#116 Evgeni Malkin (Requested) Pittsburgh Penguins

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Regan's POV*

Never in my life did I think that my 6'3 Russian boyfriend Evgeni Malkin would be as nervous as he was now. Tonight Geno was going to meet my family for the first time and he was a complete nervous wreck, he had known about this night for three weeks now and as the time past and got closer the worse his nerves got. I sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram waiting for Geno to be finished getting ready, the sound of feet coming down the stairs made me look up smiling at my handsome man.

"Babe how do this look? The suit close to new only worn once. Maybe should change yeah?" Getting up off the couch I made my way to him taking his hands in mine lacing our fingers together, scanning him over he wore a nice black suit that he got a couple weeks ago, along with a white button down and black shoes.

"G you look great! Maybe I should change." I laugh glancing down at my fitting black dress and red heels. This made Geno laugh his long arms wrapping around me "you so funny babe, you look so good. I'd keep you home if I could." He winked making my cheeks heat up and his arms tighten around me. Leaning down Geno tilted his head to the side capturing my lips in a soft, loving kiss.
"I love you." I whispered against his lip, "I love you more my girl." He mumbled back before continuing he kiss.

Geno's POV*
The ride to Regan's families house was full of singing and trying to get my mind off of my nerves that seemed to be consuming me by the second. When we reached her childhood home I stopped the car parking it in the empty spot in the driveway like she instructed me too.
"Regan what if-" her soft lips pressed to mine shutting me up, slipping an arm around her waist we pulled apart after a few moments. With that we got out of the car took hands and headed up the path, pushing open the door Regan stepped inside first her eyes lighting up seeing her black lab Chloe.
"Chloe!" She squeaked getting down on her knees to pet the dog laughing when licked. "Love you too pups!" With that she moved to the side so the old dog could investigate me. After some time of sniffing her tail began wagging and those big brown eyes begging me to pet her. "Hello puppy, nice to meet you." Regan giggled making me smile "well weren't you going to say hello I'm home?" A deep sweet voice joked, turning around there was her mom smiling. "Sorry mom we got wrapped up in Chloe. Mom this is Geno, Geno my mom." Regan beamed. "Hello ma'am very nice to meet you, I know where Regan gets great looks from." Her mom's cheeks pinked "oh hush you're sweet but please call me (mom's name) it's lovely to meet you Geno." "Baby girl?" "Dad!" Regan shouted running for her old man. "Dad this is Geno, G my dad."

"Hello sir, it's very nice to meet you Regan says so much good stuff about you."
"Uh huh thanks." He stared me down slightly scaring me. Regan seemed to notice how uncomfortable I felt and gave her dad a squeeze "pop why not show him your office?" "Okay sure Geno come with me.." "Okay sir." I followed her dad slightly afraid of something happening. Following to the back of the house he pushed open a wooden door to reveal an old time office that was decorated nicely with dark colors and manly pieces of furniture. He stepped behind his desk and sat down in his chair eyeing me still "please Geno sit down and let's talk." "Okay...." "So you're dating my babygirl?" "Yes sir, about 9 months now." "How come you didn't meet us sooner." "Well sir we wanted to make sure we be together for bit before meeting, parent meeting big deal so we just wanted to make sure we ready." "Ahh I see that was your time to run in case you didn't quite like what you got." Raising my brow I looked at him "huh?" He leaned forward hands together smirking "the reason you didn't meet us sooner was because in case something happened between you two or you just didn't think it work out you'd be able to leave. Well guess what sunny you're not going to slide past me, and ya know when she told me that you were a hockey player that raised a red flag you see because you're always gone, never home. How are you going to take care of her when always gone eh? You can't that's what professional sports players never last long do they?" "Well-" "I'm just gonna tell you know that I sort of don't like you." With that he got up and headed for the door leaving me confused in my seat.

Regan's POV*
I'm so angry! I could not believe that my dad would even say those things to Geno and he doesn't even know him! G is not that guy! When the conversation ended and feet headed for the door I slipped behind the wall as my dad walked pas I shot daggers into his back before slipping into the office seeing Geno with his head in his hands.
"Hey G....." My voice was soft as I rested a hand on his back, looking up his eyes looked sad and defeated, "I'm sorry for my dad Geno he should never of said those things to you, now come on and get up we're  going home." "What you mean we go home?" "I'm not going to sit here and act like I don't know anything so c'mon let's go." Taking his hand I tried to pull him up and once he was up we made our move for the front door. "Honey where are you going!?" My mom asked. "Leaving." I answered shortly, a puzzled expression took over her face "what? Why?" "Ask dad." I answer. My mom turned to see my dad with big eyes once the realization hit him that I heard everything. Noticing this look my mom's eyebrow raised, "what could you have said that would make our daughter want to leave?" He dropped his head mumbling what he had said to Geno only a few moments ago. 

"Hey dad why don't ya speak up? Why don't you told me the reason Geno and I didn't ever come here earlier so you could meet him? Oh wait is it because you thought that if he never met ya'll he would have a chance to run away unharmed??? Or was it because was a hockey player and your 'red flag' raised?" I sassed hands crossed in front of my chest shooting daggers at the one man in my life that I thought would never do something like this. "YOU SAID WHAT!" "IN MY DEFENSE!" "NO NOT IN YOUR DEFENSE DAD YOU HURT GENO! HE CAME HERE LOOKING TO MAKE A GREAT IMPRESSION EVER SINCE WE SET THIS DATE HE HAS BEEN NERVOUS, WORRIED THAT HE WOULDN'T BE GOOD ENOUGH!!! ALL IS FINE UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG AND SCREWED IT ALL UP! YOU RUINED THE NIGHT THAT WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US! CONGRATULATIONS!" I shouted before turning and running past everyone to the backyard. 

Your Dad's POV*

I looked up at my wife who looked like she was already planning my funeral in her head, turning my head to look at Geno he shrugged and gave a smile extending his hands. 

"I think we start over, that be good for Regan. She talk bout you so much and sir it's okay if you don't like me. I understand that hockey player always gone but sir I love your daughter and will always take care of her." As he said Regan's name his eyes sparkled making my stomach turn into a giant knot, shaking my head I sighed looking up at him. "Geno first I should apologize. I'm sorry that I acted that way to you there's no explanation for it honestly I guess that my tough dad front just got the better of my head. So I agree a start over would be real good, and to be honest I'm a big fan." Geno smiled widely and we began to laugh shaking hands. "Now excuse me while I go and fix things with my daughter." Geno let out a soft chuckle "good luck sir." "thank you Geno." 

Opening the sliding door Regan's head turned her cheeks stained with tears making my heart break. "Oh baby girl." I whispered stepping out shutting the door before sitting next to your pulling her into my side.  Resting my chin on top of Regan's head I let her cry a bit before pulling away to apologize, 

"sweetheart forgive me please I was such an ass I know but you know that I never meant to hurt you or Geno so please can you forgive your idiot father?" 

"Did you say sorry to Geno?" I nodded. Smiling she hugged me burying her face into my chest "I forgive you dad but please never do that again." 

"I promise." <3


Sorry it has taken me so long to get this up for you, writer's block has played a huge part in the length of time. I really hope you like it. Requests are open, comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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