#105 Ben Bishop ♡ (Requested) Tampa Lightning

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Angie's POV* 

My eyes were wide as I held the small plastic stick that revealed pink plus sign on it, I placed the stick on the counter and ran to the bed jumping on it and burying my face in a pillow letting out a small squeal of excitement. Ben and I were going to be parents! As I sat on the bed daydreaming about our future baby and what it would be like to parents but the sound of big feet making their way up the stairs snapped me out quick. Scrambling off the bed a blanket tangled around my leg and right as my handsome husband walked through the bedroom door I fell off the bed making him laugh as he leaned down untangling my leg from the blanket. The moment I was free I scrambled to the bathroom making his brow rise, grabbing the pregnancy test I slipped it into my top as the sound of feet got closer. Peeking his head around the corner Ben's sweet face wore a confused expression. 

"Angie you okay? You seemed a little worried or something..." 

"Aww it's nothing love just thought I had to use the restroom but it was just a false alarm. I'm perfect." I smiled softly walking out of the bathroom Ben following right behind, "Okay if ya say so......." He could tell there was something but knowing Ben he wasn't going to push me. That was one of the things I loved about him, he never forced me to tell or talk about anything until I was ready. "Hey Ben can I tell you something really quick?" I asked standing on my toes looking up at his cute face, turning his head Ben leaned down giving me his full attention those beautiful blue eyes shining. "Yes my love?" Looking right into those eyes it took everything in me not to scream out that we're expecting "I love you." I giggled, Ben broke out into one of his famous smiles those giant hands rested on my waist pulling me into his chest our foreheads rested together. "I love you too my gorges wife." Burying myself into his strong chest we remained tangled together in the middle of our room enjoying time together. Pressing a kiss to the crown of my head Ben sighed "I would love to remain like this forever but we've got a game tonight and I gotta get going now." "Aww okay good luck on your game my love." "Thanks baby." Leaning down we pecked lips, Ben untangled himself from me and headed for the bedroom door grabbing his hockey bag. "See you later tonight baby." "See you tonight." 

Even though I stayed home from the game I still watched it on the TV as I folded our clean laundry, and thought about how to tell Ben about the baby and that's when it hit me. Quickly I finished folding Ben's shirt before slipping on a pair of old beat up chucks jogging down the stairs grabbing my keys and purse jumping into the car and heading for the store. It only took me one trip to a small little place nearby to find exactly what I was looking for, when back home headed right for the kitchen setting the small brown bag down and carefully lifting the cup out of the bag. Setting it on the counter I looked down into it giggling. The words 'you are going to be a dad' were inscribed at the bottom of the cup so when Ben finishes his morning coffee he'd see the message. Taking a look at the clock it was 10 pm and that's when I decided it was time for bed, hiding the cup I smiled to myself and headed for our room. After showering and changing into one of Ben's shirts I slipped into bed pulling the covers to my nose and fell fast asleep dreaming about our future family. 

Ben's POV* 

The game went beautifully we beat the Caps 6-4 the team couldn't be happier for our win. By the time I got home last night Angie was fast asleep holding onto my pillow making me chuckle, my wife was the absolute cutest. Changing into my pj's I crawled into bed wrapping my long arms around her pulling the love of my life into my chest leaving a few kisses on her pink cheeks. The second my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. 

Rolling over I slowly opened my eyes which only made me blind from the sun that was breaking through the open shutters, closing my eyes again the smell of coffee tickled my nose waking me up the rest of the way. Getting up I stretched slipped on basketball shorts and headed down the stairs, when I reached the kitchen there stood Angie smiling like a goof. "What??" I asked through a yawn "oh nothing! Here's your coffee love." Wrapping my arms around her waist I chuckled "I want my morning kiss." "Ops sorry!" Standing on her tip toes she pressed a peck to my lips "thank you!" I exclaimed taking the coffee cup bringing it to my lips for a long sip. "Welcome," she giggled going back to making breakfast. We talked as breakfast was being made, and as I drank my coffee something at the bottom of my cup caught my attention. Raising a brow I peeked up at Angie to see a giant smile covering her face making my insides tingle, finishing off my coffee I peered down into the bottom of the cup eyes widening at the words. My head snapped as I looked at her "WE'RE PREGNANT!? I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!?" Nodding Angie giggled "yes we're going to be parents!" Shooting up I ran to her picking her up and holding my love close "I can't believe it we're going to be parents! I gotta tell everyone!" Angie laughed and pressed our lips together. "You'll be the best dad ever." "You'll be the best mom." 

*9 months later* Angie's POV*

"Shhhhhh (son's name) it's okay mama is here no need to be fussy shhh." I hum as I bounce slightly holding our three week old son (son's name) trying to get him to calm down after a feeding. But nothing seemed to be working. "WAAAAAHHHHHHH WAHHHHH!" He cried tears running down his small cheeks, "shhhh baby boy it's okay shhhh please mommy wants some sleep." I sighed sitting in his rocking chair, " hey love." A sleepy Ben mumbled walking into the blue nursery, a tired sigh left my lips "sorry hon he just won't calm down and I don't know why...." Bending down and pecking my lips Ben smiled taking (son's name) from me holding him close to his chest and began to whisper soft things. Within moments (son's name) was calm and asleep, my jaw hung open and my brows knitted together "how?!" I whispered exclaimed. Ben shrugged and chuckled keeping the small baby in his arms "it's dad magic," he winked. Rolling my eyes playfully we headed back to our room and crawled into bed, taking (son's name) from Ben I smiled and placed him on my chest smiling as he took my finger and held onto it with his life. Ben cuddled in close staring at the small bundle on my chest "he's the spitting image of you." "Ya think so? I bet he'll be just like his mom... Strong, a fighter, loving, caring, sweet, and best of all he'll have your big heart." Ben whispered looking directly into my eyes. Leaning in I pressed our lips together in a soft love filled kiss, slowly pulling away we cuddled close as we slowly fell fast asleep. 


Hope ya liked it! Requests are open, comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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