#5 Matt Duchene (Personal)

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This is for @MrsMattDuchene I really hope you like it!!!!

"Matt like I told you he's just a friend!" I shouted throwing my purse down on the kitchen counter crossing my arms across my chest turning to face my boyfriend.

"Really Katy!? Why would he be holding onto your hips like that if he's just a friend! Why would you let him touch you like that!? AND HE'S MY TEAMMATE!!" He shouted back fire burning in his eyes.

"Really!? He wasn't doing anything but helping me stand on the ice when you were goofing off with Gabe!! RYAN WAS JUST HELPING ME! HE'S A FRIEND!"

"Don't bring Gabe into this!" Matt shouted back. "Just admit it! You wish O'reilly was your boyfriend over me!! I see the way you look at him, and it makes me disgusted."

"I don't look at him any kind of way! Where is this coming from!? I'm getting sick of dealing with your insecurities Matt!!" I yelled back clenching my fists anger bubbling inside of me.

"If you're getting tired of dealing with me and my insecurities why don't we just end it here!? HUH!? YOU WANT THAT!?" Matt yelled back clapping his hands down on the counter top, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.

"FINE I'M GONE!" I grabbed my purse and stormed towards the door opening it and stopping turning around there stood Matt, the person I hated more than anything. "I will be back later to get my stuff. You better not be here!" I slammed the door behind me stomping to my car. As I pulled out of the driveway it hit me, we were done. The tears started to fall as I drove to the one place that only made sense.


"Shhhhh it's okay, shhhhhh hey don't cry. You guys will work this out. Everything will be fine. I'm sure he didn't mean anything he said." My best friend Ryan whispered into my ear his hand running through my hair.

"He hates me! He told me that I was in love with you! I-I don't want it to end," I sobbed the fight and the words exchanged running through my mind. How could I have said those things to a person like Matt? The guy who's made me the happiest, who was there when things went down with my family. He was my rock.

"Hey why don't I go make us some coffee and then we can talk about what happened?" Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sounds good." He smiled walking off towards the kitchen the sound of the coffee grinder filled the air. A couple minuets later Noah came back with a tray and three cups of steaming coffee.

"Is somebody joining us?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Actually-" Ryan was cut off by a knock on the door. He smiled before opening it to reveal a red eyed Matt Duchene. My heart stopped. Matt and myself stared at each other before my eyes flickered to Ryan. "Look, I needed to call him. You two are my favorite people and I couldn't just stand by and let this end. Seeing my best friend happy means the world to me and I'm sorry that sometimes I can seem like a flirt. Trust me Matt I have no intention about stealing her away from you. Now I'm going to take my coffee to my office and you two can work this out." Ryan explained giving him a pat on the back. Matt sat across from me his eyes on his hands.

"I'm sorry for what I said and what I accused you of. I just guess that I let the jealousy get to me, I trust you and Ryan. And I don't want us to end. I love you. You're my world and the second I watched you walk out the door and possibly out of my life made me break. When I got the call from Ryan I was relived to hear that you were here safe and sound. Please come home. Please be mine again." Matt apologized a few stray tears falling. I could feel the smile crawl onto my face as I crawled towards him making myself comfortable in his lap.

"Of course I'll come home. There is no one I want more than you Matt, no one. I love you." Matt smiled pressing his lips to mine in the sweetest kiss. Saying goodbye to Ryan we made our way back home. As Matt drove I couldn't help but stare at him, I had the worlds best boyfriend and no one was going to take him from me.

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