Hopless Opus

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Butters pov

Eric seemed to be in his room for a while, I didn't disturb him. I was at the table looking at the envelope that was given to me by Brandon. What was inside was too great to imagine. There were two tickets to Imagine Dragons reunion concert, and I cried of joy when I first opened it. I wanted to go with Eric and go nuts, though I knew we couldn't do that. Given the situation we were in, there was no time to be wasting it. There was also another thing that had ruined my mood as well.

Hey Mr. cage man let me get a fresh breath
Cherry bomb head strong I could fake my own death
Hey Mr. fate man shuffle me a ninth life
I've been wrong, go long
throwing me a sharp right
It's not a picture perfect life
Not what I had in mind
Let me write my own line

My father was on his death bed, and he refused to let me see him. Though why should I? My father had beat and hated me my whole life, so why did I want to see him die. Was it because it was the right to do? Or maybe I wanted to see him die? I had no idea the only thing I ever wanted from my whole life from my father, was an apology. An apology for the years of torment but that I knew would never happen. He was too proud of it. My mother had called me repeatedly after Kyle's wedding, about the changes in my father. I didn't tell her I had lost my big job, It wasn't her business, I just gave her money like I said I would. I had lost for my family and I didn't get anything back, not even love.

I finally decided to finally go into Eric's room after a while. He was on his bed reading some stupid magazine, of drones. He noticed me walk in and smiled. I sat on the bed next him, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Eric, can we talk," I said placing my hand in his

"Sure," He said

"First off, how were the interviews?" I asked

"Not good Butters, they wouldn't even accept me right at the mention of my name." He said sadly

"Oh," I sighed "Well that's okay,"

"It isn't okay, not at all," Eric said mostly to himself "How's your father?"

"Not good, he is close to death" I said

"I'm sorry," Eric said

"Don't be, I hate the bastard," I said looking away "I hope he dies."

There was a minute of silence between us, Eric didn't know what to say in response to that and neither did I. I thought about the tickets and I decided just to mention it, nothing else.

I've got this place
That I've filled with empty space
Oh I'm trying not to face what I've done
My hopeless opus
I'm in this race and I'm hoping just to place
Oh I'm trying not to face what's become of me
My hopeless opus

"I got something pretty awesome." I said

"Something really kewl?" He asked


"What?" He asked

"I have two tickets to Imagine Dragons reunion concert!" I said trying to smile

"Butters, you know we can't," Eric began

"Yeah, yeah I know we can't go I just wanted to mention it," I said "Maybe I'll give them away, to someone who can go."

"It's just we don't have enough money and we can't," Eric said looking very sad to disappoint me

"Eric, it's fine," I said hugging him "I'm fine with not going really."

"No your not, stop lying,"Eric said "You love Imagine Dragons and desperately want to see them live, you always did."

"But I'm not going to act as if we can Eric," I said feeling horrible that Eric's eyes were beginning to water "It's not your fault Eric please don't cry."

"But I'm the worst, I can't get a job, I can't be a decent person, I can't even bring the love of my life to his dream concert." He said going into a fetel position

I shrugged and flicked his cheek. He was adorable overeating like this, I had no idea it would mean so much to him.

"Eric, there's no need to over react, we could maybe ask to get a loan from Stan or Kyle for the plane ride." I said giving him a reassuring kiss

"You think they would do that?" Eric asked "Even the Jew?"

"Especially the Jew," I smiled "Kyle feels guilty about keeping the restaurant job, this will make him no longer guilty."

Hey Mr. safe man hustle me an okay
I could slide take a dive take it for the home team
Hey Mr. postman slip me one more green note
I've been low hit the floor looking just to make broke
It's not a picture perfect life
Not what I had in mind
Let me write my own line

I took out my phone and dialed Kyle's number. I waited a couple minutes until I heard him answer.

"Hey Butters!" Kyle said

"Hey Kyle," I said "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure dude, what is it?" He asked

"Um listen, you know Brandon?"

"That jackass who hurt you, what about it?"

"Well he gave me something,"


"Two tickets to a Imagine Dragons concert,"

"That's great Butters,"

"Yeah but it's not that great, because we can't afford to fly a plane to Chicago, so I was wondering if I could borrow some money from you, I wouldn't have asked it's just Eric is really upset about not being able to take me."

"I guess so, I mean how much money do you need?" Kyle asked

"About three hundred and fifty," I said hesititly "I'm sorry it's probably too much,"

"No Butters that's actually okay, well Stan and I were actually thinking of going to Chicago," Kyle said "Bebe says we should check it out to see if we should move there."

"Really, that means we could go together! But I don't have any more tickets," I said sadly

"It's fine, I don't care after all its your date right?" Kyle said "When's the concert?"

"In two weeks," I answered

"Great, be ready by then, see ya dude!" Kyle said

"Bye!" I said hanging up

I ran upstairs to Eric. I told him about the plan and he hugged me. I knew things were going to get better, from this point forward things were be okay. We were going to Chicago.

I've got this place
That I've filled with empty space
Oh I'm trying not to face what I've done
My hopeless opus
I'm in this race and I'm hoping just to place
Oh I'm trying not to face what's become of me
My hopeless opus

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