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Cartman's pov

The whole week before we went to Chicago, I met up with my father. I forgot how much joy I got from talking to him. I never truly knew my real father so Gary was the closest I got. I told him about how we were going to Chicago with a little help from a friend.

"Eric, why don't I just pay for the trip?" He asked

"Huh?" I asked "You want to do that?"

"Sure, I mean I'm retired and I want to help as much as I can before God takes me," He said shrugging

"Then I guess, I have to tell Kyle never mind," I smiled "Thanks dad."

I took out my phone and dialed Butters number.

"Hey!" Butters answered

"Hey babe, listen my dad is going to pay for the trip, so tell Kyle he doesn't have to,"

"Oh ok!" Butters said "Bye!"

"Love you!"


Butters pov

We left the house around 5:30 on Tuesday. Eric's father drove us to the airport. When we got there, we thanked him and we t to check in. After all the casualties, about two hours later we got on the plane. I haven't been a plane for a long time but it was just as enjoyable. Eric was asleep most of the time and I had my head phones on. I didn't know what songs Imagine Dragons would play when I saw them live but I knew I would love it no matter what. I turned to Eric and kissed his cheek. The concert would also be great since I was with him.

We got to Chicago not too long after we got on the plane. After we got off, we hired a taxi to our motel. Chicago was truly amazing. We past by a huge fountain, which was gorgeous. We also passed by Daley park and many big buildings. Our motel was located in Lake view. The driver dropped us off and drove away.

The motel wasn't much but it didn't matter. The room we were staying in was bug enough for the two of us. It had two beds, a bathroom, a tv and places to keep our stuff. I was pretty tired so right after we got settled in, I took a nap. After I woke up, Eric and I got ready for the concert which was in a few hours.

I put on my Imagine Dragons tshirt and my Firebreather necklace. Eric just wore a regular pair of pants and a red tshirt. After we were dressed, we left the motel and hired a taxi. The concert was at the big fountain we passed before. It was already crowded when the taxi finally got there. I could see that a stage was set up and many people were crowding around it. I grabbed Eric's hand and pulled him closer to the stage. I didn't see any one on it yet, but I tried to be patient. Eric was becoming inpatient but he didn't show it. I only knew because every minute he'd check his watch. After twenty minutes of just waiting, the concert started.

We were to far to see them clearly or at all, but I knew that Imagine Dragons were on that stage. I gave a huge squeal of excitement.

"Butters! God Dammit!" Eric yelled covering his ears

"I'm sorry," I said blushing "I'm just excited!"

The concert began and they started to perform the first song.

Oh quiet down, I've had enough
I guess it's now or never
I've been around, I've settled up
I'll bolt soon or later

I took a photograph of me
When I was only nineteen
I looked a little lost at sea
I keep trying to find me

So pray for me brother
I need redemption
I'm just a man
A man on a mission
I want no trouble [x4]
Pray for me sister
Give me a mention
I got no faith
And, oh, did I mention
I want no trouble [x4]

Oh pack it up, and hit the road
And only take my lighter
I've seen the glitz, I've seen the glam
But I prefer the pay dirt



Maybe you could save my soul
Cause of all the things that I don't know
Maybe you could save my soul
Cause of all the things that I don't know

I grabbed onto to Eric. The excitement of the concert made me love him even more. I knew that I haven't said I love you to Eric yet and he said it several times. Though I wanted to say it at the perfect time. I trusted Eric I really did but I didn't want to ruin this relationship like I ruined the others. Eric meant the world to me and I didn't want to rush anything. The concert took a small break after the band played several songs. It was getting dark now and the city sparkled. Eric and I took a small walk around.

I held onto his and he did the same. We didn't have anything in particular to talk about so we just teased the different types of people we passed. Not to their faces of course. We got tired of walking and decided to sit down at two random chairs that were placed next to where we were standing.

"Damn, How long do they need?" Eric sighed

"I don't know," I shrugged "Eric?"


"I...I um," I stuttered blushing extremely

"Yes?" Eric said again

"I'm really happy to be here with you,"

"So am i," He said squeezing my hand

"Eric," I began "I love you."

Eric looked surprised but happy for my sudden words of love. He kissed my forehead and returned the words. The break was over and everyone was getting back to their viewing areas. Eric stood up and beckoned me to follow him.

I had confessed to Eric and everything was okay. At that moment I felt as if nothing could ever go wrong. When we got back home there was sure to be a job opening somewhere. I just needed to be positive. Then everything was going to be okay. Though I was wrong, so horribly wrong.

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