#130 Brad Wing (Requested) New York Giants

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"You've got to stop doing that!" Sarah shouted at Brad her eyes squinted and fists clenched. "What?" "Looking at me that way! It makes me want to kiss you, damnit!" 


 The slamming of the front door caused Sarah to jump at the sudden sound, even though the sound frightened her it also signaled that Brad was home. A smile spread onto her lips as she made her way from the kitchen towards the door only to be met half way by a slightly red in the face Brad. Before she could even give a greeting, Brad moved her to the side stomped into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a beer. Sarah's brow raised as she watched her husband of a year throw back the beer and began to drink not stopping until the bottle was half empty. Again, before she could say anything he was out of the kitchen and heading for their bedroom, his footsteps were heavy against the wooden flooring. 

 Pushing hair behind her ear Sarah followed his arms crossed across her chest, thoughts raced through her head of why he would be so angry. At the sound of footsteps behind him Brad stopped in his tracks fists clenched as he turned his head ever so slightly to see who was following him, although Brad already knew it was Sarah. 

 "What do you want?" 

 "Well a hello would be nice, maybe followed by a kiss, or you know what I'd take the kiss first then-" 

 "Oh can you just shut up please!?" Brad suddenly let out shocking Sarah. "E-excuse me? Did you just tell me to shut up!?"

 "Yes I did! Now please listen to me and shut the hell up!" Taking a step back Sarah rolled her eyes and shook her head "ya know Brad I'm not going to shut up I'm just going to keep talking." She spat back feeling anger begin to bubble inside of her. 

With a roll of his eyes Brad scoffed shaking his head just a bit of what he thought childish of his wife. "what even has you so pissed off? I haven't even been around you today for you to be pissed at me!" "Do you ever think that maybe you don't have to be around me for you to piss me off?! HUH!?" 

Nothing that he had said before hurt, but for some reason that one really stung Sarah. For a moment she said nothing, but looked at him, her own hands turning into fists as she walked past him straight into their room closing the door and locking it without a second thought. Slowly Sarah backed away from the door until the back of her legs hit the bed frame causing her to sit on the bed and just stare at the door. 

 It only took a minute for the young Australian to realize what he had just done... He hurt her and why was he even pissed off in the first place? He couldn't even remember, but whatever made him so mad caused him to hurt the one person that was always there for him. Rubbing his face with his hands, Brad took a deep breath and turned toward the door, taking a few steps forward, reaching out a hand, he formed a fist, his dried knuckles beat against the wood door as he stepped a bit closer forehead now resting against the door. The sudden knock made Sarah's breath catch in her chest. 

 After a few knocks and a few please open, I love you, I'm sorry, and I'm an idiot the door still had not opened. Soft sighs left Brad's lips as he continued to knock, but nothing seems to be working, on the other side of the door Sarah fought her wanting to open the door. He had hurt her when she had done absolutely nothing to deserve it, but of course the harder she fought the desire to open the bedroom door the desire increased. Without a second thought she was up and heading for the door, reaching out she grabbed onto the knob turning it slowly. 

As the door began to open Brad stumbled forward coming close to Sarah their eyes meeting, both took a breath as the closeness seemed to be a lot, due to the moments of being angry and upset.


 Brad's lips curved as she said that "how exactly am I looking at you that makes you want to kiss me?" His thick Australian accent asked. Groaning Sarah tried to stand her ground as he stepped closer close the awkward gap between them, "Oh you know how you're looking at me now just s-stop okay, I'm mad at you." 

Brad's brow raised as he began to lean down a bit "you seem so angry, would it help you forgive me if I said I'm sorry and that you actually don't piss me off? Also that I never intended to hurt you my bad attitude got in the way? You're actually the light of my world, the only woman I love." 

Without a second thought Sarah pulled him down for a soft but deep kiss, she loved and hated how he could just look at her and make her melt. As they pulled away a chuckle left Brad's lips, "so does this mean I'm forgiven?" Sarah smiled wide wrapping her arms around his neck "you're forgiven." 

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AHHHHHHH I'm so happy that I'm updating again! I didn't realize how much I missed writing until now, so grateful to be writing creatively again!  

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