#6 Tanner Pearson (Requested)

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This is for @hockeyobsessed70 I hope you like it :) !

Tanner and myself laid on the couch watching ELF. It was Christmas eve and I couldn't wait for tomorrow, Christmas was my favorite holiday and time of year. The cool crisp air, hot drinks, cuddling, hockey, and seeing family was what made me love it. This year Tanner and I decided to stay in LA and do our own thing since we don't get to spend a lot of time together while Hockey is going on. But this right here is what I lived for. Being cuddled in the arms of the man I was madly,deeply, head over heels for.

"Hey Kylie are you okay?" Tanner asked playing with my hair. This snapped me out of my daze bringing me back to the moment. Looking up I could see the amused look on his face, a small quirky smirk playing on his lips.

"Sorry zoned out for a second! Don't laugh," I giggled as he started to laugh shaking his head. Tanner leaned down pressing his lips to mine.

"Well we better get to bed tomorrow will be a long day," Tanner yawned making me yawn. He yawned again but this time on purpose "hey!" I laughed pushing his shoulder as we headed up the stairs. His hands rested on my waist as we finally reached our room he smiled and jumped on the bed stripping his shirt tossing it onto the small chair we had in the corner.

"Tanner what have I told you?" I playfully scold him wagging a finger in his direction.

"You've never said anything about it, and besides those are your jeans over there if I'm not mistaken."

"Shut up." I smile getting into bed his arms instantly wrapping around me.

"I love you. Merry Christmas baby."

"Merry Christmas love."


The sun shined bright, rays breaking through the curtains cool air nipping against my skin. I groaned and rolled onto my side only to see an empty space. Where was Tanner? Pushing back the covers I grabbed my fuzzy socks and slippers slipping them on before making my way to the washroom. There on the mirror was a small purple sticky note. It read

'Merry Christmas beautiful girl. I am so blessed to have you in my life, you've made me the happiest guy. Find all the notes to find your present! LOVE YOU xoxoxo Tanner. PS check your favorite pair of boots.'

A smile slipped onto my face butterflies exploding in my stomach. I took a quick shower pulling my hair up in a ponytail, putting on some light natural makeup, a flannel and some jeans. Grabbing my favorite pair of dark brown riding boots I reached my hand in feeling the texture of a candy wrapper. Pulling it out there in my hand was my favorite candy bar. Slipping on my boots I made my way to the stairs only to find another note waiting for me there

'You remind me of a queen when you walk down these stairs. Head to the kitchen next.'

I laughed and jogged down the stairs jumping from the one right before the bottom. Skipping to the kitchen there sat on the counter was breakfast! Tanner had made pancakes in the shape of Christmas trees, hot coco, bacon, and some fresh blueberries. Tanner was the absolute best! Sitting down and eating I noticed the note he mentioned it was taped onto my santa mug.

'Okay one more place then you'll be done. Head out back, wear a jacket it's chilly out there.'

Once finished with breakfast I dropped my plate and mug into the sink, running to the back door grabbing my jacket. Slipping it on I felt the butterflies take off once again. Opening the door a gust of cool wind about knocked me over sending chills up and down my body. The moment I stepped out of the house my breath was knocked out of me. There stood Tanner in a suit a goofy smile, fake snow all around twinkly lights flashing.

"Finally I'm freezing," he chuckled running his hands up and down his arms smiling at me.

"Well seeing as it's only 7:30 am yeah it's going to be cold," I laughed pressing a peck to his lips.

"So I'm sure you're wondering where your gift is. Am I right?" I nodded bouncing on my toes. Just as I was about to say something Tanner got down on one knee. Pulling a small red velvet box from his suit pocket. My heart beat picked up hands flying to my mouth as he opened it revealing the world's most beautiful ring.

"Surprise! Kylie I love you. Being together now for two years it came clear to me that I need you to be mine. Forever. I don't want to share you with anyone or risk the chance of losing you, because lord knows I'd go crazy if we were to end. Kylie you're my other half the one girl who deals with me at my best and at my worst, you also do so much for me. My family loves you. What more could I ask for? Well there is this one question I need answered. Will you marry me?" He flashed his award winning/breath taking smile, his eyes shining with hope.

"YES YES YES!" I exclaimed. Tanner let out a deep breath he was holding in as he slid the ring onto my finger. Standing up he smiled even bigger than before grabbing my hips pulling me in his lips meeting mine.

"Merry Christmas, I love you Mrs. Pearson."

"Merry Christmas Mr. Pearson. I love you more."

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