#67 Rob McClanahan (Requested) 80's USA Olympic Hockey Team

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This is for my girl NeverStopDreaming95 ! I hope you like it Manca!!! Here we go!


Manca's POV*

I was smacked into the boards by a Norwegian hockey player who didn't care if I were male or female, they were busy playing the game and that's all that mattered to them. Johnson got the puck from him only to have it taken away and a second later he joined me on the ice. As we got up the buzzer went off signaling that the game had ended, turning my head I looked at a very unhappy Herb Brooks. My stomach dropped. We were dead. As I stood up straight Mac skated towards me, his face wearing a disappointed expression. When close enough he looped his stick around my waist pulling me towards him a smile formed as I hit the chest of my boyfriend his arms wrapping around me. Unbuckling my helmet I pulled it off Mac's lips pressed against my sweaty forehead pressing a few kisses down the side of my face.

"You fought hard tonight angel, it killed me to see you get hit though. Man these guys were like bulldozer especially with you, it's like they spotted you and jus decided they were going to hit you continuously." I laughed and nudged him. "Hey look at me I'm okay, all in one piece! But you did make that incredible hit on number 79! Ya squashed him like a bug!" Mac laughed bent down some giving my lips a sweet peck, that was ruined by Rammer.

"HEY! LOVE BIRDS SWAP COOTIES SOMEWHERE ELSE OK!" With that the rest started in.

"Yeah Macky some of us are still innocent," Pav covered his eyes with his hands peeping through them.

"Eh! Mac keep the clothes on!" OC yelled as he made his way to the exit where coach Patrick stood, the rest of us following him stopping when Patrick told us to get back on the ice leaving the boys confused. But I had a feeling something bad was coming, something painful, something worse than what I could fathom. It was Herb we were talking about! The guy was insane! But my main inspiration. I recently just started playing for Herb at the University Of Minnesota, that's how I met Mac! Not to mention my first year with them we win a National Championship!

Herb stepped onto the ice. He was pissed. We skated back to our coach Pav and Mac standing to my left. Johnson and Rammer on my right. Herb looked all of us over hands on hips.

"You guys don't wanna work during the game? No problem we'll work now. Goal line." He started to walk away, "that one." He pointed to the ice behind us. Turning around a few of the guys clapped their sticks on the ice, by now I'm sure they knew what was coming. People were leaving but stopped to watch us line up. Walter stopped then shuffled two inches over his eyes focused on the ice. On us. Once we were all lined up Herb gave Coach P a look, he brought the whistle and blew. The torture began.

"HUSTLE!" He yelled at Jimmy and Janaszak. "Think you can win on talent alone? Gentlemen you don't have enough talent to win on talent alone! Again!" Hands remaining on hips, ice cold stare sat upon OC for a second before landing on me. The whistle blew and we were off, "Eh MAC don't lose to your girl!" Cox called out as he skated past. I pushed myself to go faster and catch up with him getting to the goal line first. We continued to push ourselves, breathing deep and hard trying to catch up on breath before we were sent off again.

"You better think about something else, each and everyone of you. When you put on that jersey. You represent yourself and your team mates, and the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important then the one on the back! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! AGAIN!"

Herb continued to torture us, we coughed and gasped for air. A few of the boys throwing up from the heat and hard work, my legs shook as I looked over at Mac he was leaning on Rizzo for some support his eyes closed, chest heaving as he gasped for air. I was down on my knees forehead on the ice coughing, and praying that it would end soon. Glimpsing up Herb's eyes locked with mine, then his flickered to Mac.

"It's real sad to see your girlfriend play harder than you Rob. A girl played harder than you! SHE SKATED HARDER, SHE PUSHED HERSELF TO THE EDGE, SHE WORKED HER ASS OF OUT THERE! AND YOU JUST WATCHED! MAYBE I'LL CUT YOU ROB AND KEEP YOUR GIRL! HOW ABOUT YOU JONHSON!? YOU LIKE LOSING TO A GIRL?! Again." Patrick stared at Herb like he was insane. Like a person stares at someone who just said something about the other person's mother. Patrick's head dropped and he shook it a little. "Again." "Herb." "c'mon Craig blow the whistle-" he stared at his good friend. "Again." Coach Patrick lifted the whistle placing it between his mouth when Rizz made a bold move.

"MIKE ERUZIONE! WINTHROP MASSACHUSETS!" He gasped for breath trying to steady his heartbeat. Which beat like a bass drum. "Who do you play for?" Herb questioned. "I PLAY FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!" Brooks stood there for a moment looking at all of us his facial expression softening. "That's all gentlemen, and lady." We all breath sighs of relief. I crawled my way to Rizzo dodging puke, falling over bodies, and more puke. Laying flat in front of him I grabbed my friends hand shaking it. "Thank you Rizz. Bless your Rizz." He laughed. " Thanks Manca. You better go check on the puppy," he winked referring to Mac. Sticking my tongue out at him I crawled to Mac stopping just short of him feeling something crawling up my throat, I turned my head throwing up three straight times. A hand pulled my hair out of my face kissing the side of my face.

Mac. Giving me a minuet to breath and regain some strength in my legs, Mac picked me up setting me down on my skates. He smiled pushing away the hair that stuck to my forehead Mac's lips placed themselves right in the center, his fingers running through my hair.

"Hey you two we just suffered punishment from the devil but you two decide on being cute! My lord you make us sick!" Buzzy shouted standing up straight.

"Hey Mac save some energy for later. You might need it." Bob winked skating passed us. Rizzo skated to us stopping smiling at Mac and I before smirking, "you know Manca hockey players play for an hour and can still handle overtime, sometimes multiple overtimes." Winking at me he darted for the exit Mac chasing him. My mouth was open. Rizz never ever ever said anything like that! NEVER! As I skated towards the exit where Mac waited for me Rammer joined me he leaned in lips touching my ear, "Manca you know that hockey players always wear protection. Also not to mention they have tremendous stamina and endurance, plus we never stop until our job is done." My mouth opened again as I watched Rammer slip through the exit waddling back to the locker room. Not paying attention to where I was going I hit the boards lost my balance and fell on my butt. Mac burst out laughing as laid on my back moaning about how I just regained my balance. The sound of skates made me turn my head there came Mac grinning like a fool heading straight for the boards, smacking into them like I did. Falling on his toosh (butt) he laid on his back then turned onto his side scooting closer to me. Mac kept scooting closer and closer until his beautiful face hovered above mine his lips slowly making their way to mine. Pressing our lips together a small make-out session started. That's when it was ruined once again but this time by an unlikely person.

"Great hockey players score more than once a night." Our eyes widened as we looked to the exit. Herb.


There you are!!! :D Requests are open, please message me if you would like one. :)

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