#113 Tyler Seguin (Requested) Dallas Stars

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Tyler's POV*
It was a cool beautiful morning in Texas the sun was shinning, birds chirping, not a cloud in the sky. I had gone to bed the night before feeling a bit sick but now I felt like absolute poop, everything hurt, head spun, body heat was at it's highest, and anytime I moved it felt like passing up everything I'd eaten the previous  day. Turning to my left side there laid the beautiful Mrs Seguin sleeping peacefully looking like an angle. I didn't want to wake her, I didn't have the heart, our 3 year old son TJ had a rough night which kept Angie up so I could sleep and rest for morning skate today. Which I needed to get ready for, I needed to leave soon to because if Angie found out that my symptoms had gotten worse my ass would be in bed being taken care of. Now there was nothing wrong with being sick and being taken care of but because of me being me, I was always stubborn when Angie took care of me. Carefully I peeled back the sheets along with removing my legs that tangled with her's trying to make a escape. Successfully slipping out of bed I walked on my toes to the bathroom grabbing a table and slipping in quietly closing the door, sighing with relief I leaned my head against the wall taking a moment for the blurriness to fade. Opening the door I turned the handle to hot letting the water heat up causing steam to fog the mirrors, stepping in the hot water hit my back helping to diminish the aches and pains.

Angie's POV*
Turning onto my right side I reached out for Tyler only to get cool bed sheets making a slight frown form on my lips. The sun greeted my eyes as the opened causing a moment of blindness as they adjusted, the sound of the shower running made a smile appear as I stretched and kicked back the sheets getting up check on Tj. Making sure to be quiet I pushed his door open a bit making sure that he was still asleep (which he was). Closing the door some I thanked the lord and went back to my room to be welcomed my gorges husband's half naked body.

A small blue towel tied around his waist, water droplets ran from his hair down his back making me bite my lip. Damn that morning skate but that's when I noticed something, Tyler looked a little paler than yesterday plus his cheeks also seemed a little pink. Leaning against the frame I smiled as he slipped into some sweat pants and a white T-shirt grabbing one of his favorite ball caps he was slow and soft groans left his lips each time he moved. Not not that but he'd also stop hold his head whisper a swear word before going about his buisness. Tyler had yet to notice me until I cleared my throat causing him to jump a bit, turning to face me he wore the fakest  smiles I've ever seen.
"Hey babe....."
"Tyler, no!"
"I'm fine!"
"Let me feel you."
"Psssshhh no! I'm going and you're not stopping me' I'm a grown man!"
"Whose clearly sick."
"I'm going to practice."
"Why not I'm perfectly fine!" I let out a laugh rolled my eyes pushing off the door frame walking to him, stopping right in front of Ty I placed the back of my hand against his forehead eyes widening at the heat radiating off of him. Looking at me he sighed defeatedly, Tyler knew if he continued to argue that he'd just lose anyway.
"You're smart," I tease taking his hand pulling him back to bed, Tyler chuckled squeezing my hand. Climbing into bed I pulled him down with me cuddling into his chest smiling at my lost sick puppy of a husband. Slipping his arm under my head I used it as a pillow as the other wrapped around my waist pulling me close. Carefully I moved my hand to his hair stroking his head leaving kisses on his cheeks and lips helping him to fall asleep.

Carefully removing myself I went back to TJ's room peeking in the crack of the open door to see my beautiful boy playing with his trucks. Opening the door I smiled wide as his head turned to see who was there,
"Mommy!" He shouted running and jumping into my arms.
"TJ!" I exclaim spinning him around in a circle. Resting him on my hip he smiled placing his head on my shoulder ,
"Mommy is daddy okay? I heard you say he sick." TJ stated.
"Aww little buddy daddy is sick he woke up feeling sick and right now he's sleeping. So how about we go downstairs eat some breakfast and maybe you can watch a show and color daddy some pictures huh?"
"Yeah!" He cheers softly making me laugh.

Tyler's POV*
Two hours later I woke rolling onto my stomach sighing at the soreness of limbs made me moan. Closing my eyes I buried my face into Angie's pillow breathing in the scent of her shampoo making me smile. That's when I heard giggles and a  shhh right after making my smile grow even more. The smell of chicken noodle soup filled my nose causing the stomach to make some type of growling noise. Just then the bedroom door opened TJ's head popped around the corner cheering when he saw me awake, running for the bed he threw some colored papers onto the bed so he had both hands to climb up. Looking up there was Angie with a tray with a bowl, a cup of juice, and a plate with crackers. Setting down the tray on the nightstand her fingers ran through my hair leaning down pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth
"Hey handsome how ya feeling?"
"Better, thanks for making me stay home you were right."
"You're welcome love."
"Dad!" Tj exclaimed making me turn my head to see my look alike holding the papers he threw earlier "yes?" "These are for you!" "Thanks buddy!" Taking the pictures I smiled at the works of art setting them on nightstand grabbing him and sitting him in my lap while Angie poured some medicine for me. Tj looked at her smiling hopefully,
"Mommy can I give daddy his medicine?" Exchanging looks with her I nod smiling. "Sure little man here ya go be careful." She ruffled his hair handing him the little cup, biting his lip Tj focused on not spilling as he instructed me to open my mouth pouring the horrid grape stuff into my mouth. Swallowing I muster up a smile and take the bottle from Angie who laughed as Tj did a dance singing "Happy" from his favorite movie Despicable Me. Pulling Angie down to the bed sitting her between my legs her head rested against my chest as Tj continued to entertain us,  plopping down he crawled over to us cuddling into my side those big eyes looking up at me .
"Don't worry daddy I'm here to take care of you." <3
Requests are open, comment or message me if you'd like one. <3

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