#63 Cameron Dallas (Requested)

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This was requested by the ever so sweet nath_nathaliesilva  :D hope you enjoy it!!!!!


Y/n's Pov* 

I stood at my locker changing out some books, while doing this a few of the popular girls walked past me giggling and smirking exchanging mean comments about no doubt. You see I was the known as the school 'nerd', but I didn't care. One day while I'd been in my high rise office in New York CEO of a major company and doing well for myself all these 'popular' boys and girls would most likely be working at Walmart, or some drive through. Closing my locker I turned smacking straight into someone falling on my butt, my books and papers going everywhere. 

"Hey! Look where you're going! You should at least have common sense to look!" I shout gathering at whoever it was who knocked me down. 

"Sorry it was a total accident." I froze my hand on the Ap Chemistry book. Slowly I looked up my breath hitching in my throat, heartbeat picking up, heat coming to my face. Cameron Dallas. The school's hottest most popular guy. He bent down a smile on his face grabbing the rest of my scattered books and paper he stood offering me his free hand, I took it mumbling a thank you dusting off my jeans. 

"It's okay, thanks for the help." I reached for my books only to have him pull them back. My eyebrow raised and I tried taking my books again, and yet again he pulled away. This went of for about two minuets before I gave up all his friends laughing at me. 

"Give me my books!" 

"Tell me your name."

"it's Y/n. Why would you care?" I sass taking my books holding them to my chest like it was my Elvish chain metal that not even the sharpest bow could pierce. Cameron smiled giving me a shrug before walking off to join his friends. Shaking my head I made my way down the hall only to catch Cameron looking at me. 

Cameron's POV*

I looked back at the girl that I ran into, she was beautiful even. I never under stood how she could be labeled the 'nerd'. Since when did grades and wanting to get far in life become a bad thing? Turning her head that beautiful head of hair swished, our eyes locked, she waved in a joking way turing back to where she was going. 

"You Cam you comin' man!?" Called Maloley. 

"Yeah!" Turning I jogged to my friends, rejoining their boring conversation of who's the hottest girl in our school. Interjecting here and there I mainly thought of Y/n. I knew that I had absolutely no chance with her. Y/n was to good for a guy like me. It wasn't until later that day when my chance came up. 

Us popular kids sat at our usual table. Which was in the middle of the quad near the grass and close to the stairs, it was also the biggest table as well. My butt sat on top of the table scanning the scene, observing  the 'hippie/hipsters' that sat on the grass I noticed her leaning against a tree nose buried in a book. Y/n looked adorable. Johnson nudged me.

"Like what ya see?" He joked following my gaze to the tree. 

"Um-I- just lookin' round." I bit my lip, he and Gilinsky smirked.

"How bout' we make a bet Cam. You go sweet talk that girl, charm her, make her your girlfriend and we'll let you pick our dates for the dance." Gilinsky smirked and all the boys hummed in agreement. I smirked and held out my hand shaking with G before making my way to Y/n. 

Bending over I plucked the book from her grasp. A annoyed sigh passed her lips as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. 

"Look you idiot, I don't have time for your stupid elementary school antics so please give me my book back." 

"Ehhhhh, nope." Her eyes opened looking straight up at me she groaned standing up. 

"Give it back." 

"ooooooo Tolstoi! How interesting."

"Cameron...please...." Y/n was getting frustrated, I smiled slightly holding her book out to her. Slowly reaching for it Y/n pulled it out of my grasp smiling looking down at the grass holding her book to her chest. 

"Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me on Saturday morning. Maybe grab some breakfast and sit at the beach just chill. "

"A date with you? This isn't some kind of joke is it?" 

"no it's not. I'm not that cruel." I smile. Y/n smiled and shrugged, "okay I'll go out with you." My smile widened, "great! I'll pick you up at 9:00?" She nodded and with that the bell rang. Grabbing her stuff Y/n giggled starting to make her way back to the busy halls and over filled classes.

"SEE YOU SATURDAY!" I shout waving, turning slightly she waves. 

Y/n's POV* 


*Saturday morning* 

It was 8:45 am and I was freaking out. Cameron was going to be here any second! I still couldn't believe he was taking me out!!!!  I wore a pretty soft blue sundress, jean shorts, and my favorite strappy sandals. At 9:00 am sharp Cameron was at my door knocking, opening the door I was greeted by a warm, bright, smile and a single pink rose. 

