#117 Patrick Kane (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Bethany's POV*

"Awww look she's smiling! Oh my god we have the cutest baby in all of history," my husband of three years cooed rocking our newborn daughter in his arms a wide smile covering his face. Scooting closer I curled against his side my head resting against his chest looking up at him, "she looks like you, our daughter is the spitting image of you Pat." "Pshhhh no she has my smile and my nose but the rest is all you." He chuckled looking at me his eyes shinning making my heart jump, cuddling deeper into his side into his side making his beautiful smile shine even brighter. "Do you remember when we told your brother? He just about killed me!" He whisper shouted getting up to take (your daughter's name)  upstairs.

"Corey just about crapped himself! When he found out that we were pregnant and engaged." I giggled grabbing a pillow and a blanket making myself comfortable on the couch "thank god the boys talked him into calming down other wise I wouldn't be here right now with my two favorite girls. Be right back beautiful." With a wink he turned round and headed for the stairs leaving me in the peacefulness of the downstairs and within moments I was fast asleep. 


"Patrick! He's going to flip absolutely flip! I know Corey, he's my brother and he obviously has no idea about us but the rest of them do Patrick and don't you think telling him could be dangerous?" I ramble to my fiance pacing back n' forth rubbing my 3 month pregnant stomach, worrying about what my older brother would say. Corey had absolutely no idea that Patrick and myself were even dating let alone engaged and pregnant, Core thought that I was dating some other guy named Matt that I worked with, the worst part is that rest of the team knew and well they only knew because half of them walked into the locker room after a game to catch Pat and I making out. Now after a year of hiding it from him the guilt began to eat away. 

"Hun don't worry okay we'll tell him little by little okay?" Patrick smiled wrapping his arms around me helping to calm me down just a bit until  Corey's voice was heard then my heart picked up it's panicking once again. The moment Corey was near I let go of Pat and fell into step besides my brother "hey Core can we talk for a second?" Core stopped turning to look at me "yeah sure what's up?" "Well there's no easy way to say this......" "Say what?" He raised a brow eyeing me.  Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes trying to just let the words fall "I'M pregnant, please don't be mad..." I quickly state opening my eyes to see him smiling widely "are you serious!? I'm so happy for you! So is Matt the dad?" He asked. At that moment the guilt swallowed me whole and I knew that just ripping the band aid off would be the best thing "No Corey actually......" "I'm the dad and we're engaged............" Patrick stated wrapping his arms tightly around me resting his head on my shoulder. Corey's eyes grew wide and his face a deep crimson red, "YOU'RE WHAT!? WHAT THE FLIP IS GOING ON!? I DEMAND YOU TELL ME NOW GOD HELP ME I'M ABOUT TO KILL YOU KANE!" Corey shouted stepping toward us. 

Stepping back Patrick moved me behind him keeping a calm and steady presence. 

"Corey look Beth and I well we've been dating for about a year and a half now and just the other night I asked her to marry me, only three months ago did we find out about our little bundle. Look we know keeping our relationship a secret was completely wrong and we're sorry for that but please realize that you're going to be an uncle and I'm completely in love with your sister." 

Corey's eyes were still filled with fire, his face red, hands clenched into fists "screw you."  With that he turned and walked away leaving us behind. Turning to me Patrick smiled sympathetically holding his arms out, my bottom lip shook as I slipped into his arms and began to cry scared that I just lost my brother. 

*Three weeks later* 

Three weeks had passed and still nothing from Corey, at practice he would ignore Patrick and if he did speak to him it was hostilely. All of this was my fault. Currently Pat was out with Seabrook grabbing a drink escaping this crazy world for just an hour or so, I sat on the couch flipping through channels when the doorbell rang. 

"One second!" I shouted getting up and waddling to the door, opening the door I got quite the surprise. Corey. 


"Let me talk. Look Beth I'm sorry my reaction was just....... I'm sorry......" 

"I'm sorry to Core I should've told you I guess the whole secret thing wasn't a good idea," I chuckle softly tousling my hair. "Yeah not the brightest move." He chuckled with me "start over?" Nodding I smiled wide "start over." "thank god!" He cheered scooping me up in his arms giving me a squeeze "Core not to hard you'll squish the baby!" I laugh  " oops!" He set me down gently leaning down to my tummy "sorry Uncle Corey forgot!" We both began to laugh as Corey continued to talk to the baby. 

Thank god I didn't lose my brother.

*End of flashback*

When my eyes opened later that night there slept Patrick right beside me where he was supposed to be. Thank the heavens everything turned out perfectly. <3


Hope you liked it! Requests are open, comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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