#112 Corey Crawford (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Peyton's POV*
"Yes mom I know, yes okay mom I know you're excited to meet her. She's over right nor actually yeah okay hold on-" Corey laughs pulling the phone away "hey Peyton my mom says hello she's really excited to meet you." He had a smile from ear making me smile "tell her hello and that I can't wait to meet her as well." "Hey mom yeah okay mhm I'll tell her. I love you mom see ya soon." Pressing the end button, he set the phone on the small glass coffee table before plopping down besides me. Draping an arm around my shoulders I cuddled up in to his side "what did your mom say?" "Well she was just asking about what some of your favorite things are so she could make them." Taking his hand I smiled playing with his fingers "that's sweet of her I'm excited to meet them." "Let me tell you how excited they are, they hear me talk about you so much that when I said you were coming home with me my mom shouted into the phone. Hey do you want to turn on a movie?" Raising my brows I chuckle "babe you gotta finish packing." "Nooooooooooooo!" "yeeeeeeeeessssssssssss!" "Don't mock me!" Corey whined poking my cheek, standing up I grabbed his hands pulling him up "C'mon let's go." "ugh fine!" With that he got up and we headed upstairs to finish packing for our trip tomorrow.

----------------the next day------------
Corey's POV*
6 am, 6 flippin' am here I am walking through the Chicago airport hand in hand with Peyton who was barely even awake. The only reason we took a flight this early was because of the lines would be shorter and we'd get on the plane a lot faster. After checking in our bags and so on we were finally on the plane to Montreal, looking besides me Peyton was fast asleep head against my arm soft snores escaping her lips making her look even more adorable than normal. Leaning my head back against the rest my eyelids began to droop and become heavy to the point where they couldn't stand to be open anymore and when I did open them I'd be back home.

--------------few hours later-----------
I was right when my eyes finally opened we were just about to land at the airport, Peyton greeted me with a soft peck and a squeeze of the hand making me smile. After the plan landed we got off got our things and met a family friend at baggage claim. Then after a 20 minuet car ride we were standing in front of the house I grew up in, taking our bags we headed inside to be greeted by my parents at the door.

"Oh Corey! Look at you every time we see each other you get more and more handsome jus like your father." My mom cooed holding my face, "thanks mom but you're gonna make me swallow my tongue." Laughing she pulled away and turned to look at Peyton with beaming eyes.
"You must be the young woman my son keeps talking about." Peyton nodded giggling "yes ma'am that's me, it's so nice to meet you Mrs. Crawford." My mom's smile was as big as Texas "oh dear call me  Sylvia! I'm so happy to meet you! Welcome to the family!" Pulling Peyton into a hug my mom squeezed her tight and Peyton did the same a bright smile on her face. When my mom let go my dad took a hold of her "I'm Trevor it's an honor to meet the girl my son speaks so highly about." "Thank you and it's so nice to meet the man Corey aspires to be like." My dad's smile grew twice the size it was before as he hugged her.

Peyton's POV*
It was official I loved Corey's parents and they loved me at least that's what Corey told me when we sat outside on the porch swing. It wasn't until dinner was over and I was clearing the table that I stopped at the door to listen to the conversation between Corey and his parents.
"Corey she's prefect son you picked a great one." "Thanks pops it means a lot that ya like her." "Corey she's family already I can see grand babies now," his mom giggled quietly. "Don't worry mom you'll get those grand babies soon."

Biting my lip I grinned leaning against the wall my future was right here and I couldn't be more excited.

Requests are open, comment or message if you'd like one.

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