a time where she saw him wearing a mushroom designed helmet at the Mart the other day. All she can do was face palm at how weird he looks. Quietly crossing his name at her list of handsome boys.

Somehow an idea immediately lit up from her mind to escape the situation she's in. A teasing smirk appears as she stared at Ying in a teasing way. "However it would be awesome if he falls in love with you though~" the (H/C) haired girl said as the time manipulating female suddenly turn red.

"W-what?! Don't be ridiculous (F/N). Fang and I are just friends."

"Yet. Friends yet but later couples. " - (F/N).

"Yeah Ying. You two do look great together!" Yaya approves.

"Hey! Don't try to change the subject (F/N)." Ying instantly said. She doesn't want her to be the subject of interest at their girl's night out for tonight nor does she want to talk about her small crush on the said boy. As much as possible, she doesn't want anyone to know about it.

"Oh right~ Come on (F/N) tell us. You've been delaying us for a long time now." Yaya said. 'So much for my effort in changing the topic...' she though while faceplaming.

"It's just that... um... that... "

"He's not that much of an embarrassment, is he?" Yaya ask.

"Well he sorta is... " she gently whisper as to not cause any laughter from the superhero duo. She beckoned to two girls to move closer to her. The two did as they were told and lean their hearing senses near to her mouth, excited to hear the name of the lucky guy she's into.

"He's name is... " as she said the name of the guy she likes, a dead sound of awkward silence falls upon the atmosphere as the two superhero girls frozen to their spots at the realization of who the mystery guy is.

"It can be... " - Yaya.

"Impossible... " - Ying.

The two were reluctant to believe the things she said. "You're joking right?" The hijad wearing superhero ask but recieve no answer from the female except her serious expression."Ying! Check if she's under some love potion!" Yaya commands as her best friend 'inspect' the (H/C) haired female's condition.

'I knew telling them was a bad idea.' She sigh while faceplaming at them.

"You guys... I know it's a lot to take in and I don't know myself why I like him. There are a lot of others who fits my ideal type but unfortunately I fell in love with him." She said. Her expression was serious and sincere which suddenly made the two girls to be guilty at their silly act.

"We're sorry (F/N). It's just... we never really expected it was him all along." Yaya said as she hug her best friend. Ying too, join in as well. "It was quite a shock too. Not to be rude or anything but out of all the guys why him (F/N)?" She ask.

"Like you said, he's not even close to your ideal type." She added. "I'm not really sure myself. It just happened. He's lazy, irresponsible, and a downright idiot at times. He's the complete opposite of me so why on earth would I fall for someone like him? But then oa__)ne day I started realizing I'm slowly falling for him."

"Wow. I guess love can be blind after all." Ying said to which (F/N) approves.

"Or maybe her eyes are blind. Let's check." Before Yaya can even touch her eyes, (F/N) immediately hit her approaching hands and glared at the pink hijab wearing girl. "I'm what now?" She ask menacingly at her bestfriend to which made Yaya nervously laugh at her scary friend.

"Just kidding~"

"Now that you know who he is, promise me that you won't tell anyone about it." She said.

"Consider our lips sealed." Yaya said while zipping her mouth.

"Thank goodness." - (F/N).

"Which reminds me.... Yaya! How about the plan now?" Ying ask.

"Oh right. I completely forgot about that one. We didn't expect this sudden turn of events. What shall we do now!" Yaya panics.

The (H/C) haired female was bewildered over their conversations. The topic was similar to an unsolvable math equation that the girl will never understand unless the patterns would warp itself on her mind forever. These two seem like they know something she's unaware of. "(F/N) there's something you need to know... " Yaya started.

"It's about them... " - Ying.

"I don't understand. What are you guys talking about?"

"Well it sorta goes like this... " Ying started to tell a certain event that escalate something and the reason behind it.



Morning soon walk into Paulu Rintis as the light began to shine it's way into the area. At the Tapops High School, only a number of students were seen walking inside the said building. It was still early to begin with. However despite the empty silence inside, the booming voice of a certain element can be heard from a gym near the school. "And DUNK!" successfully performing a dunk, the fire element smugly shows off his skills as he scores another point.

"Hell yeah!" He said as he pumps his fist in the air. While grinning like an idiot, a hurling ball from the unknown hit the element square in the face. "A-Aw... WHO DID THAT?!" came his immediately question as he scan the area to check who the idiot culprit that dares to throw a ball at him.

"I DID!" came the furious respond of the scariest person in Tapops High School, coach Tarung. "You got a problem with that Ace?" He ask in a menacing manner, quickly turning Fire into a scardy cat. "N-no coach!" He immediately said.

