#101 Jonathan Toews Prt 2 (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Jonathan's POV*

It had been a week or so since I had met Angie we had exchanged numbers and had been talking ever since then. When I had some time off I began to learn sign language so I could talk to her when I'd finally get the balls to ask this beautiful amazing girl out. Even though there was a difference between us where I could her and she couldn't that didn't matter to me, what mattered to me was that she'd be my girl. There was something so enchanting about her that en-captured me the first time we met. So here I was after a practice that we invited them to waiting for her to come back so I could ask her out, finally after six minuets of waiting the doors open and in came the prettiest most special girl there ever was. Just seeing her made my heart explode. When Angie's eyes landed on me her smile grew and her pace picked up heading right for me and my open arms, the moment Angie's face pressed against my chest arms around me and my arms wrapped about her everything felt right. It was three minuets before we actually pulled away eyes locked on each other smiles covering both of our faces. 

Un-tangling myself from her I began to sign what I had learned 'Angie can I ask you a question?' Her mouth fell open a little and eyes widened 'you learned how to sign!? Sure!' Chuckling I began to sign back 'yeah I did because well Angie I wanted to know if maybe possibly you'd like to go on a date tonight?' Angie's eyes got wider and her mouth opened a little more 'me? You're asking me out? Is this a joke?' She signed making me shake my head. 'Nope I'm asking you out beautiful.' Angie's smile grew and she nodded yes and gave me a thumbs up, 'awesome! So how about here at the United Center at 6? We'll skate then go for dinner.' 'Sounds great! I'll see ya then Johnny boy.' With that we hugged one more time and exchanged pecks on the cheek before we went our separate ways. Man I couldn't wait for this day to end so it would be tomorrow already.

-----------------------------------The Next Day---------------------------------------------------------

Johnny's POV*

I sat in the stands waiting for Angie to get to the rink so we could begin our date. Last night in bed was spent tossing and turning due to my excitement and anticipation of this very moment, damn I was nervous. Being so busy in my own thoughts I didn't realize that the very angel I was waiting for was now seated besides me her head resting on my shoulder, it took a few pokes in the ribs for me to finally come back to the real world. Looking to my right Angie smiled up at me 'Hello Captain Serious, busy thinking?' She signed giggling, making me laugh 'I was wondering when the heck you'd get here!' 'It's exactly 6 o'clock idiot!' Checking my watch I began to laugh and sign 'well damn it is 6!' We began to laugh. We laughed until our ribs began to hurt looking to my side I smiled and bent down giving her cheek a peck 'hey let's get on the ice!' 'Okay!' Standing up I bent down and helped her get the skates on before slipping and tying mine up. Taking her hand we walked out onto the ice and began to skate around laughing until we couldn't breath at how many times we fell on our butts. We skated until our feet began to ache, doing one last lap around the rink I skated toward Angie and grabbed her waist picking her up with ease and headed off the ice loving the sound of her beautiful laugh. 

Once skates were off and coats and boots back on we headed out the door and down the block to a little chinese place. Sadly dinner was quickly over and I was walking her back to the United Center where her mom planned on picking her up, as we waited it began to snow. Looking up at me Angie smiled eyes sparkling that sparkle in her eyes made my insides twist into a knot and brought me to my knees wishing hell praying that this night would never end. 

Without second thought I cupped her face leaned down and pressed our lips together in a sweet gentle kiss. Both our eyes closed as we enjoyed the sweet moment that was taking place, everything just seemed right. Angie had to be the one. A few moments later a car horn honked making us pull apart, peeking over my shoulder Angie's cheeks went red with embarrassment seeing her mom  there sitting in the warm car smirking. Resting her head against my chest she buried her face into it before looking back up at me 'I gotta go but I'll see you soon right?' 'How about next Friday?' Angie smiled softly 'sounds good to me handsome, I'll see you then.' With that she got on her toes pecking my lips running for the car climbing in waving and driving off. Leaning against a wall of the United Center I closed my eyes picturing the girl of my dreams. Angie. <3:)


:) Requests are open.  Comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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