#99 Jonathan Toews (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Angie's POV*

Today was the most exciting day of my life! For the first time in my entire life I was going with my mom, dad, and three best friends to a Chicago Blackhawks game! The Hawks are my second favorite hockey team the Pittsburgh Penguins are my all time favorite, the other really cool thing was that since I wrote a note to the Blackhawks on their Facebook page telling why I was the biggest Hawks fan I won a contest they were having! So after this game my friends and I were going to meet some of the team, one of them being Jonathan Toews my biggest inspiration and second biggest crush second to Marc Andre Flur goaltender for the Penguins. If I didn't mention before, well I'm deaf which means I can't hear people talk so I have to sign everything and someone has to translate for me. Looking at myself in the mirror I smiled and slipped on my Toews jersey and my black white converse my mom appeared in the door way of my room "the girls are here and we need to go." She quickly signed, nodding my head I got up and grabbed my sweatshirt and headed for the stairs smiling widely when seeing my three best friends Rachal, Manca, and Kelly. Rachal wore her Panarin jersey, Manca had her Teuvo jersey, and Kelly had her SeaBrook jersey each with jeans and sneakers well Rachal had combat boots. Typical her :). "Hi Angie!" They all signed at the same time making my smile even bigger "hello guys!" "are you ready to see your boyfriend?" Rachal teased making me blush at the mention of Toews. "Shut up." I signed back as my mom began to usher us to the car where my dad was waiting for us. Climbing in we all continued our sign language conversation. 

Finally reaching the United Center all three of us broke into giggles of excitement and nervousness, once parked we piled out and ran for the doors my parents following close behind us laughing at our child like excitement. Reaching the door we handed the lady our tickets and she wished us good luck against the Columbus Blue Jackets, weaving through all the people we finally found our seats two rows up from the glass sitting down we went back to our conversation until the game began. 

*After the game* 

Right before the game was to end a security guard came to get us to take all of us to the room where we would be meeting the boys. The Hawks one 6-2 against the Blue Jackets making all of us extremely excited, nervousness filled our stomach as a few moments later the door to the room opened revealing the five we were waiting for. "Angie?" Jonathan spoke scanning down the small line we made, reading his lips I knew he said my name so I raised my hand and he smiled and began to walk toward me making my heart skip a beat. Taking a quick glance over at the other three they were already with their favorite player asking questions and talking, when I looked back Jonathan Toews stood right in front of me looking down and smiling brightly. I smiled back and giggled a little when my mom stepped up "um Mr. Toews" "Johnny please," he chuckled. "Johnny-" my mom smiled softly "Angie is actually deaf she can read lips but it's a little tough so whatever you say I'll be signing for her." He looked at me and his eyes seemed to sparkle as he opened his arms waiting for me to walk into them, without hesitation I stepped into his embrace and laid my cheek against his chest hearing his heart hammer from the long game. Holding me at arms length he smiled and asked my mom if I'd like my jersey signed "he wants to know do you want you jersey signed?" "UM YES!" I signed back as fast as I could my heart exploded with joy as I turned around and my favorite Captain wrote on my jersey. 

After a while of 'talking' and hanging out with the guys it was time for them and us to go, this was my chance to tell Johnny what he meant to me. Tapping my mom's shoulder she turned and I instantly began to sign away, at time it was frustrating being deaf because you want to hear things sometimes you crave to hear them but you can't. My mom's smile grew as she turned to Toews and chuckled softly "Angie says she loves you and that you inspire her to keep going on with life everyday." 

Johnny smiled the biggest smile he had that night and leaned in toward my mom whispering something making them turn their backs, when they turned back around he began to follow my mom in signing 'I love you too Angie<3." I just about broke down. Giving each other one more huge hug they left and that night when I went home I fell asleep thinking about the day I met my hero.


Requests are open. Comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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