#106 Logan Couture ❤️ (requested) San Jose Sharks

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Logan's POV*
Christina laughed giving my arm a squeeze as Martin told us some stupid corny joke, looking down at her I smiled "you really thought that was funny?" Martin asks her with a raised brow, "nah not really it was more of a sympathy laugh," she teased giving him a wink. Sticking out his tongue Martin made me and a few of the other guys laugh, "such a child Marty!" I shout over the music giving his shoulder a squeeze, Martin narrowed his eyes "your girlfriend started it!" The boys and Christina all erupted in laughter at his childishness. Taking my beer from Christina my arm wrapped around her waist as we broke away from the small group we were with as we walked toward a little booth Christina froze eyes wide and her body began to shake. Sipping my beer I followed her gaze only to see the one and only snake aka the Marcus other wise known as the ass who broke Christina. His eyes locked with mine, his lips curved into a smirk as he began to make his way towards us.

Stopping right in front of us his smirk grew seeing the worried look in Christina's eyes. My blood began to boil as he started to speak;
"Well hello there gorges never thought I'd see you here. I see you brought your thing." He motioned to me. My grip on her waist tightened, "he's not a thing Marcus he's a person, he's my boyfriend, and he's a shit ton better boyfriend than you ever were."
Marcus let out a cold laugh rolling his eyes "baby I was the best man you ever experienced.  Now how about you leave this loser and come spend some time with me in the back." He winked reaching out and grabbing her hand. Without a blink of an eye I grabbed his arm and yanked it away from Christian pushing him back. Turning around I lightly pushed her behind me so Marcus couldn't lay another hand. "What do you think you're doing touching her?" I asked through gritted teeth. Marcus stepped closer "I'm taking her back, so she can experience what a real man is like." We were just inches away from each other. "Oh really you call someone who uses and absurd they're girlfriends a real man? Someone who breaks up with the girl because she doesn't want to do things your way? Yeah such a 'real man' you are." His eyes darkened and both of his hands pressed against my shoulders as I was shoved back. That was it.

Lunging for him I grabbed his shirt lifted my fist and knocked him right in the jaw then again in the nose,  blocking almost everything he threw at me. With a knock to the stomach Marcus fell to the floor gasping for air, turning Christina's eyes were wide and her hand covered her mouth. "LOGAN LOOK OUT!" She shouted quickly turning my head Marcus lunged at me sending both of us to the floor. Wiggling underneath him I got two hits to my nose and a knock to my jaw making the anger in me even more vicious than before. When I finally got my arm out of his grasp I flipped us over and hit him a few more times before the guys pulled me off. "Dude calm down and breath," Martin whispered pulling me back, "he touched her he needs to die." "You realize if you kill him you'll never play hockey again." "damn you." I sighed and went limp letting them pull me outside Christian followed close behind. Setting me against the wall I wiped the blood away from my mouth with the back of my hand, Christina bent down a sympathetic look in her eyes. "All because of me you're hurt," she whispered dabbing at the blood with a paper towel. "No it's not because of you it's because he touched you, I want you safe and your safe that's all that matters. I'll gladly fight for you any day baby girl." "I love you." "I love you too," I smile leaning in pressing our lips together only for her to pull away a second later. "Ew blood." She giggled wiping the blood on the back of her hand before placing her lips onto mine. That's my girl<3

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