#100 Andrew Shaw (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Teuvo's POV*

"Teuv why are you dragging me to this?" My best friend Amanda asked as we walked the streets of Chicago to my teammate and friend Andrew Shaw's house. "Because you need to stop being a hermit and forget that asshole who hurt you, besides I talk so much about you that they guys have been begging to meet you. Bread man will be there." "I get to meet Artemi Panarin!" "And many more!" I exclaim smirking to myself, little did Amanda know that her all time long term crush Andre Shaw was who's house we were heading to, my evil plan was working! Well it's not really evil you see Amanda has spent the past five months crying over this asshole who slept with another girl and told her he didn't love her anymore because well he really didn't have a solid reason. So because of that she's been cooped up and hidden away from the world on the days she doesn't have school, or work. So when Shawzer came to me and said that he was having a chill movie day thing at his house and I could bring someone with me my mind went straight to Mandy. After a little while longer of walking and a stop at Starbucks for drinks to warm our bones we finally reached Shaw's house. Right as I was going to knock Mandy stopped me.

Amanda's POV*

"I can't do this Teuv I just can't...." I whisper my eyes falling to the ground. "Hey you can do this you know you can it's just the guys what's wrong?" Teuvo asked pulling me into his side "ever since Jason left I just feel so unsure of myself, every little thing I question and this is the first time I'm meeting most of the guys.....What if they think I'm weird? Or......" Pressing a finger to my lips Teuv smiled sympathetically "Mandy there is no need to be nervous no reason at all I'm positive the boys will love you and besides you know Kaner and Marcus so you can hang with them if you feel uncomfortable but let me tell you something, that asshole Jason had no idea what he's missing out on who does that to a girl like you? I can't believe he let such a girl get away from some random one he met in a club while wasted Amanda you are perfect and one guy one day will realize how amazingly perfect, fantastic, awesome, beautiful ,sweet, loving pickle loving ,big hearted you are and when that guy comes along you won't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore." As those words left his mouth my eyes began to water and I turned around wiping the drops of water that began to fall as he knocked on the door. Turning around as the door opened my jaw dropped because there in the doorway stood Mr. Andrew Shaw. Eyes wide you look at Teuvo who just smirks then turning back to look at Andrew I closed my mouth and stuck out my hand trying to keep from shaking "hi I'm Amanda." Andrew smiled softly and took my hand to shake it. As we shook hands his smile got bigger and so did mine, letting go the big goofy smile he had rested there as he motioned for us to come in "come on in everybody is here and the movie is getting started! I like Duncan picked." "OOOO then it must be a scarrrrrryyyyyy moooovvvvvviiiieeeeeeee!" Teuvo exclaimed as we walked in. When entering the room all the boys turned to look at us smiles taking their faces "guys this is Amanda! Amanda these are the goobs!" "HEY WE ARE NOT GOOBS WE ARE PEOPLE!" Toews shouts pouting like a five year old making all of us laugh, "sorry Toews you're right no one else in here is a goob but you!" "THAT'S IT!" With that Jonathan jumped at Teuv knocking him down and they began to wrestle, raising my brow I looked at Andrew. 

"Is this usual?" He began to laugh, "No it's not. Jonathan is just being extra weird tonight, cmon let's sit down and begin the movie." Following him to the couch I sat on the love seat closest to the TV smiling as Kaner grabbed my foot "I'm glad to see ya here Teuv called and said he was having trouble getting you to leave." "It was just a rough week." Kaner nodded and gave my foot a squeeze before turning to the TV, it was loud and crazy and all the guys we laughing and shouting making jokes and so on until Duncan stood up "hey everyone quiet down quiet down!" Everyone went silent. "Okay so tonight was my pick and the movie we're watching is.............FINDING NEMO!" The room erupted in cheers and hoots as the movie began. A few times durning the movie I felt a pair of eyes on me and there looking at me was Andrew and every time I caught him he'd go pink. At some time when Nemo was being introduced to all the tank fish at the dentist office Andrew got up and disappeared  and when he came back SeaBrook had stolen his seat. Out of the corner I saw his pinks go bright red as he came over to the love seat leaning in towards me "c-c-can I sit here?" "Yeah go right ahead." I answered giving a small smile. Sitting down he sat draped an arm over the back of the chair and my body even though despite my inner fight I scooted in closer to his side until we were cuddled together. My head leaned to the side resting against his chest as his arm wrapped around my waist, glancing to the side there was teuvo wiggling his brows at me giving a thumbs up making me bite my lip in laughter. 

When the movie was finally done and people started to leave I got up and slipped on my coat heading to the door with my best friend until someone grabbed my hand pulling me back around. Andrew. "Um Amanda I know we just met and that it may be creepy but would you like to go out tomorrow? For coffee?" He nervously asked playing with his fingers. "Yeah I'd love to." He perked up again and wrapped his long arms around me for a hug which felt warm and safe, "okay so the Starbucks around the corner from the rink?" "Sounds good." "See ya tomorrow." "See ya tomorrow Shawzy." I winked and giggled heading out the door meeting with Teuvo who was already waiting at the gate. He rolled his eyes and began walking away, "what?!" I call running after him falling into step. "I hate when I'm right." ;)


It's up finally! Sorry this took so long! :D If anyone is wondering a goob is like a goofy person or something like that. Requests are open. Comment or message me if you'd like one.  :)

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