#49 Rob Gronkowski (Requested) New England Patriots

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This was requested by my girl hockeyobsessed70


Rob's POV*

She was a dream. This was a dream, all of it. Sometime soon my eyes were going to open and I'd be in a hotel room with Tom in the other bed. Closing my eyes and reopening them, pinching myself I yelped earning a raised eyebrow from my girlfriend of four years. 

"You okay there Robby?" She smirked sitting in my lap playing with my hair. Resting my hands on the small of her back I smiled.

"I'm good, just worried I'll wake up and tonight will be a dream." Kylie pecked the corners of my mouth my smile growing wider. 

"I understand, I felt like that this morning when I woke up and you were next to me whispering Merry Christmas Eve baby. My head was screaming IS THIS REAL!!!!! And well look it's real!" Kylie smiled wrapping her arms around my neck pressing a sweet peck to my lips. Pulling away we were both smiling like fools, pushing some hair behind her ear that fell in front of my face, I took a deep breath getting ready to ask something big. 

"Kylie I love you so much it hurts, you mean the absolute world to me and if I were to ever lose you I'd be lost. So with that I want to ask you a question." I picked her up setting her down on the couch getting down on one knee. Pulling out a little purple velvet box I opened it revealing a gorges diamond ring. 

"Babygirl, Kilies, sweet pie, pumpkin pie, my other half, sweets will you marry me?" Kylie's hands jumped to her mouth gasping out loud. 

"YES YES YES!!! OF COURSE YES!!!!" She shouted jumping on me knocking me over. My face held the world's goofiest grin a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

"I love you so much Mrs. Gronkowski." 

"I love you more Mr. Gronkowski!" I slipped the ring onto her finger, watching her admire the ring. We laid there on the floor talking wedding ideas, first dance songs, who to invite, and what kind of cake we should have. The more we talked, the more I fell in love with her. 


There you go!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D <3<3<3


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