"Good. Now get to practice and stop spreading fire all over the court!" He shouted making Fire scram away from him.

"Leaf stop messing around with your powers!"

"Light stop bringing old chemicals inside the court!.

"And Wind stop waving at your fangirls!" Clearly it's just another normal day and coach Tarung wasn't having any slackers ruin the pace of their practice. The man was check his members if any of them were messing around or not present at the court at all. He click his tongue at the realization that someone was indeed absent at their practice.

"(F/N)!" he called.

The said female flinch at the voice and immediately went towards the fuming coach. (F/N) was the manager of the basketball club that's why she's currently here, helping the coach as well as her friends. "Yes coach?" She ask.

"Bring that good for nothing slacker here! He must be sleeping somewhere again." He said. "Yes coach."she said as she went towards the exit of the gym. However without luck on her side, she encounters the person she and her girl friends solemnly avoids at all cost; the fangirls of her boy best friends.

Their obnoxious screams of cheering always annoys the hell out of her. These girls are the solid fans of the elements including Fang. One time they threaten Yaya for talking to Wind and prank Ying for being assigned with Fang to a project. These girls are super delusional that they always threaten every girl who approach the elements and Fang.

And they are clearly blocking the way.

"Excuse me." She said as she barely made her way out of the group.

"Tsk. Look at that bitch."

"Yeah she's always with them everyday. I'm sure she trick the coach into getting into the team."

"She must be desperate."

"Ugh fangirls... " she sighs as she march away. Unfortunately someone heard her which so happens to be the leader of the squad of fangirls. "Please bitch, you are no better than us." She snarl. "Excuse me?" She said calmly. Good thing she wasn't near at the entrance of the gym or else if could've gotten herself in trouble for having an immature fight with a troublemaking fangirls.

"Drop the act sister~ We know what you're into and I don't like it. Leave our boyfriends alone or else we'll have to deal with you later." she said with an evil smirk. "Oh ok." Not caring about what she said, she just shrug the fangirl off and was supposed to turn around but was stop when a hand grip at her shoulder blades, stopping her from moving away.

"Don't use that tone over me bitch. And I mean what I said earlier. Leave them alone or It'll be a tough time for you."

"And like I said ok. Now could you please let me go now. I need to find one of our members." she said with annoyance over her tone. She's not interested in this fight since she's got her hands full at the moment. The trio on her shoulder tighten as the said leader face the girl with equal annoyance over the latter.

"Just because you're in the team doesn't necessarily mean you have to push yourself into them. Have you ever look at yourself in the mirror? You and
... what was it their names again? Yaya and Ying right? Your faces are a real definition of the word embarrassment darlings. Do us a favor the die already." Annoyance turned into anger as she held the hand that was gripping her shoulder. Clearly she was not amuse that she drag the names of her best friends in these pathetic fight.

"How about this... Have you ever look yourselves in the mirror? The obvious answer is no because even the mirror is horrified to see a clown witch such as yourselves. Also don't you even dare to insult me or my friends. They have nothing to do with this. And might I mind you to have your distance when talking to people because I can clearly smell your morning breath sister." She said and push away the hand that grip her shoulder. If she didn't have to mention Yaya and Ying, it wouldn't turn out like this but she cross the line this time.

"Now if you'll excuse me but I have important things to do rather than wasting my time fighting an immature fangirl like you." She said and turn around for the final time. Hopefully she won't bother her this time. But unfortunately she did.

"You stupid bitch! How dare you embarrass me like that!" (F/N) turn to face her once again and saw an approaching blow from the leader. With wide eyes at the unexpected turn of events, she immediately close her eyes and waited for the pain.

But it never came.

She opened her eyes only to see the shock faces of the girls. She move her sight at the leader who was paralyze in place. A hand holding her own from slapping the (E/C) eyed female. Someone had save her from a terrible blow and it was...

"Lightning?!" she called.


Draculaura: Cliffhanger!!!! I always wanted to try this one haha~

Ne! Did you like it? 😁 Then give it a shiny like star! Also drop your thoughts on the comments section. I love reading your thoughts. But to be honest I think I failed this one.

My first update after I've lost my old phone. And for some odd reasons my edits where gone. When I opened this account, the number of words became 945 instead of 3600+... I'm so sad that my hard work are all gone but thankfully I manage to rewrite it just now. Truth to be told, I like the old version of this one on my old phone.

I'm currently suffering. *Sigh* I should really stop making Smuts or else my readers will become a pervert like me XD. By the way, REQUEST AREN'T AVAILABLE YEET. That's all.

Up next: Sharing Is Caring Part 2 (Yandere!Lightning x Reader x Yandere!Water) LEMON

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