"Wow you look beautiful! Um this is for you, I hope you like pink." He chuckled nervously.

 "I love pink, so you're safe, thank you for the flower." I smile taking the floor from him smelling the beautiful fragrance. 

"Are you ready to go?" 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I wink closing the door taking the hand he offered. Cam dropped my hand opening the car door, slipping in he closed the door. Climbing in himself we locked our seat belts and we were off! 

*On the date* 

"I'm serious! He asked me how to spell sock! Gilinsky just leaned over and was like ppppsssssttt Cam! How do you spell sock!?" I busted out laughing my face in my hands, sides hurting from the laughing, and my smile wide as could be. Cam laughed too sipping his orange juice. Once I recovered from laughing I squinted my eyes looking at the beautiful ocean water, the soft breeze felt good on my skin. Cameron stood up offering his hand, 

"let's go feel the water." 

"Okay!" I took his hand standing up. As we walked to the water his arm draped around my shoulders causing a blush to form. A wave crashed sending water speeding towards us, the second it hit my toes I shuddered. It was cold, freezing actually. Suddenly a bunch of icy water landed on my skin,  I looked at a smirking Cameron, I smirked back kicking water at him. Taking only a second to think I ran for it trying not to let him catch me. But I was in no way faster than him, grabbing my waist Cam picked me up spinning me around, slowly Cameron set me down. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever until his lips landed on mine. The kiss sweet and soft. Pulling away he pulled me into him my head on his chest his lips on top of my head. Looking down at me he smiled pecking my lips. 

"I know we've only been on one date by Y/n I really like you. Would you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" My eyes grew wide. "I um... Well." 

"please Y/n, please." His eyes were big and soft. I sighed and giggled, "I'd love to be your girlfriend Cam." Pulling me to his chest Cam's lips were back on mine. 

I was dating the most popular guy in school!

Cameron's POV*

Things with Y/n were going great! Three months had already passed and I was having the absolute best time of my life! That was until that dumb party. I saw Y/n talking to Madison, Stassie, Emily and a few other of the girls. My chest tightened the second she looked at me tears filling her eyes. Shit. Y/n made a run for the door with me hot on her trail. 



"Don't ever call, text, @ me in social media, and don't ever talk to me. I never want to see your ugly face again!" She screamed shoving me again. With that she turned and ran. 

It had been months since that night. I was dying. Y/n wasn't, she was dating the new guy from New York he was just as smart if not possibly smarter than she was. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of Ethan. I missed Y/n horribly I wanted, no need her back! I had a plan! All I had to do was get Y/n to agree to talk with me, or just meet for coffee to help me study. 

*a week later* 

I waited outside of the school's library where's Y/n tutored. 5:00 pm Y/n walked out the door books pressed to her chest eyes on the ground, sliding in front of her Y/n smacked into my chest. Just like the first day we met. Looking up her eyes grew wide I slipped my arms around her holding her tight. Y/n struggled against me but gave up, since I was much stronger. 

"What are you doing here?" She spat.

"I'm here to win-"

"me back? Ha! Aren't you funny!?" 

"Just come with me," I sighed pulling her towards my car. Opening the passengers door she slid in, getting in on my side I buckled in started the car and we were off to the beach. 

Parking the car I helped her out covering her eyes with my hands. 

"I'm about to ask a really dumb question, can you see?"

"You're right that was dumb."

"Just answer my question!" 

"No  I can't see!" I sighed and rolled my eyes leading her to the rocks where I had candles, flowers and some burritos from our favorite place. Removing my hands Y/n gasped hands covering her mouth. Right there on the sand in rocks read 'I LOVE YOU.' Y/n looked from me to the rocks a few times. I sat down pulling her into my lap. 

"It's true Y/n I do love you. I love you a lot. With all my heart and I was an idiot for hurting and embarrassing you like that, you trusted me and I let you down. But those months that we spent together were some of the best months of my life and I can't forget them, I refuse to! I love you so damn much baby, Y/n will you please be mine again? Be the light of my life?" Y/n had tears falling down her face a few hiccups making themselves known. She nodded yes making my heart jump. Pulling her close I let her cry my hand running up and down trying to calm her some. Lifting her head up Y/n cupped my face pressing our lips together. 

"I love you Cameron." She mumbled in my lips. 

"I love you too Y/n." 


There you go girly! Sorry it's taken so long! Requests are open! :) Message me if you'd like one!

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